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GalaChain Partners with Footprint Analytics to Revolutionize Blockchain Data Insights

GalaChain Partners with Footprint Analytics to Revolutionize Blockchain Data Insights

We are thrilled to announce a new strategic partnership with Footprint Analytics, a leading provider in blockchain data solutions. This collaboration is set to enhance GalaChain‘s infrastructure by integrating Footprint’s advanced data analytics capabilities to enrich the GalaChain ecosystem across multiple industries like gaming, entertainment and finance.

Empowering Innovation with Enhanced Data Insights

At Gala, we are committed to empowering creators and businesses by providing robust, efficient, and innovative blockchain solutions. We are committed to going above and beyond the capabilities and conveniences of previous blockchains to make it easier than ever for enterprising developers from major world industries to experience and share blockchain benefits with the world.

Our partnership with Footprint Analytics will bring their cutting-edge AI-driven analytics tools and multi-chain data APIs to GalaChain. This integration is expected to unlock new dimensions of data insights and actionable intelligence that will help GalaChain developers drive their projects forward.

GalaChain, with its unparalleled speed, scalability and security, aligns perfectly with Footprint Analytics’ mission to turn complex blockchain data into insightful and accessible visualizations. Together, we hope to redefine the standards of blockchain efficiency and versatility, providing a solid foundation for innovation in various domains.

Enhancing Developer Tools and Application Performance

The synergy between GalaChain and Footprint Analytics extends to application performance monitoring, with optimization tools that are essential for developers looking to streamline their development lifecycles. By providing these critical tools, we ensure that the blockchain not only supports their needs but also enhances their ability to innovate as we continue to grow.

A Shared Vision for the Future

Tony Zhang, co-founder of Footprint Analytics, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “Our collaboration with GalaChain marks a pivotal moment in enhancing blockchain infrastructure. We’re excited to merge our visions and innovate where data and technology meet, opening doors to endless opportunities.”

About Footprint Analytics

Footprint Analytics is a blockchain data solutions provider that leverages AI technology to help analysts, builders, and investors transform complex blockchain data into valuable insights. They offer visualization tools and a powerful multi-chain API that spans over 20 chains, covering sectors like NFTs, GameFi, and DeFi.

Connect with Footprint Analytics:

This partnership represents a significant step forward in our journey to revolutionize web3, making it more accessible, efficient and valuable for all our users, no matter their industry. We look forward to exploring this new era of data-driven development together with Footprint Analytics and our own community.

Unveiling GalaChain: Dive into On-Chain Data with our New Analytics Page!

Unveiling GalaChain: Dive into On-Chain Data with our New Analytics Page!

Ever wanted to peer under the hood of GalaChain, our blazing-fast and versatile L1 blockchain? We’re popping the hood wide open with the launch of our official GalaChain Analytics page!

This game-changing platform throws open the curtains on the inner workings of GalaChain, offering crucial insights and real-time data for everyone, from seasoned blockchain veterans to curious newcomers.

Why is this such a big deal? Transparency and community empowerment are core values at Gala Games, and by granting everyone access to data that’s typically behind the scenes, GalaChain Analytics embodies those ideals.

What’s There

Detailed Overview of Published Analytics: Get a bird’s-eye view of GalaChain’s activity with key metrics like:

  • On-Chain Transactions: Witness the volume of activity buzzing through the network.
  • Transactions Per Second (TPS): See how GalaChain scales with blistering speed.
  • Chain Daily Active Users (DAU): Gauge the community’s real-time engagement.
  • Chain Monthly Active Users (MAU): Track the ecosystem’s long-term growth.

What’s Coming

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! In future updates, look for new metrics like:

  • Token Distribution to track the flow of various ecosystem tokens.
  • NFT Activity to explore the world of GalaChain NFTs.
  • DApp Performance to monitor the health and usage of our decentralized apps.

Head over to to explore the treasure trove of data for yourself.

This is more than just numbers on a screen. GalaChain Analytics empowers you to make informed decisions, and to gain valuable insights that will guide your participation in the rapidly expanding greater Gala ecosystem.

Bookmark Gala Analytics to stay ahead of the curve, tracking trends and developments to anticipate the future of GalaChain and web3 mass adoption. Additionally, this page enhances your opportunity to become part of the community by joining the conversation, sharing your analysis, and personally contributing to the growth of GalaChain.

Growing Together

This is just the beginning of our journey towards an open and transparent blockchain ecosystem. GalaChain Analytics is your window into the future of entertainment and web3. Join us as we build something truly revolutionary together.

Explore, analyze, and be amazed! The future is on the blockchain, and GalaChain is leading the way.