Mayhem3: The VOX Invasion

Mayhem3: The VOX Invasion

VOX has always been a unique presence in the Galaverse… our little voxel friends have hopped in and out of different properties and games over the years, but VOX really are bigger than any one project running on GalaChain. VOX were created on the idea of cross-utility and giving users a metaversal ‘VOXsona” to use wherever VOX are found! 

So this brings us to May Mayhem. Project Cerberus is still under development… but VOX still want to create a little Mayhem! 

This is the line of thinking that led VOX to hatch the perfect invasion plan across GalaChain. VOX are coming to your favorite competitions on the chain over the next month… can you satisfy the high demands that VOX put on competitors to achieve voxel glory!?

Weekly Incursions

VOX will be rolling out new Proto-Vox NFTs throughout the month, along with some other VOXish surprises.

Each week, the Great Council of VOX (The VOX are insisting we address the council as “VOX Populi”) shall choose one ongoing competition and sweeten the pot with a small supply of digital treasures. The council is watching to observe our progress… don’t let them down!

Week 1 (May 6th- May 12th) will see VOX rewarding the greatest competitors in Common Ground World… well, the greatest competitors based on VOX-logic. They aren’t after high placement on the leaderboard… oh no. In this contest, they are looking for the players who have sold the most Bicycles.

Why Bicycles, you may ask? Your guess is as good as ours. Trying to understand the reasoning of VOX is like a human trying to understand what it is to be dog.

Oh! And speaking of dogs, want a cute fluffy of your own!? Well, not exactly fluffy. VOX don’t have fluff… but it is a super cute doggo!

Finish in the top 100 of total Bicycles sold in the week 1 competition in CGW, and the glory of voxelated good boy could be yours!

Your beautiful new VOX pupper is a ProtoVOX (more on ProtoVOX coming soon!) that you will be able to use in Project Cerberus. Adopt him now and you’ll still have time to housebreak him before launch!

VOX Endgame

Each week of Mayhem there will be a small amount of the weekly prize given out. A lot of the items from this week will be Mayhem exclusives that you will not have a chance to get any other time.

If you don’t manage to place high enough in the competition you’re after, there will be another chance though! At the end of the month, VOX will put all the items they’ve given out into a special Mystery Box. This will give everyone one last chance to get in on the invasion!

Don’t want to leave your dreams of canine ownership up to chance? Now is the time. Each week will be your one and only chance to target farm the VOX prize that week… no item will be repeated in future weeks. 

The competition in CGW starts in just a few days. Need to go practice before you fight in the great VOX invasion?

VOX Forever

There’s some incredibly exciting development happening on Project Cerberus, and we’ll be back next week to talk more about the latest highlights. For now though, all the VOX are far too busy finalizing invasion plans to sit down and chat!

We’re excited for what’s coming up… and we imagine that VOX are too, just based on all the maniacal laughter we’re hearing.

You never know where they’ll be heading for the next invasion. Be ready, because we’re pretty sure the future is made of cubes.

Taming Project Cerberus: Anatomy of a VOX

Taming Project Cerberus: Anatomy of a VOX

Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen! Allow me to properly introduce myself. I’m Pixelworth, your servant for all matters VOX.

If I may, I would like to share with you the most formidable obstacle with which the VOX team has grappled. The integration of 35,552 uniquely crafted VOX into our game, each as playable as the next, has proven my creators’ most formidable challenge. In customary gaming designs, one might find a modest selection of playable characters, or perhaps a complex system that allows for the meticulous crafting of features like a character’s stature, skeletal structure, cosmetics, and more.

But VOX, I must confess, are quite extraordinary creatures. Indeed, while each has bones and an .FBX model, they are not prepared for the rigors of a robust game universe… yet. I shall elaborate on this matter shortly.

Furthermore, my creators have encountered a rather peculiar conundrum: If our game’s universe is tailored to accommodate beings of human proportions, what is to be done with the likes of dragons, quadrupeds, cranes, and serpents? In a more traditional setting, such entities would scarcely be given a second thought for active participation. Nevertheless, we have given our word, and by jove, we shall uphold it! The VOX shall take their rightful place in the game, come what may. 

Thank you for that introduction Pixelworth. Well spoken, and I hope we pass the audition. 

An Original VOX 

Our little friends are created in a magical laboratory. I’m sticking with that as the absolute truth. It’s what Future Boy told me. The problem with that lab was the original VOX were not created with games in mind. This is a bummer since we all know the VOX want to play. They need to play. But, to get there we had some issues to solve:

  • Poly counts for each VOX were astonishingly high
  • The skeleton structure was very basic
  • Size and shape
  • Wrong format 

These main issues made grabbing a VOX and throwing it in a game engine a suboptimal solution. To be fair, you can grab a VOX FBX, throw it into Unity and get it to work just fine, but the problems start when there are ten VOX on a screen. And if ten are a problem, what about twenty? One hundred? And this goes with all the VOX objects created in the ‘before times’. 

Taking a VOX Through the Process

The fundamental problem is this: In a game engine if I make a cube, it will have six sides only with nothing inside. The game engine only cares about the outside of the cube. So it’s eight vertices that need attention, practically free from a rendering point of view in any modern game engine. Well, with VOX and the way they were created, a cube is not just a cube. It’s made up of a bunch of little cubes, and all through the model. So eight vertices, right? No, thousands, and with materials on each of those individual cubes, you can see how quickly things become non-performant in a game. 

So we needed a way to fix this. Cull all unnecessary data from each VOX to reduce file size and at the same time regenerate the geometry so that it looks like the original. 

I’ll let BigMonet explain how the GeoProcessor Tool works. 

  1. Ingest an existing VOX .fbx file
  2. Scale input geometry to a specific scale.
    1. This ended up being a big deal because of the way the VOX were made. The more detail the bigger they get. We needed our VOX friends to follow rigid sizing for game reasons. 
  3. Delete unnecessary attributes inside the imported geometry file
    1. This step greatly reduces the file size of the exported .fbx file
    2. This step also reduces the time the tool takes to cook the outputs
  4. Clean up bad geometry
    1. Remove faces and edges with 0 length
    2. Fix overlapping geometry 
    3. Repair non-manifold geometry
    4. Fuse together unwelded verts
    5. Remove points not connected to any adjacent faces
    6. Flip all normal vectors outwards
  5. Target polygon reduction of 95%
    1. The target reduction is very aggressive.
    2. Constraints are used to ensure border edges are never changed.
    3. The aggressive target reduction + constraints ensure the geometry reduces as much as possible without changing the shape of the original model. Thus, the model will appear unchanged! 
  6. Layouts non-overlapping UVs
    1. UV coverage is greatly influenced by the padding of the UV shells.
    2. Larger padding might be required for smaller textures to prevent textures bleeding from one shell to adjacent shells.
  7. Cleanup of attributes
    1. Attributes created for the GeoProcessor tool are removed from the final output..
    2. Normals are applied to geometry faces.
  8. Texture Baking + Outputs
    1. The materials colors on the original VOX are baked into a texture and applied to the optimized mesh.
    2. Texture outputs are saved to disk.
    3. Optimized geometry is saved to disk.

For each vox, this process took about 15-30 seconds and for all 35,552 VOX the total time to process them using this tool took about 72 hours. 

The geometry and materials are all figured out. But these bones. For our intrepid animator these bones didn’t allow him to do cool stuff. We also wanted the ability to resize large or small sized humanoids to use the same rig for animation without looking whacky. 

This is where the ‘Skeletorr’ tool made by Reynarzz for Maya comes in.

This tool not only takes the VOX with the old bones and updates them to the skeletons we can use, but also takes an animation in .FBX format and converts it for the small, medium and large VOX. This saves a lot of time for our animators, since they’ll only have to do the animation once and the tool will make it compatible with the other types of skeletons.

Here is a step by step:


  • Load the T-pose of a model we want to use as a target and export this information as a .TPR file (we are using three types of models: Small, medium, and large, but we can use more if we want).
  • Use the information from the loaded T-pose (.TPR) to apply this pose to models that meet parameters such as size and body proportions.

Animation retarget:

  • Select the animations in .FBX format that we want to retarget and choose which T-pose they belong to by loading the .TPR file. This will convert the .FBX animations into intermediate .ANR format (animation reference), which will be used to retarget others types of skeletons (small, medium or large).
  • Go to the “Retarget Animations” window, select the target skeletons on which we want the animations to work. We select the animations in .ANR format and the tool will take care of the process of calculating where each bone of the target skeleton goes, depending on each frame of the animation.

The End result is…

Quadrupeds, Dragons and Snakes… Oh My!  

The last part we needed to figure out is the around 200+ non-standard VOX out there (quadrupeds and dragons for example). 

For this example we will use CraneBot. Obviously a Crane is huge, so fitting through doors and doing things like other VOX becomes either impossible, or very time consuming development-wise. Figuring out a full rig and a full gameplay-ready set of animation is all about figuring out the size. But we have a promise to keep. All VOX are playable.

We tried to do a resize, but that didn’t solve the problem of unique bones and animations for almost 300 VOX– too many for our team to upkeep as new playables complete with animations.

We considered that maybe these VOX were just “pets,” or useless the same way as the Gonk Droid was in the Lego Star Wars games. We didn’t like that either. 

Look at that useless Gonk!

So we made biped versions for all the problematic VOX… 

This is our solution to CraneBot 

Now in Project Cerberus (and any VOX game going forward), we can look at a wallet, make a call to the api and pull the correct owned VOX. For a problem that started with a few of us crying under our desks, to the elegant wizardry of our Tech Art and Engineering teams pulling off this miracle is frankly quite impressive.

Going forward we know the technical specs we want for VOX and VOX assets, so anything new we make shouldn’t need to go through all these processes to be game ready. It’s also pretty awesome that we have the VOX in a place where using them all across the Gala ecosystem should be much easier. You can bet that VOX will show up in another Gala experience real soon.

Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you again soon for more exciting angular updates from Project Cerberus, VOX and beyond!

A New VOX Era | Announcing Project Cerberus

A New VOX Era | Announcing Project Cerberus

We have seen some things in the past 6 months.

With all the GalaChain excitement, there was a moment to reevaluate the franchise.

The concept of building a giant Metaverse MMO was just not realistic for the team size or experience, so in the interest of delivering something the community can enjoy sooner than later, we decided to go smaller. Our journey to the VOXVerse will now begin with a mobile title. A ton of the same systems that we were planning for the MMO over time will still exist, such as resource gathering, crafting and world creation with self-expression.  Most importantly, VOX will still involve the crucial social interactive elements our community craves.

VOX Populi

We love hanging out with the VOX. They just have great game presence. Every time we put them in the engine, their movement and personality just comes out easily (It might just be that our animator is super talented, but I like to think they are alive—like Tron). Be it The Walking Dead VOX, Mirandus VOX or any others, they all work inside the framework we are building for them to live and explore. What we have discovered in pre-production as we played around with 1000 ideas is that VOX can do anything. They fit in every game genre that we could think of, bringing their own flavor and flair.

Project Cerberus

A mysterious thing of beauty awaits…

Our first game doesn’t even have an official name yet. StuckPixel, our Engineering Director, likes to go with Greek mythology names. We canceled Project Plutus at the end of last year, and now the vision has morphed into Cerberus, the giant 3 headed dog. While our Cerberus isn’t guarding the entrance to the underworld, it does have three “heads”: Collecting, Crafting and Social.

Version 0 is almost ready for release, bringing to life the first of these three heads. What is in V0, you ask?

  • Every player will get a Frontier on which to gather resources.
  • Every player will get a ProtoVOX who will gather those resources.
  • For players who own NFT VOX land (received as a prize or purchased on the secondary market), those pieces of land will count as Frontiers; they will be fully usable in your account. Initially for V0, only 5 Frontiers can be active at a time. This will change as the game grows.
  • All your VOX will be usable as resource collecting workers on your Frontiers.
  • VOX that were leveled up and for whom resources were collected in the preliminary VOX Idle game, VOX Odyssey, will retain their levels from that game. Additionally, all resources collected in VOX Odyssey will join your VOX in Project Cerberus.
  • VOX will continue to gain XP by collecting resources—and in later updates by other actions.
  •  And more…
Behold the breathtaking beauty and spinning glory of VOX Frontiers!

With V0, our main effort is to make sure the big promises of VOX were covered. VOX has utility. Check.

The team is hard at work building one of the main pillars, and the one with some of our biggest technological hurdles: How to make 33k unique VOX NFTs available to use in a game? That was a pretty huge one–We’ll keep you posted on our progress.

Development is tough but adorable.

Vision for V1–VOX and GalaChain

Our whole game is on GalaChain. Going into V1, we will tap into expansive resources like the storefront and GalaSwap to further empower VOX owners and players to get the most of their pixelated companions within Project Cerberus. Have too much wood but need some stone? GalaSwap. Need a new ProtoVOX or land? It’s on the chain. Want to sell your VOX…it’s on the chain.

In simple terms, V1 will bring the ability to trade (to varying degrees) the following on GalaChain:

  • Resources
  • Land
  • Protovox
  • VOX
  • Souls

The Future

Moving forward we will continue to update the community on what’s coming next on our road.

For the latest community and team updates tune in to ChatterVOX, every Wednesday at 5pm PT in the VOX Discord community.

The VOXverse will grow, and we’ll continue adding new features, from building your VOXverse and hanging out with friends, to minigames, adventures for your VOX and more! The team is excited to start realizing the true potential of the VOX and where they can lead us! Once more into the VOXVerse!!