Spider Tanks Showcase: Nomad

Spider Tanks Showcase: Nomad

We’re cruising into the arena today with a few different ways to roll over the competition using the Nomad Body!

Welcome back to the Spider Tanks Showcase! This week we’ll be making a sharp departure from last week’s nimble Flea, and adding a little more power and bulk into the mix.

This week we’re spotlighting the Nomad Body. It may not get around as quickly as a Flea, but it features superior Energy and more than a modest amount of Armor.

Unlike many tanks, Nomad must turn to move in a certain direction. This offers very little difference in terms of actual gameplay, but the feeling of being on wheels rather than legs can be tough for some Pilots to adjust to. The best things are worth it though, as Nomad can excel in certain situations due to its high Energy and Armor. Even with high durability and very high Armor, Nomad definitely can still get moving. Learning the nuances of a Nomad can be difficult, but a true master can use it to gain the upper hand in a lot of matchups.

Mobile Support: Nomad/Repair Artillery

The Nomad’s primary weakness is out maneuvering enemies when it gets in close quarters, so an obvious strategy seems to be to keep your distance. From afar you can take advantage of the Nomad’s high Energy and avoid having anything but open road to worry about.

Health Artillery


Pair up your Nomad with a Repair Artillery and keep on moving in straight lines surrounding your allies. If the enemy wants to stop you from constantly healing your teammates, they’ll have to divert significant firepower to you. A Nomad is pretty tough, and that’s less attention they’re going to be paying to your allies.

You could always try this in assault mode with a Rocket Artillery instead, but there’s a special satisfaction in keeping your team essentially invulnerable as long as you cover them.

Death on Wheels: Nomad/Flamethrower

Nomad is pretty tough, and isn’t the slowest Tank Body around either. You may have some trouble outmaneuvering opponents on occasion, but keep your enemies on the defensive. Then they’ll have to respond to your lead.



With a close weapon like a Flamethrower, you can use a Relay Drone or a Disguise Drone to creep right up on enemy Tanks. With the heavy Armor offered by Nomad, you’ll get quite a chance to harass any nearby opponents before revving up and driving away.

Popping in on your opponents with an unexpected inferno may not take care of everybody, but it’s more than likely to take care of all the ones that can actually catch you as you drive away.

Hold the Line: Nomad/Cannon

Lacking the omnidirectional feel of other tanks, sometimes a Nomad’s best bet is to force the opponent to drive the way they do. If you can bottleneck your opponents, you can control their positioning quite well with Nomad’s mastery of straightaways. Add in high Energy, and Nomad can hold off the opposition for quite a while.

The benefit of Nomad over Titan is the Energy bonus due to non-omni movement.


You’re going to take a hit or two — Nomad has the armor for that. This is about control. If you can narrow your opponent’s field of movement, you can just cruise back and forth to make yourself a tough target to hit while you lay down fire. While we love a good Cannon combo, this can be effectively done with any linear Weapon. (Looking at you Beat Blaster!)

Your Abilities will be what really makes this work. Depending on your team, you could use Turrets to exercise extra directional control over enemy Tanks, grab a Repair Drone for extra durability, or any combo that you like. A Nomad has high Energy and this strategy is all about slowing your opponent down. You have all the time in the world to use your Abilities.

Nomad Tough

The Nomad may require a little finesse than some other Tank Bodies, but a great Nomad Pilot can do some serious damage. Like any Tank Body out there, the best way to play it is the way that works for you.

Nomads of some rarities are still available in the Gala Games Store today!

That’s it on the Nomad, but we’ll be back again soon with another Spider Tanks Showcase. Next week we’ll be spotlighting the Bandit, so get ready to unmask a few strategies behind this quick Tank Body.

Got builds you love for the Bandit? Want to spread your knowledge for the next generation of Pilots? Let us know what your favorite combos are on Discord or in the comments below!

Spider Tanks

Gala Games

Spider Tanks Showcase: Flea

Spider Tanks Showcase: Flea

Join us as we break down the best Tank-busting, chicken-scooping and overall match-winning strategies using the Flea Body!

Welcome to the Spider Tanks Showcase. Here we’ll break down a different Tank or Body each week, so you can be fully prepared for the next time you roll into the arena!

This week we’re focusing on Flea. This Body may not be as menacing as some others you’ll run up against, but what it lacks in stature it easily makes up for in speed and maneuverability. This Body can scurry across a map to cause untold destruction, all while other tanks are still just getting started.

Those who know what a Flea can do often have a healthy fear of this Tank Body, especially when piloted by a skilled player.

Run and Gun: Flea/Shotgun

One of the most straightforward ways to dominate driving a Flea is to use your superior speed to get up close, then unleash heavy firepower.

Flea and shotgun. Disguise up, tiptoe in, blast everyone’s faces off and boost out before you are noticed. Rinse and repeat.


Shotguns can be absolutely devastating at close range, particularly against enemies who group up for protection. You may not survive very long in a Flea up close and personal, but you shouldn’t need long if you can get enough of a drop on your opponents to take them out in the ensuing confusion.

You can utilize a Relay Drone or Disguise Drone to up your sneakiness and make sure they don’t see you coming. Pull this strategy off right and you’ll have the opposing team continuously afraid of what’s zipping up behind them.

Death From a Distance: Flea/Artillery

Up close and personal isn’t for everyone. Due to Flea’s superior speed, the further away you get from another tank, the harder it’s going to be for them to pin you down and hit you.

Sniper at level 0. Fire arty, rocket arty–


Using this method, you can create a zone of death around your opponents– all while you effortlessly dodge their incoming projectiles. This may be a little more slow and methodical than shotgunning everyone to pieces point blank, but it keeps pressure on the enemy, particularly when they are escorting the payload or protecting the hill.

Add in a Vortex Zone or Stun Grenade if you want to further paralyze Tanks while you assault them from afar.

Can’t Hit Me: Flea/Cannon

The cannon is a time honored tool of destruction for a reason. With Flea’s maneuverability, you can basically ensure that you have more ability to dodge than anyone who will square off against you.

Cannon will give you more control over shots, where Twin Gun will just give you that burst. If you play against immobile Tanks or someone with bad dodging skills, it’s a massacre.

-General Kaizen

No tricks, no shenanigans… just a Tank that is too fast to hit. A Cannon already has excellent control if you’ve got some skills at leading opponents. Add in Flea’s raw speed, and you’ll find your opponents are taking more time dodging your shots than they are taking quality shots at you.

A Cannon can do a lot of damage with just a few hits, and if you dodge well, you’ll have plenty of chances. Pair this with any ability that makes you harder to kill or more of a nuisance, and you’ll find a lot of Pilots turning tail to run from you rather than continually staring down the barrel of your Cannon.

Fear the Flea

Hopefully those few strategies helped you see why a Flea can be a force to be reckoned with in the arena, despite its size. There are tons of ways to play Spider Tanks, and no strategy is wrong if you can make it work!

We’ll be returning each week to feature another Tank or Body, and to loop you in on a few different ways you could dominate the competition using them.

Next week, we’ll be focusing on the Nomad Body. If you’re an expert behind the wheel of a Nomad, now is your chance to spread the wisdom!

We’d love to feature pointers from epic Pilots across the community each week, so let us know your favorite way to play a Nomad on Discord or in the comments below!

Spider Tanks

Gala Games

Planetary Node Bundles are Coming

Planetary Node Bundles are Coming

So you missed your first chance last week to become one of the first Spider Tanks Planetary Node operators…

The excitement is always building with Spider Tanks, as we move closer to the big launch of the world’s first Web3 esport.

First, we announced the detail-packed Spider Tanks Lite Paper, which outlines the current plans for a Spider Tanks reward-based gaming ecosystem. Next, we announced that Spider Tanks Nodes were coming and dropped the Node Atlas with all the details. Then, a mere 10 days later, the first wave of Planetary Node licenses became available in the Gala Games Store.

You Wanted MOAR!!!

When our community cries out passionately for something, we’re in the habit of listening. You wanted another round of Planetary Node sales, so we put together a killer 72 hour bundle sale. More Nodes means more potential Spider Tanks rewards. Ready to triple up?

A Trio of Nodes

Starting on 3pm PT on September 8th, bundles of 3 Planetary Node licenses will hit the store for 72 hours only. The special bundle price will be $7500, payable in $GALA or ETH.

Node Extras

Dropship Options

Every Spider Tanks player has a Dropship that will allow them to enroll their owned Tanks in the Pilot Program, depending on the number of Drop Pods currently available.

There are two main types of Drop Pod: Atomic and Ironclad. Atomic Drop Pods are made with a quick and low-cost construction and designed to disintegrate after a certain amount of time or use. Ironclad Drop Pods on the other hand are painstakingly crafted to last for life; they never expire.

Every player’s Dropship comes with one Ironclad Drop Pod. One additional Ironclad Drop Pod will be included (upon game launch) with each first-generation Planetary Node license purchase.

For example: If you own 5 Planetary Node licenses, you will have 6 permanent drop pods (Ironclad Drop Pods), one that came with the Dropship and 5 that came with the node license purchase. There is no cap on the number of Drop Pods you can own.

Your Dropship can include either Atomic or Ironclad Drop Pods. Each Drop Pod allows you to enroll a single Tank in the Pilot Program (allowing someone else to pilot your Tank for shared rewards).

Upgradeable Node Depot

Every Planetary Node operator will have a Node Depot that allows them to pair their owned Tank Body, Tank Weapon or Map NFTs automatically to matches hosted by their Node. By pairing their NFTs with their Planetary Node, a player can potentially receive additional Victory Point rewards. This Node Depot can be upgraded to a total of 6 Depot Slots for a single Node.

The first Slot in each Node operator’s Node Depot is included, and will never expire. This slot is the only permanent Node Depot Slot, and it will always allow each Node operator to pair one of their own Spider Tanks NFTs with their Planetary Node.

Additional Node Depot Slots will be available for purchase (up to 6), but only the first will never expire.

Discord AMA

The Spider Tanks team will spend some time taking questions in Discord tomorrow, Wednesday September 7th, starting at 4:30pm PT. Join in for all the latest!

Don’t forget — The Bundle Sale begins on Thursday at 3pm PT!

The teams at Gala Games and GAMEDIA appreciate all your fantastic support as we make the final stride toward the highly anticipated launch date. Spiders will be everywhere this October 31st, and not just because of Halloween. See you soon!

Planetary Node Licenses Available Today

Planetary Node Licenses Available Today

A limited-time license sale beginning today will decide the first Spider Tanks Planetary Node operators.

The Spider Tanks world has been ablaze with exciting news lately, starting with the publication of the Lite Paper and followed up by the Node Atlas, which outlines the reward functionality of Planetary Nodes.

Here is what you need to know about the first Planetary Node license sale.

Sale Details


Anyone with a Gala Games account and wallet can participate in this sale.


The item for sale is a Spider Tank Planetary Node license. Like other Node licenses, this is a Gala Games platform database owned item, rather than a blockchain-backed NFT. Ownership of the license unlocks your ability to operate the Node software and earn rewards. There are currently no plans for Planetary Node licenses to be transferable assets.


The one week sale begins today, August 29th at 2:30pm PT and will end exactly 6 days later on September 4th at the same time.


Planetary Node licenses will be sold on the Gala Games platform only, purchasable in either GALA or ETH. In either case, a small amount of ETH will also be needed for Ethereum network fees (gas).


Pricing will begin at $2000. For each 100 Planetary Node licenses sold, the price will increase by $100. There are no limits per purchase, and there is no max supply for this one-week sale.

Additionally, the price will not increase higher than $5000. In other words, every license that sells beyond #3100 will also be locked in at the $5000 price for the duration of the sale.

Extra Early Rewards

An extra Drop Pod can go a long way!

As an extra early bonus for buyers of Planetary Node licenses, we’ll throw in an additional Drop Pod for every single Node purchased in this first sale.

Every player has a Dropship that comes equipped with a single Drop Pod. A Tank can be placed in this Drop Pod as described below to participate in the Pilot Program.

Upon Spider Tanks launch, every Planetary Node operator who purchased during this first sale round will receive an additional Drop Pod for their Drop Ship. This means two of their owned Tanks can now participate in the Pilot Program instead of one.

To learn more about the details of the Spider Tanks economy, check out the Litepaper and the Node Atlas, both downloadable as PDFs in their most current form.

Thanks for following the Spider Tanks journey as we prepare for the launch of the world’s first Web3 esport. You’re one of the early ones, and we couldn’t be happier that you’re part of our community.

Introducing the Planetary Node Atlas

Introducing the Planetary Node Atlas

The newest addition to the Spider Tanks website’s “Web3” section is the Planetary Node Atlas, with all the current plans for the Planetary Node Ecosystem.

While we won’t spoil the excitement by going over everything in the Node Atlas here, the following teasers should give you an idea of just how unique and special Spider Tanks Planetary Nodes will be.

  • An active Planetary Node operator receives rewards for every single match.
  • Your own Map can be paired with your Planetary Node to increase reward potential.
  • Planetary Nodes can be upgraded to occupy more spaces in the Node Queue.



Planetary Node AMA

Please join members of the Spider Tanks team for a live AMA next Tuesday, August 23rd at 2pm PT, where they will take all your questions from Discord about the Planetary Node Atlas, latest Lite Paper, and more.

Prop Sale

Ok, a lot of awesome games have silly things you can wear on your head, but not a lot of games pack them with gameplay-boosting power-ups the way Spider Tanks does.

This duckling doesn’t need any help crossing the street. Boost your Tank’s Elemental Resistance and Elemental Damage while turning any match into quacking deadly bathtime fun with the Rubber Ducky Prop.
If you get meowed down by cat-astrophic stray fire, don’t take it purrsonally. Quicken your Tank with these Cat Ears and you’ll be feline good. All kitten aside, cat puns are pawsome.

Not only can you wear these sweet little Props proudly into battle or trade them on the market as you see fit, but your opponents will always remember that they got schooled by a Tank wearing a Rubber Ducky, or perhaps a pair of Cat Ears, if that’s more your style. Both items give boosts to important stats like speed and damage.

FOMO alert — Only 2000 of each of these Props will exist.

You’ll find these Props (and more in the future) in the Spider Tanks store.

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