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Spider Tanks Showcase: Scout

Spider Tanks Showcase: Scout

Things are about to get dangerously tripodal in here as we give you a crash course on everything about the Scout Body!

Thanks for joining us again at The Spider Tanks Showcase! Today we’re making a sharp turn away from last week’s feature on the always flashy Snoop’s Bumpin Lowrider to spotlight a more unassuming Tank Body. While it may not have the bling and bass of Snoop’s ride, it skitters across the arena with deadly efficiency.

This week we’re talking about Scout. This body will typically be one of the quickest in the arena with its streamlined 3-legged design. Its smaller size, however, means a Pilot will have to translate that extra speed into better dodging, because Scout isn’t carrying much extra Armor.

There are Bodies faster than a Scout, but not by much. The smallest Bodies, like Flea, may move a tiny bit faster than Scout, but they also have even less Armor. Scout moves fast enough to dodge whatever comes at you, but also doesn’t feel like you’re driving a Tank made of paper– so maybe you won’t explode if you get accidentally hit once or twice.

Scout has pretty low Energy compared to most Tanks. This means you won’t be able to rely on Abilities as often as other Pilots, so think about affordable tools for each match. Luckily, Speed Boosters are cheap and they can turn Scout from a fast Tank into an unbelievably fast Tank very quickly. Repair Drone could be another solid option for many pilots. Since it affects you for quite awhile, its Energy cost is a little easier to swallow. With Scout’s low Armor, even a little repairing can go a long way.

Hot Potato: Scout/Flamethrower

This first combo may be a little bit reckless for some, but in the hands of the right Pilot it can just litter the arena with wreckage. Scout gets around quickly but has the armor to take a stray shot or two if that’s what needs to happen. This is essential for getting in close with weapons like the Flamethrower. Smaller Tanks may have the speed edge, but if you’re going to run up on the enemy, you need to make sure you can prioritize damage over dodging once in a while.

The flamethrower slows you down when you start shooting fire. This defeats the entire purpose of Scout, so timing is absolutely key. You need to cover the distance between you and the enemy before you start flaming, then if possible, position yourself where you can catch your enemy for more burning as they try to escape.

The Scout here catches a vulnerable Tank on its way by, then wastes no time in pursuing the enemy Scout long enough to cook it well done.

How long you can hold them in the fire is critical. Flamethrower will continue to burn the enemy after you stop roasting them, but not for as much damage. You need to burn them down to where you know they’ll die from the DoT, then cut the firepower and race out as fast as possible. For many Pilots, mastering this technique will be a serious challenge, but those who do will be highly feared by opponents.

Rear Support Sniper: Scout/Crossbow

This one takes less advantage of Scout’s speed to leverage borderline kamikaze tactics, and more to dominate the battlefield with superior positioning. Speed isn’t only an asset while close up on the enemy, and with a long range Scout in the backfield, a weakness never has to go unexploited.

This build is all about using the superior range of a Weapon like Crossbow to control the flow of a brawl. Most matches end up with clearly drawn battle lines at some point. Medium range Tanks will hold a line to keep close range Tanks from getting through. While that deadly dance is going on, Scout can be zipping around and picking off stragglers from the relative safety of the rear.

Even with the chicken weighing it down, this Scout still has plenty of Speed after boosting up to reposition when the Alpha Executioner makes a push.

Using this strategy, you’ll rarely be exposed to danger unless your allies give way or someone decides you’re just too annoying to let live and makes a desperate, futile rush at you. In these situations, you’re plenty quick enough to adapt and reposition yourself. You’ll more or less keep moving around the arena and make the enemy fear your Crossbow. If they’re continually dodging bolts from an enemy that they can’t hit, it won’t be long before they make a fatal mistake.

Dancin’ Queen: Scout/Shotgun

For this combo, we’ve chosen yet another way to leverage Scout’s Speed. Paired with the Shotgun, you can approach enemies easily like with the Flamethrower. Unlike the Flamethrower, however, the Shotgun doesn’t ever slow you down. This lets you be just as graceful while you’re in their face as you were running up on them.

Now the object isn’t to get away as quickly as possible, but instead to make it nearly impossible for them to hit you until you get away. Most enemy Tanks will fire limited rounds in a linear path. So if you’re juking and zig zagging all over the top of them, are they going to be able to make the few shots they get count?

If you get good at dancing around opponents, you can usually tag them enough to destroy them long before they even land a solid shot on you. Once you see an opening to escape, you can back away and they’ll still be dancing with your shadow for a second. This is the perfect opportunity to fill them up with Shotgun shells.

This Scout takes the enemy Slay for a dizzying series of twirls before speeding away to get the chickens to the basket. Unlike with the Flamethrower, there’s no DoT to finish off the enemy, but patience delivers the kill anyway in the end.

As a quick Shotgunner, you’ll love it when people chase you. Since Shotgun blasts spread out the further they get from you, someone racing towards you while you run away is literally walking into the kill zone. The faster they are relative to you, the faster they walk straight into multiple shells where they normally may have only been hit by one or two.

Scout Out Other Options

Scout is a very adaptable Body. It may not be super tough and may have low Energy recharge, but its raw speed combined with the fact that it doesn’t feel like it’s made of paper are enough to make it work with a multitude of different strategies.

Try out a Scout with a Rocket Artillery or a Brambler to dominate from a distance in an entirely different way than the one we explored above. After your ordinance ruins half the match for your opponents, most of the time they’ll be frantically trying to run you down to no avail. Likewise, a Healing Artillery could make you a nearly unkillable support Tank for your team.

The Snowballer from the Santa’s Slay combo can also be a lot of fun on a Scout. Since its snow trails speed you up and slow down opponents, learning to control the field with the power of ice can boost your already clear Speed advantage.

Playing a Scout with a more straightforward Weapon like Twin Guns, Cannon, or Gatling Gun could be challenging at first for many Pilots. As Speed increases, aiming difficulty increases with it. Still, if you can master these styles, you’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Good Pilots in fast Tanks using these types of Weapons excel in 1v1 confrontations and singling out and destroying enemy Tanks incredibly effectively.

Notice how the Scout moving away from the camera moves laterally to dodge the enemy fire while also controlling the enemy movement with its own fire. Working together with the Shark corner the enemy Bandit without either taking more than a scratch.

Scout Skills

Like other faster Tanks, a Scout isn’t for everybody. Mastering this Tank Body may take some practice for Pilots, but for those that do there are TONS of ways to rack up wins with a Scout. Like any Body, there isn’t a wrong build for Scout. The best Build is always the one you enjoy playing the most!

There’s a festive spirit in the air, and next week we’re going to be covering some Christmas carnage. Keep your ears open for jingle bells and your nose sniffing for the smell of egg nog-based rocket fuel, because we’re covering Santa’s Slay!

If you have any favorite ways to play this snowball slinging murder machine, let us know on Discord or in the comments below! You can also tweet us your clips with the hashtag #STShowcase and you may even get your match featured next week!

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The Spider Tanks Honor System: What it Is and How it Works

The Spider Tanks Honor System: What it Is and How it Works

Honor is a system of rewarding supportive activity while limiting the rewards of unsupportive activity in the Spider Tanks ecosystem.

Note: All details presented in this article are subject to change at any time and for any reason.

The Principles of Honor

The honorable PLAY, not just take.

Extractive players are those who seek only to remove rewards from the ecosystem. Spider Tanks is more fun, works better and lasts longer when players focus on playing, not extracting. With this in mind, it should be hard for players to continuously extract value without deeply engaging with the game.

For the honorable, PLAY is often its own reward.

The Spider Tanks Ecosystem is full of players who enjoy, engage and prioritize fun over Rewards. Rewards are nice, but they are not the core of these players’ motivation. We want these players to get the most rewards.

Honor is difficult to gain, but often easy to lose.

Spider Tanks Honor and reputation, as in real life, should be hard to earn but easy to lose. This can sometimes mean that Honor which takes a long time to build up can be lost very quickly as the result of a single harmful action.

What is Honor in Spider Tanks?

The first and strongest purpose of Honor is built into its name: To bestow the well-deserved honor onto those who participate in the Spider Tanks Ecosystem in the most supportive ways. For those who do not, Honor will be something of a burden.

Honor is meant only to be a burden for those who come only to extract. Players who have good intentions, play the game constructively and supportively, will barely be affected by Honor. Actions that decrease Honor will only begin to affect rewards in a significant way when they are done excessively. When used in a measured and responsible manner, many of these actions will still be encouraged. Players will even be allowed to extract value to some extent and enjoy the full experience of Spider Tanks’ Web3 rewards.

Note also, that the Tokenomic Model is designed to have a determined amount of SILK issued over time. What that means is that the SILK that is not given out today (due to users having low Honor) will sit in a buffer-pool waiting to be issued in the future. This means that net-net and over time, Honor is neutral to players. It will just transfer earning potential from low-Honor players to high-Honor players.

How it Works

The Honor System will act by unlocking full Play & Earn potential only for those who are beneficial to the health of the Spider Tanks Ecosystem. Meanwhile, those who seek to extract, will enjoy only a limited version of Play&Earn- manifested through a debuff on their Victory Points.

Honor goes from 0 to 1,200 and will linearly affect the player’s potential Victory Points. For example, a user with 900 Honor will get 75% (900/1200) of the full-potential Victory Points.

Note that those who are currently participating in the Spider Tanks Ecosystem, and have played since the October 31st launch will exceptionally start at Honor 1,200 and therefore full-potential Victory Points rewards. This is just a small way for us to express our gratitude to the community while celebrating Spider Tanks’ successful launch. Still, remember that Honor can quickly be lost by performing Negative Actions.

All new accounts will start with 300 Honor which can then be raised or lowered with Honor Actions.

Honor Actions

This is pretty simple. Positive Actions increase Honor, and Negative Actions decrease Honor. Finally, Redeeming Actions negate or reduce the impact of Negative Actions.

Positive Actions

Playing Spider Tanks and winning (at least one game)

Players can increase their Honor each day by playing a SpiderTanks match and winning. The amount of Honor increase is dependent on the highest level of Tank/Part won with on that day, as well as Maps. For Tank Parts, this does not stack with every win, but is rather a single bonus each day for the highest rarity Part you have won a match with:

  • For NFT players: Common +4 / Uncommon +4 / Rare +5 / Epic +5 / Legendary +7 / Ancient +8
  • For Pilots & Captains: Common +2 / Uncommon +2 / Rare +3 / Epic +3 / Legendary +3 / Ancient +4

Note: Playing with multiple NFTs does not grant more Honor. The Honor increase is given by the highest Rarity NFT used on that day.

Running a Spider Tanks Planetary Node

Running a Planetary Node will increase Honor by 8 points each day. Note that it can be stacked by running more Planetary Nodes, each providing +8 Honor each day.

Bridging-in SILK from Ethereum to Project GYRI

Players can also contribute to the Ecosystem by bridging-in SILK from Ethereum to Project GYRI, as described below:

  • For every 100 SILK bridged-in, Players will gain 3 Honor
  • In a single day, Players can get a maximum of +300Honor [10,000 SILK] — after which bridging-in stops having any effect for that day.

Negative Actions

Bridging-out SILK from Project GYRI to Ethereum

Players will lose some Honor whenever they Bridge-out SILK from Project GYRI to Ethereum. It is not meant to be punitive for those who bridge-out a moderate amount and these Players will barely feel any impact in terms of rewards. However, those who bridge-out excessively, looking only to extract from the Ecosystem, will see their Honor fall.

Honor loss is determined by comparing the amount of SILK held at the beginning of the day on Project Gyri versus how much SILK was bridged-out. For example, a Player with 1,000 SILK in their wallet who bridges-out 500 SILK, would lose 50% (500/1,000) Honor, equivalent to -600 Honor.

If a user is ever over the threshold where transferring 10,000 SILK would result in less than 20% maximum Honor loss (Total SILK > 50,000), Honor loss is instead based on a flat rate of 20% maximum Honor (240) loss for each 10,000 SILK transferred out. This ensures that no one can avoid Honor Loss entirely simply by hoarding SILK, thus limiting potential upgrades available to other Pilots.

Sending SILK to another Project GYRI wallet

Sending SILK to another Project GYRI wallet will be considered as negative as bridging out, given that otherwise, the system would be easily exploited.

Honor loss is determined by comparing the amount of SILK held at the beginning of the day vs how much SILK was sent to another wallet For example, a Player with 1,000 SILK in their wallet who sends 300 SILK to a friend’s Gyri wallet, would lose 30% (300/1,000) Honor, equivalent to -360 Honor.

Sending or transferring 2 or less SILK will never trigger a negative action.

It is critical to understand that for users who play and extract a small amount over time, Honor will have almost no impact. For example, a user who has 10,000 SILK and extracts <1% of that SILK per day will have almost no negative whatsoever. The way to gain the most from honor is to play and build up, and then extract slowly over time while participating in the game’s core loop.

Redeeming Actions

Spending SILK in the Gala Games Store

It is understood that players might need to bridge-out SILK in order to spend in the Gala Games Ecosystem — to either buy a Tank Part, a Skin, etc. In that case, players should not see their Spider Tanks reward potential affected, given that they are contributing to the Ecosystem in a way. Redeeming Actions only consider Spending in the Store with [ETH] SILK. Spending directly from your Project GYRI wallet is not considered a Redeeming Action.

Redeeming actions are called this way because they cannot be used to increase Honor, only to mitigate a potential Honor loss. Note that Redeeming Actions must take place on the same day of the Honor loss. Also note that Honor is calculated at the end of the day, such that Redeeming Actions can happen before or after the Honor loss. For example:

  • A player has 1,000 SILK in their Project GYRI wallet and bridges-out 500 SILK to Ethereum. If the player spends 500 SILK from the Ethereum Network in the Gala Games store, there will be no negative impact on the Honor for that day.
  • A player has 1,000 SILK in their Project GYRI wallet and spends 200 SILK from the Ethereum Network in the Gala Games store in the morning, so they can bridge-out up to 200 SILK that day with no Honor impact.
  • If the Player bridges-out 300 SILK before the end of the day, the Honor loss would be 10% or -120 Honor. Given that (300–200)/1,000 = 10%
  • If the Player bridges-out 100 SILK before the end of the day, the Honor loss would be 0% or -0 Honor. Given that (100–200)/1,000 = -10% (but Min Honor Loss is 0%)
  • If the Player bridges-out 200 SILK before the end of the day, the Honor loss would be 0% or -0 Honor. Given that (200–200)/1,000 = 0%

Web3 With Honor

The empowerment of Web3 comes with an important shared responsibility to look out for one another. With a culture of fun, support, loyalty, and Honor, Spider Tanks is only getting started.

We hope you have found this article on the Spider Tanks Honor System beneficial in some way. We invite you to hit the Spider Tanks arenas today and start enjoying the world’s first Web3 esport absolutely free.

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Spider Tank Showcase: Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider

Spider Tank Showcase: Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider

Crank up that bass and join us as we spotlight a Hero Tank that brings some serious street cred to the arena.

Welcome back to the Spider Tanks Showcase, the series where every week we do a deep dive into some of the most destructive Tanks in the arena. Today’s showcase we’re looking at a really special Hero Tank that not only can blast through the competition, but do it in style!

Today we’re featuring Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider. This Tank was designed as a tribute to one of the greatest classical composers (often referred to as Dogg) of old Earth after several of his ancient works were only recently uncovered in an archeological dig. This Hero combo rolls around the battlefield literally destroying its opponents with the power of sick beats. It may not be the fastest and toughest around and could take some Pilots awhile to get used to, but once you get in the flow of Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider, it can pack huge power in battle.

The lowrider is a directional Tank, like Santa’s Slay or Nomad. This means it must move forward on its wheels rather than pivoting freely like legged or hovering Tanks. This may be tough for some Pilots to get used to, but once you can master it, it features a lot more speed than the other wheeled Tanks you’ll see in the arena.

Like other directional Tanks, Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider has a ton of Energy to use abilities. Compared to its Santa’s Slay and Nomad cousins, however, it has a lot more Speed at the expense of a bit of Armor. Since the Lowrider can get awkward when turning suddenly, Pilots that learn to leverage the Speed advantage will often keep moving continuously, making them a tough target to pin down.

The Snoop Bounce: Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider/Beat Blaster

As a Hero Tank, Snoop’s Bumpin Lowrider comes as a prebuilt combo right away. Though the Weapon and Body can be used separately from each other, they synergize incredibly well together.

The Beat Blaster shoots three blasts of high intensity jams at opponents, staggering them for a split second if it hits them at close range. It has a fairly average range– similar to that of Twin Guns or Cannon. If fired laterally while moving, each beat can spread out into a small buckshot, but it’s most dangerous when firing directly ahead or behind to slam enemies with all 3 beats in succession.

Here we see a Lowrider chasing a Flea. While the Flea is bobbing and weaving, the Lowrider struggles to hit it with more than the occasional single blast. Once the Flea is moving parallel to Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider, however, it may as well be scrap metal.

Like other Tanks on wheels, the directional movement of Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider can be tough for some Pilots to master. It can feel awkward to drive until you learn its tendencies. Many Pilots are commonly tripped up by its inability to stop abruptly and change direction without rolling forward before shifting to reverse. After some practice, most Pilots will realize that the way to circumvent this weakness is simply to not stop moving at all, and make any movement possible in smooth turns, circles, or figure 8 patterns.

Pump Up Those Beats

Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider will be tough for those unfamiliar with it to adapt to, but with a true master behind the wheel it can dominate the arena. The firing pattern of beat blaster can be utilized in a ton of ways once you get the hang of its tendencies.

Whereas with a lot of other bodies you’ll want to dart back and forth while firing to be hard to hit, the Lowrider is most adaptable when rolling around in circles. This prevents the delay that can come with changing directions and can confound many enemies… particularly those with linear weapons like Crossbow or Cannon.

With this signature movement pattern, timing your Beat Blaster shots is paramount to get them where you want them. While turning at a sharp angle, your beats will often spread out. While they are more likely to hit your target, hitting with all three can be far more destructive than just grazing an enemy Tank with one or two beats. When your movement is lined up with your enemy’s is when the most deadly shots will be possible.

The combination of the ability to slightly stun opponents and break out of your holding pattern in any direction come in handy when faced with hard hitting opponents with short range. If a Flamethrower or Shotgun is threatening you, some bass to the face will make their head spin for just a split second, but it may be long enough to put some distance between you and finish them off.

In this clip the Lowrider is being pursued by a Scout with a Shotgun that engages Reactive Plating as it approaches. With a direct hit from the Beat Blaster, the Lowrider is able to bounce back the Scout just enough to not get caught in the blast from Reactive Plating.

Don’t forget about the high Energy of the Lowrider. You can use a lot more abilities than most Tanks, which could provide you a serious edge in mobility, damage or support. Many Snoop Tanks will rely on an affordable Ability like Speed Booster alongside a more costly Ability like Reactive Plating or Repair Zone.

Many Pilots underestimate how fast Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider can get on a straightaway. The Lowrider in this clip kicks on Speed Boosters to swoop in and snag the flag, easily shaking off the enemy flamethrower. Thanks to its high Energy, it’s able to use Speed Booster again to escape the pursuing Chicken.

Customize Your Ride

Since you can use both Beat Blaster and Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider independently of each other, there are a ton of cool combos to be made using this Hero Tank. The high Energy and unique movement of the body can work really well with a bunch of different Weapons, while the Beat Blaster adds a totally one-of-a-kind utility to any Body.

If you get really good with the movement of a Lowrider, you can use your dodging skills alongside a more straightforward Weapon so that your offensive tactics don’t rely on your positioning as much as your defense. A single shot Weapon like Finisher or Crossbow takes away the chance of spreading out your beats when you fire on a turn, letting you totally concentrate on your opponents’ destruction as they struggle to hit you and your superior driving skills.

Likewise, Beat Blaster can be a huge asset when used on another Body. Putting it on a heavier Body like Titan could make you an absolutely immovable object. You can cut off bottlenecks and chokepoints effectively with your bulk, while also stunning anyone who comes close to you. Many Pilots, however, will opt to put Beat Blaster on a speedy body to take greater advantage of how damaging it can be for opponents when you land all three hits. A small, agile body like Flea can get positioning better to fire more effective blasts, but as you move faster the tendency for the blasts to spread out will be higher, making it more difficult to control. This will be very, very effective in the hands of Pilots who have fully mastered firing the Beat Blaster though.

Laid Back With the Lowrider

Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider may not be as straightforward as some other Tanks out there, but someone who learns its nuances and tendencies will be a force to be reckoned with in any battle. Just as with any Tank, the best for you is what you can make work. It may take more practice for some to get a winning strategy together with the Lowrider, but putting in that effort can be well worth it.

Unfortunately, there are no Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowriders available in the Spider Tanks Store currently, but they can still be found on the official Spider Tanks OpenSea collection!

That’s all for Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider, but we’ll be back next week to talk about a 3-legged little speedster stalking throughout the arena– Scout!

If you have any strategies or builds for Scout you’d like to share, let us know on Discord or tweet at us with the hashtag #STShowcase and you may end up featured in next week’s Spider Tank Showcase!

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Announcing: The Greater Gala Games Community Championship

Announcing: The Greater Gala Games Community Championship

Come one, come all! Who will prove to be the best Pilots in the galaxy?

All across the galaxy, we come together in the arena. The great Tank Olympiad, commonly known as Spider Tanks, is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of humanity. It drives us to achieve greater goals through the crucible of competition, while also bringing each of us closer to each other, despite the vast emptiness of space that separates us.

The Pilots of the Tank Olympiad are the pride of the Planetary Union. Perfecting your Tank through tireless trial and error as you hone your skills and reflexes is one of the most admirable pursuits in the cosmos. We salute each and every one of you.

The Greater Gala Games Community Championship

While many Pilots are hatching plans for future battles during the offseason in the arena, one tournament that is quickly approaching can’t be missed by the most devoted Pilots. The time has finally come to name the Greater Gala Games Community Champions!

The road to the Championship will not be easy. The Gala Games Community Champions are Pilots with skills, adaptability and — above all — guts. The battles will be brutal, and the matches won’t exactly be fair.

Who will rise to the top of the pecking order as a Gala Community Champion?

A true Champion will have to persist through hardship and unseat the Primarchs… who hold all the advantages. The odds will not be in any challenger’s favor.

The Primarch Exhibition

To determine the first Gala Games Community Champions, Pilots will have to unseat the ruthless Primarchs who have stolen the seat for themselves. Through a loophole in Planetary Union bylaws, these three squatters have setup the tournament to favor them in every way!

Wanting to avoid a costly political battle with the Fabricators Guild by delaying the tournament, the Planetary Union Olympiad Commission has opted to stay silent on the issue, allowing the Primarchs’ tournament to play out. What squad of crack Pilots could possibly have the skill to beat these three terrors of the arena on their own terms?

If no one can beat these would-be arena autocrats, will the galaxy go without a Greater Gala Community Champion!?

The Primarchs’ chosen rules:

  • No more than 2 matching weapons per team
  • No rematches
  • Adhere to the Discord rules in all matches
  • The Primarchs reserve the right to disqualify players/teams at their discretion

Each week, the Primarchs will face an assault of challengers. Only the survivors from each week will advance to the next tier to fight the Primarchs on more even footing.

Tier 1:

  • Challengers may use free Tanks only
  • Primarchs decide the game mode and Map

Tier 2:

  • Challengers may use any Tank
  • No abilities allowed for challengers

Tier 3:

  • Equalized levels between all Tanks
  • Regular match

More information will be provided about each tier in the week leading up to it. Last Friday the event kicked off with friendly matches and festivities. This week, the real competition begins.

After these thugs are out of the way, the Gala Games Community Championship can once again be a festive time of celebration, rather than a masochistic grind against impossible odds. Once the title is liberated from the Primarchs, the community itself will be able to plan and execute the next Championship. The Community Champion title is a community role. No cheap shots though — it can be transferred only at a tournament approved and recognized by Gala Games.

A team that is able to achieve victory over the Primarchs will be named Greater Gala Games Community Champions. They will have to defend this title from future aspiring Pilots, and they may be called on to represent the community in competitions.

With great power comes great responsibility. We expect the next squad of Community Champions to be far more benevolent than these crass Primarchs. A Community Champion should be someone who lives out the values of Gala Games and Spider Tanks… we’re not just trading one set of dictators for another here! Future Community Champions should respect the responsibility of the title and display the values it embodies throughout the entire community until another Pilot wrestles it from their hands.

The Squad to Beat

These Primarchs are vicious predators in the arena, who delight in the destruction of who they view as lesser Pilots. They will crush their opposition without mercy, and any Pilots who go after them need to be fully prepared for overwhelming defeat.

These cruel tyrants reign over other Pilots from the rank of Deity, but many Pilots think their time in the spotlight is at an end. Though the rules are tilted in their favor, a squad that defeats them could lead the arena community into a new, brighter era!


“Official” Interview

“All your chair are belong to me.”

ChairBandit would like every Pilot in the community to think he’s helpful. He’ll hang around and rub elbows with the new folks in the arena… make sure they’re getting along just fine. Then, when they’re most comfortable thinking they have a mentor looking out for them, they’ll find every chair they own stolen without a trace.

Death usually comes from two guns with Chair Bandit. Vanquish him with Twin Guns though and who knows, you may see his final Healing Artillery form before you explode.


“Official” Interview

“Every time I get a triple kill, I think to myself… ‘That’s Deathlicious”

“Many say they aren’t afraid of Death….they just don’t want to be in my game.”

Deathlicious is the mad scientist of the trio. He may seem calm and analytical, but his name is no lie. His polite silence only masks the calculations for how to destroy you happening under the surface.

Deathlicious’s cold, mechanically efficient destruction is complemented by his versatility. Death inevitably comes for any Pilots who face him, whichever brutal methodology he chooses.

Light GG

“Official” Interview

“Look up, lights out, GG.”

You won’t see Light GG coming. He’s one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. Then you shake hands, walk away and — BOOM! A cluster of rockets to the back of the head. Light GG can bag a Flea sprinting with Speed Boosters from across the map without even breaking a sweat. You’ll have to find a way to conquer his covering fire to defeat the Primarchs.

Light GG often floats above the battlefield in his Hurricane, with his chosen Rocket Artillery of doom. Don’t count on him being a one trick pony though… that’s just one of many ways to die facing off against him.

Calling All Contenders!

Surely there is a squad of brave Pilots out there who can defeat these monsters! Calibrate your weapons, polish your chrome and get ready to liberate the Gala Games Community Championship from these cruel Primarchs!

Keep your eyes peeled for more announcements on Discord.

Spider Tanks Showcase: Alpha Executioner

Spider Tanks Showcase: Alpha Executioner

This week we’re featuring the Hero Tank at the top of the food chain in the arena.

Greetings Pilots and destruction enthusiasts, and welcome back to the Spider Tanks Showcase! Today’s Hero Tank packs a serious punch but also has enough speed to not hang around for any consequences.

This showcase features a Tank that strikes as much fear into Pilots today as it did in the hearts of primitive humans of old Earth… Alpha Executioner! This fearsome avian monstrosity was the ultimate apex predator of our ancient past, and today humanity’s oldest nightmares have followed them into the arena.

Just like the great beasts of old, Alpha Executioner is vicious, relentless and driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction. This Tank was built for chaos and devastation… and it executes its purpose perfectly.

The Chicken is fast. It can still be outsprinted by tiny Bodies like Blink and Flea, but also packs a bit more Armor than those little guys. It can take a hit or two, but don’t expect to live long without some bobbing and weaving!

The Apex Predator: Chicken/Eggxecutioner

The Alpha Executioner Hero Tank is made up of two distinct Tank Parts: The Chicken Body and the Eggxecutioner Weapon. Like any Hero Tank, these two Parts can be used independently of each other, but create a synergistic combo together.

The Eggxecutioner fires fast moving rockets that barrel across the arena. They reach their target quickly after traveling a rather respectable range, and will explode upon reaching their full range or impacting an object or enemy Tank. This explosion itself deals splash damage, so well placed rockets can be tough for the other team to avoid and could be crippling when their team groups together

The range on the Executioner is above average, but the real advantage is that Tanks outside that range can still be hit by the explosion. The chicken in this clip uses the terminal range to its advantage on the approach, but then can also shoot against walls behind enemy Tanks. This makes the margin of error on a killing blow very generous.

Since Eggxecutioner’s ordinance deals damage in a large area, your opponents will have to put extra work into dodging your blasts. The Chicken Body’s raw speed further complicates this, and most prey simply won’t escape.

The Unrelenting Killer

The Alpha Executioner’s speed and firepower can easily keep an entire enemy team on the defensive. The Eggxecutioner holds three rockets and reloads quickly and continuously. This means that you can constantly lay down explosions against an enemy that’s getting tired from your fancy footwork.

While the Titan in this clip is getting wrecked trying to take over the enemy payload, you can see an Alpha Executioner firing constant explosions from the north side of the arena. Since the rockets explode at the end of their range, they deal huge damage to all the enemies escorting the payload.

In most game modes, choke points and bottlenecks will develop throughout the match. Whether this be the Control Point, a bridge between two squads in Team Deathmatch or the payload in Poultry Pusher, Chicken is able to use the Eggxecutioner to maneuver perfectly into position and deliver consistent explosions right into the heart of the enemy team.

In game modes like Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed, the range at which Executioner can deal damage is a huge asset for a team. While the Tortoise has very long range, it just can’t maneuver fast enough to square off against the Chicken at distance.

For most Pilots, facing an Alpha Executioner will be a huge impediment to them playing out their normal strategies. Not only do the quick and successive explosions make it tough to coordinate as a team, but it’s incredibly unnerving when the predator pursuing you moves faster than you could ever hope to.

Here you can see a Chicken using its speed to its advantage. It’s able to keep pressure on the nearly destroyed enemies with nearly constant missiles, but thanks to its agility it’s able to dodge almost all incoming hits behind the larger Tank nearby.

Just as when this great beast stalked the plains and woodlands of the ancient Earth to prey on the very beginnings of humanity, fear itself can be a potent weapon. This hunter’s speed and firepower often cause the enemy to scramble and despair… which is right where Chicken wants them.

Mix Up Your Hunts

Both Chicken and Eggxecutioner are unique and useful Tank Parts on their own. There isn’t another Weapon quite like Executioner with its unique firing pattern, damage cadence and overall coverage. Chicken also offers a great alternative light Body that may be a little slower than the real glass cannons, but doesn’t compromise on Speed as much as medium Bodies.

Chicken doesn’t have as much Energy as a lot of the other fast Bodies, so you’ll want to rely on low cost Abilities wherever possible. Speed Booster can be a great choice, as a Chicken with this additional sprinting power can easily outrace a Blink or Flea. Since you’ll have more Armor than the other speedsters, an Ability like Repair Drone could also be a lot more helpful because you’re less likely to waste extra repair amounts.

Eggxecutioner itself offers a lot of really unique play styles to any size Body. While the fast play with Chicken pushes the pace of the game and makes opponents try to keep up with you, Eggxecutioner slapped onto a heavy Body could be leveraged for an opposite (but equally awesome!) effect.

Rocket power on a heavy, tough Tank could let you absolutely dominate any central objective on the map. For Poultry Pusher, King of the Hill, or Capture the Flag this could be a huge advantage– you’ll essentially be an immovable object holding an unstoppable force!

Things could get hairy with these builds though once things aren’t going your way. Without Chicken’s speed, you won’t be able to put pressure on enemies through pursuit the same way and will likely struggle to adapt to a changing battlefield.

The Hunt Is On

Fear the great Chicken… unless you’re driving it! The Chicken was the terror of our primordial past, come once again to have its fill in the arena. As either predator or prey, the best way to survive an encounter with the Alpha Executioner is to understand all the methodology behind how this magnificent mechanical creature hunts.

Unfortunately no Alpha Executioners are currently available in the Spider Tanks Store, but they can still be found on the official Spider Tanks OpenSea collection!

Next week we’ll be back with another Spider Tanks Showcase to feature a radically different Hero Tank. We’re going straight from this week’s avian nightmares to nightlife, smoke and pure bass with Snoop’s Bumpin’ Lowrider!

If you have any favorite strategies with this the Doggfather’s signature ride, let us know on Discord or in the comments below!

A big thank you to our friend Observer | Rome who helped us get footage for this article! If you’d like to be featured in future Spider Tanks Showcases, tweet us a clip with the hashtag #STShowcase!