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Legacy’s Competitive Edge: Events

Legacy’s Competitive Edge: Events

Legacy launches on October 26th, 2023. Read on to learn more about regular competitions and opportunities to win $GALA

Legacy, Gala Games’ innovative business simulation offering, is shaping up to be the next big thing in the gaming world. A key component that has players buzzing with excitement is the ‘Events’ aspect of the game, particularly the Design Competitions. If you’ve ever wanted to test your design acumen against a community of like-minded enthusiasts, Legacy’s Events could be your playground. Here’s an in-depth look into the various competitive Events and what they entail.

What are Legacy’s Events?

There are several different types of events in Legacy, all of which include opportunities for players (both Key holders and Deed owners) to win some rewards!

Events begin hourly, so no matter when you play, you’ll have a chance to accumulate Legacy Tickets, which ultimately translate into the amount of $GALA rewards you’ll receive if you have what it takes!

Guild leaders will also get a multiplier to their Legacy Ticket haul that corresponds to the rarity of their Guild (Land Deed). For exact launch figures and multiplier numbers, you’ll have to wait for the game’s litepaper, coming soon!

Take care of your workers and they’ll take care of you!

Profit/Sales Events

Two main Profit/Sales events are always running alongside the Design Competitions. If you’re not feeling creative in product design on a particular day, then hone in hardcore on the efficiency of your town.

Most Sales

In this event, the only thing that matters is the sheer quantity of products sold. Sell as many as you can to rank on the leaderboard and gather some Legacy Tickets!

Most Profit

In this mode, money is all that matters. The winners are determined by the total value of the products sold during the Competition.

Design Competitions

Design Competitions are more involved and more democratic than the straightforward profit/sales events described above.

At their core, Design Competitions are multiplayer events that allow players to flex their creative muscles, crafting product designs using the parts they’ve unlocked in the game.

Competitors in each Design Competition will duke it out for the most creative and unique designs, and the winners of each competition will win Legacy Tickets. Each day, those Legacy Tickets will be convertible into $GALA, which may be transferred out of the ecosystem or used to buy more Buildings, Gems, or other items in the store.

How Do They Work?

Design Competition Announcements: Special competition prompts are made in-game, offering insights into the theme or requirements for the current contest. Once the in-game Gem Mine has been unlocked, everyone will have the ability to use the free Gems produced by their Gem Mine to pay the entry fee to the various competitions.

The Design Table: Armed with the competition’s specifications, players head to a dedicated space called the ‘Special Design Table’. This unique interface facilitates the crafting of their design submissions.

Feel like a winner?

Of course, a good collection of leveled buildings and an efficient workforce will go a long way to designing something incredible, as you will need the required resources to enter your designs. These can be bought or collected and stored in the Warehouse in preparation for each Design Competition.

The Voting System

Once the design phase concludes, the competition transitions into its next exciting phase — voting!

Community-Powered Rankings: Players have the power to shape the competition’s outcome. They review and vote on each other’s designs to determine which submissions truly stand out.

To ensure robust participation and unbiased rankings, Legacy introduces special rewards for players who participate in formulated voting rounds. This not only encourages players to be active voters but also guarantees a fair and thrilling competition. You will need to vote the requisite number of times per Design Competition in order for your own entry to be validated. This ensures all entries are seen and voted on.

The voting system has been built to ensure it is impossible for teams to influence the votes as you will never see your own design or the designs of those players who are in the same Competition league as yourself. Everyone votes on the designs of others in separate Competitions.

And The Winner Is…

After the votes are tallied, it’s time to announce the winners. Those who managed to captivate the community with their designs are handsomely rewarded with Legacy Tickets, which are easily redeemed daily for $GALA, the core token of the Gala Games ecosystem.

The top-performing designs are awarded the greatest numbers of Legacy Tickets, ensuring that the most popular and innovative designs always receive the recognition they deserve.

Always in the Loop

Keeping track of the competition’s various stages is a breeze. The Events tab within the game continually updates players on competition timelines, ensuring they know precisely when to design, vote, or simply sit back and await the results.

A League Up!

In the spirit of fairness for participants of all levels of dedication and ownership, all competitions are divided into four different Leagues. The higher the League, the greater the prizes, but be prepared to pay more Gems for a chance to win larger stacks of Legacy Tickets.

Please note that each player may only participate in one League at a time. Access to higher Leagues is essentially unlocked through gameplay and participation in competitions at lower Leagues. Every beginner starts in the Beginner League.

If there are not enough players for effective competition in a certain League, those players will be temporarily moved to a lower League.


  • 100 Gems to enter
  • Legacy Tickets: ⭐


  • 250 Gems to enter
  • Legacy Tickets: ⭐⭐


  • 500 Gems to enter
  • Legacy Tickets: ⭐⭐⭐


  • 1000 Gems to enter
  • Legacy Tickets: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Thriving and productive towns don’t just build themselves!

Calling Guild Owners

It’s time to bridge your Legacy Land Deeds from Ethereum to GalaChain so you’ll be ready for players to join when the game launches! To ensure that the best and brightest early adopters will join your Guild, SET IT UP EARLY.

Once you have bridged your Land Deed(s) to GalaChain, you’ll have the option to download the build and configure your Guild. This includes setting the percentage of rewards that will be shared with you from your Guildmates, as well as naming and describing your Guild.

Please note that if you have more than one Legacy Land Deed, you’ll have access to multiple tabs within the Deed Management page.

Please also note that you’ll have to pay ETH network fees (gas) to bridge your items from Ethereum to GalaChain, so be sure to have some ETH in your account wallet.

Setting up your Deed early is super simple! Go for it!

Compete for Creativity!

Legacy’s competitions are more than just a creative outlet — they represent the spirit of community, competition, and reward that the game embodies. Whether you’re a design novice looking to learn from the community or a seasoned pro aiming to showcase your skills, these competitions promise an experience that’s both challenging and rewarding.

Join the Legacy community today and let your designs tell a story that could echo through the ages!

All About Deeds and Keys

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Launch Day — Welcome to Your Legacy!

Launch Day — Welcome to Your Legacy!

The eagerly anticipated business sim game by 22cans launched today for PC/Mac on Gala Games!

Download and Play

Over the last several weeks preparing for launch, we’ve shared a bunch of Legacy excitement, so check out the blogs below to catch up on anything you might have missed!

Launch Date Announcement
Legacy Deeds and Keys
Legacy Events

The release of the Litepaper has been slightly delayed, but we expect that it will be out before the end of Launch day.

Shortly following launch, we’ll share an FAQ blog with the most popular questions asked by the existing Gala Games community and new players. Our community always asks great questions, and they almost always catch a couple of important ones that weren’t clarified enough prior to launch. Bottom line: We want you all equipped for Legacy success!

Choose a Key

Unless you own Legacy Land, the very first thing you’ll want to do in the game is choose a Legacy Key from the list of available Keys. Be sure to choose a Guild that suits your interests and strategies, because the Guild leader will have the ability to remove your Key and boot you from their Guild if they think they can do better with another Key Player.

Configure Your Guild

If you own Legacy Land, congratulations, You’re a Guild owner! Once you have bridged your Land Deed from Ethereum to GalaChain (you can do this through your Gala Games account inventory–It will cost ETH network fees to make this transaction). If you wait to configure your Land, you could be missing out on rewards from day one. Plus, you’ll deprive some awesome Key Player of an amazing opportunity.

Please note that Common Land Deeds by default do NOT include any Legacy Keys, but the ability to purchase and add one to your Guild will soon be available. For now, you’re a one-person Guild, so make it count!

Let the Competitions Begin!

Now that the game is live, it’s time for Guild Leaders and Key Players alike to put their creativity, innovation and strategy to the test!

Once you’re in the game, check out the Events tab to explore current competitions and decide which is best for your skill level. You can choose from Most Profit, Most Sales, or the community-voted Design Competitions. Now check out the valuable advice from the 22cans team below!

Tommy’s Top Tips for Legacy Events

Here are some handy starter tips for the Most Sales and Most Profit Events!

There are three areas of focus for a successful event run:

  • The layout of your town
  • Designing the right product
  • Preparing for a specific event

Optimizing the layout of your town is crucial for both event types. Think about the location of your production building doorways in relation to each other as well as the locations of distribution buildings, and the resting places of your workers. The closer all these things are, the faster your production line.

Note: Have a good look at the locked districts! Some of them come with extra buildings, securing the right ones early on will give you a serious edge over those who have not (think what a second Dispatch Van will do for you, or another Warehouse…).

Designing the right product

When designing a product, you need to consider the event you are entering. For a Most Sales event, you’ll want a simple product that your workers can produce quickly. Making a one-part product might sell for next to nothing, but it will get made super fast, and that’s what matters. Keep an eye on the market value though, as one-part products don’t last long and you do not want your workers sitting idle and waiting for you to redesign while the clock ticks down. Red balloons over the factory are your number one priority at all times.

For Most Profit events, a little bit more planning is advised. Organize the value of each product part in price order, starting with the highest paying. Use ALL available part slots to maximize the product’s value. Researching more valuable parts in the Research Lab is a big help, but adding the most expensive parts isn’t always the best idea; you must also consider the time it takes to create each part. Experiment outside of the event to find the best possible combo of parts in your drawers.

Preparing for an Event

There’s a short window of opportunity between the announcement of an incoming event and its starting time. Use this wisely. If you have a Warehouse, fill it to the gills with refined resources so you’re ready to drag and drop into the Factory as soon as the event begins. You can set each production building to deliver to certain places, so set your Refineries and Smelters to send the workers to the Warehouse.

A fully charged workforce is a little sneaky tip most people won’t think about. Halting production and sending everyone home (or down to the Pub or into any of the Leisure buildings) so that they’re fresh and ready for the event start means you’ll have that extra juice in the can compared to those business owners who drive their teams hard all day and all night.

Don’t forget to start production off in each building again once the event starts, or all your hard work in preparing will be wasted!

And that’s it — you now have what it takes to become a legendary player in Legacy.

What are you Waiting for?

A bunch of eager entrepreneurs are already hitting the Legacy streets, building the beginnings of their business empires. Join them!

Download and Play

Browse the Secondary Market

Calling all Legacy Land Owners!

Calling all Legacy Land Owners!

It’s time to bridge your Land Deeds to GalaChain to get a head start in preparing your Guild!

Attention Legacy Land owners… Legacy wants YOU!

As outlined in this blog, Legacy Deed ownership means that you get to manage a Guild of players. You’re the benefactor for the aspiring non-owner players who will use your Legacy Keys to unlock access to the game and its rewards. The best part is that as the business owner, you’ll share in the Event rewards of everyone in your Guild!

Bridge Your Deed

All Land Deeds were sold as minted items on the Ethereum blockchain, but now it’s time to call them home to GalaChain, where they can empower players throughout the Gala Games ecosystem.

Bridging is now open, and next Tuesday morning you’ll have the ability to set up your Guild in advance of the Thursday rush. While gameplay will not yet be live in this exclusive owner access period, owners will have a chance to set up their Guilds in advance.

They’re Ready to Play–Don’t Make Them Wait

Remember that player access to Legacy requires either a Legacy Key or a Legacy Land Deed. This means that if you hesitate to bridge your Land Deed(s), you may be depriving some profit-hungry go-getter from partnering with your Guild. If you wait, someone else’s Guild will snatch them up and get a head start!

Talk is cheap and action is everything in the business world. If you own Legacy Land, this is your call to action: BRIDGE YOUR DEED EARLY or you may be sorry.

How to Bridge

If you haven’t bridged any items to GalaChain yet, it’s super easy to do through the Gala Games platform. First, make sure your Deed is in the wallet connected to your Gala Games account. Locate the item in your account’s inventory, then find the big blue button that says “Bridge to GalaChain.

You’ll be amazed at the empowerment of GalaChain ownership!

Please note that bridging to GalaChain will require payment of Ethereum network fees (gas). Gas is required for each item to be bridged.

Build Your Legacy

We hope you’re as excited as we are that Legacy is almost live! Whose Guild will be strongest out of the gate, and what types of creative products will they design and produce? Guild setup begins on Tuesday October 24th, and get ready to start building on Thursday October 26th!

Secondary Market–Opensea

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Legacy Ownership: Deeds, Keys, and Rewards

Legacy Ownership: Deeds, Keys, and Rewards

Before the October 26th launch, learn more about how Deed ownership and Legacy Keys make a truly unique player experience.

Welcome to Legacy, the innovative business sim created by 22Cans and leveled up to real ownership through the power of GalaChain. Legacy is a premier experience that intertwines strategy, design, and rewards in a unique manner. At the heart of this experience lie Land Deeds and Legacy Keys, aspects that introduce a novel dimension to gameplay and rewards. Here’s what you need to know as we prepare for the October 26th launch.

Legacy Land: More Than Just Pixels on a Map

Owning Deeds in Legacy is about more than mere territory; It’s about owning and operating a thriving business. It’s a statement of your dedication to the game, and those who own Deeds will enjoy a more managerial experience, along with shared rewards from team members.

Guilds: The Allure of Land Deeds

Be sure to pick a Guild that will lead to success!

As the benefactors for their Guilds, Deed owners get to make key decisions that impact their Guild. They can set rules for their team and decide on the reward split between Deed Holder and Key Holder.

Every Legacy player who does not own a Deed will gain access to the game by selecting a Legacy Key from any available Guild. Guild owners may always enjoy access without using one of their precious Legacy Keys (the Deed itself grants the owner access to the game), while other players can simply choose a Legacy Key in-game based on the specifications set by the Guild leader/Deed owner. Essentially, all players must be part of a team, with each team led by the one who owns the Legacy Deed.

Deed owners will have access to Legacy Keys, which will be used by players who do not own Deeds to unlock game access. The number of Legacy Keys is determined by the rarity of the Deed.

With a future update, players will have the option to purchase additional Legacy Keys, upgrading their Guild to allow more players and share greater rewards. This is why we have listed below both At Start and Maximum

Startup Deed (Common) — 0 at Start, 1 Max
Enterprise Deed (Uncommon) — 1 at Start, 3 Max
Firm Deed (Rare) — 3 at Start, 10 Max
Corporation Deed (Epic) — 10 at Start, 40 Max
Conglomerate Deed (Legendary) — 25 at Start, 100 Max
Heart of London (Ancient) — 100 at Start, 500 Max

Additional reward advantages will vary based on rarity of Deed. Look for more info about that in the next blog!

Attention Deed Owners:

You will have exclusive early access to enter the game and configure your Guild even before gameplay goes live with the October 26th launch. This early owner access period will begin on Tuesday, October 24th.

Owners will have the ability to bridge their Deeds to GalaChain starting on Tuesday. Be sure to bridge your Deeds before the Thursday launch so players can join your Guild.

Owners of Legacy Deeds will get a portion of the Event rewards received by everyone in their Guild. This means that Deed-owning players can decide whether they would like to stick to their own game, focus on the management of their team of Legacy Key holders, or a strategic combination of both. Deed owners share their own rewards with no one, while every free player must share with the Deed owner that made it possible for them.

And of course, the greatest benefit to owning a Legacy Deed is the fact that you actually own it. Real ownership is the most important function of web3 tech in gaming. It means that you can benefit from your property as long as you play with it, then list it on a secondary market like OpenSea at any time.

Partner with the best!

Legacy’s Exclusive Edge

Legacy’s introduction of Deeds and Keys weaves a tapestry of exclusivity for those who are most committed to either play or ownership in the game. Players either own a piece of the game’s world, or else form strategic alliances to benefit from someone else’s property (just like in the real business world). This exclusivity perk positions Legacy as a unique gaming experience, where strategy, partnership, and rewards converge.

As the game grows in active players and popularity, more regions can be added for Land ownership, greatly increasing the potential rewards and numbers of Design Competitions.

Pick a product that works for you!

Make Your Mark on the Business World

Legacy isn’t just about building and competing — it’s about being part of an exclusive world where every decision, from ownership to partnerships, holds weight. Whether you’re a proud Deed owner or a partner player looking for alliances, Legacy promises an experience steeped in strategy, camaraderie, and unparalleled rewards.

Step into the world of Legacy, where ownership isn’t just possible — it’s power and prestige. Get ready for Legacy’s launch on October 26th, 2023.

Next Up: Competitions and Rewards

We’ll soon publish a blog sharing a more detailed look at Legacy’s Events and Competitions, as well as the potential rewards for participating. Then right before launch, we’ll share a litepaper outlining the game’s complete economic details.

Event winners will receive Legacy Tickets, which are used to determine the amount of $GALA rewards received by Competition participants at the end of each reward cycle. For now, rest assured that competitive Events are the core of Legacy rewards, and becoming a successful tycoon means optimizing your creativity and efficiency in the design process.

We hope you’re excited to get out there and test your mettle, stretch your creative brain and build your Legacy!

Discord Invite Link

Launch Date Announced — Get Ready to Build Your Legacy

Launch Date Announced — Get Ready to Build Your Legacy

Gala Games is launching Legacy, the business sim strategy game by Peter Molyneux, on October 26th, 2023.

Attention web3 gamers, entrepreneurs and titans of industry… Mark your calendars! The highly anticipated web3 business simulation game, Legacy, created by the legendary Peter Molyneux and his studio, 22cans, has an official launch date: October 26th, 2023.

We at Gala Games couldn’t be more thrilled to share this news with our community. Legacy’s launch promises to deliver a masterfully creative and engaging experience, filled with new opportunities, community design competitions, and innovative gameplay. Below are some of the features you can look forward to at launch!

GalaChain Integration

Legacy will be seamlessly integrated with GalaChain, providing smooth and secure gameplay backed by a games-first blockchain that allows real ownership and real rewards. This includes the ability to bridge items to and from Ethereum for trade on secondary markets like OpenSea.

Competitions — The Heart of Legacy

Prepare to test your business savvy against others in the community for enticing rewards and bragging rights. Competition lives at the core of Legacy rewards, and they will be rolled out gradually in the game. Look for a more in-depth article explaining the ins and outs of Legacy competitions within the next couple weeks!

Play with Your Own Land

Ownership and creativity take center stage as you get the chance to build and manage your business on your very own land!

Enterprise Deed (Uncommon)

Landowners will receive daily login rewards of in-game Gems, essentially allowing them to participate in Design Competitions at no cost.

Additionally, Landowners will receive a number of Legacy Deed Keys that corresponds to the rarity of their Land. Deed Keys allow the Landowning player to empower “partners” (F2P players) to win real rewards!

More information about ownership, including BRIDGING ACTION REQUIRED for current ERC-1155 Land token owners, is coming soon!

Browse available Lands on the OpenSea secondary market if you’re still hoping to become a Legacy London Landowner.

More to Come

Stay tuned for more exciting details in the coming weeks before launch, including features, gameplay insights, an economic Litepaper, and exclusive opportunities.

Build Your Legacy

Legacy’s launch is more than just a game release; it’s the beginning of an extraordinary journey where creativity, strategy, and business innovation meet. We’re looking forward to getting this brilliantly crafted game live and into your hands. Then the real creative fun begins!

Save the Date: October 26th, 2023. Legacy is coming, and it’s almost time to build your empire!

Stay tuned for more updates, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable business adventure with Legacy.

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