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Guardian Papers 8: Community Caution

Guardian Papers 8: Community Caution

Imagine that you were a scammer trying to target a particular group of people… let’s say people who like to spend their days at the lake relaxing with a fishing pole hanging in the water. Who knows why – maybe you are trying to sell counterfeit lures? Coordinate putting out some AI-enabled fishing rod that’s collecting fingerprint data while they laze their days away? Motivations are rather inconsequential for this example.

You could pay for a big list of dark web data, but you could also just insert yourself into that community.  You can hop on message boards, join chat groups, heck you could even go hang around local bait shops. Before long, you’ve got a lot of useful demographic data on people that are part of that group. Maybe all you have is some emails and IP addresses… but that’s enough to start refining your list and getting more information.

The same is true with Discord. The Gala community is a great place for the latest news and robust conversation about every aspect of the Gala Ecosystem. The popularity and richness of social connections that are forged on our Discord server or Telegram channel, however, also make them a popular destination for another type – scammers. It’s important to know and understand the tactics of these digital miscreants to keep your digital assets safe while still participating in any digital community.

Welcome to the 8th installment of The Guardian Papers, where we try to impart the wisdom that everyone should have to start a successful journey through the world of digital ownership. The blockchain world is still in its infancy. We here at Gala believe that empowering each and any member of our community makes us stronger as a whole. 

Miss an issue of the Guardian Papers!? Check out past editions below!

It is our hope that this series has and will continue to present foundational information that will not only provide a base understanding of how to keep your blockchain footprint secure, but will also help inform your journey through this digital adventure so you can ask better questions, do better research, and make better decisions to help guard your entire community.

The Dark Side of Community

Discord was originally made for gamers. As the scope of the platform has grown to include countless massively popular communities, however, it has also attracted the riffraff that stalks digital space for the opportunity to steal from the unwitting. Because Discord servers categorize people into common interests, it’s easy for scammers to get inside groups and represent themselves as just another member – or even an authority figure – within that community.

The same is true for Telegram or other messaging apps where people commonly gather in like-minded groups. In these spaces, the community itself has already done the work to compile victims for all the villains in the cryptoshadows. Communities are welcoming because that’s the point of community. By simply being in these groups, however, you’ve done part of the scammers research for them… they know that you are part of their target audience.

Make sure you customize your privacy settings in Telegram… or else you’re about to get a whole hornet’s nest of attention from all the wrong people!

Community messaging apps like Telegram and Discord are third-party platforms that are utilized by Gala, but these can have their own security issues that are simply beyond any community’s ability to control. The scammers thoroughly know the shortcomings of these apps, and can exploit them to attempt to scam thousands of members of a community within minutes. Even one success will show them this pond is well-stocked with easy catches for their future fishing endeavors.

Any community where the digital villains see opportunity isn’t going to get rid of them without a fight, however. We can only turn the tide against the scammers by making sure that each and every one of us is ready to defend against them.

Don’t forget to customize your exceptions as well! By default, any member of Telegram’s premium subscription can contact you regardless of your settings! 😱

How Scammers Prey on Communities

It’s hard to build and feel community if you’re always suspicious of your neighbors. The scammers are counting on this, because that’s not how defenses work. When you perceive yourself as ‘among friends’ your defenses naturally go down. You want to be helpful – after all, that’s what building community is all about.

That’s why they’re here. Community is a group trust that we build up over time with likeminded people. We can’t simply turn it off and on. It’s not like we recognize every member of the community, we just recognize that they are part of the community.

We’ve discussed impersonation before, so you’re all very well aware that there are people out there who will pretend to be Gala customers or community support. You need to stay vigilant for these types of things… these apps are where the scammers find their marks.

This isn’t to say that community itself is bad. In fact, it’s very very good. Community standards and best practices are how we combat these scammers. Building a community is too important to let scammers stop us. We have to build a better community to make it outlast the villains.

Trust is Earned  

Just because someone is part of your community does not mean they’ve earned trust, and it’s not an insult to tell them so. Caution is admirable… and part of the point of web3 is to establish systems that don’t rely on trust.

First off, please adjust your privacy settings on Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord or similar apps if you have not. In Telegram, for instance, you can be contacted by anyone by default. If you don’t change that it’s only a matter of time before you are getting blown up with spam and scams. Similarly WhatsApp will show your personal phone number to anyone who comes looking if you don’t change the security settings… make sure to get this done or you’re wide open to an attack from a crytpovillain.

Even on Discord you can customize your security settings to control who can reach out to you. As we’ve discussed before, don’t trust a display name… that can be easily changed. Put people you trust on your friends list. Consider changing your settings so friends can message you. That way any new friend requests are where you know you need to be vigilant, and anyone on your friends list has already been vetted.

Trust, but verify

-Old Russian proverb

Don’t trust these security measures to be the end all be all of your defenses, however! People can get hacked or lose access to their accounts. Sometimes the attack could come from someone you know… albeit not them actually sitting in front of their keyboard.

Community Strong

With so many threats among communities you trust, the fight against bad actors in digital spaces can seem hopeless. Fortunately, community is also the cure to this malady.

⬆️ Not a great way to seek help from the community. Not only does anyone watching now know this user’s needs, but also their urgency. I bet their DMs blew up.

⬅️This is a great way to utilize the knowledge of the community. Tons of eyes can get on the deceptive scam attempt right away to verify if it’s legitimate or not. HINT: This one was not legitimate.

No one person can be entirely vigilant all the time. We get tired. We get distracted. Our guard comes down for a moment here and there… and that’s when attacks happen. Talk to your community. Educate each other and call out the tactics that scammers are using so that everyone can learn to avoid them. Alone an attack is inevitable. Together we’re strong.

If you see something sus, reach out! Ask the community you trust whether you should be engaging. Don’t be embarrassed. A simple question could save you a lot of hassle.

Guarding Each Other

When we work together, the community really shows its strength. Those who seek to exploit communities of common interests in the web3 space are counting on us not following through with our commitment to a solid community. If a victim doesn’t use the community resources at their disposal to help themselves, what can a community do to help?

That’s why it’s so important to share tips and educate fellow community members about security culture. If we all get a little better at spotting bad actors, we’ll all be a little less likely to get scammed. If we all get a little better and share a little more of that culture with each other, we’ll be exponentially more protected from those who seek to do us harm.

That’ll do it for this week’s Guardian Papers, but we’ll be back! Next time, we’ll be breaking down multi-factor identification and how it can help protect your digital sovereignty in this new age.

Stay safe Galaxians… and always have your shield ready!

Blockchain Adoption News: The Universal Basic Smartphone

Blockchain Adoption News: The Universal Basic Smartphone

Recent studies show that over 90% of users are using mobile phones to access the internet. As phones have been streamlined for on-the-go media playback and mobile apps have been created to increase the convenience and accessibility of nearly every type of resource, “phone as computer” is a concept that is overtaking more traditional computation methods.

We still refer to these devices as smart “phones,” but it won’t be long before these devices have entirely left the limiting realm of anything that can be classified as a phone. In fact, the concept of telephone will soon be a relic of the past, with modern communication devices barely resembling the original apparatus patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.

Worldwide Internet Usage stats, July 2024 – Statista

Indicating Mass Adoption

Several years ago, the earliest web3 pioneers liked to speculate about what mass adoption would look like. For fans of cryptocurrency, NFTs and decentralized ecosystems like Gala, mass adoption was one of the hottest phrases around, a constant topic of discussion.

Most of those early adopters considered that worldwide acceptance of web3 tech would involve some kind of overthrow of the web2 era, replacing the social-focused platforms the world had come to know with less centralized and more sustainable alternatives that allowed users greater control over their data. I wonder how many of them could have predicted that the rise of The Open Network (TON) would be so closely connected to one of the most widely used social messaging platforms in the world.

There’s no denying that The Open Network (TON) has taken huge strides toward mass adoption of web3 on multiple levels. Gala users have already seen multiple examples of it in the recent release of our first wave of mini app “tapper” games, Treasure Tapper and Music Miner, both playable now with a Telegram account. Rewards in these casual Telegram games will eventually amount to $TREZ, the tapper token of Gala Games, which will be issued on both TON and GalaChain and bridgeable from one to the other.

The combination of Telegram’s powerhouse widely used social messaging platform, TON’s speed and scalability as a blockchain, and Telegram’s mini app infrastructure makes it possible for an entirely new generation of highly accessible web3 tools to hit the scene. It would seem that Telegram finally cracked the code of comfortably onboarding web2 users to web3 technology, and every effective web3 community stands to benefit.

The Universal Basic Smartphone

The upcoming web3 smartphone (UBS) that has everyone talking was created by Oyster Labs (not directly affiliated with the TON Foundation). It can currently be preordered for $130 through their website, with estimated delivery in September of this year.

According to the front page of Oyster Labs’ UBS site, “Universal Basic Smartphone(UBS) is creating an equitable digital economy where everyone is fairly compensated for their data. In the era of AI, while we have little control over what happens to the data we produce, companies profit from it for free. UBS gives you the power to control and benefit from your data to build a future where everyone gets a share. UBS believes in a digital economy that gives back to those who participate.”

In addition to its Android 10 OS and other standard smartphone features that make it comparable to many phones on the market today, this unique “powered by blockchain” smartphone aims to bring a new level of web3 interaction to a massive new group of mobile users worldwide.

With the highly scalable TON blockchain’s ability to handle large volume transactions per second (TPS) and the potential for notable partnerships, this groundbreaking phone could become a cornerstone of the mass adoption we’ve all been waiting for.

Built-In Web3 with TON

Preordering a UBS involves connecting a non-custodial TON blockchain wallet, establishing the intrinsic web3 connection at the core of this device. Owners will have seamless access to hundreds of mobile dApps from the TON ecosystem in addition to the full range of mainstream Android apps.

Rewards from the Start

IN classic web3 fashion, Oyster Labs is offering a plethora of enticing reward opportunities even before the first UBS are delivered to pre-orderers.

$OYS Tokens – Oyster Labs is offering free $OYS* tokens as a benefit to pre-ordering the UBS. In the initial “Founding” series, 1000 $OYS was given for each pre-order. The presale is currently in its 2nd series, “Friend With Benefits” (FWB), gaining 300 $OYS for pre-order. Additional $OYS can also be picked up by referring others to pre-purchase the phone. *$OYS is currently tracked as a reward point system, not yet listed on any markets or minted on TON.

OysterEarn – Owners of the UBS will enjoy cashback benefits from both web2 and web3 companies

Genesis Pass – Preorder of the UBS comes with a special Genesis Pass and the opportunity to “claim daily data dividends and more.”

Learn More about UBS

This article is merely reporting and speculating on publicly available information, and does not indicate any sort of partnership or endorsement of The Open Network, Oyster Labs, Telegram or any other entity mentioned in this article.

We encourage our readers to do their own research in all aspects of web3.

“Exploring Oyster Labs’ Universal Basic Smartphone (UBS) on TON Blockchain: A Brief Analysis” – TonResearch, May 2024

Understanding Nodes in Web3

Understanding Nodes in Web3

What Are Nodes?

In the context of web3 and blockchain technology, nodes are essentially points within a network where data is processed, stored and communicated. Think of a node as a server that contains a copy of the blockchain and participates in the process of validating and relaying transactions.

Each node in the network ensures that the blockchain remains accurate and secure by cross-checking data and maintaining a shared ledger.

Nowadays you’ll see more and more of the term DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network, which accurately labels the way that nodes contribute physical computing power to a decentralized network in web3.

“DePIN is the Sharing Economy 2.0” – Coindesk Opinion, June 2024

Importance of Nodes in Decentralized Networks

Nodes are crucial to the functioning of decentralized networks. Unlike traditional centralized systems where a single entity controls data and operations, decentralized networks distribute these tasks across multiple nodes. This distribution enhances security, reduces the risk of data tampering, and increases the network’s robustness against failures.




In simple terms, if you imagine a network as a city, nodes are like independent businesses that all agree on the same rules and work together to keep the city’s economy running smoothly. Without the effectiveness of these companies, the city would not be able to operate smoothly and provide necessary services to its inhabitants. Additionally, the viability of the entire city does not have to rely on the viability of any one business, because all the others agree on the same rules and continue to hold up the city’s infrastructure.

Each business keeps its own records, but they all share and validate information to ensure everything is accurate and consistent. This is how blockchain nodes work together, even as their operators are most likely strangers to one another, spread throughout the world.

Centralized networks are limited by things like land, real estate, energy and human resources. The larger a company gets, the more resources it must consume in an organized manner to maintain effectiveness. Decentralized systems are more scalable because they create the opportunity for remote node operators to shoulder much of this burden.

Gala Founder’s Nodes: A Specialized Role

Gala Founder’s Nodes are a specialized type of node within the Gala ecosystem. While they do not validate blockchain transactions—a task managed by the Hyperledger Fabric protocol on which GalaChain is built—they play several critical roles in supporting the network’s infrastructure.

Functions of Gala Founder’s Nodes

  1. Decentralized Storage and Computing Power: Founder’s Nodes provide much of the necessary storage and computing power for the Gala ecosystem. This ensures that various applications, especially in gaming and entertainment, run efficiently without relying on centralized servers.
  2. IPFS Distributed Hash Table Routing: Founder’s Nodes are instrumental in the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a protocol designed for decentralized file storage. They account for a large portion of the IPFS routing footprint, making decentralized internet performance significantly more robust throughout the world.
  1. Supporting Future Workloads: The scope of responsibilities for Founder’s Nodes is expected to grow. They will soon handle additional tasks such as bridge transactions and chain security, further enhancing the network’s efficiency and capabilities.

Token Distribution and Governance

Founder’s Nodes are also integral to the Gala token ($GALA) distribution process. New $GALA enters circulation by emission to Gala Founder’s Node operators as a reward for powering the network. The total amount of distribution is determined by the difference between the token’s current total supply (in circulation) and its max total supply, allowing dynamic variation of distribution based on how much $GALA is being used and burned throughout the world.

In simpler terms, Gala Founder’s Node operators are essentially licensing their computers as employees of GalaChain, putting them to work in the background and receiving $GALA regularly in exchange for that work. This method of decentralization reduces Gala’s costs for hosting and storing content through centralized providers such as Amazon Web Services.

Moreover, operators of Founder’s Nodes participate in governance decisions through consensus voting. This democratic process allows node operators to influence significant ecosystem decisions, including the distribution of tokens and other critical changes.

Why Gala Founder’s Nodes Matter

Gala Founder’s Nodes are the backbone of the Gala ecosystem, providing decentralized infrastructure support without involving themselves in transaction validation. This specialization allows them to focus on enhancing the network’s overall functionality and security, making GalaChain a more efficient and resilient blockchain solution.

Interested in operating a Gala Founder’s Node?

The More You Node

Nodes are fundamental to the web3 world, enabling the decentralized systems that underpin blockchain technology. They ensure data integrity, enhance security, and support the network’s resilience. Gala Founder’s Nodes, in particular, exemplify how specialized nodes can provide critical infrastructure support, contributing to a robust and scalable decentralized network.

“What are Blockchain Nodes? Detailed Guide – Blockchain Council, 2024

Understanding Proof of Stake, a Core Web3 Concept

Understanding Proof of Stake, a Core Web3 Concept

What is Proof of Stake?

Proof of Stake (PoS) is a consensus mechanism used in blockchain networks to validate transactions and create new blocks.

Unlike the Proof of Work (PoW) system, which relies on computational power to solve complex mathematical problems, PoS selects validators based on the number of tokens they hold and are willing to “stake” as collateral.

Simplifying Proof of Stake

Imagine a school raffle where students can buy tickets to win a prize. The more tickets a student buys, the higher their chances of winning. However, if a student is caught trying to cheat by using fake tickets, they lose all their tickets and are banned from future raffles. This is similar to how PoS works: the more coins you stake, the higher your chance of being selected to validate transactions, but you risk losing your stake if you act dishonestly.

“A Beginner’s Guide to Proof of Stake” –, 2023

Why Proof of Stake is Important

Energy Efficiency

One of the primary advantages of PoS over PoW is its energy efficiency. PoS does not require miners to use vast amounts of electricity to solve puzzles, making it a greener alternative. This will be explored below in greater detail.

Security and Decentralization

By requiring validators to put up their own funds, PoS aligns the interests of validators with the network’s security. This typically ensures that validators have a level of financial commitment to the blockchain proportional to the weight of their validating actions.

Validators are incentivized to act honestly because they risk losing their staked coins if they attempt to cheat the system. This mechanism helps maintain decentralization, as it lowers the barrier to entry compared to PoW systems, which often require expensive mining hardware.


PoS systems can handle more transactions per second (TPS) compared to PoW systems. This increased scalability is crucial for the broader adoption of blockchain technology, as it allows networks to support a growing number of users and applications without compromising performance. Proof of Stake is the main reason that newer blockchains than Bitcoin have been able to implement a transactional approach for a wider variety of activities. When more transactions are possible, the blockchain can be used as more than a simple ledger that keeps track of token transfers.

“Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake: Which is Better?” –, 2022

How Proof of Stake Works


In PoS, validators are chosen to create new blocks based on the number of coins they have staked. To become a validator, one must lock up a certain amount of cryptocurrency in the network. This locked-up amount is known as the “stake,” and the action of locking these tokens is generally referred to as “staking.”

Validator Selection

In a typical Proof of Stake system, validators are selected randomly, but the likelihood of being chosen is proportional to the amount of stake they hold. This process is often compared to a lottery, where each coin staked acts like a lottery ticket—the more tickets you have, the higher your chances of winning.

“What is a Validator?” –, 2024

Block Validation

Once chosen, a validator checks the transactions within a block to ensure they are legitimate. Once the validator correctly validates the block they receive a reward, usually in the form of additional cryptocurrency. If they validate a fraudulent transaction, they lose a portion of their staked coins, a process known as “slashing.”


Other validators in the network then verify the block. If most agree that the block is valid, it is added to the blockchain. This collective verification process ensures the integrity and security of the blockchain.

Advantages of Proof of Stake

Reduced Centralization

PoS reduces the risk of centralization found in PoW systems, where mining power can become concentrated in the hands of a few entities with the most powerful hardware. In PoS, even those with smaller amounts of cryptocurrency can participate in the validation process, promoting a more distributed network.

Lower Barriers to Entry

Becoming a validator in a PoS system typically requires less initial investment compared to the hardware and energy costs associated with PoW mining. This accessibility encourages more participants, enhancing the network’s decentralization.

Economic Incentives

Validators earn rewards in the form of transaction fees and newly minted coins. This economic incentive aligns validators’ interests with the health and security of the network, as they have a financial stake in its success.

The Energy Efficiency of Proof of Stake

Why Proof of Work is Energy-Intensive

Proof of Work (PoW) requires miners to solve complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and create new blocks. This process, known as mining, involves a significant amount of computational power. As miners compete to solve these puzzles, they use large amounts of electricity to power their specialized hardware, leading to substantial energy consumption. This is particularly true for major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, where the difficulty of these puzzles increases over time, demanding even more computational resources and energy.

“Cryptocurrency’s Energy Consumption Problem” –, 2023

How Proof of Stake Saves Energy

Proof of Stake (PoS) eliminates the need for energy-intensive mining. Instead of solving complex puzzles, validators are selected based on the number of coins they hold and are willing to stake. This selection process requires minimal computational power. Here’s why PoS is more energy-efficient:

No Complex Calculations: PoS does not rely on solving complex puzzles, which are the primary driver of high energy consumption in PoW systems.

Reduced Hardware Requirements: PoS validators do not need powerful, energy-hungry hardware to participate in the network. Standard computers can serve as validators, significantly lowering energy usage.

Fixed Energy Use: The energy consumption in a PoS system is relatively constant and low, regardless of the number of validators, as it primarily involves basic computational tasks rather than intensive calculations.

Scalability: PoS systems can scale more efficiently than PoW systems. As the network grows, adding more validators does not proportionally increase energy consumption.

On GalaChain

GalaChain is built on Hyperledger Fabric, using a hybrid consensus model which includes Proof of Stake.

To learn more about how GalaChain is built or to explore the possibility of developing a project of your own on this speedy, scalable and secure L1 blockchain, check out GalaChain’s SDK or apply as a Creator at the Gala Creators Portal.

Real-World Impact

The transition from PoW to PoS can lead to a dramatic reduction in the energy footprint of blockchain networks. For example, Ethereum’s shift to PoS with its Ethereum 2.0 upgrade is expected to reduce the network’s energy consumption by over 99%. This makes PoS a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option, aligning with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote green technologies.

Proof of Stake represents a significant evolution in blockchain technology, offering solutions to many of the challenges faced by Proof of Work. Its energy efficiency, scalability, and economic incentives make it a compelling choice for new blockchain projects. As the web3 ecosystem continues to grow, PoS will likely play a crucial role in ensuring secure, efficient, and decentralized networks.

Gala Ecosystem Introduces Telegram SSO for Seamless Onboarding

Gala Ecosystem Introduces Telegram SSO for Seamless Onboarding

We’re pleased to announce as of earlier this week, the Gala ecosystem has added a Single Sign-On (SSO) option using Telegram login credentials. This new feature is set to revolutionize the onboarding experience for users discovering our platforms through the viral success of our $TREZ “tapper” games on Telegram mini apps.

Streamlining User Experience with Telegram SSO

One of the most important challenges to web3 mass adoption has been the convenience factor. Web2 was a world that introduced social media that evolved into the smoothest onboarding experiences in the world. Today, it’s imperative to offer SSO options for existing web2 platforms with which users are already familiar. Telegram is one of those platforms.

As Treasure Tapper and Music Miner continue to capture the attention of Telegram mini app users worldwide, we recognize the importance of providing a seamless and efficient way to join the Gala ecosystem. With Telegram SSO, users can now create accounts on all core Gala platforms – Gala Games, Gala Music, and Gala Film – using their existing Telegram credentials. It’s as simple as a login, just like our Google account SSO option.

This integration simplifies the registration process, making it easier than ever for new users to dive into the rich, decentralized experiences we offer. A simple sign-in has a lot of power, especially when transitioning from your web2 comfort zone to all the new empowering responsibilities that come with web3 ownership.

Right away, SSO users will gain access to our free games, our entire music catalog and more. Then as they learn the ropes of our ecosystem, Telegram users can then create and connect their web3 wallets at their convenience, gaining access to everything Gala offers.

Why Telegram SSO Matters

  • Ease of Use: By leveraging existing Telegram accounts, users can skip the hassle of creating new credentials, saving time and reducing friction.
  • Enhanced Security: Telegram SSO provides a secure login method, ensuring user data protection.
  • Unified Access: One Telegram account opens doors to the entire Gala ecosystem, unifying user experiences across gaming, music, and film platforms.

A New Era of Onboarding

Although small at a glance, this is actually a huge step in our ongoing efforts to make blockchain-based platforms more accessible to mainstream audiences. As we continue to innovate and expand, we are committed to breaking down barriers and simplifying user interactions with our ecosystem.

Join the revolution today by logging in with your Telegram account and exploring the endless possibilities within Gala Games, Gala Music, and Gala Film.

Not Tapping for $TREZ yet?

Play Treasure Tapper

Play Music Miner