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Back, Beats and Beyond

Back, Beats and Beyond

Hello everyone,

So this is the 6th monthly update, and yes that means we have been live, at least in our current form, for 185 days. As most of you know I don’t tend to pull my punches so I’m not going to start now and will therefore begin with ‘Back’ as candidly as I intend to narrate ‘Beats’ and ‘Beyond’. For those of you new to this format, those titles are simply an easy way for me to chat about what’s happened, what’s happening, and what’s coming — well that’s broadly the idea anyway …


Let me please start by saying, thatI am very mindful we’re all (still) waiting and that many of you were expecting, with some confidence, that the MUSIC token launch would have happened in September. In truth it could have, I would perhaps argue, it should have. We have most certainly been building toward it and with 67,890 BEAM holders at the time of writing (yip, you read that right), we’re well on the way to proving this isn’t just about a ‘token’, it’s the start of what I hope is a genuine (mass market) play for music, artists, fans — and the experiences and desirable content connected to them both.

Candidly, I didn’t expect in a new venture such as MUSIC, that the road would smooth, predictable or entirely conceivable from the outset (I rather believe that one is likely not innovating as much as they could if it was), but I do concede there have been curve balls (as well as learnings), that have taken me, a self-professed ‘chess player’, by surprise time and again.

The market is still pretty illiquid, there are reports that only the top 5% percent of NFTs are worth something (while the remaining 95% are ‘worth nothing’). The expectations and promises continue to mount up, while many of the values and audience numbers continue to fall down. ‘Faith’ in ‘the space’ and indeed in projects operating within it has been questioned, shaken and in some cases irrevocably quashed. Where does this leave you? Us? MUSIC?

Well it may appear, no further forward, or indeed worse off. No token, no progress > no chance. But perhaps I can add, if you will allow me, another perspective for consideration..

Since our tech rollout 6 months ago MUSIC counts:

  • 12,000 unique track holders
  • 78,050 paired tracks
  • 14,529,188 BEAMS against artists
  • 85 artists/groups on the platform
  • The first version of our app on Android
  • And over 6.4 million streams

While the iOS release of the app is held up (with us having to further — legally — prove streaming rights), the development of both iOS and Android has continued on at pace and ‘Gamma’ is expected to be released in just over 2 weeks time — it will be ready for both device types, my hope is Apple users will see some version of Beta first.


Staying on the topic of app for a moment. Today with the push of Get PLUCKED! on iOS (yes we celebrated, the VOX and Music teams are very close — and the whole ecosystem will continue to champion collaboration and cross functional utility — also known as interoperability), we thought our Android friends in music might like an update too.

We will shortly be pushing (likely Monday now) an updated version of the app.

This latest version enables you to connect with others (sharing the music together in unison), remember this isn’t just about recreating what people expect but rather delivering something new to enjoy. This update also connects STGE to the wider Gala Music ecosystem and economy — so when you login, you can stream and also have an impact on the platform’s performance as well as your own rewards.

New features include:

Listening Parties — as the guys put it:
“Great music shouldn’t be listened to alone. Join our listening parties any time and see how fellow fans are reacting to their favorite songs with real time emojis. With this new feature, our old pre-configured playlists are now gone and so is the skip button!”

No skip?? Correct. This is now moving toward a listening experience. You might also like to know that songs are now being streamed 24/7 directly from MUSIC player nodes.

The team has also deployed the base technology that will enable MUSIC artists to stream their own stage live to your screen — there’s a little more to do here but we’re close now — please see my previous comment on the expected timeline.

They have also added dynamic backgrounds to songs, improved the colours so that it’s easier to see track details and added customisation to your username and profile picture. Oh and apparently (iPhone user here …), you can now like songs from your music player on your lockscreen or notification bar and add them to your playlist — handy.

Talking of liking, let’s cover popularity and the now somewhat infamous V2/V3 algorithm.

Listen Counts, BEAMS distro and Popularity Algorithm

On October 01, 2023. We will be rolling out V3.

This will be based on 3 popularity metrics:

  • Gala Music platform listen count
  • Repeated listens (discounted)
  • DSP daily listen count

DSP listens will continue to have a lower weighting than Gala Music platform listens.

Exclusivity boosts -exclusive tracks don’t have DSP listen counts, so the ‘exclusivity’ boost assigns a further weighting to these tracks MUSIC platform listens. This is something we will continue to monitor — we may remove the boost for exclusivity going forwards (as on-platform listens are already weighed more heavily), once the platform gains wider adoption.

There are of course other factors that affect the amount a track owner (and player operator) receives in distribution, including pairing count — as this essentially dictates how many other track owners the distribution is shared with, and how it is hosted. Remembering, track owners share 50% of distro with the Player their track is hosted on, of course if you self-host the split is not applicable.

Before I move on to slots, I do just want to touch on an issue that came up today. Until Oct, 01, there will be no change in V2 — and on October 01, 2023. V2 will become V3. To avoid any confusion or doubt, there were no changes made to the distro algo — although there was a problem identified (and now rectified) in ingesting a DSP listen count, from the new data source. This led to an excessive amount of reward distributed to Never Be Alright by Seon. I really am sorry for this — while bugs, issues and teething problems are still expected (albeit fewer in number), I’m readily aware that flagging new versions, code pushes and other updates ahead of time, will help hugely when inconsistency and unexpected behaviours happen. We will be communicating technical updates and releases going forward and along with our usual QA process we will be inviting in some community testers too.

Node Slots

Player node slots are currently limited to 10 slots per node. Currently there are just over 260k slots and 78k pairings (~30% pairing rate). If per node slots increase now, then the pairing rate will drop. The limit also ensures that the value for running one node doesn’t outstrip the value for those who hold multiple nodes. The current thinking is that the restriction actually helps reward node owners for their early support — it was of course never designed to penalize them. As mentioned on numerous occasions we are very much on the side of incentivising behaviours (to help mass scale), the punitive approach in my opinion can be restrictive, perhaps even, destructive to a healthy ecosystem.


What will October bring … Well, while we want our token live, we do, despite delays and a few curve balls, still want to launch it in the best possible way, with the right partners. Those who have the reach and influence we feel would bring the most value. The aim for full launch was the end of summer, and while we were tracking to this, summer has now most definitely ended. That said, even with the delay, the updated plans we’ve made mean we are not expecting to push into the New Year, and are still aiming for a 2023 full launch.

Talking of a full launch, October will absolutely see STGE deliver live, shared and interactive music experiences — on both Apple and Android. Our focus, with a slightly extended timeline, will be happy BEAMS holders, so expect more utility, less sales, more stability and a lot more listeners (and marketing). If we have time to build further demand and a stronger mass market proposition, then we will of course happily take it.

I appreciate there were a fair few questions and concerns in Discord over recent days, I will of course be in there with the team to discuss some of these with those who would like, but before I go I would like to touch on decentralization and MUSIC’s role in this platform, as well as yours.

In the source of truth, we shared that beyond this test phase (i.e with the test token BEAMS), the system will mint tokens, based on a bonding curve that will take aggregated ecosystem activity as its input. This will ensure supply is inline with demand and utility — important for sustainable growth, scale and ecosystem health.

We will also be implementing a DAO-like structure where token ownership comes with voting rights — these rights will impact aspects such as artist onboarding, upgrades and experiences. .

I will draw it to a close there, but hope some of this content has provided you with a little more insight into the status, progress and plans we have, and that the same is not just useful but welcomed. There is of course, always more to do and a full launch to deliver,

Onwards we go,

My best wishes to you all,


Back, Beats and Beyond

Back, Beats and Beyond

Hi everyone, so I usually start with a bit of a ramble, and end with a thank you, but we’re going to change things around a little — and go with a thank you first …

This month, well, the last 18 months in actual fact, have been challenging, eye opening, exciting and at times hugely frustrating (for us and for perhaps a lot of you).

So thank you.

Thank you for the builds, the pokes, the honesty, the support, the questions, the criticisms, the laughs and the gifs. We know so many of you now and while the plan was, and always will be, one of scale — the DNA, the owners … the OGs, your input and your access, to us and one another, I sincerely hope, is something that will not change, no matter our size.

So with that said, here is our monthly update, where I get to share a little more about what we’ve done, where we’re at and what’s coming up for you all …

Back — what we’ve done …

Well, we’ve now gone over 5M streams, and on the last day of the month too!!

As most of you will know, we had the first real wave of UA (user acquisition) activity this month with Earl SweatShirt & The Alchemist dropping their long awaited album for an exclusive time, on Gala Music (minus a single song that’s being streamed to create awareness elsewhere).

We also had the absolute pleasure of releasing tracks for these 26 amazing artists — all of whom are now streaming free, for you, with you, on Gala Music!

  • Analea Brown
  • BT
  • Bassjackers
  • Bobby Millette
  • Brray
  • Darren Claxton
  • Davis Daniel
  • Emily Faye
  • FractaLL
  • FutureBoy
  • Jaq
  • Jessarae
  • Jewel Chang
  • Jey G
  • Kado
  • Louis King
  • Onyx Toca El Piano
  • Pharaoh Gamo
  • RadioHazzard
  • SEON
  • The Raging Casuals
  • Yo Poppy
  • just shockey

You may notice one name is missing and that name would be the lovely Jordin Sparks!

Jordin released 3 of her upcoming 5 tracks with us this month and we cannot wait to welcome her back into a Twitter/X or discord spaces again soon. Hearing her sing, learning more about her journey and music, and witnessing her lift up our own, home-grown ‘just shockey’ and invite him onto the Discord stage, so he could sing his new song ‘Come Together’ to a small group of music supporters (while he was getting set up in NYC for his Time Square promotion) was very special. Thank you.

Time Square — yes that was a thing this August. Time Square will also be a feature for us moving forward, as we partner with the wonderful Hope Hydration to use their advertising space in order to help shine a light on the emerging talent coming on to the Gala Music platform. We may also ask for a little of their help and connections to support a rather large launch we’re working on …

Beats-where we’re at …

In August we had:

  • 57,321 New Accounts
  • 40,545 First Time Listeners
  • 1,712 ‘Reactivated’ Listeners

Our most engaged artists were:

  • Emily Lazar of September Mourning
  • Wrighteous J of CITY OF SOUND
  • And Louis King!

Thank you so much guys!

Our top five artists by BEAMS holding balance as of today, are:

  • Jewel Chang — 1,666,691
  • PLS&TY — 1,360,582
  • September Mourning — 783,864
  • CITY OF SOUND — 679,604
  • OKAY! KENJI — 580,693

There are now:

Nearly 24k Unique BEAMS Holders (23.93k at time of writing)

We also gave away through our ‘node appreciation’ and various competitions more than 3k of tracks — 1450 tracks were dropped, randomly to active ‘Players’. We also made sure to reward new listeners and encourage fans to jump in and discover some of the incredible names they don’t yet know (… they will!).

This brings me to our biggest ‘new listener’ draw of the month — VOIR DIRE, the highly secretive and hugely well received album from Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist.

No question, the distribution rewards for those with VOIR DIRE tracks paired to a Player Node (with the correct amount of uptime of over 20 hours), took a significant amount of the total daily BEAMS.

To remind you all, until we’re live, we are running with a test token called BEAMS.

There are 200,000 BEAMS minted each day (for the Jordin Sparks BEAM boost we added the bonus on top of this amount). BEAMS are distributed exclusively to eligible Player Node Operators and Track Owners. Rewards in BEAMS are calculated based on the plays/popularity of the song, associated with eligible tracks that are available for streaming on Gala Music.

While taking of distribution, I would love to raise a couple of points:

The first is that our expectation is that listeners will be brought in by bigger artists, so we want to encourage their fans (through incentives such as access, merchandise, experiences and rewards) to jump in and explore the amazing new music that is streaming free on Gala Music.

The idea is that undiscovered artists can benefit from an increased level of visibility and support that’s not (usually) accessible on traditional DSPs (digital streaming platforms). It also means that going forwards track holders of Bronze and indeed Silver Tier artists should be able to enjoy seeing the listens from the larger fan bases of Gold Tier artists and above.

Speaking on this, the team and I have just started the first wave of campaigns to support this level of interaction. The Jordin Sparks x just shockey’s collaboration hitting Time Square, Jordin’s singles being gifted to some of her fans and Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist concert attendees, as well as album streamers, are all great entry points for us to start engagement from.

The second aspect I would like to highlight is what affects distribution.

There are four key components:

  • Platform listen count
  • External popularity
  • Exclusivity
  • Paired track count (distro is dependent on how many NFTs have been paired.

Some of you may have noticed that along with an updated artist and feature playlist capability, the lovely new UI for login and a rather nice ‘bundled’ tracks feature, that we have also just (today) updated our charts to provide you with more information.

The updated chart now shows:

  • Exclusivity: displayed next to track title
  • External popularity: displayed under popularity column (0 to 4 scale)
  • Paired track count: displayed under Paired column
  • Platform listens: displayed under Total listens column
  • Yesterday’s per NFT distro: displayed under Rewards column

Beyond — what’s coming up …

Well, that’s a good question. Among many hoped highlights for September will be the continuation of our Live Nation partnership, with two more festivals (Music Midtown and Oceans Calling), giving a stage to Gala Music and of course to new and amazing talent.

The APP will be launched — we have been chatting about this in Discord, and to qualify there will be a two step release with Beta (we folded Alpha in already), and then hot on its heels will be Gamma. Both versions will play a big part of our strategy, regarding not just ‘listens’ but fan experience and token utility as well.

The All Access store will see a new set of experiences go live on September 07. These will include Jordin Sparks, as well as some really lovely merchandise, clothing and music content — excited for this for sure. There will also be a breakfast with Taco at Waffle House … (mainly because I cannot say ‘no’ to everything).

I also want us to deliver those monthly rewards — we have agreed on what those now are and will confirm names/accounts and prizes shortly. Moving beyond August, Artist Pool incentives will be more defined and the aim is to have items within All Access to be more easily transferable so that purchasers and owners have power to gift, trade and sell as/if they wish.

Legacy BEAMS and Snoop. These are two items (beyond Kings of Leon, that for legal reasons I can’t talk about), I know keep coming up — and rightly so.

Legacy BEAMS — I understand that this relates to those tracks that were purchased before plays/listens were being recorded (i.e. before March 28, 2023) and I am mindful and receptive to the fact that unlike Player Node Owners that no DECIBELS/Sound Systems were attributed. I am discussing this with the team, as you will likely expect there are a huge number of calculations behind the scenes as we approach launch and any additional distribution beyond that already factored has implications. That said, I recognise the arguments’ merit and we are exploring the feasibility of recognising early track buyers as a result.

Snoop — as mentioned previously there is a film in production that will include Stash Box holders. The strike has forced us to delay filming (despite production being paid and well underway). I absolutely recognise that this will be hugely frustrating for those waiting (including those wanting both US and UK dates for Snoop cookout 2.0), so we’re mobilizing around the utility of tracks and plays to help bridge the gap that has formed. Note this doesn’t affect the collectibles which will now also be prioritized.

Lasty, talking on IOUs — BT Orb holders. You would have seen that the lovely, talented and multi-dimensional artist that is BT, has recently joined us as an artist. While we will be continuing to support his music (I am a little obsessed with ‘music to … ‘game by’, ‘work with’, ‘chill to’), we will be bringing more crossover plays into our world, especially through VOX, who are also going to be serving awesome ‘play’ experiences, that you’ll want to repeat again and again (they have an app launching soon too …).

I’m so sorry for the long message, a lot to cover this month — but a lot more to look forward to next!

Thanks again to you all, we appreciate you very much,


Gala Chain and Bridging

Gala Chain and Bridging

As we move towards full launch, Gala Music will continue to learn and look for new ways to improve the experiences of artists, fans and music supporters everywhere. We firmly believe, as we always have, that more ownership, rewards and control will not only improve the music industry we know today, but will enable it to be super charged tomorrow. Part of that improvement is the sharing of power — giving both musicians and listeners an increased amount of autonomy and transparency.

Today we’re making another move that gets us closer to that…


  • All purchases are now minted directly to Gala Chain, and bridgeable to the new Gala Music Contract.
  • Tracks are now unique with ‘instance’ IDs which means there can be only one owner of each Track NFT. Track NFTs also now come with additional dynamic and interactive features which can be seen on OpenSea (please make sure you’re on our official page)
  • Credit Card purchases can now be fulfilled directly on Gala Chain which means you can pair tracks to a node to be eligible to start earning rewards straight away.
  • Owners of NFT tracks can now transfer them on Gala Chain and purchase directly on Gala Chain.
  • Bridging out to ETH is now available for all NFT tracks.
  • There will no longer be separate artist pages on OpenSea, but you can still use Gala’s collection to search through your favorite artists.


While some of us usually hate moving, this migration from our Gala Games ETH Townstar,* to Gala Music’s own contract is something we hope everyone can be pleased about — with Gala Music tracks NFTs now being minted straight to Gala Chain.

Gala Chain

There have now been several improvements to Gala Chain, Gala’s proprietary blockchain. Track purchases can now be fulfilled directly which means there is no longer a need to bridge tracks from ETH to Gala in order to pair with a node. It also means if you purchase a track with a Credit Card, that you can immediately pair and be eligible for rewards when the song that your track is associated with is played (…providing the node your track is hosted on hits the required uptime).** In addition, tracks can also be transferred with your Gala Chain address — this can be found on your profile.

Finally, you will also be able to bridge your tracks out from Gala Chain to the ethereum network, note a $GALA [GC] gas fee will be required for bridging out.*** To get the most out of your music tracks and start earning BEAMS, you simply need to make sure that they are bridged to Gala Chain and paired with a node (also known as a Music Player).

Bridging Guide


Going forward, new artists to Gala Music will no longer need their own dedicated OpenSea pages. Instead, the musicians you know and love will be found on a single Gala Music Collection on OpenSea!

As always we want to thank the community for their patience and their continued support, and of course the amazing artists that are the start of what we believe will be the future for the music industry. Here’s to progress, and the road to full launch!

* When transferring Vault items (a.k.a Treasure Chest) to Ethereum, they will still need to go to the legacy Townstar contract.

** There will be a 14 day hold to bridge a track out to ETH or to transfer it on Gala Chain.

*New bridging features don’t support legacy Gala Wallets. You’ll need to connect your wallet address to metamask or a coinbase wallet to proceed.

Bridging Guide

Bridging Your Music to Gala Chain

Bridging Your Music to Gala Chain

Decentralized content on Gala Music is made possible thanks to our proprietary blockchain, ‘Gala Chain’ — to make use of it super easy, we’ve included some useful information on bridging and a couple of step-by-step guides below.

Various forms of Bridging :

a) Townstar ETH Tracks — Has the option to bridge to Gala Chain and Send NFTs.

b) Vault tracks — Has the option to transfer to Ethereum (ETH). When transferring ‘Vault’ items (a.k.a Treasure Chest) to ETH, they’ll still need to go to the legacy Townstar contract.

c) Gala Chain Tracks — have the option to bridge to ETH v3, send Gala Chain NFTs, and go to track pairing.

d) New v3 ETH Tracks — have the option to bridge to Gala Chain.

Step-by-step procedure on how to Bridge Townstar Ethereum (ETH) to Gala Chain NFTs :

  1. To support bridging, the user should have an account that supports web3/Gala wallet and have ETH NFTs.

2. Log in to the site and go to my collection page

3. Choose an ETH NFT and select “Bridge to Gala Chain” from the options available.

4. Select the option and follow the steps to complete the bridging.

5. To complete the bridging transaction, the user should set the gas speed, accept the terms and conditions, and approve/confirm the transaction through (web3 /gala wallet).

6. If the transaction happens successfully, the user should see a success message.

Batch Bridging :

  1. To support batch bridging, users should have a web3 wallet connected to their account (since Gala wallet is not supported for batch bridging)
  2. The Batch bridging aims to bridge multiple Townstar ETH NFTs to Gala Chain in one transaction.

3. Click on “Bridge my tracks” and you will be able to see all the ETH Nfts which can be transferred to Gala Chain.

4. Select all the NFTs that you want to bridge.

5. You can also manage the numbers when having the same ETH NFTs/tracks

6. After selecting the required tracks, click continue to confirm the transaction on the web3 wallet

7. When the Bridging happens successfully, you should see a success message.

Step-by-step procedure on how to Bridge Gala Chain to V3 ETH NFTs:

  1. To support bridging, the user should have an account that supports web3/Gala wallet and have Gala Music Track NFTs.
  2. Log in to the site and go to the “my collection” page
  3. Choose a Gala Chain NFT Track and select “Bridge to Ethereum” from the options available.

4. Choose the track to bridge, checklist TCs, and click ‘Continue’

5.Ensure that gas fees will be applied in the form of ‘$Gala[Gala Chain]’

6. Enter the correct ‘Transfer Code’ and 2fa if enabled (only for Gala wallet users) and click ‘Bridge’

When the Bridging happens successfully, you should see a success message.

Step-by-step procedure on how to Bridge V3 ETH to Gala Chain NFTs:

  1. To support bridging, the user should have an account that supports web3 and has v3 ETH NFTs.
  2. Log in to the site and go to my collection page
  3. Choose a v3 ETH NFT and select “Bridge to Gala Chain” from the options available.

4. Choose the track to bridge, checklist TCs, and click ‘Bridge’

5. To complete the bridging transaction, the user should approve/confirm the transaction through (web3).

Note: Earning BEAMs on the platform is only possible if you have your tracks on Gala Chain and if they are paired to a Gala Music Player Node with the required uptime of 20 hours per day.

Important: Set the right sending speed when making a transaction since it needs to be in sync with the average gas fee for the ETH network to ensure transaction success.

You can check the average Gas Fee using a tool like and it’s recommended that “sending speed” matches the trend of the gas fee. For example, the table gives us moderate prices for gas fees (Note: usual ranges are 10–40 low, 40–60 medium, and 60 and above are high) :

As always, thanks for joining us on this journey. Let’s continue to work together to empower artists and fans around the world! To learn more about our bridging and contract updates read our Gala Chain and Bridging post.

Today we’ve got an announcement to make.

Today we’ve got an announcement to make.

Today we’ve got an announcement to make. Our distribution algorithm is getting an upgrade — here’s what V2 means for you…


  • Going forward, the listen count from other major platforms will be taken into consideration across all tiers of tracks (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum)
  • Gala Music listen counts for exclusive tracks (both permanently and temporarily exclusive) will attract a greater weighting
  • Tracks that are really popular, outside the Gala Music ecosystem, will likely see an increase in their distribution
  • Tracks that are less popular outside the Gala Music ecosystem, will likely see a decrease in their distribution


Version One of the Gala Music distribution algorithm served us well during the earlier phases of deployment. Its job was to ensure emerging artists got the most attention — and it did this well.

However, as our music catalog expands, we’ve noticed that more Gala Music tracks are simultaneously doing well on our platform and others.

Because of this, we’re updating our distribution algorithm, to ensure that track popularity, outside of the Gala Music platform, is more accurately reflected in track (and by extension node) owner reward calculations.

How it Works

Previously, reward distribution was based on “listen count” and unique “listener count” on the Gala Music platform, with a few exceptions. Going forward, “listen count” from other major platforms will be taken into consideration across all tracks. Gala Music “listen counts” will continue to have a higher weighting.

In addition, Gala Music “listen counts” for permanently and temporarily exclusive tracks will also have a greater weighting.

Moving Forward

We’re excited about the latest update to Gala Music but as always we will keep a close eye on how things are performing with V2 of your ‘popularity algorithm’ implemented. We will be tracking distribution rewards daily and will adjust (and inform you) should the algorithm need adjustment to ensure we’re maintaining and scaling the fairest and most balanced ecosystem we can.

Please do keep an eye on our blog for additional updates and more Gala Music news, if Taco’s not on holiday, our discord announcements are pretty good and regular too…