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New Dragon Slayer Reveal: Selqet

New Dragon Slayer Reveal: Selqet

The new Dragon Slayer Selqet is coming through The Summoning Portal for the first time this week, just in time for the Dragon Strike event!

“37th of Solstice: Three subjects expired. No new information.”

Selqet stared at her notebook with furrowed brow after writing the summary of the day. Similar entries sprawled across countless pages. She had to learn something. Not just to prove the value of her program, but to get ahead of this unstoppable invasion force for everyone’s sake!

She stood up forcefully, slamming shut the notebook. She knew they had information… they just were tougher than she’d imagined. Somehow, the fear of Malum must still be greater than their fear of her. She’d have to change that.

She left her office and walked down the hall to the hatch that accessed the cage. The guards stepped aside as she approached. She walked through the door and the pristine aesthetics of her tight and tidy military corridor gave way to an assault on the senses.

This place always smelled of death. She was quite resistant to that now. She casually walked by the bloodstains on the rock floor without a glance. Now that they’d moved all subjects to confinement, such messes weren’t her concern anymore.

The door she approached was a great iron vault marked with the simple label “Subject 17/17.a”. She opened the door to a cold and dark rock cell. A small torch burned at the top of the room, but provided little light. A man was strapped to a table in the center of the room, and a sickly looking wyrm with one wing cut cleanly off was chained by each foot and its remaining wing to the back wall.

“Hello #17. Our work for the day isn’t quite done yet.” She approached the restrained, shirtless man who thrashed wildly and spouted curses as she approached.

“More torture, witch? You’ll get nothing from me.” Selqet leaned over the man, surveying his wounds while jotting notes in her book. He spat in her face. “Why don’t you unstrap me and see how well you can burn me?”

Selqet wiped the spit from her face and quickly reached out her other hand to the man’s chest. It began glowing red as the man screamed. She lifted her hand and his screams gave way to gasps as he looked down at his scorched flesh where her hand was.

“Just tell me what I need to know. I don’t want to hurt you, but I can’t tolerate that kind of disrespect.”

“DISRESPECT!?” #17’s obvious anger quickly overcame his distress. “You cast us out of our homes, kill our people, torture me… and cut off Azrael’s wing and talk to me of disrespect !?”

“You’re the invaders here. We have to do what must be done to survive.” While she was taken aback by his accusations, she quickly regained her fervor. “My home was burned by Malum’s forces. How many has your wyrm over there killed before we took him off the battlefield?”

“We’re recon troops, he’s never hurt a soul!” The man’s anger faded as his eyes drifted over his head towards his wounded dragon. “I was born here. This was my home. We’re not invading… we just want to come home.” He hesitated for a moment, then saw a hint of compassion in Selqet’s eyes. “Please, just let Azrael go and I’ll tell you what you want. He’s just a kid.” The dragon stirred in pain behind him, as if arguing with this desperate plea.

“That’s not how this works,” Selqet said, shaking any sign of sympathy out of her face, leaving only cold professionalism. “Your dragon is awaiting execution. You, however, could still walk out of here if you give me the information I need.”

#17 tightened his lips, letting his eyes break contact with Selqet’s and drift to some faraway place beyond the top of the ceiling. “So be it.” Selqet put her hand on the man’s lower abdomen and began to burn. He held back his screams bravely. Interesting, this one was tougher than most of the others. Perhaps she should note that along with his interesting claims of origin. Better to do it now than forget–

As Selqet reached for her notebook to record her thoughts, she momentarily lost concentration enough to miss a sudden quiet from the dragon’s continual bleating and crying.

#17a was on her in a moment, not-so-gently removing the arm burning his master with the assistance of his great teeth. As the wyrm continued to devour her, she thought coldly to herself “most interesting. The beast does seem to display extreme loyalty to its master, even at its own expense.”

When she opened her eyes on the other side of The Summoning Portal, she was rather annoyed that her notebook had not traveled with her for her to record her observation.

Yellow Dragon Slayer Hero: Selqet

Selqet is devoted to her land, her people and her cause. War creates many ethical pitfalls, but Selqet long abandoned absolutes in the face of so much suffering and death. Sometimes at night, she ponders her actions and place in the world… but she always faithfully returns to her duty the next day, for better or worse.

Selqet is a master of the ability Torch. Summoning an intense fire from inside, she is able to burn all enemies and cause them to continue to smolder for several turns. She will sap enemies ability to attack as well for an even longer duration.

Selqet will arrive on Thursday, November 30th for the next Dragon Strike event. Will this slayer help lead your troops in the Strike?

Dragon Slayers, Attack!

As usual with a new Hero, Selqet will have a 10x modifier to all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 5x modifier for the Legendary version.

The Rare Selqet will have a 5x modifier for all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 2x modifier, where it will eventually remain permanently.

Like other Heroes before, Selqet is available all week as a possible bonus summon and will enter the permanent summoning pool.

Selqet will be a great help in this weekend’s Dragon Strike. Don’t miss this new slayer!

Coming up next week is a Red Tournament… What hero will be unveiled then?

New Tournament Champion Reveal: Tineva

New Tournament Champion Reveal: Tineva

Tineva is arriving through The Summoning Portal, and she’ll be here just in time for this weekend’s Tournament.

Tineva lay on the dusty ground trying to control her breath. She was bleeding out… she knew that. It would only happen faster if she couldn’t get her lungs to obey orders.

She tried to focus on a single spot on the gravel-covered floor of the plateau. The pain in her side was blinding. If only she could concentrate…

Staring at a single pebble, she watched a crimson puddle spread and overwhelm it. Curious… she wasn’t quite sure if that was her blood or if it previously belonged to any of the dozens of Malum’s soldiers. As she watched, the oozing red pool overtook the rock in its creeping flood. Soon, the rock was gone. Just as, Tineva imagined, she soon would be.

Having regained her focus and and wrestled back control of her body from her screaming nerves, Tineva rose to a seated position. Shooting pain. “Not yet.” She said to herself, gritting her teeth and steadying her breath against the overwhelming sensation.

Starting her breathing exercises, she surveyed the plateau. She saw at least 40 of Malum’s troops lying dead or dying around her. She became aware of dozens of painful wails around her…in her own pain, she hadn’t even noticed.

No reinforcements yet. Where were they? She’d have to do it on her own.

She tried to stand, but found that her legs would not hold her weight. After several stumbles and more shooting pain, Tineva laid back down on the dirt. Prone, she began dragging herself to the west side of the mountaintop. There, several large boulders towered over the vista. She did her best to focus on those rather than the streaking blood she left behind as she crawled to her goal.

Boom boom boom. The ground was shaking. She could feel it through her whole body… it made the stab wound in her side burn with pain and her vision blurred with each THUMP. An army on the march. She didn’t have long.

Halfway across the clearing now, but she was getting faint. The thumping was getting closer… coming up the pass on the south. She wouldn’t get there in time.

Suddenly, Tineva heard a roar overhead. The cavalry!? Three dragons streaked onto the plateau at full speed… just as the first soldiers poured out of the pass. The dragons landed in between Tineva and them. She was so close… just a little further.

The dragonriders dismounted and both they and their wyrms got to work. They paid no attention to Tineva — no time. They were giving everything they had to keep the enemy away so she could finish the mission.

Just a few more clawlengths and she’d be there! She heard a piercing scream behind her… Darius had fallen. A pained roar afterwards let her know that his mount had joined him. They weren’t going to be able to hold them off long enough.

Tineva stopped and began her breathing exercises again. They needed her help. She stared into the bloody mud building up underneath her, gathering her strength. As her focus grew, the pain faded again and she let only her breath occupy her mind.

Suddenly a great flash shot out from her nearly broken body. It engulfed the warriors protecting her, who felt reinvigorated. Their swords went into a frenzy, renewed by Tineva’s magic. She herself felt a burst of energy. She could do this.

One more scream behind her. Not long now, but she was already at the rocks! She forced herself to scale the one she was after. There, in a nook between two boulders was the device!

She glanced over her shoulder. Carmella met her eyes, now standing alone against the oncoming forces. They silently nodded at each other before Carmella and her Lifedrinker surged forward, pushing Malum’s troops back into the pass.

Tineva grabbed the handle on the awkward wooden device and pushed down with all her might. A mighty explosion rang out from all around her, and she looked back just in time to see a landslide cover the southern entrance to the peak… both Carmella and Malum’s forces were buried underneath.

Tineva rolled off the rock and slumped to the ground, making no effort to hold back the pain as the blood still gushed from her side.

She lay staring at the sky. Victory. No attempts to control her breathing now… she panted and wheezed as each breath came harder and harder. She was starting to get cold.

The sound of a sudden laugh surprised Tineva. At first she thought someone was still alive in the carnage… but the laugh was coming from her own throat. As the adrenaline left her body, the feeling was irresistible and her bellowing laughter rang out from the mountain top. One dying woman, laughing like she was mad, laying amongst countless dead enemies.

Tineva walked out of The Summoning Portal still laughing.

Red Tournament Champion: Tineva

The days of the tournament field were Tineva’s most treasured moments, but war has a way of taking those things from someone. From years of leading disparate pockets of resistance, Tineva became a hardened general, but never forgot her time in the arena.

Tineva is a master of the Uproar. Her ability to lead her troops is beyond compare, and her rallying cry will inspire all allies who hear it to use their Abilities much more effectively and cause more devastation the te enemies that stand in their way.

Tineva will arrive on Thursday, November 23th in time for the next Tournament! Are you ready?

Tournament Champions at the Ready!

As usual with a new Hero, Tineva will have a 10x modifier to all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 5x modifier for the Legendary version.

The Rare Tineva will have a 5x modifier for all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 2x modifier, where it will eventually remain permanently.

Like other Heroes before, Tineva is available all week as a possible bonus summon and will enter the permanent summoning pool.

Tineva will be a great help in this weekend’s Yellow Tournament. Don’t miss out on this new hero!

Coming up next week is a Purple Dragon Strike… What hero will be unveiled then?

New Dragon Slayer Reveal: Zaymoog

New Dragon Slayer Reveal: Zaymoog

The new Hero Zaymoog is arriving in Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG just in time for this weekend’s Dragon Strike event!

He must remember his purpose. Zaymoog stood silent in the grove facing the rising sun as it scattered its first light through the forest. He stood in front of the great oak… the old father of the forest. Before him lay a clearing ringed in tiny red mushrooms. Beyond that… the behemoth.

The hulking stone creature rose over the line of the trees on the far side of the clearing. Its great claws were as tall as Zaymoog, but as one’s eyes rose higher, the crag became more menacing.

It seemed to be cut perfectly of stone. Scale details rose alongside the trunks of the trees. The muscles on its legs seemed eerily too realistic to really be stone. The nearby trees drooped, stunted for years by the great stone wings blocking the sun’s life-giving light.

And towering over the forest –taller than even the great oak– loomed the face of an ancient lifedrinker. At first, one could be forgiven for thinking this was the greatest sculpture ever crafted. Until, that is, one saw the smoke pluming out of the stone jaws from the still-burning inferno within.

Zaymoog didn’t look at the wings choking his forest or the menacing face of the stone dragon though… his eyes focused directly on the beast’s front left paw. The pointer claw of it specifically. He knew what tricks this monster could play. To look at the entirety was to see illusions, ticks — danger where there was none.

Zaymoog no longer had a clear recollection of how long he’d watched that single claw. He would keep watching it until the great oak was safe or had withered away of old age. It was his purpose. How he longed to close his eyes, but he mustn’t.

The crack of sticks! Who was in his forest!? He felt a definite presence. It had been so many years… yes, he couldn’t mistake that feeling. To the North. Still, he must not look away.

Getting closer now. It was at the clearing! Zaymoog knew it couldn’t be good. There were no friends or allies. Only those that wanted to harm the great oak and control the might of the beast.

“Are you still here, old man?” An aged, gravely male voice to his left. “Should’ve given up centuries ago. You can’t fight this power… but at least you’re here to witness it.”

Zaymoog straightened himself and responded without taking his gaze off that single claw. “You’ll have to forgive me, but the years must’ve reduced your importance to me. Who the hells are you?”

A guttural laugh pierced the air. “Still have that wit, huh? Even with all these years alone.” The voice paused, but Zaymoog could hear him approaching… not approaching him… but the base of the beast! “It really is a glorious creature. Do you ever speak to it when you’re lonely?”

“Demons don’t speak,” Zaymoog retorted, “The great oak is company enough for me.”

Zaymoog heard a curious sound… a delicate bell and what sounded like a great wind blowing down from the mountains.

“Oh he does speak,” another laugh from the voice, “and now you’ll get the opportunity to meet your silent friend of all these countless ages.”

A great crash rung out from the clearing. Before Zaymoog could even guess at its origin, it happened! The claw moved! First it stretched upwards, shaking sand out from its cuticle. Then the entire foot was flexing… Zymoog could see pebbles falling from the sky across his vantage as the dragon shed its stone skin.

“Most venerable brood mother!” The voice shouted over the commotion of falling stone and stretching dragon. “I have come to call you to a great purpose at the behest of lord Malum!”

Purpose. Yes. Zaymoog must remember his purpose.


Before the dragon could finish its monologue, a blinding flash lit up the grove. In front of the great oak, Zaymoog stood with his staff towards the great head of the beast and a blazing aurora emitted from him. The commotion of rock ceased. The dragon’s roars quieted, and all the world stared at Zaymoog.

Suddenly there was a loud PLINK, as if a chain had snapped and the light abruptly ceased. For a moment it was not clear what had happened. There was sunshine. Peace returned to the forest and the birds sang… Then the bones began to fall.

The dragon’s skull fell with a crash into the clearing, all flesh stripped cleanly away from it. The trespasser’s discarded bones also clattered to the forest floor unceremoniously, out of Zaymoog’s view.

He had accomplished his purpose at long last. Then, something wonderful happened. For the first time in thousands of years, Zaymoog blinked.

His lifeless body fell to the ground in his grove. For now he would rest, though his fight against Malum was not yet done.

Green Dragon Slayer Hero: Zaymoog

Zaymoog may be slow, but he’s steady. He will not lose his nerve in the face of even the greatest dragons. His attacks may not come frequently, but can his with devastating power.

Zaymoog is a master of the Ability Obliteration. This powerful blast can lay low even the greatest of opponents, as long as Zaymoog has time to prepare. It’s not easy to deter Zaymoog from his purpose though… attempts to reduce his mana or counterattack him will be ineffective.

Zaymoog will arrive on Today, November 16th for the next Dragon Strike event. Are you ready?

Zaymoog go BOOM.

Dragon Slayers, Attack!

As usual with a new Hero, Zaymoog will have a 10x modifier to all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 5x modifier for the Legendary version.

The Rare Zaymoog will have a 5x modifier for all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 2x modifier, where it will eventually remain permanently.

Like other Heroes before, Zaymoog is available all week as a possible bonus summon and will enter the permanent summoning pool.

Zaymoog will be a great help in this weekend’s Dragon Strike. Don’t miss this new hero!

Coming up next week is a Green Tournament… What hero will be unveiled then?

New Dragon Slayer Reveal: Pala

New Dragon Slayer Reveal: Pala

The new Hero Pala will soon appear in Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG in time for this week’s Dragon Strike event!

Pala slipped through the open window, still securing the small jars of precious cargo in the leather sack slung across her shoulder. Emerging into the crisp night air, she quickly slid down the wet thatch of the roof, dropping silently into the empty streets below.

She rolled away from the edifice of the stone building. She darted across the dusty street, which was still eagerly drinking the summer rain that was so rare in Sartoland. She gave a quick glance around to make sure no one had spotted her, then stood and ran down the steep embankment towards the river.

Without hesitation she jumped headlong into the roaring waters, gripping the bag tightly under her shoulder. She didn’t quite swim downriver so much as bounce. To be expected. She’d be sore tomorrow, but as long as she kept her plunder safe….

The town bell rang out sharply. She glanced at the shoreline between collisions with rocks. A little over halfway there. Was she getting faster at this or were they getting slower at noticing?

Pala limped through the passageway of the cave. She was feeling particularly bruised this time. With the rain, the river had been much rougher on her than it typically was. She had already dropped off the food she’d stolen in the commissary. They didn’t have enough to feed all the volunteers… this would help, but she’d wish she could’ve gotten more.

Her work was the most important, though. She was happy to grab what she could, but the alchemical repository was always the main target. All their efforts would be for nothing if she couldn’t perfect her formula before the uprising.

Finally back in her lab, she supported her aching bones on the corner of her workstation while she delicately extracted five jars from the sack. She lined them up several clawlengths apart and took a deep breath.

Her last experiment had yielded the most potent compound yet. Mystic Powder 75a.3 was its classification in her logs, but it was lacking scalability. It produced unbelievable results extracting all heat from a localized area, but she needed that effect but wider. They needed their message to be heard, and she was supposed to deliver something that no one could ignore.

Still, with those successes, she was sure she was close. All her experimentation had pointed to these five specific compounds. She just needed to perfect the proportions.

She set to work quickly measuring, mixing and documenting results. The mix of alchemical ice, Catol salts and mana dust seemed promising. Her beaker glowed a pulsing blue. Now was the critical stage. A dash of quicksilver and glacier core at precisely the same time should stabilize the effect and finalize the distillation. There wasn’t much time.

She grabbed her two remaining jars, certain that this would be the last attempt. No more burglary in the night, no more pummeling from river rocks. She grit her teeth in anticipation as she raised the uncorked jars to pour the slightest amount.

Her hands painfully chilled as she brought the jars above the mixture. It was about to rupture! It had to be now. She poured the slightest splash of each into the mixture. The chill was gone, the color faded to a deep blue glow. She’d done it!

Just then she saw it, but it was already far too late. A crack on the bottom of the jar containing the glacier core… it was spreading. It must’ve happened in the river! She moved the jar away, but the damage by the cold had already been done. The jar burst, with much of it dropping into the mixture.

Pala dove away from the table, but it helped nothing.

From the village Pala had been in just hours before, villagers left their breakfast tables to wander into the street. They stared with confusion and awe as the entire mountain that dominated their view to that side of the valley froze into solid ice in front of their very eyes.

Very peculiar weather for a summer indeed.

Pala, Dragon Slayer

Pala is brilliant, fierce and resilient. Her work takes precision and time… but her allies usually find the destructive power of Pala’s specific talents well worth having her around.

Pala is a master of the Ability Mystic Dust. This highly unstable compound can draw all heat out of a specific, localized area. This leaves a small lingering area of such an intense cold that few living things could survive it. Without perfecting the final formula, she can only use it on one enemy… but woe to any enemy that is.

Pala will arrive on Thursday, November 2nd for the next Dragon Strike event. Are you ready?

Dragon Slayers, Attack!

As usual with a new Hero, Pala will have a 10x modifier to all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 5x modifier for the Legendary version.

The Rare Pala will have a 5x modifier for all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 2x modifier, where it will eventually remain permanently.

Like other Heroes before, Pala is available all week as a possible bonus summon and will enter the permanent summoning pool.

Pala will be a great help in this weekend’s Dragon Strike. Don’t miss this new Hero!

Coming up next week is a Scorching Sun Tournament… What hero will be unveiled then?

New Tournament Champion Reveal: Yuki

New Tournament Champion Reveal: Yuki

Yuki is arriving through The Summoning Portal, and she’ll be here just in time for this weekend’s Shadowlands Tournament.

Yuki wiped the blood out of her eyes and focused on the great beast rushing towards her. The minotaur was bearing down on her, trampling both his allies and hers as he charged.

With a flourish of her swords she leaped over her attacker as he approached, slicing deep through his exposed back. The beast fell.

Yuki had no time to celebrate that victory. She ducked to barely dodge an incoming javelin. As she rose, two of Malum’s hoplites were on her. She grabbed the right one’s arm and spun. His sword found the heart of the other. Yuki finished him off as he fumbled to get the blade out of his compatriot’s chest.

What was that? Dragon steps. Yuki searched the chaos of the battlefield and saw a line of light cavalry approaching on whelps. Not today. Yuki channeled her energy into her swords and released a poison bolt at the oncoming attackers. Still coming, but they’d succumb to the poison before long.

Yuki suddenly noticed how few her allies were. She still saw alliance colors among the fray, but they were scarce… and too often overwhelmed. The battle would soon be lost.

She scanned the field for the command banner. She needed to get to the King and ensure his escape. There! Not far. She could make it.

Her legs pumped as fast as they could. She dodged blades and projectiles, almost there! Just as she thought she could yell out to the royal guards, her entire body was suddenly struck with a force that knocked her off her feet, yet pierced her armor with dozens of blades.

Yuki tore off her helmet. She couldn’t see through the mud. What was that pounding sound? Gradually her vision cleared. A giant strode towards her shouting at the top of his lungs and swinging a giant wooden club over his head. The club was bristled with steel pins covered in blood. Yuki looked down at her broken armor and battered body… her blood.

Yuki looked past the massive warrior rapidly approaching. The giant’s attack had scrambled the royal guards. She could see the King retreating over the ridge with his bodyguards. There was some victory even in defeat.

The bleeding warrior rose to her feet, brandishing her swords for one last stand. She gave all the focus she had left into one blast at the giant. Enemies fell all around him, but the giant continued on.

Wait! It was working. He staggered slightly. He continued towards Yuki, but the poison was rapidly taking its toll on his body. “If I can only outlast the brute…” thought Yuki as she charged towards the oncoming hulk.

His club smashed down on her, but she darted around his left foot. Stab once, twice in the shin.

Down came the foot, but Yuki was much too quick. The giant, you see, had a loose hem on the seam of his trousers. Grabbing this cord, Yuki bound up the leg of the giant.

To the thigh now. Stab stab. The giant frantically swatted at this tiny sharp knight, but to no avail. Yuki was already swung around to the rear, where she found many little handholds with the help of her blades on the way out the top of the giant pants.

In immense pain and panic, the giant fell to one knee… his massive heart beating at such a furious speed had accelerated the poison’s course. He panted for air and began to grow dizzy.

Hitched onto his belt to take a rest, Yuki also gasped for breath. She’d lost too much blood, and she knew there was no coming back from an exertion like that in her state. Her vision was getting blurry now.

So too was the giant’s who tried to stammer out some words in a language Yuki didn’t understand before falling into the mud of the battlefield. Yuki drifted away before he hit the ground.

Yuki opened her eyes. Was she laying in grass!? What was this?

She looked at a great gate before her… The Summoning Portal.

She’d heard the stories… but that was only a legend.

She didn’t ask for this. What of her honor?

Purple Tournament Champion: Yuki

Yuki has trained since childhood to be deadly. Combat is an art, and honor a way of life. Yuki does not fear death or defeat… but her opponents certainly do once they meet her.

Yuki is a master of the Ability Lotus Slash. Focusing her martial and magical skills into her blades, she’s able to fire a blast of energy that saps the constitution and slows, even as it slowly kills.

Yuki will arrive on Thursday, October 27th in time for the next Tournament! Are you ready?

Tournament Champions at the Ready!

As usual with a new Hero, Yuki will have a 10x modifier to all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 5x modifier for the Legendary version.

The Rare Yuki will have a 5x modifier for all Tournament and Dragon Strike damage that will scale down gradually to a 2x modifier, where it will eventually remain permanently.

Like other Heroes before, Yuki is available all week as a possible bonus summon and will enter the permanent summoning pool.

Yuki will be a great help in this weekend’s Yellow Tournament. Don’t miss out on this new hero!

Coming up next week is a Red Dragon Strike… What hero will be unveiled then?