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Here Comes Solar Power!

Here Comes Solar Power!

In celebration of our highly anticipated early access launch of #TSP2E, we’ve released some brand new playable NFTs in the Town Star store!

Today we’re happy to announce a new player-owned piece of Town Star gameplay that lots of community members have asked for over the last several months: Solar Panels!

That’s right. The clean, passive energy for which solar arrays are best known is coming to Town Star! Solar Panels are now available in 3 different rarity levels, and here’s what you need to know.

Available ONLY for TownCoin

These three items represent the first utility for the new token, and can only be purchased for TownCoin. This will give you an extra incentive to join in the early access launch, as well as something to work toward as you accumulate TownCoin.

Because TownCoin cannot yet be purchased on any exchanges, we understand that many of you will not have enough TownCoin in your wallet for days, weeks, or longer. Where better to spend your first earned TownCoin than the Town Star store, on an exclusive item that will make playing to earn even easier in the future?

Solar Panels will Make your Game Easier

Think about it. These things are a lot like Power Plants, but without the hassle of building and completely free of pollution. Owning Solar Panels will make tons of essential Town Star processes more simple: Gasoline production, Lumber milling, Cake baking, Yarn spinning and more.

You’ll have the luxury of instantly picking up and replacing your Solar Panels wherever they are needed, allowing you to completely shift the production focus of your town in just a few short moves.

Solar Panels on

Solar Panels Reduce your Storage Needs

When you take full advantage of passive energy, you’re freeing up Warehouse space to leave room for more important (and more valuable) goods. When that passive energy is easily moveable and on-demand, it becomes possible to entirely eliminate the need for energy storage. This saves a ton of worker time and wage money, letting you to produce the most important goods more quickly.

Here they are in the Town Star store!

Solar Panels are Eligible to Earn TownCoin

Just like all placeable NFT Town Star items, the new Solar Panels can earn daily rewards in TownCoin simply for being owned and placed in the game. As long as you have enough Gala Power and complete the daily challenge, you’ll be able to claim TownCoin daily for each NFT placed.

Don’t forget that potential TownCoin earnings are based solely on the current blockchain rarity of an item. This means that the rarer the item, the more TownCoin it can earn. The Legendary Solar Panel array will not only provide the greatest amount of passive energy to surrounding tiles; it will also earn the greatest amount of daily TownCoin! That’s a big win-win!

Pick up some Solar Panels as soon as you pick up some TownCoin, only in the Town Star Store!

Throughout this whole week, we’ll be revealing and featuring various aspects of TSP2E! Keep your eyes on the blog, the Discord community and the Town Star store!


Town Star Play-to-Earn… Starring VOX!

Town Star Play-to-Earn… Starring VOX!

The endless VOX dance party will continue in [insert your town’s name here]… as long as you’re fortunate enough to own a VOX. Didn’t we say that it would be a good idea to have one of these NFT avatars?

Town Star P2E is just another example of how it pays to have a VOX. Your VOX will live in its own original packaging house, boogying down in its own perpetual dance party. Who knows? You may even see your VOX leave the confines of its original packaging and start mingling around your town, spreading that characteristic VOX cheer.

There are air holes. We promise!

Some Q’s and Some A’s

What will VOX do in Town Star?

What won’t they do? They’ll dance, they’ll look pretty, and if you’re eligible through Gala Power and you complete your daily challenges, they’ll earn you TownCoin daily.

Is there a limit to how many VOX I can place?

Nope, if you are Level 100, you’re welcome to place 100 if you’re a freakishly devoted collector extraordinaire! However, those eligible to earn daily TownCoin will be limited by your Gala Power, and you might have trouble completing your daily challenge with 100 VOX dancing around your town.

How much will each VOX earn?

This is pretty simple. Check the rarity score of your VOX on Rarity.Tools. The rarest VOX (rarity rank 1) has a rarity score of 3074.57. The least rare (rarity rank 8888) has a rarity score of 37.6.

The exact number of a VOX’s rarity score is also the number of TownCoin that VOX will earn on a daily basis.

For example, this VOX…

…can earn 37.60 TownCoin daily, provided that all eligibility requirements (daily challenge, Gala Power, and eventually Season Pass) have been met.

This VOX…

can earn a whopping 3074.57 TownCoin each day as long as Gala Power and daily challenge requirements are met.

They’re both adorable, but one is quite a bit better at earning TownCoin, based on the blockchain rarity of the NFT. Keep that in mind if you feel like shopping for a VOX on the secondary market at Opensea.

Do I need to place my VOX next to a road?

Great question! Yep, your VOX house will need to be placed next to a road like most buildings in Town Star. Were you planning to make your VOX dance in the mud? C’mon, show a little respect!

We are incredibly excited to propel this game that we all love into the stratosphere of play-to-earn. As we continue to grow our incredible team daily, Gala Games is beyond grateful to our community, whose support makes all this growth and success possible. We will always empower and support you in any way we can, and we will raise the bar for the entire world of own-your-experience gaming.

Join the discussion in the Gala Games Discord community, and look for more news coming soon about Town Star Play-to-Earn!

TSP2E — Your Biggest Questions, Answered

TSP2E — Your Biggest Questions, Answered

Yesterday we dropped a Town Star bomb, announcing that #TSP2E early access will begin next week, October 5th with THIS POST. You must have been eagerly awaiting this big announcement, because the questions immediately began rolling in.

We intend to have published resources (both on Support.Gala.Games and the soon-to-launch Town Star website) available soon that will hopefully answer all your questions. Most of the team is heads-down, working hard on TSP2E and other exciting developments, but while you wait, here’s a handy breakdown of the most asked questions (with answers) over the last 24 hours.

Will you only be able to earn with placed NFTs?


Will node operators get daily TownCoin distribution?

Yes, if they complete their node requirements for that day.

Will all TownStar placeable NFTs be able to earn?


Will skins also earn TownCoin?


What is Gala Power?

⚡Gala Power⚡ is a system of levels proportional to how many of your NFTs will be eligible for daily play-to-earn rewards in TownCoin, based on the amounts of GALA and TownCoin you are currently holding. In the future, this number may also include other factors such as NFTs, account age, and referrals.

Will GALA in your Treasure Chest count towards your Gala Power?


Will holding TownCoin have benefits?

Yes. Holding TownCoin will add to your ⚡Gala Power⚡at a 2X rate.
For example, if you are a level 2, you can get to level 4 by holding half as much TownCoin as you could holding GALA.

What will future TownCoin utility be?

Here are 2 examples: (lots of future possibilities are being discussed)
Items will be released in the Gala Games store that are purchasable only with TownCoin. Eventually, buildings may be upgradeable by spending TownCoin.

What is the max supply of TownCoin?

1 Quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) (to 8 decimals)

Where can I purchase TownCoin?

Following the initial Beta launch, the ERC-20 token TownCoin can be earned, but not yet purchased.

How often is Gala Power updated?

⚡Gala Power⚡ will be updated in real time. A refresh may be required to view the updated value.

If I withdraw GALA will it immediately affect my Gala Power?

Yes, withdrawing GALA will immediately affect your ⚡Gala Power⚡.

Will I eventually be able to purchase Season Passes with TownCoin?

Yes, but not necessarily during the first round.

Will NFTs in your Treasure Chest be placeable and able to earn?


How will levels of Gala Power relate to the number of NFT eligible for rewards?

Each level will allow you to place one NFT. Example: if you are level 20, you will be able to place 20 NFTs to earn TownCoin.

Will VOX be playable in Town Star?

Yes. Look for a post tomorrow with more information.

How are NFT rarities determined?

Town Star NFT rarity will be determined by total supply on-chain.
VOX rarity will be determined by their current rarity according to rarity score at

How are the amounts of GALA and TownCoin held used to determine ⚡Gala Power⚡ level?

Gala Power Equation:

Gala Power = Gala Coin + (Town Coin*2)

Gala Power Scale (Subject to change)

Levels 1–20: Every 5K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one
Levels 21–35: Every 10K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one
Levels 36–45: Every 25K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one
Levels 46–55: Every 50K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one
Levels 56–65: Every 100K ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one
Levels 66–73: Every 1M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one
Levels 74–81: Every 5M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one
Levels 82–86: Every 10M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one
Levels 87–94: Every 50M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one
Levels 95–100: Every 100M ⚡Gala Power⚡ held increases your level by one

That concludes your most popular questions from over the last 24 hours, with answers. Feel free to join in the discussion in the Discord community, tag us with your #TSP2E thoughts and reactions on social media, and join us for an epic early access launch next week!

TSP2E — Weekend Update

TSP2E — Weekend Update

How about it, town stars? Are you enjoying Town Star Play-to-Earn as much as we are? The weeks leading up to this soft launch have been a wild ride for the Gala Games team, working hard, making ambitious goals, then knocking them down one by one. Now that the first version is live in early access, we like what we’re seeing.

Town Star Play-to-Earn FAQ
Town Star Play-to-Earn Overview
Get in the Game!

We released the first TownCoin exclusive item in the Town Star store (Solar Panels) on Monday as a teaser, but after the first day of play-to-earn rewards, they started selling like hot cakes. These passive energy producing units give you not only a huge boost to the productivity of your towns, but even more daily potential TownCoin rewards!

Place them next to your industrial buildings for various amounts of passive energy that will increase your production efficiency. Make gasoline more quickly, spin yarn faster, even speed up your lumber crafting. Best of all, you can pick them up and place them elsewhere as quickly as a couple clicks.

The Daily Challenge

Players have been loving the new Daily Challenge feature, which when completed, unlocks your daily TownCoin earnings if you have NFTs placed in your town. Even those with no NFTs in the game are enjoying the new challenge of trying to accumulate 1000 Stars as quickly as they can, but beware! It won’t always be 1000 Stars.

In the not so distant future, this Daily Challenge will be expanded to bring you a new challenge every day, sharing fun story pieces from the lives of your favorite Town Star characters. For now, just sit tight and enjoy “Ornery Poultry” until we get the ball rolling on the next wave of exclusive Daily Challenges, which will really start to shake things up!

The Season Pass

An important thing to keep in mind about TSP2E is that it won’t always be free to participate! Season 1 (early access) is free, but play-to-earn admission to later seasons will require a Season Pass. Final details on the Season Pass are still TBA and we will keep you posted as everything gets finalized. For now, enjoy those free play-to-earn TownCoin rewards and tell all your friends to get in this game!

Season Pass details subject to change

Early Access = Changes are Possible

Please remember that this is early access. Our incredible community would be disappointed with us if we did not do everything in our power to create the best play-to-earn economy we can. This is why we truly appreciate your patience and understanding every time there is a bug or change in the system.

This is uncharted territory. Numbers will sometimes need tweaked, exact rewards will change regularly based on blockchain rarity, and from time to time the Gala Games team may decide to move in a different direction or alter plans for the good of the ecosystem. Do not jump to conclusions, do not blame us for acts of FOMO, and do not take community leaks and announcements as eternal law.

We will always do our best to repeatedly inform you of all changes through Discord and social media announcements. We will also preface all announcements with phrases such as “these details are subject to change” in hopes that our transparency of process is not mistaken for ironclad promises.

Has your VOX made an appearance in Town Star yet?

Thanks as always to our incredibly supportive community for making this play-to-earn early access launch a success. We can hardly wait to bring you the next wave of exciting Town Star updates starting at the beginning of next week, including new TownCoin exclusive units, more content, new Daily Challenges and more!

Join the Discord, watch the blog, and get your NFTs in the Town Star store!

“It’s udderly astounding!” — Headmaster Cow
“Earning around the cluck!” — Professor Chicken

-Your TCU Faculty Advisors

Here Comes #TSP2E

Here Comes #TSP2E

We told you something big was around the corner for Town Star. We told you there was a new coin in town. We told you to gather your Town Star NFTs in preparation. Brace yourselves.

First, let’s explore some details of the plan. Then we’ll get into how you can participate, generating and accumulating the brand new TownCoin for yourself.

Official TownCoin Contract Address

Please beware of impersonators and copycats, trusting only the official contract address listed below.


Check out the TSP2E FAQ at This Page!

Place NFTs — Earn TownCoin

There you have Town Star P2E boiled down to its simplest form. Owned in-game items will soon be eligible for the added bonus of earning daily allocations of TownCoin.

How Much TownCoin can I Earn?

Placeable NFT items will earn TownCoin based on their on-chain rarity.


All node operators will receive daily distributions of TownCoin when their nodes have met the daily requirements.


Each player’s ability to place NFTs in-game that are P2E eligible will be limited by a new player attribute called Gala Power. On release, Gala Power is defined as the amount of GALA held in a user’s wallet, but in the future it will also include factors such as NFTs, account age, TownCoin holdings, and referrals in the Gala Power calculation.

This is where you’ll see your Gala Power!

Gala Power is a system of levels. Your current level will be proportional to how many of your placed NFTs will be eligible for daily play-to-earn TownCoin rewards.

Do I Have to Play?

Yes. Because this is a play-to-earn game and not a mining operation, you will absolutely and always be expected to play the game in order to earn your daily rewards. We will be introducing a series of Town Star Daily Challenges. They will start out simple (gather X amount of Star Points in a 24 hours period), but as time goes on, the daily challenges will evolve and shift. Some challenges may even be difficult to complete.

Completion of the daily challenge will be necessary to unlock your daily TownCoin rewards, always acting as gatekeeper to your earnings. Don’t play the game and you won’t gather the sweet rewards.

Numbers are placeholders only, subject to change

So When Does this Begin?

Early access for Town Star P2E will begin next Tuesday, October 5th. When the new weekly competition begins, all players will be able to view their Gala Power, accomplish daily challenges, and receive daily distributions of TownCoin for placing NFTs. Please note that the free server will also be wiped and reset at the time of the soft launch on Tuesday.

Consider this an early access launch. Bugs and hiccups are expected, but rest assured that we will be working hard on every issue as it arises and as always, we will keep you informed through Discord.

P2E Seasons

For the early access launch, every player will be able to experience Town Star P2E without any additional expense, but an important part of this plan is the eventual implementation of Season Passes, which will be added immediately after the Beta launch period.

Image details subject to change

The exact length of each Town Star Season is not yet decided, but purchasing the Season Pass at a small relative cost is a very necessary piece of this puzzle to avoid player opportunities for abuse and exploitation.

Just like all NFTs, a percentage of Season Passes will always be distributed to node operators, even before they are available for purchase.

We are incredibly excited to propel this game that we all love into the stratosphere of play-to-earn. As we continue to grow our incredible team daily, Gala Games is beyond grateful to our community, whose support makes all this growth and success possible. We will always empower and support you in any way we can, and we will raise the bar for the entire world of own-your-experience gaming.

Join the discussion in the Gala Games Discord community, and look for more news coming soon about Town Star Play-to-Earn!