Town Star cities are able to enjoy their many luxuries thanks to the hard work and production of small towns, led by you, the player-mayors of Town Star.
Absorbed in the extravagance of their high quality uniforms, durable blue steel and expertly decorated cakes, the leaders of the cities barely noticed the impending crisis of energy. They were using too much, and not paying close enough attention to the supplies that were coming in from the small towns, where most of the energy was produced in the first place.
With a keen sense of what was coming and the scientific knowledge to combat it, Nikole Tesla quickly built her first Tesla Coil factory in an undisclosed rural location, code named “The Backyard.” As she witnessed the first completed Tesla Coils coming off the massive robot assembly line, she felt emboldened by a new energy, and not just in the literal sense. She knew that all she needed to do was get Tesla Coils erected in as many small towns as possible.
The true beauty of the Tesla Coil generator is in the way it supports the extreme and ever increasing energy usage demanded by the cities (upon which small towns rely for livelihood), while also providing the modest amount of local energy needed by the small towns themselves. Growing up, Nikole had always been disappointed in the cities, not only for their culture of waste, but for their tendency to always fall short of their own potential. She never dreamed that one day she may be able to bolster the small towns of the world while also revitalizing cities in the same effort. If this was done correctly, towns and cities alike could experience what she began thinking of as an energy renaissance… one that was desperately needed throughout the world. She knew her path.
Perhaps the towns and cities weren’t as different as she suspected. They both consisted of and relied upon people. These people had similar flaws and ambitions, but also similar hopes, goals and dreams. If Nikole could help even a small percentage of them realize that these dreams were attainable in their lifetimes, then she could truly make the world a more abundant place.
Temporarily Changing the Meta
As those of you who have played Town Star for more than a couple months know, from time to time we like to shake up the rules. These META CHANGES sometimes involve shifts in amounts of in-game reward money for certain deliveries, and other times they rearrange the allocation of Stars awarded by delivery of certain goods.
Next 3 Weeks — “Elevating Energy”
This meta change focuses on delivering units of energy by drastically increasing its Stars. Additionally, a bunch of high tier crafts will be reduced to 0 Stars. These high tier deliveries will still earn in-game cash, but no points. Refer to the numbers below for a list of everything changing in this new meta.
Anything not listed below is not changing at all. No in-game cash amounts are changing; all changes deal with Stars.
Energy Units (Batteries) — 5000 Stars for delivery of 10
Stars Reduced by 50%
Stars Reduced to 0
Cotton Yarn
Wool Yarn
Blue Steel
Power Plant Changes
Power Plant energy production will now require 5 oil
Power Plant production timer increased
Nuclear Power Plant production timer increased
It’s time to get creative with your towns. The cities need energy, but they’re in a bad way, so they’re not able to pay you any more. You must do this for the Stars alone, which ought to make it well worth the effort.
Don’t forget to produce something that will earn money to drive your expansion. Energy may be where the points are, but the mere $1500 in-game you’ll receive for selling a load of energy won’t get you very far!
Good luck out there, mayors! Rally behind Nikole Tesla, and remember that her wondrous invention could lead you to victory in these strange times. Tesla Coils are available now for TOWN in the TOWN STAR STORE!
If you’ve spent more than five minutes playing Town Star (and there’s a good chance you have if you’re reading this article), you’ve probably noticed that things aren’t always equal. Some fields require water, and others do not. Some crafts produce quickly while others drag. Sometimes you’ll see awesome green needles, indicating maximum efficiency, and other times you’ll see scary red needles that make you want to smash your keyboard through your screen.
It’s time to get the scoop on proximity effects. Figure them out, and not only will Town Star become even more enjoyable, but you’ll be better equipped to win and earn.
Sometimes called passive effects or area effects, proximity effects are one of the most important things to understand in order to become an effective Town Star player. This game is about synergy, organization and efficiency. It’s about building a complex machine that grows, produces, and crafts the things that will make you money in the most efficient ways possible.
Proximity effects are the ways in which certain buildings and geographies affect the area around them. Some of them are are positive effects, while others are negative and detrimental to your town’s efficiency. If you can master the placement of your buildings and fields in a way that maximizes the positive proximity effects while minimizing the negative ones, you’re well on your way to the realm of the Town Star elite.
Proximity Effect Shorthand
Before we start describing and explaining the various proximity effects, it’s important that we understand how they are expressed. There is a simple method of explaining how proximity effects work. It always works the same in Town Star, no matter the proximity effect. We call it the stairstep method.
If a particular building has a proximity effect of 4, here is a diagram of what that means.
A proximity effect of 4 means essentially that the first tiles adjacent to the building receive 4 of the effect. The next ring of tiles out receives 3, then 2, then finally, 1. Pictured in the diagram is the entire proximity radius of that building’s effect (whether positive or negative). Notice that diagonals are treated a little differently. The first ring of proximity effect includes all diagonals as 1 tile, but diagonally adjacent tiles are gradually removed from the effect radius.
Proximity Radius = 4 (in this example)
Now you know what we mean when we say that a certain building “provides 3 oil,” or that another one “casts 3 tiles of shade.”
Negative Proximity Effects
Let’s start with the bad news. These are the things you want to avoid the effects of whenever you can: The negative proximity effects.
A negative proximity effect is never universal. That means that no matter how much dirty pollution or shade are created by a building, its negative effects will only be experienced by certain specific units.
You may be confused now, wondering how you can possibly know which negative proximity effects negatively affect which buildings. This is more simple than you may think, and you can usually use common sense to solve that puzzle.
This poor little Wheat Field is clearly out of place around the Refineries and Power Plants. Because of pollution and shade, we’re seeing a red needle and long production time.
Buildings that require wind (Windmills, Wind Turbines and Wind Pumps) are negatively affected by wind block.
Buildings that require sunlight (Fields) are negatively affected by shade.
Shade and wind block are caused either by mountains, or buildings with height. The taller the building, the greater the shade and wind block it casts.
Pollution is created by industrial production buildings, and negatively affects fields in the same way as shade and wind block.
Compounding Negative Effects
Negative proximity effects work in the way pictured in the above diagram, but their symptoms are different than those of positive effects. Negative proximity effects lower the efficiency needle on fields and production buildings based on the effect radii of the buildings causing them.
For example, Windmills have a shade radius of 3 tiles. Is a Windmill is placed more than 3 tiles away from the nearest Windmill, production will be perfectly efficient and both Windmills’ needles will be in the green.
This is ideal placement, but I can’t keep it up forever.
However, if those Windmills are moved 1 tile closer together, then they begin to affect one another negatively with shade. Now, each of those Windmills will have 1 negative point against its perfect production, causing its timer to double from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
This is not perfect, but still pretty good.
Finally, if you move each of those Windmills one step closer still, they will inflict upon each other the maximum negative proximity effect of -3 points. The result is two more doublings to the production timer, or a total of 240 seconds for each round of production.
I should avoid this type of placement for as long as I have room.
Positive Proximity Effects
Positive proximity effects are a lot more fun than negative ones. Many of the NFTs sold in the Town Star store offer positive proximity effects as a benefit. Sometimes we call these passive production benefits.
The simplest passive production benefit to explain is water. Fields are provided passive water when they are placed near natural water, such as a pond or a marsh. Each pond provides 2 water, which means that it provides 2 units of water to directly adjacent tiles and 1 to the next ring of tiles.
Wheat Fields require 3 units of water to grow wheat. In the example below, you’ll notice that the selected Wheat Field is 2 spaces away from one pond (1 passive water) and 1 space away from another pond (2 passive water).
I should definitely build a pond in the middle of that cluster of Wheat Fields.
Positive proximity effects are only applied to production buildings, such as Fields, Windmills, Chicken Coops, etc. A Water Facility (which makes industrial water drums) is another example of a production building, so it can also be supplied passive water when placed near ponds.
Other passive benefit units include Wheat Stands (which provide passive wheat for production in a Windmill or Feed Trough), Solar Panels (which provide passive energy to surrounding industrial production centers), and Water Pumps (which provide passive water drums) to industrial production buildings that require water.
There are even some NFTs that provide unexpected passive resources, such as the Haunted Mansion, which (depending on the piece) provides passive oil and perhaps pumpkins.
Passive pumpkins are produced by the Haunted Porch and delivered to the Silo by the Headless Horticulturist.
More Subtle Proximity Effects
There are a few proximity effects that have subtle effects which may be difficult to spot at a glance. We’ll give you a hint, but let you discover the details on your own. Pay attention to salty land that is next to oceans, and pay attention to the especially sandy land that is found in deserts.
Don’t forget that mountains cause a lot of shade. If you’re next to a mountain, you may be able to mine precious minerals from underground, but you’ll need to account for the 5 tiles of shade that the mountain always causes on an entire side of your town.
When you’re next to a river of fresh water, take full advantage of that water. It works exactly like a row of ponds, saving you a great deal of trouble watering your fields if you’re clever.
Some buildings even give both positive and negative proximity effects. Consider the Power Plant. It may provide a great deal of passive energy to surrounding buildings, but it also has a pretty wide pollution radius.
As you become the master of your Town Star domain, you’ll start to see everything in terms of proximity effects. The way things work together in a great web of causality is not only how the game works, but how the world works.
Hopefully this article has given you some good insight into the world of Town Star proximity effects and helped you to find greater strategy and depth in your game!
Not only was Town Star the first playable game created by Gala Games, but it’s the first of its kind. The play-to-earn farm builder lets players own blockchain-backed items that are fully tradable. These items can be played alongside the standard in-game items, but with added benefits, as well as the potential to earn daily TOWN rewards for playing with them.
As Town Star Play-to-Earn marches on, gaining new players and perfecting its decentralized reward economy, tons of new NFTs are being added to the game. Some of them can be purchased with GALA, ETH, BAT and (like most items in the Gala Games store), while others may only be purchased with TOWN, the reward token that is generated by playing to earn.
The more players who join P2E, the more NFT items that will be created and sold, building a glorious cycle of incentives and rewards in which players always have the option to put their rewards into items that will generate more rewards! Today, let’s take a look at the different types of NFTs in Town Star and how each of them can be used to enhance your gaming experience and give you a Town Star advantage!
Why should you want an advantage in Town Star? Not everyone is interested in the fast-paced weekly competition version of the game and its GALA prize money, but there are several other benefits to owning Town Star NFTs.
Support the Ecosystem — By owning Town Star NFTs, you’re supporting the biggest decentralized gaming platform in the world and essentially owning a piece of history.
Actually Own Them — The thing that makes NFTs so special is true ownership, which was lost somewhere along the way with gaming in the 21st century. Owning your NFTs means that you’re free to play with them, earn with them, transfer or list them for sale at any time.
More Efficient = Easier Earnings — Just by owning NFTs and GALA, you’re able to play-to-earn in Town Star. Each level of Gala Power allows you to place another owned NFT for P2E rewards. To unlock each day’s earnings, you must complete a Daily Challenge within the 24 hour period, then claim your rewards. These challenges will soon get harder and more specialized, meaning that any in-game advantage will be extremely helpful in unlocking your rewards.
Next are the different types of NFTs, so you can find your perfect NFT strategy by choosing which ones are best for you!
Storage Units
With such a limited space (16 x 16), storage is always an important part of the game. In order to craft goods of higher tiers, you may need higher capacity storage without taking up a ton of space in your town.
So far, Storage NFT Buildings have been released to replace specific needs of the Silo, which stores basic crops only. Below are the different storage units available, each in 4 different rarities (capacities). The greater the rarity, the greater the play-to-earn rewards associated to each item.
Grape Storage
Brine Storage
Wheat Storage
Sugarcane Storage
Production Boosters
These buildings are also knowns as “Farm Stands.” In general, these are any buildings that provide passive resources to surrounding tiles. There are several examples, and we have taken this idea way beyond the concept of the farm stand.
Wheat Stands — These provide a passive wheat bonus to surrounding tiles — higher rarity = more wheat and further proximity radius of the benefit.
Sugar Stand — These provide a passive sugarcane bonus to surrounding tiles. Higher rarity = more sugarcane and further proximity radius of the benefit.
Water Towers/Alfa Fountains — These units provide a passive water bonus to buildings and fields on surrounding tiles. Higher rarity = greater proximity radius.
Solar Panels — These units (available in 3 different rarities) provide passive solar energy to buildings on surrounding tiles.
Haunted Mansion Pieces — Every 1 of the 6 pieces of the modular Haunted Mansion provides some passive oil to Refineries on surrounding tiles. The Main Tower provides the greatest passive oil, with a radius of 3. The Haunted Porch generates (in addition to oil) Pumpkins on a timer, which are delivered by the Headless Horticulturist to the nearest Silo.
Tesla Coils — Like Solar Panels, Tesla Coils provide passive energy to surrounding buildings, but they also have the added benefit of producing units of energy on a timer as well. Additionally, this energy is produced without the pollution caused by typical Power Plants.
Bot Helpers
Lovable Town Star bot characters can be found all over the Gala Games ecosystem, from those who help build and deliver, to the extremely scarce Legendary FarmBot, whose in-game purpose is yet to revealed. Even the most dedicated collectors can have a difficult time getting their hands on every bot in the collection!
FarmBot — ????
CraneBot —This upgraded Builder unit moves about 3x faster than the standard in-game Builder character
ElfBot — This bot, originally released a holiday referral incentive, assists with harvesting and delivery of all sugar-related crops and crafts.
SaltyBot — This bot was originally released as a referral incentive in early 2021. He assists with all salt-related crops and crafts.
Mr. Puddles — Mr. Puddles the WaterBot assists with all water activity in your town, and he is currently available only for TOWN in the store.
Don’t forget the special series of Mirandus-Themed Skin Packs! Each of the 10 unique packs comes with skins for 5 different buildings. Each skin is an NFT that may be transferred or traded, but there’s more.
Each pack comes with a special Dragon Voucher. Collect all 10 Dragon Vouchers and you will become the owner of a Dragon Familiar in Mirandus! There’s still more…
For every pack of these skins you have deployed in your Town Star town, you’ll get an exclusive SPEED and PRODUCTION BOOST! Use all 10 packs and your workers will move 25% faster!
We can hardly wait to show you the excitement planned for -into the galaverse, December 11th, 12th and 13th. Tickets are still available. Learn more at Galaverse.Games.
Beyond that, we’re thrilled to make 2022 Town Star’s biggest year of growth yet, with new ways to play, new ways to earn, and plenty of new NFTs for you to own!
Every day, more players are playing to earn with Town Star NFTs. New TownCoin (TOWN) is entering the circulating supply as players complete their Daily Challenges and collect their rewards. Several new NFTs have recently been released in the Town Star store, and some of them are only available for TOWN.
The Play-to-Earn economy of Town Star will continue moving in this direction (more NFTs and more ways to play and earn), and today we’re pleased to announce a huge adjustment update that deals with supply, rarity, and pricing of NFTs for sale in the store.
Many of the NFT items that began being sold in the store before TSP2E did so with total supplies that were too high for an effective and growing play-to-earn economy. Asset scarcity is important in play-to-earn gaming, and while we cannot make any predictions or promises of value, collectibles (physical and nonphysical) have a long history of equating scarcity to greater value.
The Bonfire
We are now adjusting to a straightforward and consistent system of supply that is based on the rarity of the item. This adjustment consisted of a mass burning of NFTs from our for sale supply. The previous total supplies have been culled down to the target numbers listed under Rarity, set ablaze in one of the biggest NFT bonfires ever. Supplies of the following NFTs were affected by this change.
Solar Panel (Standard only) — 25,000 previous supply
The supply for items currently in the Town Star store and everything that will be added later is now determined by the following guidelines.
When items are sold for GALA
Uncommon Items = 5500 Total Supply (5000 for sale) Rare Items = 2750 Total Supply (2500 for sale) Epic Items = 1375 Total Supply (1250 for sale) Legendary Items = 550 Total Supply (500 for sale)
When items are sold for TOWN
Uncommon items = 2750 Total Supply (2500 for sale) Rare items = 1000 Total Supply (900 for sale) Epic items = 625 Total Supply (563 for sale) Legendary items = 150 Total Supply (135 for sale)
With this update, a system of tiered pricing was introduced to Town Star, similar to that which is used for Mirandus Exemplars and Spider Tanks parts. Each time a new price tier is unlocked, the price of that increases.
There are a few different reasons for the implementation of this system.
Lower Price for Early Purchasers — Pricing increases as more items sell, creating a greater incentive for those who purchase at earlier tiers.
Pacing — With community members all over the world, it is important that everyone has a chance to take part in each sale. This system of unlocking new tiers ensures that instant sellouts will never disappoint our community.
Gamification — We love games, and tiered pricing is a way of adding some fun and gamification to our NFT sales. Collectors and players must practice strategies in watching the store, reading the community and deciding when to buy. It’s fun!
Because this update caused the total supplies of many NFTs to change drastically, the daily potential TOWN earnings of many items have also changed. As we have previously discussed, we will not share specific lists of TOWN rewards. They are subject to change, and we want to minimize the potential misinformation that can be caused by things like shared screenshots and community made videos.
Those of you who are already playing to earn, pay close attention to your daily TOWN rewards. Many of them have increased, and we think you’ll be very pleased.
Welcome to the next era of Town Star Play-to-Earn! The above changes have already taken effect, so what are you waiting for? Get out there and build your dream play-to-earn NFT collection with Town Star, your favorite game of town and city builders!
We’ve been teasing that something big is coming to Town Star, something that will power up both the energy game in your town, and your play-to-earn rewards! Today is the day you’ve been waiting for, and it’s finally time to feast your eyes on the technological wonder of the Tesla Coil!
The Story
Small towns across the globe were struggling to generate the electricity needed to power their ambitious industrial production. While their delicious cakes, pristine uniforms and tempered blue steel were helping the cities in untold ways, the cities were guzzling power at an alarming rate. These cities took advantage of the latest methods of power generation whenever possible while the small towns were rarely able to reap the benefits of these technologies. Something had to change.
One day a brilliant young scientist named Nikole decided to move to the country, taking her most innovative and unreleased tech with her. Nikole was a descendent of the legendary scientist Nikola Tesla, whose rivalry with patent shark Thomas Edison had all but stricken his fine discoveries and inventions from the history books. With a sleek hoverboard, a no-guff-from-anyone attitude and a bone to pick with the power structure of the cities, Nikole set out to empower the underdogs, the small town dwellers everywhere.
It was in her new country headquarters that Nikole Tesla finally unveiled the marvel of the Tesla Coil. This device could generate pollution-free passive electricity as well as storable energy to spare. The amount of energy generated depended only on the size of the machine. Nikole set up a factory for the production of her Tesla Coils at an undisclosed location and began spreading them far and wide at a price that small towns could actually afford. Hurray for Nikole Tesla!
The Details
Tesla Coils come in 3 rarities: Standard, Rare and Legendary. Each rarity provides increasing levels of passive electricity, similar to that of the Solar Panels.
In addition to the passive energy benefits they provide, Tesla Coils also generate units of energy (batteries) that can be stored and used throughout your town where they are needed. The greater the rarity of the Tesla Coil, the quicker it provides units of energy.
Nikole herself can always be found hanging out around the Legendary Tesla Coil, acting as its own delivery person and buzzing around your town on her hoverboard!
Tesla Coils are only available for TOWN, and they will be released in pricing tiers. Each tier consists of 10% of the total supply, and each new tier will have an increased price from the previous tier. Get your Tesla Coils early if you want the best deal!
Like every Town Star NFT (with the exception of skins), Tesla Coils have the potential to earn daily P2E rewards in TOWN. To unlock these rewards, players must have Gala Power and Season access (Season 1 is free). Additionally, players must complete their Daily Challenge each day to unlock that day’s play-to-earn rewards! Stay sharp, because Daily Challenges could get tougher at any time!
Now’s your chance! Pick up a Tesla Coil to keep your town at the cutting edge of energy tech and to unlock some awesome play-to-earn rewards.
We’re just getting started with the next generation of Town Star NFTs, including play-to-earn masterpieces, strategy-spiking showpieces, and grind-boosting gems. Those of you who will be coming to Las Vegas on December 11th and 12th for Into the Galaverse… we’ve got some absolutely amazing stuff in store and we can hardly wait!