By now you’ve probably heard of Lolli, the blue-haired candy queen who’ll soon confectioneer her way into your hearts and towns. Look for more of her background coming up later this week, including the little story about how she decided to get into the candy business in the first place.
As you may have guessed, Lolli is the new character who will enter town tomorrow (November 30th) with the start of the new Weekly Competition. She’s the worker of a brand new building called The Candy Shop. Read on for more details on how you can incorporate this sweetness into your town.
The Candy Shop
It’s a new building for the crafting of high tier sugary goods that will fetch a high price and a high Star value. This building will be accessible to everyone in the game as a standard in-game production building, but it will be costly.
We’re starting off simple with the Candy Shop, with a single craft available. In honor of the upcoming holiday season, we have chosen Candy Canes as the original Candy Shop product. Here’s what will go into each unit of Candy that is produced…
10 Units of Sugar
6 Units of Energy
4 Units of Peppermint
Peppermint? Yep, you read that right. With the Candy Shop, we’re not just adding a new crafted good. We’re adding a whole new crafting tree, starting with a new type of farming field.
The Peppermint Field will require 3 units of Water and 1 Wood for each unit of Peppermint produced. Lumberjacks are clumsy and they may trample the crops, so only Farmers can deliver Wood to your Peppermint Fields.
Here’s Lolli delivering sugar to the Candy Shop!
How it will Work
We want you to experiment with the new building on your own, so we won’t tell you everything. We will give you a few nice hints, pointers and teasers though.
Candy Canes will be stored in the Storehouse.
Candy Canes are only the first craft of the Candy shop.
Later on, Lolli may decide to bring a friend.
Making a unit of Candy Canes takes 4 minutes.
Selling a load of Candy Canes will bring in $340,000.
There’s a load of Candy Canes coming out, ready to sell!
Back to Basics
As we introduce a new type of craft, we’re returning Town Star to the standard meta, reverting all changes that resulted from Elevating Energy over the last few weeks back to their original values.
Our advice is to use this time to prepare your best candy game! We wouldn’t throw an entirely new craft into the mix without some incoming plans for shaking up the game!
Good luck on all your Candy Cane builds! Lolli can’t wait to meet the people of your towns!
You keep hearing about this awesome play-to-earn farming game from some of the creators of Zynga and Farmville 2. You see articles, videos, tweets and more about how Town Star can be as rewarding as it is enjoyable. Finally you concede in your daily battle with FOMO, you find a sliver of time in your busy schedule, and you sit down to learn and play Town Star for the first time.
What do you do first? Where do you go? To whom do you turn to get the goods on all the play-to-earn potential of this simple-at-first-glance game?
Create an Account
Creating a Gala Games account is easy. Still, because this is a web3 experience, the process is more secure (and a bit more involved) than the typical sign in with social media approach with which you’re familiar. Your Gala Games account involves cryptocurrency, blockchain transactions and wallets, so it’s important to understand the process. You should take every step to ensure that your Gala home is safe and secure.
Once you have created an account, you will have an Ethereum-compatible wallet that is able to safely hold all your Gala Games assets, including of course your Town Star Play-to-Earn items.
For a complete account creation guide from Gala Games Support, visit THIS PAGE.
Join the Community
After creating your account, it’s time to set yourself up for success by meeting the real Town Stat experts: our incredible community. They live in Discord, and they are always happy to help new players in any way they can.
Now that your account is setup and secure and you’ve joined the Discord community, it’s time to experience Town Star for the first time. In the Gala Games App, visit the GAMES tab, and under Town Star, choose PLAY.
Once the browser game loads, you’ll be asked to join a server. You’re not quite ready for the Weekly Competition yet (you will be soon!), so choose one of the available Play-to-Earn Servers instead.
Next, you’ll see a map of the whole world, where you’re prompted to choose a location for your Town. Don’t worry. If you’re not happy with your first location after playing for a few minutes, you can scrap your town and start over very easily.
To learn exactly what goes into an effective location selection, as well as basic controls and an overview of gameplay once your location is selected, visit THIS PAGE at, the official Town Star website.
Learn the Basics
By browsing the other guides at and checking out some of the great community made video guides on Youtube, you should be able to develop a solid understanding of gameplay in your first hour. You’ll realize that while the game is relaxing and enjoyable, it’s also designed for serious gaming strategists.
This game is about building your town into a machine that produces things as quickly and efficiently as possible. The workers that come with various buildings will always fulfill their duties, and it’s your job to make sure they follow the path of least resistance. Create an environment where their work is done easily and with minimal in-game expense.
You will continue growing, building and expanding until your entire 16 x 16 town is bustling with life. Even then, you’ll need to manage storage and deliveries, while making regular calibration tweaks to your systems of production. Once you’ve learned the basics of the game, you’ll be ready to participate in the Weekly Competition, or start playing to earn with NFTs on a daily basis!
Playing to earn TOWN is one of the primary player goals in Town Star, but stepping into this realm adds new degrees of strategy and complexity to the game.
Prerequisites — There are three things that every player who participates in TSP2E must have…
Owned Blockchain Items (also known as NFTs) — Each playable Town Star item that is owned by players as a blockchain item is eligible to earn daily TOWN rewards. The amount of rewards for each item is is determined by several factors, including (but not limited to) the rarity of the item.
GALA or TOWN in your Wallet — Remember, your Gala Games account is also an Ethereum-compatible crypto wallet that can hold both GALA and TOWN. In terms of TSP2E, holding these cryptos in your account equates to Gala Power, a measurement of your play-to-earn potential in the games. In Town Star, your Gala Power Level equals the exact number of owned NFT items for which you are able to earn rewards each day.
Season Access — In order to earn rewards on a daily basis, players must have access to the current season of TSP2E. As of November 2021, we are still in the first season of play. Because access is free for season 1, this is the perfect time to gather up some NFTs and start playing to earn in Town Star.
To unlock each day’s rewards, players must additionally complete a Daily Challenge within the game. This can involve collecting a certain number of Stars (points), selling a certain number of goods, accumulating a certain amount of in-game cash or more.
Once completed in a 24 hour period, players can claim their rewards for all NFTs that are placed within their town at the time of claiming.
How to Get NFTs
Building your Town Star NFT collection is tons of fun, because it comes with its own complete set of strategic challenges. Not long ago, blockchain NFTs were strictly collectibles with no additional utility. Now, thanks to pioneers in the space like Gala Games, blockchain gaming items can also have play-to-earn utility, or the ability to earn real rewards for using them in games.
There’s no need to worry about building a whole NFT collection on your first day, but once you understand how it all works, you’ll want to start working on your collection as quickly as possible. Here are some things to keep in mind so that you’ll be ready when it’s time to start buying (and selling).
When deciding how to build up your Town Star NFT collection, you must look not only at the rarity, price, and reward potential for certain NFTs, but the ways in which they benefit and enhance your gameplay. Town Star NFTs almost always offer some valuable advantage in-game, such as additional storage or passive resource production.
Buying from the Town Star Store
Making NFT purchases through Gala Games is easy. Several different cryptocurrencies are accepted as payment, but remember to always have some ETH in your account as well to cover network fees (gas) when transferring or minting.
There are always plenty of items available in limited supply through the Gala Games store, but the true beauty of blockchain gaming is the secondary market. Because players actually own these items, they can be bought and sold p2p (peer to peer) on secondary markets like
Connecting to OpenSea
Because your Gala Games account has an Ethereum-compatible wallet, you can directly connect your account to Metamask, the leading web3 wallet, to allow easier access of secondary markets like OpenSea.
Follow THIS GUIDE to import your Gala Games account to Metamask using your 12-word recovery phrase. You can also keep a separate wallet for secondary market sales via OpenSea, but then you’ll have the added step of transferring assets from your Gala Games account to that wallet before listing.
Buying From Secondary Markets
Every new NFT item sold by Gala Games is limited in supply, and they often sell out quickly in the primary (store) sale. Thanks to secondary markets, new players and collectors still get a chance to own some of these sold out NFTs. Gala Gamers have fun browsing the secondary market listings on a daily basis looking for good deals.
Selling On Secondary Markets
Selling your NFTs on the secondary market is easier than you may think. Blockchain technology, Gala Games, and the leading trustless market created by OpenSea allow players to list NFT items directly from their Gala Games wallets. Potential buyers know they can trust your Town Star NFT is legitimate simply because it’s part of the verified Town Star collection on OpenSea. As soon as your item sells, cryptocurrency is delivered directly to your wallet.
Good luck out there as you begin your Town Star adventure! We know you’re gonna love this game!
I’m used to people telling me what I can’t do, but I usually find a way to do it anyway.
“Wash that fruit punch out of your hair, missy,” my mom would say. Mom never liked my style choices. My strawberry blonde hair took color perfectly, so how could I resist? They used to keep the Kool-Aid in the cabinet above the fridge, but I had expertly devised a system of stacking that could get me up there, then be torn down before Mom came down the stairs. I even remember the order of it: Footstool on bottom for strong support, large laundry hamper, with the smaller laundry hamper upside down inside it. That gave me a broader surface area that was still relatively sturdy. Then at the counter level, I’d pull the breadbox into play, followed by the crockpot, and that was that.
The trick was to complete my dye job as close as possible to departure time. If I did it correctly, Mom would see it, but there was nothing she could do. Being late for school was more her problem than mine; I never much liked the joint anyway. She would get so mad that her face would change to as many different colors as the Kool-Aid I used to dye my hair. Still, some part of her must have been okay with it, because they always kept that cabinet stocked with Kool-Aid.
I remember the day I found my best color up there. At first I was alarmed to see that the only choice was blue raspberry. Usually I favored the reds, pinks and purples. Blue was alright for drinking, but I’d never tried it on my head. I could hear mom moving around frantically upstairs, getting ready for another hectic day at work, so I had to move quickly. I gathered my standard supplies: The wide bowl from pantry and the big plastic spoon. Then I slipped into the quiet and dark garage to the punch-stained paint sink where I worked my magic.
Not ten minutes later I crept back into the kitchen from the garage and went straight for the bathroom to check out my new look. I was nervous. I mean, I was a seasoned Kool-Aid self stylist, but blue? The moment I saw that glorious royal sheen in my reflection, tears of joy welled up in my eyes. I had found the look.
I waited confidently in the kitchen, listening to mom’s final upstairs preparations (shoes on, purse jingling), and trying to guess the color of anger that would appear on her face when she saw me. Finally she came down the stairs, in as much of a hurry as any other day. She looked at me and stopped dead in her tracks at the foot of the stairs. The tension kept building, and I started to worry that I had taken it too far this time.
After a good long pause, her face brightened and she burst into laughter. “Looking good, kiddo.”
My hair’s been blue ever since.
Something sweet and new is coming to Town Star, very soon! Lolli grew up and turned into quite the entrepreneur, and soon she’ll be enriching each and every one of your Town Star towns. She may even bring a friend!
Look for more information coming soon, and an exciting release before Galaverse!
Gala Games was thrilled to hear of the recent listing of TOWN on OKEx, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.
To celebrate this historic big step for the play-to-earn token of Town Star, we have decided to team up with OKEx to bring an exclusive new co-branded NFT building into the game. This beautiful building (the first of its kind) will stand as a symbol of cooperation between Gala Games and OKEx.
In a special giveaway for early participants in the new listing, 100 Barter Stations will be given to both new and existing members of the OKEx community who deposit TOWN in the first week following the listing. More details about the giveaway promotion can be found HERE. Barter Stations have also been distributed to 10 Founder’s Node operators via our provably random NFT distribution algorithm.
United States residents are not eligible for this giveaway, and OKEx products are not available in the United States.
The OKEx Barter Station will NOT be for sale in the Town Star store, but in the future, we will likely release new non-branded buildings with similar functions in the store.
The Barter Station
The Barter Station introduces an entirely new functionality into the Town Star game: The ability to trade 1 basic resource for another.
Sugarcane goes in, and 1 of 3 different resources come out. The building can be set to either Wheat, Cotton or Wood. Once set, every 2 units of Sugarcane will be traded automatically for one unit of the output resource selected.
Helpful bot OK-3X delivering sugarcane to the Barter Station
Think of the possibilities for this new type of building in the future. If your land is especially effective at producing a certain type of resource, you will soon be able to barter those resources for others that may be harder to obtain in your town. Hopefully these buildings will allow greater versatility in your towns, making it easier and more enjoyable for new players to start playing to earn!
As you’re playing to earn and generating TOWN on a daily basis, don’t forget that there are TOWN exclusive items available in the Town Star store. It’s very possible that with the new liquidity added by the OKEx listing, these items will begin to sell more quickly, so don’t wait. Get your Tesla Coils and Solar Panels while you can, and the seasonal Haunted Mansion NFTs will only be available until the end of November.
Many of us wish that Halloween could be celebrated all year, but alas, it’s now time for colder weather and more sparkly holidays are quickly approaching.
Do not fear, because thanks to the smash hit Haunted Mansion NFT, you can keep the Halloween cheer alive in your heart (and your Town Star town) all year long.
The End is Nigh
That’s right. At the end of November, the spooky wonder of the Haunted Mansion will suddenly vanish from the Town Star store in the same way the ghostly Headless Horticulturist vanishes after delivering his pumpkins from the Haunted Porch to the Silo.
That means that you have approximately 2 weeks left as of this post to pick up your Haunted Mansion pieces. There are no guarantees that the Haunted Mansion will be back next year. Who knows? We may decide never to release it again, but go with some new kind of creepy Town Star building instead.
The Haunted Mansion
For you vampires who missed Galaween because you slept right through it in your cozy coffins, the Haunted Mansion is the first custom build modular NFT in Town Star. That means that you can build it in any formation you like, from a row of terrifying Haunted Graveyards to a labyrinthian Haunted Fortress of towers.
We’re certainly going to miss sharing this GIF for the next year!
Each piece of the Haunted Mansion provides passive oil to surrounding industrial buildings, and the Haunted Porch also produces pumpkins on a timer.
Additionally, every one of these items (as a player-owned NFT) allows you to potentially earn TOWN daily in TSP2E, as long as you complete your Daily Challenges and have the appropriate Gala Power level.
Hurry and get your Haunted Mansions while you still can! Once there’s room in the Town Star store, we’ll be almost ready to bring in the next exciting and sweet round of seasonal NFT fun!