Latest and Greatest: Dragon Strike Puzzle RPG
Download Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG – Android – iOS
Malum’s forces gather, but the mightiest Heroes and Dragons in the land stand ready to fight. Will you take the battlefield?
Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG has come a long way since landing on the Gala Games platform. It’s been an exciting past year, with long-time players of the mobile game finding a new home with Gala and new players discovering this amazing RPG/puzzle hybrid!
Web2 to Web3
Dragon Strike was first released in 2019 as a traditional mobile title. While the core gameplay loop has stayed true to what made it so fun in the first place, last May we implemented the ability to fully own your own Heroes within the game.
Since then, players have been able to browse and list NFT Heroes on the official Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG OpenSea collection or NFT Harbor. For those who still prefer the old fashioned way of summoning their Heroes through the game, they can summon NFT-Ready Heroes directly from The Summoning Portal or grab a Scroll of Minting and turn any maxed out Hero into an NFT!
This added a lot of new strategy and possibilities for building your team, but we weren’t done yet. In July of last year we opened up the ability to compete for a weekly $GALA prize in the Gala Games Leaderboard. This leaderboard aggregates your progress from the regular weekly events and the arena, adding a multiplier for the amount of NFT Heroes within your party.
With these changes, Dragon Strike was brought up to speed in the web3 world. While it maintains the super-engaging event and battle loop that was so fun in its web2 version, there are more ways players can engage with their Heroes and meta strategy!
New Heroes
Before coming to Gala, Dragon Strike had tons of content in the game, but long-time players were after new strategies and updates to freshen their experience within the game. While the Gala Games Leaderboard created entirely new ways to play, there was a little more that the team had cooked up.
Gala Gold users saw an all new 5-star Hero drop into the game in August, with the mighty Aurum the perfect compliment to the gilded group. All members got a drop of this exclusive card as just another Gala Gold membership perk!
Aurum wasn’t about to be the last new Hero on Dragon Strike, however. Starting in August, 20 new Heroes entered the game through the weekly event Hero rotation. Many of these Heroes transformed the long-hardened strategy executed at the highest levels, shaking up the competition and creating new ways to reach the top.
Celebrations and Events
As usual, Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG still has some extra fun added in at holidays throughout the year. Whether it was looting the Halloween dungeon or stocking up on sweets during the Winter Event, these added events always have a way of changing up the game and giving everyone a new angle on strategy.
Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG has only been on GalaChain for a little while. Who knows what kinds of parties are in the future!
Battle On!
Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG still has more plans and content charted for it. This game was originally developed by Ember Entertainment, and came to the Gala family when they joined forces with us.
We have no firm dates for future content in Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG as of yet.. With so many new Heroes added to the mix recently, there’s no need to keep disrupting the battle for the top with new strategies. The community echoed this sentiment, in fact, near the end of the release of new Heroes last year. New stuff is great, but eventually you’re after some sort of stability to execute the plans you’ve laid out for your army!
Just in the past 10 months we’ve come so far bringing this game into the web3 world without compromising what made it great in the first place. If you haven’t checked out Dragon Strike in a while… hop in and give it a go!
Only a few days until the next Tournament… better sharpen those swords and ready your dragons!
Download Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG – Android – iOS