The conclusion of Season 6 has come… congratulations to all the victors!
As Captains across Elysium tend to their wounds and gather their forces for the next battle, let’s take a moment to appreciate the successes of the past before we focus on the struggles of the future.
Need a refresher on starting out? Check out this guide to getting your best foot forward right away in a new season:
The battle for Elysium is long, and many Captain’s strategies will fall short of victory. Still, there are those that persist and triumph. The few rise to the top to gain Elysium’s true power!
Total $ETIME in seasonal rewards: ~926k
Battle Power — 20% of Season Rewards
Think you’re powerful? How did your overall effort stack up against the other Captains?
Hello World
Arena — 20% of Season Rewards
No soldiers, no resource management… just battle. Did the arena lead you to glory or defeat?
Conquest — 60% of Season Rewards
This is what you all prepared for. The great battle that pits guild against guild, Captain against Captain. Was your battle for The Ring successful?
Especially Honorable Mention
This season only one player achieved top 10 in all three rankings…
Congratulations to DubstepRod! At 6th in Conquest, 1st in Arena and 2nd in Battle Power, DubstepRod dominated the leaderboards this season!!!
EDIT: We actually have another rank dominator… Elof! Elof changed their name to “Tired” at the end of the season… and who couldn’t blame them for being tired… 1st place in Conquest, 3rd place in Arena and 4th place in Battle Power.
“Tired” at 3rd place in the Arena is, in fact, Elof! This means they too were an overwhelming force in this season… we salute them!
Check your final rankings in the following table! Shown are top 100 in Conquest and Battle Power and the top 50 in Arena!
In season 6 we saw epic battles, unexpected outcomes and a new level of competition never before seen in Elysium. The battles that will come in Season 7 are up to the Captains who fight them… but if the escalation of the past is any indication, we’d expect to see more intense confrontations for power.
Unlike some previous seasons, Season 6 brought four guilds in the top of the Conquest ranks that were actively competing for the win. Fierce competition yields major fun… who will rise to the top next season? Will we see a new power rise to challenge The Ring, or will the rulers of previous seasons come back fighting and dominate Elysium once again?
Season 7 brings an all-new Mercenary, new season features and season Mercenaries, and above all else an entirely new chance to claim The Ring.
Keep an eye on Discord in the first week for daily codes… you’ll need supplies to get your war started.
We’re not going to dive into the seasonal meta until you get a chance to hop in the game in the next hours. Stay agile in your tactics… you have no idea how a new Mercenary or new meta will affect your strategy. Those who capitalize on these opportunities are often among the victors.
Good luck in your coming battles Captains… and thank you for an amazing Season 6!
Don’t forget to update your game before Season 7’s launch at 5pm PT!
Season 6 of Eternal Paradox is nearing its epic conclusion. Are you prepared to fight for The Ring?
Alex: Fight is basically all I do, mysterious voice.
Emma: Yes, that is apparent from all the giggling and horseplay.
Alex: Oh yeah? And meanwhile you’re blinding us all with your constant cheeriness.
Emma: I was indeed cheering when I defeated you at the Storm Ruins last weekend.
Alex: Hey! That one wasn’t fair. The sun was in my eyes!
Emma: Indeed… it was bright. Good thing I can beat you with my eyes closed.
The Road to Conquest
The second Conquest event of Season 6 has wrapped up… and it was definitely an interesting battle!
This Conquest involved battles all across Elysium and some unexpected results. While S12 has historically controlled 4-5 ruins for the first 30 minutes and forced everyone to play catch up, this time they encountered extreme resistance from other guilds early on. The result was the Ring of Ruin opening with all 4 guilds at the top of the leaderboard in surprising proximity to each other.
It was a hard fought conquest again and we were again fighting the whole server. We are proud of our members who did a great job. In the end it was a close result.
-CaptWusl, leader of S12
While the leaders were close, it was GFX sitting in front at the end of the first period. Through the second period, BTB and EPX continued to challenge each other and S12 so that none of them were really able to break away. During this time the Ring exchanged hands several times with Ozknights (OzK) getting in on the action and holding the central point for significant amounts of time. Throughout the second period, three of the four guilds fought each other while GFX went largely unnoticed as they quietly held ruins and extended their lead.
We can do it guys! Just need a final push!
-HumPlays, Leader of EPx
During the third period the action heated up, but for most guilds it was too little too late. S12 made huge gains on their point total relative to other guilds during this time, but they were unable to hinder the other guilds enough to catch up. Each GFX ruin they took seemed to be replaced with another right away. In a photo finish at the end, EPx nudged BTB out of second place with just a handful of points to further shake up the rankings!
Score with ~13 minutes to go. S12 made a valiant and explosive bid to catch up at the end, but fell short in the final minutes.
The conquest was tough and challenging, the score was tight and the last seconds decided the ranking to a great extent.
-OMH, leader of BTB
Congratulations to all the top guilds and captains!
GFGroup (GFX)
Eternals (EPx)
SQUARE12 (S12)
Whether a player’s season is awful, good or great, everyone enjoys when his guild places good on a leaderboard. Over the course of the few seasons we all have built up relationships. It Is sad to see players leaving because of “imbalances”. Especially when a “game” is so time consuming… And make no mistake, Top 1 would mean nothing if there are very few left to play with and enjoy the ride together.
-Domin0, leader of GFX
The Coming Battle
While the reigning champs may have been unseated for two conquests in a row, they’re probably not planning on staying out of the top spot.
It’s no secret that S12 has dominated the last few seasons… but it seems like their rival guilds are trying out new tactics to see how competitive these battles can really be. S12 is powerful, however. They will adapt and come back hard in the third conquest, when their power is at its full zenith.
With the top four spots in the rankings being thoroughly scrambled up compared to the first conquest, we’re somewhere we haven’t been since maybe season 1 or season 2… there really is no favorite for the season win at this point. It’s anybody’s game. Whoever wants it the most and strategizes the best in conquest 3 will take the Season 6 title.
The top 64 places on the individual conquest leaderboard are all a mishmash of EPx and GFX, but S12 and BTB are biding their time just below. If the first two conquests this season are any indication, absolutely anything could happen in the third… it’s still anyone’s game!
Time will tell though. The final conquest of season 6 is only 10 days away. Will you be ready?
Battle Looms
Alex: …And frankly Emma, I’d have beaten you any other day! You had to get the help of multiple guilds to beat me!
Emma: It is not help, boom man. You have simply made too many enemies and now you reap your harvest.
Alex: Well, to show you that I’m not too salty I’ve gotten you a present Emma. I hope you like it.
Emma: That is very thoughtful of you, pirate. I accept your gift. You honor my – BOOOOOOOOM
Alex: Mwuahahahahha… buhbye Emma! It was fun hosting with you! Roll credits, disembodied voice!
Alex: You know, this mysterious voice is always asking if we’re ready. I’m pretty sure you can tell from my bombs that I was born ready! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Emma: Yes, that bomb is indeed already lit. How irresponsible.
Alex: Oh they’re always lit. I just make sure and pass them along before the party starts.
Emma: Hmm… it would seem that you are wise, even if insane.
Alex: It took you that long to realize my genius, Emma?
Emma: We are prepared, voice!
The Road to Conquest
The second Conquest event wrapped up the early gameplay of the season over the weekend. We’re headed into the finale now.
During the second conquest, several guilds distinguished themselves on the field of battle. We saw some familiar names top the leaderboard, but there were also a few surprises.
Congratulations to all top finishers!
SquareXII ran away with this one. With over a 50% lead compared to second place, they were the undisputed champions of this Conquest event! Congratulations to them for all their hard work and strategic thinking.
The real fireworks during this battle, however, happened between places 2-4. With BTB, EPx and GFX neck and neck headed into the final bonus tally, there was a critical moment to make one last push.
EPx wasn’t going to let that opportunity go. They launched a furious assault in the last moments against GFX, destabilizing their control over ruins and directly attacking the GFX hive to throw off rallies they could use to recover.
Hard to maintain pressure on the Ruins when your base is in absolute chaos.
While EPx was not successful in their bid to shift upwards into the number 2 or 3 rank, their attacks did successfully prevent GFX from being able to challenge BTB in the last moments of the battle.
A big battle with big consequences.
XII goes into this coming Conquest with a huge point advantage, but there’s still room for other guilds to close the gap!
The Coming Battle
The final Conquest is when things will really reach their glorious climax. With players no longer able to convert prisoners beyond their own barracks level, T10 soldiers are very rare to see in the first two conquests.
Some of the biggest and baddest Captains out there may have been sporting some T10s, but the ultimate power of T10 Dark and Light soldiers will be in quite a few players’ hands in the upcoming battle.
Bigger forces means bigger battles. Some tips to remember:
The bonus points for holding a Ruin at :30, 1:00 or 1:30 into Conquest are HUGE. Plan your strategy around these and know that others are doing the same.
Hunting synergy means nothing vs other players. War synergy can get you up to +40% power against your opponents. Dark and Light Mercenaries and Soldiers are the best here.
Pay attention to Mercenary Command Skills when you’re making your teams.
Sometimes T1s in your troop are nice to minimize losses. This hurts your war synergy and troop power though. If you want to minimize losses in conquest, make some T6s of the appropriate Dark or Light soldiers ahead of time.
If the rally leader’s fortress warps, the entire rally is disbanded… even if in a Ruin.
Battle Looms
Alex: So Emma, who are you looking to cross off your list this next Conquest? Are we both racing for a chance to KO Torsten again?
Emma: I will be seeking to battle Bianca. I do not trust that pirate. She knows more than she lets on.
Alex: Oooo, coming after us pirates, huh? That may not end well for you!
Emma: All is fair in Conquest boomy one. I shall relish a chance to meet you fairly on the field of battle.
Alex: It’s a date, Emma! MWUAHAHAHAHA! Now, if you don’t mind mysterious announcer… I seem to have some preparation to do.
Thanks Alex and Emma. Good luck to you in the upcoming final battle, and good luck to all the Captains out there. Make your guilds proud!
Want to hop in and prepare for Season 6? The upcoming fresh start at the season transition is a great time to start playing Eternal Paradox!
Professor Arlen Drayk had spent his entire career chasing mysteries. His colleagues at the University of Andromeda Prime admired his brilliance but whispered about his obsessions. Arlen was undeterred, for he believed that the greatest discoveries lay beyond the boundaries of fear.
The Miasma was a region of space that defied understanding. A nebulous cloud of energy and radiation, it swirled ominously at the fringe of known space, a spectral shroud that swallowed all who dared venture too close. The Garrison’s most advanced ships, the Royal’s grandest vessels, and the Arbeiters’ fastest traders had all met their end at the Miasma’s edge. Yet, Arlen was convinced that the secrets within could reshape the galaxy.
“Professor, it’s madness!” his assistant, Lyra, pleaded as they stood on the hangar deck of the Odyssey. “No one has ever returned.”
“That’s exactly why I must go,” Arlen replied, his eyes alight with the fervor of discovery. “Imagine what we could learn, what advancements we could make. The Miasma is not a death sentence—it’s an opportunity.”
The Odyssey was a sleek, state-of-the-art research vessel, outfitted with the best technology the Arbeiters’ wealth could buy. Arlen believed it would withstand the perils of the Miasma, that his preparations and his intellect would see him through.
As the ship embarked, Lyra watched from the observation deck, a mix of hope and dread swirling within her. She knew better than anyone that once Arlen set his mind on something, there was no turning back.
Days turned into weeks as the Odyssey charted a course through the outer regions of space. Arlen meticulously recorded every anomaly, every fluctuation in the ship’s instruments. The edge of the Miasma loomed closer, a dark curtain against the glittering backdrop of stars.
“Entering the Miasma’s boundary in T-minus 60 seconds,” the ship’s AI intoned.
Arlen’s heart raced. The readings were unlike anything he had ever seen—energies that defied the laws of physics, signals that hinted at advanced civilizations long lost to time. He was on the cusp of a breakthrough.
The Odyssey shuddered as it breached the Miasma’s edge. The view screen filled with swirling, iridescent clouds that seemed to pulse with life. Arlen’s fingers danced over the controls, capturing data at an unprecedented rate.
But then, the ship lurched violently. Alarms blared as systems began to fail one by one. Arlen’s confidence wavered, replaced by a gnawing fear. The Miasma was not welcoming—it was hostile, a maelstrom that defied comprehension.
“Stabilize the ship!” Arlen commanded, but the AI’s response was garbled, its circuits fried by the Miasma’s unpredictable forces. The Odyssey spun out of control, drawn deeper into the churning chaos.
Arlen’s last transmission was a garbled mix of static and desperate words. “Data… incredible… don’t… forget…”
And then, silence.
The Odyssey vanished from all known scans, consumed by the Miasma. Lyra and the others at the University mourned the loss, but some whispered that Arlen had succeeded—that he had found what he was looking for and crossed into a realm of knowledge beyond their reach.
The Miasma remained, its secrets intact, its edge a testament to the price of curiosity. And somewhere, perhaps, Professor Arlen Drayk wandered through an alien landscape of wonders and horrors, forever lost to the galaxy he had sought to enlighten.
As the galaxy reels from the aftermath of the great civil war, the chaos that follows brings both peril and opportunity. The fate of Professor Arlen Drayk serves as a haunting reminder of the galaxy’s mysteries, yet his story is only the beginning.
In Echoes of Empire, you are thrust into a universe teetering on the brink. The three dominant factions—the Royals, the Garrison, and the Arbeiters—struggle for supremacy, each with their own vision for the galaxy’s future.
As a player, you must navigate this fractured world, forging alliances, making enemies, and uncovering secrets that could alter the balance of power.
Collect resources from countless celestial bodies, acquire Stardust for a chance at $GALA rewards and engage in epic space battles. Customize your fleet, recruit allies and harness advanced technologies to overcome the challenges that lie ahead.
Join Echoes of Empire today and start your adventure. The galaxy awaits your command. Are you ready to shape its destiny?
Step into the unknown. Embrace the chaos. Become a legend.
The great battle for the Ring has been fought. Were you victorious? Will the shattered timeline of Elysium bring you success or defeat in the next iteration…
The paradox continues, but maybe the right Captain seizing control of the power can change the fate of Elysium. It’s time for a fresh start. Old rivalries are broken, will old alliances be renewed?
Alex: So exciting to be here again! Teeehehehe, more explosions!
Emma: Wha… Where are we?
Alex: Oh, that’s not important. I just go with it and it always works out for me.
Emma: You are wise, explosion pirate. I shall follow you into this mystery.
Alex: Oh ho! We’re going to get along splendidly Emma! For now though, let’s get to the results of Season 3!!!
Conquest: The Victorious
The battle for the Ring is fierce. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers meet their end each time the powers of Elysium meet to do epic battle. The Captains that persist through the difficulties and rise to the challenge each Conquest are worthy of our respect indeed. We salute them!
Note that due to S12’s signature tactic of altering their names to be difficult to distinguish at the final conquest, most of our winners are somewhat mysterious heroes this season.
IlIllIIllIIl [spoiler]PalafinHF[/spoiler]
Iiiiiiiiii [spoiler]Anti91[/spoiler]
Iiiiiiiiiiii [spoiler]PasinduDE[/spoiler]
Iiiiiiiiil [spoiler]Elof[/spoiler]
Most Powerful Captains
Conquest is a team sport. Pure battle power is a measure of the forces an individual captain can muster. No unexpected critical or tactical misstep in Conquest will change the results here… Those who amassed the most forces and the most Battle Power over the course of season 3 are true warriors.
Arena Victors
Hiding behind your soldiers seems easy compared to the heat of the Arena. The Captains that rose to the top in this category are brutally efficient with their team of Mercenaries and can defend their spot with vigor to repeatedly come out on top.
Most Honorable Mentions
This season, we have two Captains that were able to show their mettle in all three categories and rise to the top 10 across the board…
Congratulations to Firstblood and PalfinHF, the two Captains to accomplish this great task this season!
Season 4 Is Live!
Season 4 is already live! Get out there and conquer!
There’s tons of new features coming in season 4.
Jinryu, new Fire-type Mercenary
Guild Arena
Mercenary Collection System
New Season Pass, May Mayhem Pass, and Arena Pass!
Beyond that, there are tons of new balances, meta changes and improvements! Small changes make major tactical differences, and no two seasons of Eternal Paradox are alike!
…And Here We Go Again!
Emma: The strange, invisible narrator is correct. Tiny variables can greatly influence plans.
Alex: I never was one for plans. I think this time I’ll do what I do every time… blow stuff up! Bwuahahahaha!!!
Emma: A wise stratagem. Why fight the wind when you can fly on it?
Alex: Hahaha! You’re SOOOO much better at this than Torsten.
Emma: That does not surprise me. We are prepared for battle mysterious voice.
Thanks Emma and Alex, and good luck out there this season!
49 days to go –
Emma: 48 days.
Uhhh, right. You heard the woman! Get out there and conquer. We’ll see you at the battle for the Ring!