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Mayhem in Legends Reborn: The Tournament of Chance

May 12, 2023

The Council of Nine have called for the best players across Tolkheim to come together for a test of skill and Chance.

As the Age of Conflict passed, it was in the prosperous port city of Anchormarsh that the Age of Chance really began. The mysterious Council of Nine within the great keep at the heart of the city guided Anchormarsh — and all of Tokheim — out of the darkness and into a new golden age… one where sword and siege gave way to contests of skill and Chance.

The Nine are typically unseen, but all of Tokheim is influenced by their whims and fancies. Once per year, however, they throw open the doors of the keep to the people. Just after the planting, The Council hosts a great festival for all the people to celebrate what they’ve overcome.

Hundreds of thousands gather to celebrate the Mayhem Ultimas — The End of the Mayhem. Over the centuries, this has led to both the festival itself and the month in which it falls being commonly referred to as “May”.

During the May festival, the city of Anchormarsh erupts into merriment. Dancing, feasts and fine drink can be found in every establishment. Most importantly, this festival is the home of the Tournament of Chance. As The Nine watch from their balcony, the greatest Chance players in the realm battle to see who is crowned the champion.

The mayhem is coming to Chance tables in Venues across Tolkheim! The Tournament of Chance will begin on Wednesday, May 17th, and sign ups have already started!

Sign up for the Tournament of Chance using this form:

May Mayhem Competition

Now that our May playtest is up and running on both Steam and Gala Games, it’s time to get down to celebrating May Mayhem in Legends Reborn: Age of Chance. Welcome to The Tournament of Chance!

Next Wednesday, we’ll start a special leaderboard competition for all players on Gala Games. This will run from the leaderboard reset on May 17th through the reset on May 24th. Players will receive rewards based on their final leaderboard rank across the entire week.

Depending on the leaderboard rank they achieve, players can receive Creature Packs or Dragon Stones as rewards. Dragon Stones are the premium currency of Legends Reborn, and will be delivered directly to the account of the victors at the full launch of the game.

After the competition ends, we’ll record the results and send out NFT Creature Packs to the top players’ wallets!

Enter the Mayhem!

This may be an open, but players will need to sign up in advance to take part and be eligible for rewards. Sign ups have already started, and any aspiring champions will need to get their name on the lists by Monday, May 15th.

As long as you’re signing up, why not get in some practice before the big event? Our playtest is live right now, and will continue through May 24th. This competition will run right up until the last day of the playtest, so you better get ready for an intense week of May Mayhem!

Play Now!