The game has begun, legends! Have you taken your seat at the table?
Legends Reborn is not a complicated game to jump into… you can grab one of the pre-made decks and be having a blast at the tables right away after starting up the game for the first time.
That having been said, there’s a lot of nuance to deck building for those who like to dig in deeper and grow their strategic chops. No one controls the hand you’re dealt… but you can control what goes into your deck.
Calling All First-Time Deck Crafters!
We recognize this may be a review for some of the legends out there. Don’t worry, higher level classes are on the way!
We’ve talked about the crafting system and all the details of the economy, but we haven’t really gone over the basics of deck building since the game was in early development!
This will not do! We want to take a quick opportunity to walk folks through the basics before we dive deeper into strategy.
If you haven’t played Legends Reborn much yet, but are ready to dive into deck building tactics, read on to learn how to craft your first decks!
Choosing Your Deck
From the main menu, you can select “Deck Editor” to hop right into refining your deck. You’ll notice that there are some preset selections in place. These are great starting points, and you should totally play around with these to get a feel for the style you like to play.
Once you’re ready to start your own destiny… choose to create a new deck and start lining up your strategy!
If you don’t have any cards, no need to worry! There are always time-limited cards available, and you can grab a free daily pack every day to pad your reserves!
Deck Building Basics
Every deck starts with a Hero. This is you… the player of the card game. Not only are you choosing whose skin you’re playing behind, but you’re choosing an overarching theme for your deck.

Each Hero Card comes with five cards. These are special Hero-specific actions that you can take at critical moments throughout the match. They’ll often be game-changing if played right, so choose a Hero based on what you think will combo well with the deck you’re hoping to build.

After you select a Hero, it’s on to Creatures. In every deck you get six Creatures. Their stats will determine how your deck plays, so pay attention to which roles work out better for you so you can adapt in the future.
After Creatures, you’ll choose six Action Cards for each Creature in your deck. These Action Cards will be selected from a pool based on that creature’s combat role. These Action Cards are what you will draw from each time your Creatures attack.

You want to choose Action Cards that synergize with each other, but also ones that complement several of your Creatures if possible. Remember, you never know what order you’ll draw cards in. You want as many opportunities to win as possible!
Refining and Improving
Once you’ve selected all your cards, name your brand new deck and you can get to playing! You can click “Summary” from the deck builder menu to get an overview of your deck that you just made.
This summary will show you all your Creatures and you Hero, but crucially will let you quickly reference your Mana Curve. Take note of this. If you ever find yourself with too many high mana cards to play, you may need to switch out for some lower cost cards. Likewise, if you find yourself with just too much mana and no cards, then you probably need to get some higher cost Actions in there.
Don’t be worried if you don’t have too many choices the first time. Time limited free cards swap out frequently, so you can experiment with a lot of different cards over time. As you play, you’ll unlock more cards and also be able to pick up that free pack every day. Before you know it, you’ll not only have a lot of cards to choose from, but know how to use them all!
As we said above, we’ll be back later with some more advanced strategy – but get in and give building a deck a try today!
If you’ve had experience with TCG deck building before, you know how engaging and fun the strategic customization can be. If you haven’t… well, you’re missing out! Luckily for you, Legends Reborn is free to hop into right now!