The extraction FPS powered by player-owned Operator’s Nodes is now live in Early Access to anyone with an Early Access Token.

The Last Expedition team is thrilled to release the highly anticipated new build! Even more importantly, this is the first chance Early Access Token holders will have to get in on the action. Until now, only Last Expedition Node Operators (OPs) could play, but with thousands and thousands of Early Access Tokens now active out there in the wild, this is a new era of Last Expedition Early Access.
Remember–Early Access Tokens will grant the owner access to all Early Access playtest builds up until the Beta launch of Last Expedition (date TBA).
The Early Access Token
In the monumental shift to GalaChain operations for everything in our games, some adjustments were required to make the original Early Access Token concept a success. A new version of the Early Access token has now been minted on GalaChain and distributed to everyone who purchased Operators’ License Bundles in the earlier sales.
Please note that the original Early Access Token NFT is now completely devoid of utility and should not be bought, sold or transferred.
Now, each Early Access Token is a unique GalaChain minted item complete with an ID number. Operators may now distribute these tokens to anyone they’d like to have early access to this amazing game.
Get in the Game
If you’re ready to play right now, we’ll help you get started! Look for a more detailed guide on securing your Early Access, downloading the game and logging in with your Epic Games account in an upcoming Support article.
Get an Early Access Token
For everyone who’s not operating their own Last Expedition Node and toting a nice bag of Early Access tokens to show for their subscription: You’ll find a shiny token of your own (among other goodies) in the Hunter’s Early Access Pass, available now for $50 in the Gala Games store.
Create an Epic Games account
While you’ll launch the game from the Gala Games platform, this build is hosted by Epic Games, so before playing you’ll need to ensure your account is in order.
Prepare to Get Killed and Eaten
You’ll see.
Operating a Node
The powered by player-owned Nodes feature is one of our favorites. It reminds us of the old days of garage LAN parties where everyone drank yellow soda all night long… The glory days.
Anyway, if you’re a Last Expedition OP, then you’ll be interested in knowing that you can start running your own server now. Check your email for all the specifics so we don’t have to bore the non-OPs.
If you’re interested in becoming an OP by grabbing a Summer Operator’s License Bundle, they’re still available (limited time only) in the Gala Games store. This one comes with 4 Early Access Tokens, a Forest Snapper OP Mod predator, and subscription to the OP Mod club so you’ll get the new OP Mod every time!

The Harvest Awaits
There are tons of precious minerals and resources out there among the terrifying predators that all want to kill you and your team. Survive, extract and get out.
We all hope you enjoy this new Early Access playtest build, and we can hardly wait to bring you the next round of juicy updates. For now, secure your Early Access and start enjoying the game!