The GalaChain Hackathon Begins!!!

March 20, 2024

GalaChain is ready. The stage is set. More than 100 developers in our Hackathon HQ in San Francisco are ready to go… along with hundreds more developers around the world!

The GalaChain Hackathon has officially begun!

24 Hours of Rapid-Fire Development

Tons of teams are going to be working on an incredibly diverse array of projects during the next 24 hours, and we plan to keep you up to date on everything throughout the evening and into the finish line tomorrow at 11am PT!

We’ll have onsite interviews throughout the hackathon with developers and judges. We’ll be bringing you the biggest updates on Discord, socials and our live blog. There will be tons happening in the next day, so make sure you keep watching to see major innovation developing in front of your eyes!

Developing on GalaChain

Keep in mind everyone in this hackathon is developing directly on GalaChain using the recently released SDK. This means that this hackathon has real potential to bring amazing new tools and resources to our community.

GalaChain has come a long way in a short time, but this is what it’s all been leading up to! Community development on GalaChain is right in line with our decentralized and open source sensibilities, and we’re so thankful to everyone who could join us.

For those that couldn’t make it this time, it’s not too late to build cool things on GalaChain! The SDK and Gala Creators Portal are open, and you could easily make GalaChain the home of your next passion project or innovation. Every development makes GalaChain a more robust ecosystem for our community!

See You Soon!

We’ll be back throughout the hackathon, but make sure to check in between 11am and 2pm PT tomorrow for highlights from project presentations. 

It may be tough to get a full overview of everything that happens at the event until we all sort through the insane amounts of progress. We can, however, guess that Ahead of the Game tomorrow night may be one of the best ways to get a clear rundown of the hackathon! 

To all the developers out there, good luck! We wish you smooth building and easy to eliminate bugs!

We hope you think big and build big. Thank you for being a part of GalaChain!