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Envisioning a More Decentralized Future: Discussing the Node-Based Cumulative Lifetime Points…

July 10, 2023
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In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, the ability to adapt, rethink, and revise our strategies is vital for the growth and sustainability of our network. The dynamics of our ecosystem are complex, requiring a constant reassessment of our approaches. Previously, we explored the concept of a ‘bonus pool,’ a mechanism to allocate different types of points with varying weights. However, we found this approach presented several challenges, such as conceptual complications in weighting differing points and its lack of direct applicability to the operation of Nodes. As a result, this proposal was deemed unfeasible.

Instead, we’re opening up a discussion today on a new concept, one that focuses on the idea of ‘cumulative lifetime points’ and will apply to the entire Founders’ Node portion of the distribution. Before we delve into the specifics, it’s critical to underline that this is an exploratory dialogue, not a formal governance proposal. This conversation is an invitation for the community to ponder upon a potential restructuring of our ecosystem’s dynamics, moving it towards an even more decentralized future.

NOTE: In the event that this, or more likely a modified version of this proposal for discussion, is approved by a Founders’ Node vote, it would not go into effect until Founders’ Nodes had been converted into NFTs and were able to be freely moved throughout the ecosystem.

Now, onto the proposal. The ‘cumulative lifetime points’ proposition hinges on incentivizing the decentralization of Node operators. It is guided by an aspiration to maximize our network’s security and antifragility. We envision an optimal scenario where our network consists of 50,000 Founder’s Nodes, each one running on a separate machine and operated by a unique individual. This goal aligns perfectly with our commitment to enhancing decentralization, which stands at the very core of blockchain technology.

At the heart of this proposal is a logarithmic function designed to calculate bonus points based on the number of Nodes a user operates. These points are cumulative and add to the distribution every day, rewarding Node operators’ consistent participation. However, to maintain equilibrium in our ecosystem, these bonus points would be deducted when users mint their $GALA.

A significant aspect of this idea is the potential unlocking of Node NFTs. This enables users to have more control and flexibility over their Nodes, allowing them to mint, transfer, or sell their Node NFTs as they desire. This feature could stimulate increased dynamism within the network, encouraging further decentralization and bringing new blood into an ecosystem that has been seen as unapproachable by many.

To facilitate an understanding of this proposal and to encourage community interaction, we have created a Google Sheet that allows you to play with these variables and explore how different behaviors might work. You can make a copy and adjust the parameters to see the proposal’s potential effects.

As we navigate the potential of the ‘cumulative lifetime points’ structure, we invite your participation in this critical discussion. Your insights and perspectives are invaluable in evaluating this proposal’s merits and potential areas for refinement. Remember, this discussion is aimed at strengthening our ecosystem’s decentralization, and it is not a definitive governance proposal. Together, we can shape the future of our network, ensuring it remains resilient, secure, and truly decentralized.

Draft Governance Proposal: Implementing a Node-Based Cumulative Lifetime Points Structure with New Logarithmic Function to Advance Decentralization


This governance proposal presents an innovative bonus points structure based on the concept of “Node-Based Cumulative Lifetime Points.” This strategy focuses on the number of Nodes operated by a user, aiming to counteract platform centralization and foster decentralization within our ecosystem. With the proposed system, cumulative lifetime points accrue daily, directly correlating with your active participation in our community.

Proposal Details

We propose the adoption of a new logarithmic function, P = 5.7*log10(N) (+1 if N=1), for the allocation of bonus points. Here, N signifies the number of Nodes a user operates, and P denotes the points awarded. Here are the points for various Node counts (N) using this function, rounded to two decimal places:

Operating 1 Node: 5.7*log10(1) + 1 = 1 point
Operating 2 Nodes: 5.7*log10(2) ≈ 1.71 points
Operating 5 Nodes: 5.7*log10(5) ≈ 3.98 points
Operating 10 Nodes: 5.7*log10(10) ≈ 5.70 points
Operating 25 Nodes: 5.7*log10(25) ≈ 7.96 points
Operating 50 Nodes: 5.7*log10(50) ≈ 9.68 points
Operating 100 Nodes: 5.7*log10(100) ≈ 11.40 points
Operating 250 Nodes: 5.7*log10(250) ≈ 13.66 points
Operating 500 Nodes: 5.7*log10(500) ≈ 15.38 points
Operating 1000 Nodes: 5.7*log10(1000) ≈ 17.10 points
Operating 7000 Nodes: 5.7*log10(7000) ≈ 21.91 points

Using this updated logarithmic function, Node operation decentralization is encouraged.

Notably, new Founder’s Nodes joining our ecosystem will begin with the lowest Node bonus point total from currently operational Nodes, providing a fair starting point and ensuring that they are not disadvantaged by having to catch up from zero.

Cumulative lifetime points will be added to the distribution daily, rewarding consistent Node operators over time. However, these “bonus points” will be deducted when users mint their $GALA, maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

Please note, these values are approximate and may slightly differ due to rounding.


We believe that the Node-Based Cumulative Lifetime Points structure, supported by the new logarithmic function, will foster decentralization and discourage potential centralization issues. We invite all community members to participate in the discussion, ask questions, and express their views. Your active participation aids us in building a more robust, decentralized, and user-focused ecosystem.

Draft Governance Vote Node Proposal

Should the Distribution System integrate a logarithmically based cumulative lifetime points system for the Node Ecosystem?

Option 1.): Yes
Option 2.): No

Example Data

This Google Sheet is provided solely for discussion purposes. Its contents are based on estimates and leverage randomly generated data to simulate specific behaviors. Please understand that these simulations may not accurately reflect real-world results or behavior. Use this data responsibly, acknowledging its hypothetical nature, and avoid making definitive conclusions based on these estimations. This is a tool for understanding the figures involved in the discussion, not factual reference.

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