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RingWatch: The Final Stretch of Season 5

July 25, 2024

Season 5 of Eternal Paradox is nearing its climax. Are you prepared for the final battle for The Ring?

Alex: You know, this mysterious voice is always asking if we’re ready. I’m pretty sure you can tell from my bombs that I was born ready! BWAHAHAHAHAHA 

Emma: Yes, that bomb is indeed already lit. How irresponsible. 

Alex: Oh they’re always lit. I just make sure and pass them along before the party starts.

Emma: Hmm… it would seem that you are wise, even if insane. 

Alex: It took you that long to realize my genius, Emma?

Emma: We are prepared, voice!

The Road to Conquest

The second Conquest event wrapped up the early gameplay of the season over the weekend. We’re headed into the finale now.

During the second conquest, several guilds distinguished themselves on the field of battle. We saw some familiar names top the leaderboard, but there were also a few surprises.

Congratulations to all top finishers!

SquareXII ran away with this one. With over a 50% lead compared to second place, they were the undisputed champions of this Conquest event! Congratulations to them for all their hard work and strategic thinking.

The real fireworks during this battle, however, happened between places 2-4. With BTB, EPx and GFX neck and neck headed into the final bonus tally, there was a critical moment to make one last push. 

EPx wasn’t going to let that opportunity go. They launched a furious assault in the last moments against GFX, destabilizing their control over ruins and directly attacking the GFX hive to throw off rallies they could use to recover.

Hard to maintain pressure on the Ruins when your base is in absolute chaos.

While EPx was not successful in their bid to shift upwards into the number 2 or 3 rank, their attacks did successfully prevent GFX from being able to challenge BTB in the last moments of the battle. 

A big battle with big consequences.

XII goes into this coming Conquest with a huge point advantage, but there’s still room for other guilds to close the gap! 

The Coming Battle

The final Conquest is when things will really reach their glorious climax. With players no longer able to convert prisoners beyond their own barracks level, T10 soldiers are very rare to see in the first two conquests.

 Some of the biggest and baddest Captains out there may have been sporting some T10s, but the ultimate power of T10 Dark and Light soldiers will be in quite a few players’ hands in the upcoming battle.

Bigger forces means bigger battles. Some tips to remember:

  • The bonus points for holding a Ruin at :30, 1:00 or 1:30 into Conquest are HUGE. Plan your strategy around these and know that others are doing the same.
  • Hunting synergy means nothing vs other players. War synergy can get you up to +40% power against your opponents. Dark and Light Mercenaries and Soldiers are the best here.
  • Pay attention to Mercenary Command Skills when you’re making your teams.
  • Sometimes T1s in your troop are nice to minimize losses. This hurts your war synergy and troop power though. If you want to minimize losses in conquest, make some T6s of the appropriate Dark or Light soldiers ahead of time.
  • If the rally leader’s fortress warps, the entire rally is disbanded… even if in a Ruin.

Battle Looms

Alex: So Emma, who are you looking to cross off your list this next Conquest? Are we both racing for a chance to KO Torsten again?

Emma: I will be seeking to battle Bianca. I do not trust that pirate. She knows more than she lets on.

Alex: Oooo, coming after us pirates, huh? That may not end well for you!

Emma: All is fair in Conquest boomy one. I shall relish a chance to meet you fairly on the field of battle.

Alex: It’s a date, Emma! MWUAHAHAHAHA! Now, if you don’t mind mysterious announcer… I seem to have some preparation to do.

Thanks Alex and Emma. Good luck to you in the upcoming final battle, and good luck to all the Captains out there. Make your guilds proud!

Want to hop in and prepare for Season 6? The upcoming fresh start at the season transition is a great time to start playing Eternal Paradox!
