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VOX Land is Back with a HUGE 100% Rebate Opportunity

VOX Land is Back with a HUGE 100% Rebate Opportunity

Welcome to July! It may be hot outside but we’re pleased to announce the coolest new item in the Gala Games store… VOX Land! 

As we prepare for Project Cerberus, VOX’s upcoming game, community members have been FOMO’ing hard about VOX land, which will be one of the best ways to get into VOX rewards! So the team got together and came up with a straight bonkers way for anyone to get their hands on a Rare plot this July!

Buy Land (Credit Card, USDC, USDT, GUSDT and GUSDC qualify for 100% rebate)

A Rare Plains Frontier plot of VOX land!

Rare Plains Frontier – $100

Each plot of Rare Frontier VOX Land is itself cause to celebrate…

When you buy this item with a credit card, GUSDT, GUSDC, USDC or USDT, you’ll receive $100 worth of $GALA back as a rebate! 🤯

Yes, we are that crazy. This definitely wasn’t us just filling out a spreadsheet wrong or anything.

Have we actually lost our pixels? Or maybe some VOX are holding us hostage… Maybe, we’re just really ready to party hard, VOX-style!

Don’t wait too long. This sale could end at any time!

Get your Rare VOX Land while you can

Introducing Flower Frenzy: Plant Posies to Pick Up Token Prizes!

Introducing Flower Frenzy: Plant Posies to Pick Up Token Prizes!

Get ready to dive into a colorful world of flowers and rewards with Flower Frenzy, our new VOX-themed Telegram clicker game. 

Play Now!

In Flower Frenzy, you’ll help Gala Girl make her garden grow, picking posies and harvesting token rewards that combine the joy of gardening with the excitement of stacking tokens.

These magic VOX flowers grow as fast as Gala Girl can ever hope to pick ‘em!

How to Play

Your goal is to plant as many flowers as you can. Simply tap to plant and watch your garden grow. Each flower you plant brings you closer to earning token rewards. It’s a delightful and relaxing way to accumulate tokens while enjoying the beauty of a blossoming garden.

Features and Benefits

  • Simple Gameplay: Tap to plant flowers and collect tokens.
  • Rewarding Experience: Get tokens for planting/watering flowers and completing tasks.
  • Community Engagement: See who can grow the most beautiful garden.
  • Completely Free: Enjoy the game without any hidden costs.

Why Play Flower Frenzy?

Flower Frenzy offers a unique blend of relaxation and rewards. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to clicker games, Flower Frenzy provides a soothing yet exciting experience. The best part… the tokens are real! 😎

Start Planting Today

Ready to cultivate your garden and reap the rewards? Join us on Telegram and start planting with Flower Frenzy. Enjoy the simple pleasures of gardening while earning valuable tokens.

Play Flower Frenzy now on Telegram and watch your garden—and rewards—grow!

Behind the Cubes: Jeff

Behind the Cubes: Jeff

You can feel the excitement across every pixel of GalaChain as Project Cerberus starts to take shape. Everyone – human and VOX alike – are ready to start this party!

Before we dive into more about Project Cerberus in the upcoming weeks, we want to highlight more of the amazing real, actual human beings who put up with our constant onslaught of cubes day in and day out to bring you more voxelated glory!

This week, we’ve got a real treat from one of our human VOX pros. Meet Jeff… definitely a human made of squishy stuff just like you!

Tell the People Who You Are!

Hello world! I’m Jeff Brooks, AKA jeffgamedev, and I’m a game developer on VOX. I’ve been developing video games since I was just 11 years old, where I started writing text adventure games in C, and participated in the first ever online game-jams (we used to call them “compos”). 

I used ancient niche game libraries and engines that you may have never heard of, such as VERGE, Sphere, ika, Allegro, and Pygame and libGDX. I’ve been working as a professional game developer and full stack engineer for about 14 years now, and have been with the VOX team for just over a year.

I’m a husband, father, and horse owner that lives in the midwest of the United States. I’m a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls and Deus Ex games, and am currently on a mission to complete all of them.

What Guinness Book of World Records record would you like to break?

It’d be impressive to be the person that ported the most retro games to PC in history ever.

If you had to turn into a food, which one would you choose?

A giant chocolate chip cookie cake. Chocolate chip cookies are the best baked good.

If you were a wrestler what would be your entrance theme song?

Guile’s theme from Street Fighter. *FLEX*

Flex Indeed

What’s a TV show you hated that everyone else loved and why did you hate it?

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is not funny.

What’s one super power you would NOT want?

Mind reading.

If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?

Protein bars

The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team?

My wife and 2 kids.

What’s the most embarrassing fashion trend you used to rock?

Sandals with socks. Comfort with convenience. Please don’t judge.

Dad fashion is the final evolution. Double comfort… and we don’t care what you think 😉

What was the worst haircut you ever had?

I had a mullet when I was 5. At the time, I lived in the deep south! That awful Achy Breaky Heart song was on the radio all day.

What’s your favorite thing about VOX?

I’ve been a fan of voxel art forever. Since I was a kid, I always imagined 3D video games would capture the essence of 2D games and put it in a 3D world. VOX is this!

What is your most used emoji?


We believe that human and VOX cooperation is essential for the future of entertainment. We here at VOX believe in fair and equitable treatment of our humans. Boxy or rounded, we’re all working for a better future… squared.

Don’t forget to check out our last Behind the Cubes if you missed it!

We’ll see you before too long, as we keep highlighting the people who are fabricating the heads of the Cerberus as we speak. Stay VOXy out there!

Last Chance for Mayhem. Squared.

Last Chance for Mayhem. Squared.

It’s Mayhem out there. We get it. 

Here at VINC, we understand. We’re all in this together. 

We Care. Squared.

We wanted to create something wonderful out of all this Mayhem. Featuring our revolutionary ProtoVOX technology, the latest VOX Box is more than just a box… it’s what’s inside that counts. But it’s also more than just what’s inside! It’s the care and love that went into designing a box just for each and every one of you! 

VINC may be a multinational corporation, but we like to think of ourselves more as family to each human and VOX out there. Families care. No need to thank us. It’s just what we do.

Just click for wonderful.

The Mayhem VOX Box

We forgive you if the last few weeks were a blur. We sure had fun making sure that VOX were making the rounds this Mayhem, and we love getting to know new friends. 

Give yourself a pat on the back – because you dominated in Common Ground World, Legends Reborn and NFTD. I guess that’s why you’re the real hero!

Alice still hasn’t returned from her Mayhem mission. I wonder where she’ll pop up 🤔

The VOX Box can have any of your favorite new faces from Mayhem! 

  • 50% chance for Project V
  • 35% chance for Lucy the Border Collie
  • 15% chance for Alice

In addition to a “shiny” new ProtoVOX, ALL boxes will contain a Common VOX Land!

Every box will also have a 20% chance to contain the all-new FutureBoy track – Datalake Drip!

FutureBoy is making soothing LoFi metaverse grooves on Gala Music.
Post Mayhem chill time! FutureBoy has got your back

Each VOX Box costs $99.99, and only 1000 are available in this sale!

At the time of publishing, only around half of these are left 😱

Unbox the Care

This is the absolute last chance to get all these Mayhem items. Get yours before it’s too late!

We know grinding the Mayhem is hard. That’s why we made opening VOX boxes so easy! Don’t wait… open one today.

Buy a VOX Box today!

Join us for a VOX Town Hall – Live on May 23 at 11am PT

Join us for a VOX Town Hall – Live on May 23 at 11am PT

If you’re curious about what’s coming for Project Cerberus and your edgy friends at VOX, you won’t want to miss today’s Town Hall with the team!

Recent VOX Articles

Behind the Cubes

Learn more about ProtoVOX

VOX Anatomy Lesson

This Town Hall event on the Gala Games Youtube channel is the first in a series that will take you deep into the minds of the VOX creators, not to be confused with the overlords… er– Board of Directors at VINC.

Set a notification and don’t miss the live Town Hall today at 11am PT! Give your hosts a shout in the comments!

NOTICE: Views expressed by members of the VOX team do not necessarily reflect the views of VINC or any VINC subsidiary, nor of the VINC Board of Directors, the Advisory Board to the Board of Directors, the special Advisory Council to the Advisory Board to the Board of Directors, the Press Secretary to said Special Advisory Council, nor the hairdresser of any current, past or future member of the VINC Board of Directors. By reading this, the user acknowledges that ProtoVOX do not have souls.