Massive VOX Rebate Opportunity – Finley the Shark

Massive VOX Rebate Opportunity – Finley the Shark

Summer marches on and the VOX team is at it again with another incredible rebate opportunity as we prepare for the V1 launch of “Project Cerberus” the upcoming VOX mobile crafting and strategy game that you’ve all been waiting for.

Y’all loved the last sale when we offered a big $GALA rebate on Plains Frontier Land NFTs. Then your excitement went through the roof with this inside dev look at Land merging. There’s plenty more where that came from.

The New Rebate Sale

For a limited time, the Finley ProtoVOX Skin NFT is now up for grabs in the Gala Games store.

WARNING: If you pass this up, you’ll lack the ability to dress your ProtoVOX up like Finley the Shark 🦈Is that a risk you’re willing to take?

We’ll make it easier on you by offering $100 worth of $GALA back (approximately** 100% of the purchase price) once you have made your purchase with any of the eligible payment methods listed below 👇👇

  • Credit Card via CoinFlow
  • USDC
  • USDT

Act fast, because this sale will suddenly vanish with no notice before you know it, and then you can kiss your awesome Shark Suit goodbye.

Stay tuned for more exciting VOX announcements and Project Cerberus updates coming soon. Stay edgy, cubers!

**The rebate amount is subject to variation based on the utility value of $GALA. The rebate amount is calculated based on a three-day average. Please be aware that fluctuations may affect the final rebate amount. We do not guarantee a fixed rebate amount as it may change in accordance with other conditions.

Project Cerberus | It’s a Land Merge!

Project Cerberus | It’s a Land Merge!

So now that you’ve got all that land from the recent Plains Frontier sale or from May Mayhem– including a bunch of duplicates– You’re probably wondering what you can do with them…

What else? Smash them together to make even rarer land!

With the initial launch of Project Cerberus V1 (coming soon), all VOX landowners will have the ability to use this feature, merging and improving their collected land as they please.

For example, if you have 3 Common Plains, you can smash them together into 1 Uncommon Plains! 

But you do need a piece of special VOXTech to achieve this. 

The IsoCube

IsoCubes are what VOX use as a powersource. Need to run a teleporter? Use an Isocube. Power a starship? IsoCube. They are so powerful that they can help bind full parcels of land together and improve it! It is the purest form of a voxel cube in the universe.

There are different types of IsoCubes, from common ones that can be found in nature, to the super rare ones that can only be purchased from vendors, which are greatly coveted by all VOXkind. 


Ok, so you now have your IsoCube and your 3 identical parcels of land. What’s next? 

Here’s a step-by-step:

  1.  Select 3 duplicate lands (same type, same rarity).
  2. Add your IsoCube.
  3. Hit the merge button and watch the planet-shaking creation magic happen! 

The above image shows the merging of 3 Common Fantasy lands into an Uncommon Fantasy land. It includes all adjustments in terms of what resources can be collected and the number of workers allowed on the land.

Here’s the really cool part: This process actually creates (on the fly) a brand new land NFT.🤯

I know, right? It’s one of those smooth and convenient web3 gaming experiences we’ve all been waiting for: The ability to create and mint something in a game. No fuss, no muss. Easy peasy, geometreezy.

Just imagine the possibilities with that functionality in the future! It’s like our own real world IsoCube technological Power! Mwuahaahaa!! Seriously though, we’ll only use that power for good; in other words, to create fun game experiences that are adorable and addictive.

Till next time,

The VOX Populi

Version 1 Crafting | Project Cerberus

Version 1 Crafting | Project Cerberus

Buy VOX land for a limited time and get a 100% $GALA rebate!

Hey all! Let’s take a break from our meet the team entries to chat a bit about crafting. 

Yes, there is a reason you are collecting all those resources in V0.5! It’s not just about who has the biggest pile of wood and stone. 

The Crafting Hall

First we’ll take a look at our crafting space. Our little friends needed a place to put all their trinkets together so we built them a crafting hall. Unlike fantasy games with a “Ye Olde Blacksmithy”, we went a bit more modern with 3D printing machines. We figured that if VOX can have teleportation tech, 3D printing seemed like the way to go.

We have a new friend that lives here–Nuts McBolty– who will help players with the crafting process, overseeing any VOX or ProtoVOX that are spending their time here.

Why build a 3d environment for crafting? Well, we needed to start testing out crafting on landscape for V2. Being a small team we needed to do some R&D work around that, so we might as well combine it with the crafting development that was already happening. This allows part of the team to work out the 3D aspects for the next phase of the project– creating buildings and decoration– without affecting the current development of crafting. 

Crafting at its Core for Project Cerberus

In short, crafting is the ability to create items and eventually rooms, decorations and more!

  • Each Account will have a crafting button available in the Main Map UI that opens the players 3D Print Farm.
  • 1 Printing Station will initially be unlocked for each account.
  • Additional Printing Stations will be available to unlock.
  • Each station will have a level from 1-5.
  • Each station can craft 1 recipe at a time.
  • A worker slot will require that 1 worker is equipped in order for the Printing Station to function.

Those are the rules, so what can I make? For version 1, the list is limited, and we need your help to make sure the process works before we open up the catalog. Over time we will add more and more items to craft over time– some you can learn, some you can get as rewards and some you can purchase through the store. We will talk about the store in a later dev blog. 

With the game’s initial crafting system, you’ll have the ability to craft everything from powerups to more advanced crafting parts and even some surprises.  

So How Do I Craft?

First you go to the 3D room and Select a printer and add a VOX…

Select a recipe…



It’s that simple!

Two other systems fold directly into crafting: The store (buy items needed for crafting)

and account leveling, which will allow players to unlock more advanced recipes. 

We will talk about those features in a future blog real soon! – The VOX Populi

VOX Land is Back with a HUGE 100% Rebate Opportunity

VOX Land is Back with a HUGE 100% Rebate Opportunity

Welcome to July! It may be hot outside but we’re pleased to announce the coolest new item in the Gala Games store… VOX Land! 

As we prepare for Project Cerberus, VOX’s upcoming game, community members have been FOMO’ing hard about VOX land, which will be one of the best ways to get into VOX rewards! So the team got together and came up with a straight bonkers way for anyone to get their hands on a Rare plot this July!

Buy Land (Credit Card, USDC, USDT, GUSDT and GUSDC qualify for 100% rebate)

A Rare Plains Frontier plot of VOX land!

Rare Plains Frontier – $100

Each plot of Rare Frontier VOX Land is itself cause to celebrate…

When you buy this item with a credit card, GUSDT, GUSDC, USDC or USDT, you’ll receive $100 worth of $GALA back as a rebate! 🤯

Yes, we are that crazy. This definitely wasn’t us just filling out a spreadsheet wrong or anything.

Have we actually lost our pixels? Or maybe some VOX are holding us hostage… Maybe, we’re just really ready to party hard, VOX-style!

Don’t wait too long. This sale could end at any time!

Get your Rare VOX Land while you can

Introducing Flower Frenzy: Plant Posies to Pick Up Token Prizes!

Introducing Flower Frenzy: Plant Posies to Pick Up Token Prizes!

Get ready to dive into a colorful world of flowers and rewards with Flower Frenzy, our new VOX-themed Telegram clicker game. 

Play Now!

In Flower Frenzy, you’ll help Gala Girl make her garden grow, picking posies and harvesting token rewards that combine the joy of gardening with the excitement of stacking tokens.

These magic VOX flowers grow as fast as Gala Girl can ever hope to pick ‘em!

How to Play

Your goal is to plant as many flowers as you can. Simply tap to plant and watch your garden grow. Each flower you plant brings you closer to earning token rewards. It’s a delightful and relaxing way to accumulate tokens while enjoying the beauty of a blossoming garden.

Features and Benefits

  • Simple Gameplay: Tap to plant flowers and collect tokens.
  • Rewarding Experience: Get tokens for planting/watering flowers and completing tasks.
  • Community Engagement: See who can grow the most beautiful garden.
  • Completely Free: Enjoy the game without any hidden costs.

Why Play Flower Frenzy?

Flower Frenzy offers a unique blend of relaxation and rewards. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to clicker games, Flower Frenzy provides a soothing yet exciting experience. The best part… the tokens are real! 😎

Start Planting Today

Ready to cultivate your garden and reap the rewards? Join us on Telegram and start planting with Flower Frenzy. Enjoy the simple pleasures of gardening while earning valuable tokens.

Play Flower Frenzy now on Telegram and watch your garden—and rewards—grow!