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Legendary Launch–Legends Reborn is Live

Legendary Launch–Legends Reborn is Live

The wait is over, TCG gamers and fantasy enthusiasts! The eagerly anticipated PvP game of web3 trading cards is now live and absolutely free to play for both PC and Mac.

Play Legends Reborn


Trading card games are a perfect fit for web3, and with its 3D gameplay and unique competitive edge, Legends Reborn puts a fantastic twist on the beloved TCG formulas.

In the land of Tolkheim, citizens settle their disputes not through violence and war, but through strategic gameplay and the power of their decks. For anyone wishing for success in the fantasy land, skills in the card game known simply as Chance are of utmost importance. But there’s more to Chance cards than meets the eye–The ancient magic of Tolkeim is imbued within these mystical artifacts and can only be unleashed on the tables of battle.

Players build their best decks and compete against battle champions from all over the world in this visually stunning and strategically challenging card game. What really sets Legends Reborn apart is the players’ ability to truly own the cards they play with.

Own & Earn

Both Creature and Action cards can be owned as NFTs, making them fully transferable and tradable on GalaChain, or even bridgeable to Ethereum for trade on secondary markets there. All NFTs must be held in your GalaChain wallet to be usable in-game.

Following the initial Season 0, players of Legends Reborn will also enjoy opportunities to earn $TOLK (the upcoming official reward token) rewards for seasonal play.

Look for more detailed information on the game’s economy of ownership and rewards when the Litepaper is revealed later this week before the first reward season begins.

In a unique twist on the idea of virtual land, Chance Venues can also be owned by players as NFTs in the world of Legends Reborn. Once rewards are available, owners of these Venues are eligible for a share of the rewards generated by all battles that take place there.

Browse Venues on OpenSea

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Legends Reborn–Launch Date Announcement

Legends Reborn–Launch Date Announcement

Legends Reborn Store

Recent Article

In the fantasy world of Tolkheim, peace abounds and battle takes on new meaning. Nearly all disputes can be settled across a card table, through the massively popular game of Chance, which embraces the strange remnant magic of the land’s ancestry. Players go head-to-head in a game that allows the creatures, spells and strategies to come to life in front of them on the table. A Chance player in Tolkheim may speak a big game, but they’re only as good as their deck building strategy.

Legends Reborn allows Gala players to take on the persona of a Tolkheim “warrior,” collecting creatures and actions and using them to build decks worthy of opponents from all over the world. Its immersive and narrative driven gameplay lets TCG lovers go deeper and experience the life within the cards. The brilliantly unique strategy mechanics created by developer Clash Craft Studios will ensure that players live on the edge of their seats, and the power of GalaChain levels up the entire experience to something rich in ownership and reward opportunities.

Legendary Launch

Legends Reborn is set for official launch on Monday, March 11th, 2024. 

Keep in mind that the world of game development is unpredictable, and if last minute bugs appear, we will take the time necessary to squash them. Therefore, additional delays are always possible. Still rest assured that soon you’ll be battling in the taverns and arenas of Tolkheim to your heart’s content and building your best decks.

Ownership Opportunities

Legends Reborn is always free to play, but players can choose to enhance deck building with owned NFT Creatures. Venues are another set of NFTs players can use to engage with the game.

Creatures are a core ingredient to strategy, used in all Legends Reborn deck building. When players own Creatures as NFTs, they will become eligible for seasonal gameplay rewards. Higher rarity creatures amplify the potential seasonal rewards. Look for more info next week when we share the Legends Reborn Litepaper, with all initial game economy details.

This Uncommon Grimtotem Cyclops has his eye on you.

Venues represent the players’ opportunity to own land in Legends Reborn. When matches take place in player-owned Venues, the Venue owner also receives rewards. As several different rarities of Venues exist, these rewards will vary based on Venue rarity.

While the primary Venue sale is concluded, look for more opportunities to become a Venue owner in the future. Or browse the secondary market listings on OpenSea.

This Dive Tavern will generate a modest share of rewards for its owner when PvP brawls take place here.
This Ancient Grand Coliseum is sure to draw a crowd, and a massive share of rewards for its owner for matches hosted here.

Get ready for the TCG challenge of a lifetime, as players all over the world are preparing to go head to head in one of Gala’s most highly anticipated titles.

Next up, the Legends Reborn Litepaper, coming next week.

Latest and Greatest: Legends Reborn is Coming Soon

Latest and Greatest: Legends Reborn is Coming Soon

Our community has been waiting patiently for news on the deck-building TCG, Legends Reborn, whose development was unexpectedly halted when original developer Kung Fu Factory shut down. But we weren’t going to let it go that easily, especially when the title had fostered such excitement within the community. With the new dev team at Clash Craft Studios, the strategic masterpiece card game is back on track and coming soon to the Gala Games platform!

Deck Building in Web3

Trading card games lend themselves perfectly to the ownership and rewards enabled by web3, and GalaChain is ready to compete with the leading TCGs in the world.

There’s something special about the ability to build a deck out of NFTs like tokenized Creatures –With each unique creature and action card having a secondary market of its own to consider, players can enjoy greater depth to the exhilarating strategic gameplay than ever before. The game’s trade economy will blend seamlessly with PvP gameplay strategy, keeping everything fresh and compelling for players from all walks of life.

Venue Ownership

Like many Gala games, Legends Reborn comes with a unique way for players to own “land” and earn greater rewards for engaging with the game.

Check out this Upscale Tavern Venue!

Check out this Upscale Tavern Venue!

In the world of Legends Reborn, disputes are settled on the game table, rather than the battlefield. It is a fantasy world where peace reigns supreme, but competition is everything. Nearly everyone participates in the massively popular game of Chance, and nearly every tavern and public gathering place in the world acts as a venue for Chance gameplay.

Players have the option to own gameplay Venues of varying rarities within the world of Tolkheim, earning a portion of the rewards from matches played within their Venue. Learn more about Venue ownership in THIS BLOG, but keep in mind that details may still change before official launch. We’ll keep you updated!

Creature Pack Sale

Creature Packs and Epic Creature Packs are still available in the Gala Games store while supplies last, but only for a limited time. Each Creature Pack contains a ritual stone capable of forming a small group of fully functional creature tokens. If you want to collect creatures of higher rarity, get these Creature Packs before they disappear!

Secondary Market

If you’re interested in browsing the current secondary market for Legends Reborn, check out the OpenSea collection, where you’ll find a variety of characters and Venues! 

Subject to Change

Please remember that original Legends Reborn plans are subject to change, especially with new developers at the helm. Utility will be ascribed to all existing tokens, and new tokens will be sold as well through the Gala Games store.

As the game prepares for launch, stay on the lookout for updates about gameplay, sales, reward economy and more!

Chapter 7: Memories

Chapter 7: Memories

Rom was away from home for the first time. Was he ready to stray so far from everything he knew for his shot at greatness?

Rom was restless. The bed was clearly built for a gnome. Even as a young man, his legs hung off the mattress just past his knees.

For lack of sleep, he got up and began pacing around the room. It was dusty… even compared to the rest of NPC’s. He ran his hand across the armoire to see the cascade of dust go dancing in the moonbeams from the window on the north wall. Gontro had told him he’d show him how to summon his Nan’s other creatures today. Now it was another entire night of waiting.

He went to the bedside table where his satchel sat and rummaged through it. Finding the antique tokens, he ran his fingers over them one by one. He’d done this thousands of times, and it always took him to the most wonderful fantasies about adventures his grandmother had.

Reaching back into this satchel, he pulled out a flat pouch bound with leather and twine. He let out a muted clap to light the glow globe by the bed. His hand caressed the leather package for a moment before unlacing the twine.

His father would be furious if he knew Rom had taken this. Seri liked to pretend that he didn’t think of his mother… or at least that he didn’t care she was gone. Rom knew about the hidden chest under his dad’s bed since he was a little boy though… filled with newsparchment clippings, trophies and memorabilia from Harry’s illustrious career.

Slowly and carefully, he opened the portfolio. He’d only brought a few things, hoping his dad wouldn’t even notice they were gone.

With how Gontro and he had left though… probably didn’t matter much now. Seri was furious with him, he was sure. “I can never go home now.” He muttered sadly to himself as he reverently thumbed through the pages.

The Matchup of the Century

It was a cold day to finish out the Ancormarsh Invitational, but the field came ready for the heat of battle!

The semis started off scorching, with Ajax Hammerfist shutting down Gontro Greytooth in less than 12 moves– oo, that’s got to be embarrassing!

On the other side of the bracket, Karl “Kave Man” Salec put up a valiant fight against the up-and-comer, Harriet Destudo. Unfortunate for him, the young lady did her homework and brought hard magic attack counters, stopping the one-time champion in his tracks.

The stage is set for a legendary title bout. Two rising stars have bent the cards of every veteran in the field. Who walks away with this year’s Council’s Cup? Pay attention here as we keep you up to date on the latest coming out of this year’s invitational!

Rom lay back on the bed with a wistful sigh. Ancormarsh in those days… the Grand Coliseum. It all seemed so heroic and legendary. Rom wanted to be part of that world.

A Star is Born

We’ve seen all sorts of matches at this tournament, but today’s bout defies convention entirely.

Harriet Destudo — all the way from the provincial burg of Shallowharbor, squared off against Ajax Hammerfist of Grospodoc today in a championship match that will be remembered for ages.

Hammerfist came ready for war. He employed a classic Xurg Rush strategy that would’ve even made ol’ William Xurg blush, but he underestimated the pure tomfoolery of Harriet Destudo — a player with modern ideas, straight out of the new-school rogue style of the southern frontier.

The match started to seem like it would be a drawn out dragging through the mana muck for Destudo… Hammerfist’s relentless attacks would not let up. Destudo deflected, mitigated and overall seemed disinterested in the game… until suddenly, she flipped the scroll on Hammerfist!

Her strategy switched to draws and mana growth rapidly. A few choice boosts and a devastating hero attack… Hammerfist didn’t know what hit him! The man fumed and raged, sputtering vulgarities and vague threats… a total disgrace to the sport.

Destudo, for her part, is the epitome of showmanship and grace in the game of Chance. Each surprise she sprung on Hammerfist had intricate magical displays laced throughout– the more devious the move, the more awe-inspring the spectacle that accompanied it.

So it happened — Hammerfist raged, salvos of sparkling showers shot from the game board , and the raucus sound of magnificent, magical drums and horns accompanied the slapping of tokens and cards from Harry’s hand to the delight of onlookers. When Hammerfist could clearly take no more, Destudo then showed the breathtaking finale up her sleeve.

Purple smoke shot from the board and filled the room. A flash, then a roar. The smoke pulled back towards the table suddenly, and when the air had cleared onlookers were astonished at what they saw.

Harriet Destudo has unveiled a new creature, personally captured by her. This “Onyx Dragon” made quick work of the rest of Hammerfist’s scattered forces and won the hearts of fans across Tokheim.

Today, Harriet Destudo wins the Council’s Cup. Many think soon she may be eying the world championship.

Rom had read these articles hundreds of times. Rather than being transported to that wonderful day like usual, he now found himself wondering if Gontro was still sore about being beaten by Hammerfist. He must have improved a lot since then.

Rom spotted more than one ad for NPCs as he looked through the scraps of parchment. He’d never really noticed them before.

As he thumbed through those ghosts of the past, he found his thoughts darkening. That’s the thing about memories. You always know how they’ll end.

Dearest Seri,

The courier caught me last night. The waystation at Herald Hill forgot to register us on our way through, so the fool was running behind. I’m so sorry to hear about Martha. I wish I wasn’t half the world away right now and could be there for you and Rom.

I’m currently inside the Northern Embargo, so not even fast travel will get me to you. The ship won’t turn around for my sentiment… I’m so sorry. I’ll have to deal with these trolls and then I’ll be home to you and Rom.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Martha was the daughter I never had, but I’m sure my despair is nothing compared to yours. We’ll be together soon.

4 days at best, 8 at worst.

Your loving mother,


A tear splashed across the aged parchment. It wasn’t the first. Discolored patches across the page told the story of more than one person crying over this letter across the years.

Rom was just a baby when his nan wrote this letter. When Seri got it… still grieving over his wife — Rom’s mother he never knew. He was alone then, and Rom had left him alone now.

Tears welled up in Rom’s eyes. He flung himself face down into the bed and buried his head in the pillows as he let the tears flow. He screamed into the pillow. He’d let his da down. He’d come so far away and hadn’t learned the first thing about Chance yet. Maybe da was right about this whole thing.

As the tears subsided, he thought of meals around the table with Seri and time spent helping in the workshop. This still made him sad, but a happier sad. He went back to the bundle of parchments.

Near the back was the one he felt he had to read. It had a corner folded over… worn from his thumbs grabbing it so many times. Everytime he thought about his nan, he felt compelled to finish his reverie with this same reading.

Tragedy in the North: Destudo Falls

The great Chance champion Harriet Destudo met her end a fortnight ago at the hands of Rgothomp, the Troll King of the North.

According to friend, coworker and sole witness to her death, Gontro ‘Greytooth’ Beebleboop, she met her death honorably. Defiant to the end, she refused to beg for her life when commanded by her captors. Enraged, The Troll King crumpled her into a ball and threw her down the mountain’s face.

She is survived by her son Seri and her grandson Rom of Shallowharbor. Any bereavement gifts or funeral patronage can be delivered to Seri Destudo, care of Shallowharbor Coliseum.

Harriet Destudo was born in 1935 AC on a small ranch outside Kolton. Grilot, Harriet’s father, was a failed investment banker turned highwayman and traveling gamer. In 1944 he went AWOL on a N.O.T.E.C. expedition and was never heard from again. Harriet’s mother, Gretta, built a successful porc farm in the southern wetlands over the following decades, raising young Harry with a mind sculpted for hard work and honest labor… though her father’s adventuring spirit would never leave her.

After a difficult childhood and adolescent legal troubles, young Harriet distinguished herself through N.O.T.E.C exploration. She was personally responsible for surveying numerous lands and documenting dozens of new creatures for chance decks across the land. Famously, she discovered the first new dragon to be tokenized in over 100 years.

She made her professional Chance breakout after gaining entry to the Ancormarsh Invitational in 1956 AC through favors earned on expeditions. Dominating the tournament, she would go on to unseat Drago Tailbiter later that year as world champion. After this meteoric rise, she held the title for a record 37 years until her passing.

Some Chance players are champions for a short time, and a select few are legends for a while. Harriet Destudo shall be both forever. One of — if not the — greatest to ever play the game.

The tears fell again. Rom missed the grandmother he never knew… but above all, he missed his dad. What he wouldn’t give to hug him right now.

Far to the south, Seri looked over a sketch of Harriet holding baby Rom. More tears falling on parchment.