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Nodeification #1: Node Version 3

Nodeification #1: Node Version 3

It’s official… Nodes are now powering the Gala Games Web3 Entertainment Ecosystem.

It’s Here. It’s Finally Here!

Your Nodes are about to become part of the Gala Games’ giant global mind. Each computer the Node software is installed on becomes a mini brain, offering up its processing power, storage, and bandwidth as units that power the entire Gala Games Web3 Ecosystem. Starting today, your Founder’s Nodes will power the chain, your Music Nodes will serve your Gala Music NFTs, and your Game Specific Nodes will host the servers that run your games (say goodbye to the cloud).

There is nothing like this on the planet.

All Node Operators:

Upgrade now and join us in this decentralized revolution.

Node Improvements and Requirements

Node software has been completely rewritten. Each Node now powers a small kubernetes cluster that spins up pods running generic workloads. These pods are fault tolerant and run in the background, starting up and maintaining their healthy status without your intervention.

Depending on which licenses you own, you’ll have the option to run different workloads. One computer can run one workload for each license. You can run your Music, Film, Founder’s, Town Star, and Spider Tanks workloads all on one computer (but be mindful of the minimum specs for each — it adds up).

Workloads are doing specific work for each license. For example, if you own a Gala Music Player Node license and you start your Gala Music Player workload, your computer will now be hosting your music NFTs to the rest of the world. The more Gala Music NFTs you own, the more you can host. You might notice your bandwidth usage going up with your Nodes — that’s because they are actively serving your music — that you own!

As we introduce more types of workloads, more specific requirements will become necessary. Some games will require game servers to run, a perfect use-case for Nodes. These game servers can require a lot of memory and CPU power. Our very own game, Last Expedition, connects to a Node running an Unreal server for each game round; that Node could be yours! In the future, it can be customized to run different types of servers and games making that Node unique to you. Your Node can now be more customized to what you want and as a result you will be rewarded more.

[IMPORTANT] You Will Need to Update

Nodes are doing so much more with this version and we need you to update your Node software so the ecosystem remains healthy. We will be phasing out version 2 of Node software in November; if you want to keep receiving your GALA rewards, you need to update!

Instructions for updating and download links can be found on the Node dashboard.

What’s Next

We’ve made the new Node software to be as unobtrusive as possible. Your Node has the ability to run many different workloads that will automatically update as we introduce them. In the future, look forward to more customization with your Music and Film Nodes. Your Founder’s Nodes will be helping Gyri with chain and bridge operations. And most fun of all, your Game Specific Nodes will run Gala Games. The whole planet will be your LAN party (old folks explain that to the youngsters). It’s going to be a great ride. Welcome aboard!


Not a Node Operator yet? There are lots of ways to get involved. Learn more below!

About the Node Ecosystem

Node License Store

Gala Games Founder’s Nodes | Omnibus Proposal V2

Gala Games Founder’s Nodes | Omnibus Proposal V2

Here’s the latest on upcoming plans for the Gala Games Founder’s Node Ecosystem.

There have been very few proposals that have generated quite as much conversation, thinking, and vociferous debate as the last draft of the Omnibus Node Proposal. Gala Games employees spent much of the weekend and the first half of this week in Discord and hosting AMAs on the topic.

There have been a variety of perspectives raised regarding all points of the proposal. Taking community feedback into account, we have tentatively decided to break the proposal into several smaller, more granular proposals, which takes several pieces off the table for the time being.

Therefore, the next draft is:

Vote 1: The Halving Distribution

(July 8th 13:00 PST to July 14th 13:00 PST)

As the halving is taking place this month, should the Founders Node Distribution:

Option 1: Continue with a 50/50 Split in the Distribution between Founders Nodes and Gala Games


Option 2: Should a Bonus Pool be added to the distribution creating a 25/25/50 distribution of all minted $GALA (Founders Nodes / Gala Games / Bonus Pool)

In the event that Option 2 is chosen, the distribution will remain at 50/50 until a future date at which a bonus pool, which has been crafted in collaboration with the community, can be implemented. In this event, the process of drafting the policies around the bonus pool itself will commence shortly after the completion of this Node vote. However, it is expected to take several months before a drafted policy with community backing can be implemented. Once this policy has been created, the nodes will be given the opportunity to vote to confirm it is still in their best interest before final implementation takes place.

To recap, this means that the Node distribution will look like this. Previous years can be seen on the left, with the two options available on the right.

Vote 2: Organizational Approvals

(July 15th 13:00 PST to July 21st 13:00 PST)

Should the Founders Nodes implement a system of organizational approvals for Game Publishers?

Option 1: Yes


Option 2: No

The other votes on the use of Nodes as a fund allocation and the conversion of NFTs into Nodes are interlinked to the extent that they cannot be disentangled from one another. Given the pushback of having Nodes able to be converted to NFTs, we have decided to table this option for now. We will also temporarily table the use of Nodes for organizational funding and DAO purposes as well.

We are absolutely committed to working with the community in a way that benefits the entire ecosystem. We know that right now, when markets are down, people tend to get fearful and lash out at things that they perceive as unknowns. We do not want to be that unknown to the community, and are here to communicate and work together to achieve equitable solutions and outcomes for everyone.

Discord AMA — July 7th @ 3pm PT

Join us in our Discord at and jump into the node channel to continue to discuss this proposal with the rest of the community! Jason “BitBender” Brink will host an AMA with the community on Thursday, July 7th at 3pm PST on all Gala Games channels while taking questions from Discord, so mark your calendars to join in the discussion!

Gala Founder’s Nodes| Omnibus Proposal (DRAFT)

Gala Founder’s Nodes| Omnibus Proposal (DRAFT)

Big updates are coming to the Gala Games Founder’s Node Ecosystem. Read on to learn more.

Gala Games is approaching a turning point with the upcoming launch of our own L1 Mainnet, the release of 20+ new games, and a whole host of other massive Ecosystem changes. In preparation for that, we are putting forth a proposal to prepare the Founder’s Nodes for the next phase of their evolution.

This proposal is BIG, and prior to the vote, we will host at least one AMA on the topic. The best way to think of this is an Omnibus Bill on the future of the Gala Games Ecosystem. Depending on conversation, there may be some changes to this, but a final version will be submitted before the final node vote.

The Halving: The Bonus Pool

There is another halving of the $GALA distribution in July. Last year, the cost of the halving was entirely borne by Gala Games, as Founder’s Nodes did not see a reduction in their total share of the distribution.

This year, we would like to propose that the halving occurs as normally, but that there be a further halving which would go to form a third distribution pool, The Bonus Pool.

The Bonus Pool is a new $GALA distribution pool designed to better recognize and reward Founder’s Node Owners who best support the Gala Games ecosystem.

The Bonus Pool would be funded from an additional halving of $GALA distribution across both the normal Founder’s Node and Gala Games sections, but then allocated to Founder’s Node operators who regularly exhibit positive, healthy actions and behaviors towards the whole Ecosystem. With the addition of this new pool, Node operators will not only get their standard daily $GALA distribution but also have the power to earn more $GALA — potentially receiving a daily amount greater than they might have with just the single halving.

Daily Bonus Pool distribution is determined on a points basis, where different actions and behaviors contribute different point amounts. Higher points means a higher percentage distribution from the Bonus Pool.

Listed below are sample actions and behaviors we are exploring as possible inputs for determining Daily Bonus Pool distribution. Some inputs will likely contribute more points than others.

  • Total quantity of $GALA and holding location (e.g. inventory vs wallet)
  • Holding duration
  • Value exchange (e.g. buying, selling, transferring Gala Games assets — measured in $GALA)
  • Other limited time actions (e.g. gameplay time, logins, etc)

The Bonus Pool is designed to give Founder’s Node operators greater control over their daily $GALA distribution in a way that promotes a healthy ecosystem. If you do not qualify for this additional pool, you can still receive your point-based distribution from the first pool.

Note: Upon the release of this proposal, it became clear that it was not well explained. Upon reflection, several facts are important. This does not change the halving schedule at all — it is simply a return to the previous schedule after Gala Games absorbed the entire halving in 2021. However, instead of simply returning to the previous distribution schedule, we have elected to use the remaining portion to establish a bonus pool to reward positive behavior. Graph included below.

Update (July 1, 2022): There will be a third option as well, which will simply maintain the 50/50 split of the current distribution and will result in no bonus pool being created.

If this passes:

The halving will progress but a separate pool will be established to reward Ecosystem-supporting behaviors.

If this doesn’t pass:

The halving will progress as normal and the distribution would look like this:

Organizational Approvals

As Gala Games has grown, we have invested hundreds of millions of dollars into new games, music, and other ventures related to the Gala Games Ecosystem. As this Ecosystem grows and expands, and as Project GYRI winds its way towards an actual launch, it is becoming clear that the way we have handled the approvals for games is not tenable for every single project going forward. This is especially true as we reach a point of greater decentralization, which will open the floodgates for other projects to build on GYRI. What this means is that it will no longer be feasible to have a Founder’s Node vote on every single title hoping to develop on the network, but rather have approvals on specific organizations given certain permissions on the network.

There are a number of reasons for this. The first is that in a decentralized network, peers don’t go through an actual “vote” to determine whether something accesses the network or not. If network fees are paid, access is granted. As we move towards a fuller decentralization and serve a curatorial role only for Gala Games titles, but open the network for others, the idea that every single title coming to the network goes through a “vote” window simply doesn’t scale.

The second reason is that while the concept of a Node vote is great on paper, in practice the votes have very poor participation. In the last year, there were governance proposals that had as few as 2,579 votes. The lowest participation of any vote was only 251 votes. Unfortunately, this makes it so that a very small and vocal percentage of the Node operators control the network as a whole, which isn’t good for anyone.

The initial solution to this is to have organizational approval for the actual organizations bringing content to the Nodes which requires a specific level of engagement over a period of time in order to pass. This means that if another organization, not affiliated with Gala Games, wanted to build on the network they would need to go through a Node vote process that would be somewhat different than the current process in that voting would be required and the vote would not progress until at least 50% of the Nodes had voted. As voting is a critical part of the duties of a Node operator, earnings would be halted on the Node until a vote was placed or until the Node vote was completed due to a majority of Nodes having voted for one option in the up/down vote to approve an organization. Once this organization is approved, it will have the ability to deploy games to the L1 without having to put each game through a separate approval process.

NFT drops will be set at a standard 4–8% as per usual for games coming to the Ecosystem and the protocol will generally support the types of decisions taken up until now. There will still be plenty of AMAs and information for Node operators when it comes to operationally supporting the games. This is important because Nodes will still be able to exercise their right to not support a given title by disabling its specific channel and workload on their Nodes, but they will no longer need to approve each individual title. In the event that the Nodes are absolutely opposed to a specific title, they will have the ability to essentially launch a recall vote, which would require greater than 75% of the Nodes to support a specific title recall, at which point it could be blocked from accessing the network.

If this passes:

Games coming to the network will no longer be approved on a per-title basis, but a per-publisher basis with Gala Games being the first publisher on the network.

If this does not pass:

We aren’t quite sure, because this Ecosystem won’t scale effectively in its current state.

Halting Node Sales and Restructuring of the Gala Games Fund

We are currently examining what it would take to establish an actual DAO to control the Gala Games Fund. More will come on this later, but we would like to halt the sales of the existing Founders Node licenses and allocate a portion of them to the fund. These Nodes could then generate operational income, and fund Ecosystem development, hackathons, games, music, film, etc, in a way completely separate from Gala. In this way, this fund could incentivize other entities to build on the GYRI blockchain, could fund other novel programs which we are unable to administrate, and would be able to operate in a way free from Gala interference.

In this case, the value of these ~7000 nodes, if the current sales curve were to be adhered to, would be approximately $2.04 billion , but they will be allocated to the governance fund and the previous $GALA-based fund will revert to Gala Games to fund this transaction.

If this passes:

Nodes are taken off the store and a portion of them are allocated to a user-controlled Fund.

If this does not pass:

No changes.

Nodes as NFTs!

This is the part that will excite Node owners the most. We know that from the very beginning, users have wanted to be able to prove ownership of a Node license with an NFT. This has not been possible while nodes were still on sale in the Gala Games store, but if they are being removed from the store one barrier to making them NFTs is removed. There may still be other requirements such as KYC requirements, but we are confident that these can be navigated.

There are two reasons we would like to do this:

The first is that Gala Games is transitioning to a purely Web3 based foundation. This means you will be able to gain access to some account functionality simply by connecting an external wallet to the platform. This will remove MANY of the onboarding barriers users currently experience. We are also working to integrate a third-party custodial SSO wallet, so you will be able to connect with a variety of other accounts as well.

The second is that we believe that Node operators should be able to do what they would like with their Nodes. We know that there are some people who may not believe in the direction the Gala Games Ecosystem is evolving and want to leave. We also know that there are others who very badly want to enter the Ecosystem but cannot afford the current price of the Founder’s Node license. The future plans go FAR beyond what is currently visible for Node owners, but before we move on to the next phase we want to make sure everyone is aligned. This would also allow for the trading of the Nodes on the secondary market, if that is something people desired.

If this passes:

Nodes licenses will be converted to NFTs!

If this does not pass:

No changes.

Look for more info coming soon about the important vote described in this article. Thank you as always for being part of this Ecosystem.

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Gala Games platform

Founder’s Node Vote– ‘Project Saturn’

Founder’s Node Vote– ‘Project Saturn’

A new sci-fi 4x strategy game is up for approval by the Founder’s Node Ecosystem.

As always at Gala Games, we’re keeping our eyes peeled for the finest, freshest games out there. Today we’re here to say we’ve found a game that we think will be perfect for the Gala Games community. Playing on the themes of sci-fi survival and reconstruction, this game features in depth 4X/Strategy with PvE and PvP elements.

We are currently only able to refer to this project by the name “Project Saturn”, but will be able to share much more at Galaverse in Malta. It is our sincerest belief that “Project Saturn” would be an incredible addition to the Gala Games Ecosystem, and we are proud to present “Project Saturn” as the next game for your consideration!

In “Project Saturn”, you will control ships, heroes, and bases across the stars. Protect yourself against the assaults of your enemies, and expand to increase throughout the splintered factions that make up the scattered remains of the human race.

“Project Saturn” takes place in long seasonal cycles (likely 3–6 months). Each season, players will have to rebuild their war-torn base, cooperate with others to expand their reach and technology, then rise to reclaim their land and repel their enemies!

Players will be able to compete on both Alliance and Individual leaderboards each season. Each season represents a chance to experiment with new factions and strategies and push your way to the top of the leaderboard.

AMA — May 31 at 4pm PT!

Watch the AMA live on May 31 at 4pm PT!

The following 48 hour Founder’s Node vote will be live from June 1 @ 3pm PT until June 3 @ 3pm PT.

Project Name: “Project Saturn”

Developer: Revolving Games

Genre: 4X Strategy

Node Drop Mechanism: Up to 8% of all NFTs will be distributed to the operators of active Founder’s Nodes at the time of minting. If a reward token is created for Project Saturn, a small portion of it will also be rewarded daily to active Founder’s Node operators.

Release Date: TBD

Humanity has been nearly eliminated in a brutal war, but the struggle continues as scattered survivors try to rebuild, expand and defend their shattered civilization. Travel the stars and explore new worlds. Make alliances with other factions, but ensure your own survival above all else!

The game will feature in-depth systems for player ownership and rewards. NFTs are tentatively planned for ships, bases, and heroes and we’ll have more information to share with you soon.

The Vote

Will the Gala Founder’s Node operators agree to the addition of “Project Saturn” into the Gala Games Ecosystem, in exchange for up to 8% of all NFTs created by the game?

  • YES– A vote for including “Project Saturn” in the Gala Games Ecosystem
  • NO– A vote against including “Project Saturn” in the Gala Games Ecosystem
  • ABSTAIN– A vote showing no preference

To Vote: Open your Gala Game Node Software and click on the VOTING tab.

Voting Duration: The Node Vote will run from June 1 @ 3pm PT to June 3 @ 3pm PT.

Requirement to Pass: Simple majority.

Pending the results of this Node Vote, we hope to soon unveil the “Project Saturn” website and share much more information regarding this amazing project with you in Malta at Galaverse!

Gala Games Platform

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Founder’s Node Vote– Eternal Paradox by Ntroi

Founder’s Node Vote– Eternal Paradox by Ntroi

The new 4X/RPG Hybrid powered by Web3, created by Ntroi and Gala Games is up for Founder’s Node approval

In our ongoing effort to bring you only the best gaming experiences, we have found another project we are incredibly excited to tell you about. Our passion for finding unique titles with devoted teams making amazing games is what brings you this gem today — Eternal Paradox.

Eternal Paradox would bring refreshingly new game experiences to the Gala Games Ecosystem as players compete to develop castle, explore the world, and train their Mercenaries. There are numerous ways for players to engage with the game’s deep and intricate systems– from conquering and dominating the competition with your team of specialized Mercenaries, to developing your land to encourage others to move in.

Eternal Paradox takes place in 9-week seasons and is a Hybrid 4X Exploration/RPG where you build your castle, explore the world and compete against or cooperate with other players. Each player can control multiple Mercenaries– powerful heroes whose skills you cultivate as they do battle.

All the great hallmarks of the 4X genre are here in all their glory, as well as a stage-based progressive mode featuring turn-based RPG style onslaught to test the Mercenaries that you’ve trained and developed over time. You will need to make bold decisions and utilize clever tactics if you want an edge over the competition.

There are several types of player-owned assets in Eternal Paradox. Land, buildings, landmarks throughout the world, or characters can be player owned NFTs. Each type of NFT will allow the player to take hold of a different and unique part of the game and potentially benefit when a player utilizes it.

Project Name:

Eternal Paradox




4X Exploration/RPG

Node Drop Mechanism:

Up to 8% of all NFTs/tokens will be distributed to the operators of active Founder’s Nodes at the time of minting. Exact percentage will be determined by total number of active Founder’s Nodes.

Release Date:


At the center of the continent lies a void space, an area without form. One day long ago, a craft flying overhead was sucked in and tragically lost. Afterwards, strange stones emerged from the void, inscribed with mysterious runes. They formed themselves into an interlocking, ever-moving ring. This ring was the focus of a prophecy:

“When The Ring stops revolving, the continent will face destruction.”

Thus the ring was named The Ring of Ruin after the prophecy itself. To prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled, one must enter the void on the 63rd day since the ring began spinning and reverse the runic spells to turn back time. The world could either win a second chance, or face total destruction.

To prevent the world from destruction, a noble clan who harnessed mysterious powers formed a band of Mercenaries devoted to exploring and protecting the world from the void. These Mercenaries became crucial to all society, but eventually they would divide, consumed by infighting amongst themselves. It is now up to you to build your own Mercenary guild and accomplish what must be done to save the continent and achieve true power over the fate of the world.

The Vote

Will the Gala Founder’s Node operators agree to the addition of Eternal Paradox into the Gala Games Ecosystem, in exchange for up to 8% of all NFTs/tokens created by the game?

YES– A vote for including Eternal Paradox in the Gala Games Ecosystem

NO– A vote against including Eternal Paradox in the Gala Games Ecosystem

ABSTAIN– A vote showing no preference

To Vote: Open your Gala Games Node Software and click on the VOTING tab.

Voting Duration: The Node Vote will be May 26th at 2pm PT and will continue for 24 hours.

Requirement to Pass: Simple majority.

Pending the results of this Node Vote, we look forward to sharing more details and gameplay information as Galaverse Europe 2022 approaches!

Eternal Paradox website

Gala Games Platform

Ndream Studios

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