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A Huge Piece of The Decentralized Web is Powered by Gala’s Node Network

A Huge Piece of The Decentralized Web is Powered by Gala’s Node Network

You may have recently heard rumors about how Gala Founder’s Nodes constitute a large portion of the decentralized internet and IPFS. It is true that our Founder’s Nodes make up nearly 30% of the most active stable peers in the IPFS Distributed Hash Table (DHT), but that is only the beginning of the story. The Gala Founder’s Node ecosystem, with almost 24,000 DHT servers online, represents a massive contribution to decentralized storage and computing,  powering the largest share of any single network contributing to IPFS today!

In this blog, we’d like to shed some more light on how this fact was realized, involving a coincidental misconfiguration over a year ago that shed light on the actual portion of the decentralized internet that was powered by Gala nodes.

We think that this is an incredibly interesting story about the resilience and security of decentralized networks, and one that is especially relevant today as we prepare to onboard greater numbers than ever before to our sustainable and capable L1 blockchain, GalaChain. But first, let’s talk a little about IPFS and the role that Gala Founder’s Nodes play in supporting the very existence of the decentralized internet protocol known as the InterPlanetary File System.

We want our non-tech-genius followers to understand and appreciate the significance of this story, so we’ll try to keep it simple as we explain. But feel free to check out THIS ARTICLE from for a more in-depth approach with more charts and data.

What is IPFS?

The InterPlanetary File System is a web3 internet protocol that began in 2015, designed to decentralize and democratize ownership of content on the internet.

In simpler terms, it is a solution for the storing and sharing of files, a decentralized answer to cloud-style storage.

Instead of uploading files to specific servers, they’re broken into small chunks and scattered across many computers around the world. Each chunk gets a unique fingerprint called a CID, like a personalized code.

To access a file, all that is needed is its CID. A special network called the DHT (like a giant, decentralized phone book) helps users locate the computers with specific chunks. Finally, the chunks are downloaded from those computers and pieced back together.

The DHT is maintained by nodes from the various peer networks of IPFS, like expert operators who are able to quickly look up and retrieve encrypted data from IPFS. Think of Gala Founder’s Nodes as some of the best information operators in the game, with enough storage capacity and bandwidth to ensure that the most important files are always accessible, anywhere online.

Illuminating Mishap

In January of 2023, a slight misconfiguration of Gala Founder’s Nodes in IPFS’s libp2p resource manager caused Gala Founder’s Nodes to become unresponsive within the IPFS network for a short time. The downtime was only a matter of a couple hours, but the number of unresponsive nodes was so impactful on the total number of network nodes that more research into the issue was warranted by IPFS.

Because they knew (because of the misconfiguration) that the unresponsive Nodes during that time were in fact Gala Founder’s Nodes, IPFS was afforded a rare opportunity for what was essentially a snapshot showing the portion of Gala Founder’s Nodes from the entire pool of DHT server nodes. 

Source – Probe Labs

In THIS ARTICLE from the IPFS blog, the unresponsive node mishap (pictured above) was described, along with the solution that was quickly implemented.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this incident was that even with about 60% of its nodes unresponsive, the DHT was still able to deliver content as intended, keeping IPFS running, just a little slower than normal. This is a testament to the power of the decentralized internet, where software can be updated on the fly across multiple distributed node networks without negatively affecting the performance of IPFS. 

Uncovering Gala’s Role

Because of the intrinsic encrypted security of decentralized networks, it can be difficult to draw specific information about where support is coming from. However, in this situation, the technicians at Interplanetary Shipyard were able to draw some interesting results from the data. They were even nice enough to share them with us when we asked for a quote in early February of 2024:

“Our latest numbers say that 5321 out of 20093 peers that appeared online the past week (have been online for 80% of time or more), have been Gala peers. That makes for more than 26% of the network. I’m sure there are more Gala peers in the network and that the IPFS network has more peers too, it’s just that these are the most stable ones.” – Yiannis Psaras, IPFS Shipyard

It’s worth noting that we have a lot more than 5321 Nodes running every day. This number is only the most active Nodes in the ecosystem, and it still makes up a MASSIVE portion of the total peers on the network. There are tens of thousands of other nodes running in the Founder’s Node Network as well, showing how much further we could flex together if we needed to.

Thanks to Probelab

We’d like to especially thank Yiannis Psaras (quoted above) and Dennis Trautwein from Probelab, who have assisted us with this data. Probelab is one of the largest contributors to IPFS Shipyard, a collection of open source projects created and maintained by members of the IPFS community.

Probelab is a Benchmarking and Optimization Team “on a mission to measure the performance of Web3.0 network protocols, benchmark protocols against target performance milestones and propose improvements to their core design principles.” (from the Probelab introduction)

These folks are heroes of the decentralized era whose work is always needed but rarely seen. Thank you so much for all your great work in web3’s foundations!

We’re downright proud that our Founder’s Nodes make up such a large portion of the DHT server nodes. Still we may be even prouder that when those Nodes were down, the decentralized internet kept right on going and didn’t miss a beat.

Nice job out there, decentralization pioneers!

Founder’s Node Proposal: Modify Emission Schedule Based on Total Supply

Founder’s Node Proposal: Modify Emission Schedule Based on Total Supply

The decentralized Founder’s Node governance vote for Gala Games Founder’s Node operators happens this week.


This proposal seeks to revise the current emission and halving schedule for $GALA, making it dependent on the totalSupply, with the goal of providing a more sustainable and stable ecosystem for Founder’s Nodes. By adapting the emission schedule in response to $GALA burn rates, we aim to mitigate the potential long-term impacts of reduced node rewards and ecosystem volatility.


The existing minting schedule for $GALA follows an emission and halving model similar to that of Bitcoin, with emission halving every July 22nd. Although this approach has its merits, the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem may be threatened due to the diminishing rewards for Founder’s Nodes. Over time, the reduction in rewards may disincentivize node operators, creating potential risks for the ecosystem’s health and stability.

Proposal Details


The primary goal of this proposal is to modify the current emission and halving schedule, making it dependent on the totalSupply of $GALA. This will create a more sustainable and stable ecosystem by maintaining a balance between $GALA burn and emission rates.

Revised Emission Schedule:

The new emission schedule will adjust the daily $GALA distribution based on the totalSupply taking into account burned GALA. To maintain algorithmic equilibrium and hedge against volatility, the emission schedule will adapt as follows:

  1. For each $GALA burned, an equal amount of $GALA at the current emission rate will be added to the emission tranche. This means that during periods of high $GALA usage and burn, the current emission will continue for slightly longer.
  2. In periods of low $GALA usage and burn, the halving will proceed as scheduled according to totalSupply.

This approach does not introduce additional tokens to the ecosystem but rather focuses on maintaining a more balanced and responsive $GALA distribution mechanism.


  1. Sustainable node rewards: By adjusting the emission schedule based on totalSupply, the proposal ensures a more consistent reward system for Founder’s Nodes, motivating them to continue supporting the ecosystem.
  2. Reduced volatility: The new emission schedule takes into account the dynamics of $GALA burn and usage, which helps in mitigating potential volatility in the ecosystem.
  3. Ecosystem stability: A responsive and balanced $GALA distribution mechanism contributes to the overall stability and health of the ecosystem, benefiting all participants.


By adopting this proposal, we believe that the $GALA emission and halving schedule will become more responsive and adaptive to the ecosystem’s needs. This change will ensure a more sustainable and stable environment for Founder’s Nodes and other key ecosystem members. We encourage open discussion, feedback, and questions to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the proposal and its implications.

If passed, it is expected that this will go into effect within the next 90 days.

Updated Note on Timing

After communications with the community during last week’s governance vote, we have elected to give a bit more time for review and questioning prior to the vote to make things clearer for people. This vote will begin Wednesday morning (Pacific) and continuing until the following Monday when it will close at 5pm PT. This way, there can be more discussion around this topic BEFORE voting begins.

Governance Vote Node Proposal

Should the emission of $GALA be revised to account for totalSupply?

Option 1.): Yes — Make the emission rate of $GALA based on totalSupply

Option 2.): No — The original date-based halving schedule should be maintained

Voting begins on Wednesday May 3rd and ends on Monday, May 8 at 5pm PT.

Founder’s Node operators login and vote here.

Proposal to Convert Founders’ Nodes into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Proposal to Convert Founders’ Nodes into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

This Founder’s Node vote begins Monday April 24th and ends Friday April 28th.

This proposal aims to explore and implement the conversion of Founders’ Node Licenses within the Gala Games Ecosystem into non-fungible tokens (NFTs). By leveraging the unique properties of NFTs, we believe this transition will enhance the user experience, facilitate a more secure and transparent ecosystem, and potentially increase the overall utility and capacity of the platform.


Currently, nodes in the Gala Games Founders Node Ecosystem are managed through a conventional centralized database maintained by Gala Games. This approach presents certain limitations, such as potential security vulnerabilities, opacity, and inefficiencies, as well as being poorly aligned with the web3 ethos we seek to champion. By converting nodes into NFTs, we can overcome these challenges and benefit from the advantages of greater decentralization.

Proposal Details


The primary goal of this proposal is to allow operators the option to convert Founders’ Nodes into NFTs, allowing for individual ownership and unique identification of each node, along with enhancing the security and transparency of the network.

NOTE: This proposal does not require Founder’s Node operators to tokenize Node licenses, but will provide a way to do so if they choose.


To successfully implement this proposal, we will undertake the following steps:

  1. Technical development: Design and build the necessary smart contracts and infrastructure to facilitate the conversion of nodes into NFTs, while maintaining compatibility with the existing ecosystem.
  2. Testing: Thoroughly test the new system to ensure security, stability, and functionality before deployment.
  3. Implementation: Roll out the NFT-based node system in a phased manner, with a focus on minimizing disruption to existing users.
  4. Support and maintenance: Provide ongoing technical support and system updates as necessary, while continuously monitoring performance.


  1. Enhanced security: By leveraging the decentralized nature of the blockchain, we can minimize the risk of single-point failures and hacks.
  2. Improved transparency: With nodes represented as NFTs, users can verify ownership, transaction history, and other node-related details easily.
  3. Flexible transferability: As NFTs, nodes can be securely traded, transferred, or sold between users without the need for third-party intermediaries.

Potential Risks and Challenges:

  1. Technical complexity: The process of converting nodes to NFTs may require significant development resources and expertise.
  2. Adoption: User acceptance and understanding of the new system may take time, and ongoing education and support will be necessary.
  3. Flow Modification: Converting nodes to NFTs may require users to lock their node NFT on chain in order to function.

Caveats and Considerations

While the conversion of nodes into NFTs promises numerous benefits for the Gala Games Founders’ Node Ecosystem, it is crucial for users to be aware of certain caveats and potential requirements that may be implemented to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and maintain the integrity and strength of the network.

Know Your Customer (KYC) Compliance:

As part of our commitment to maintaining a secure and compliant ecosystem, users may be required to undergo a Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process before their nodes can be converted into NFTs. This process is essential to prevent fraud, money laundering, and other illicit activities. Users will be prompted to provide personal identification documents and other relevant information to verify their identity. Failure to comply with KYC requirements may result in the inability to participate in the node conversion process.

Token Burning Requirement:

In an effort to maintain a balanced token economy and control token supply, users may be required to burn a certain amount of tokens to unlock their nodes for conversion into NFTs. The token burning process will involve sending tokens to a designated smart contract, where they will be removed from circulation. This requirement will help maintain the long-term stability of our token ecosystem and provide additional $GALA for node operators.

Exact KYC requirements and token burning amounts will be determined and communicated to users in the implementation phase, should this proposal be approved. We understand that these caveats may raise concerns among users, and we encourage open discussion and feedback to address any questions or apprehensions.

NOTE: No KYC or token burning will result from this proposal for those who do not choose to tokenize their Founder’s Node licenses.


By adopting this proposal, we believe the Gala Games Ecosystem will benefit from the advantages offered by a more decentralized node network. Through careful planning, technical development, and user support, we aim to create a more secure, transparent, and valuable platform for our community. We encourage all users to provide feedback, ask questions, and participate in the discussion around this proposal.

Governance Vote Node Proposal:

Should Founder’s Node licenses have the option to be converted to NFTs?

Option 1.) Yes — A pathway to NFT-hood should be created for the Founder’s Nodes.

Option 2.) No — Nodes should stay as licenses on a centralized server.

Voting begins on Monday April 24 and ends on Friday, April 28 at 5pm PT.

Founder’s Node operators login and vote here.

Nodeification #3: Security Updates

An Important Update to Your Node Software

Our Node Operators are an essential part of our community, and we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible service and software experience. We have made several updates to the current software version and we recommend all Node Operators upgrade as soon a possible.

Our team has identified and fixed a potential risk that could impact the security of your Node. We understand how important the security of your information is, and we take any threat to it very seriously.

Updating Your Software

To protect your information and ensure the continued functionality of your software, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to the latest Node software (version 3.2.4) as soon as possible. The upgraded software will provide you with the latest security updates and patches. In addition, we have fixed several IPFS configuration issues.

All Node Operators can access the instructions for updating on the Node Dashboard. Simply log in to your account and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team, and they will be more than happy to help you.

Security First

Ensuring the security of your Node is a top priority for us, and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Our team is committed to providing you with the best possible software experience, and we’ll continue to work hard to achieve that goal.

Please don’t hesitate, update today!


Not a Node Operator yet in the Gala Games ecosystem? There are lots of ways to get involved. Learn more below!

About the Gala Games Node Ecosystem

Node License Store

Nodeification #2: Time to Upgrade

The deadline to update to Node V3 is on January 18th, so be sure you’re ready!

Upgrade your Node software by January 18th

Node version 3 has been running the decentralized backend for the past month. If you haven’t joined the new decentralization revolution by upgrading your Node, now is the time. We’ll be turning off older Node software on January 18, 2023. This means Nodes running software version 2 will report themselves as down and you will not receive any rewards starting on January 19th.

All Node Operators:

Instructions for updating and download links can be found on the Node dashboard.

Why are we doing this?

We need you! Actually, we need your Nodes. We need them to do the work needed to support our backend. Node version 2 wasn’t cutting it and to support all the cool things we want to do, like serving music and running game servers, we need you to upgrade.

The new Node workload system does work for each license. For example, if you own a Gala Music Player Node license and you start your Gala Music Player workload, your computer will now be hosting your music NFTs to the rest of the world. If you bought one of the recent Last Expedition Operator licenses, your Node runs a custom game server that people will connect to and play on (and probably be eaten by your Ancient Ravager).

The new Node software also uses an api-key system to install and run your node. It’s much less obtrusive from before and a lot easier to use. Also, your Node will restart itself if it goes down or your computer is rebooted.

Please don’t hesitate, upgrade today!

Known Issues

Some workloads do not report being online 24 hours a day. This is ok and expected, we check every minute to see if your Node is doing its work and sometimes there are hiccups. We are working on workload issues in our backend that prevent reporting a full 24 hours uptime and we are providing fixes every week. You will still receive your rewards as long as you provide 6 hours of work a day.

Docker is needed for Node version 3 (Docker desktop on Windows and Mac). Currently the most stable version of Docker Desktop is version 4.12.

Windows Server is currently not supported, but we highly recommend upgrading to Linux (it’s the most stable OS to run a Node on and the least expensive).


Not a Node operator yet in our web3 Ecosystem? There are lots of ways to get involved. Learn more below!

About the Gala Games Node Ecosystem