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Squad Warfare: Guilds in Eternal Paradox

Squad Warfare: Guilds in Eternal Paradox

The Ring spins once again, and Season 5 is underway!

Have you taken your fate into your own hands in Elysium yet? The battle can’t be won alone… to rise to this great of a challenge, you need a team at your back.

Grab Your Squad

While there’s definitely individual glory to be gained in each season’s battle for dominance, Eternal Paradox is, at its core, a team game. If you’ve taken to the battle in Elysium but haven’t jumped into a guild to fight for common goals, you’re missing out!

There are many guilds in Elysium. You could peruse Discord communities to find the right one for you, or you could just grab an open spot right in the game! Each guild sets specific requirements to join. You’ll find some guilds that require a certain headquarters level or Captain level, but also others that are just happy to have any new Captain among their ranks!

To search for a new guild, just go to the “Guild” menu in game. From there, you can type the name of a guild in or scroll through the list. If you find a guild you’re interested in, you can request to join right away if there’s space. Some guilds will want you to reach out first though, and you can always contact the Guild Leader through a specific guild you’re looking at.

Team Perks

Having a guild means fighting together. You can start or join rallies with other guild members to defeat Black Sun Cultists or Shakram Legions that you could never best on your own. Keep in mind rallies against Black Sun Cults only cost seven stamina… attacking by yourself costs ten. That’s a huge advantage and let’s you save stamina for more battles!

When you’re attacked, your guild will be notified. If you’re in over your head, you can ping your guild for help. Guild members can even support your fortress, sending an entire army to help defend you.

Did you ever notice how resource sites have more than one gathering slot as you get into the higher tier sites? Guilds play a powerful part in the gathering game. If you take a gathering site, inviting five of your friends to work alongside you definitely makes you a much harder target to oust from the location.

Shared Goals

Guild Raids cannot be participated in outside a guild, and they are massively rewarding to players who give it their all.

When your guild attacks the Followers of Doom, you’ll get big rewards based on the damage you’ve dealt. It takes a while to summon the first boss, and grinding your way through each enemy is difficult. Those who persist and work with their guild to triumph, however, will receive resources, speedups and plenty more goodies!

The Guild Arena is another major aspirational task for many guilds out there. In this competition, you square off against another guild to prove you’ve got what it takes to stand tall at the final battle. No one guild member can carry the whole team. To reap the rewards, everyone will have to do their part. The first Guild Arena just started for Season 5… there’s plenty of time to get in there and fight some epic battles!

The Guild Festival also recurs throughout the season. In this event, players accept guild missions that they have 24 hours to complete. That’s not the only time pressure though, as a new mission won’t spawn until you’ve complete your current mission! The rewards for the top guilds can include Gems, titles and speedups. Everyone will get rewards along the way though, and even a guild who doesn’t land in the top of the leaderboard won’t walk away with nothing for their efforts.

The Final Battle

We can’t talk about Guilds without talking about Conquest.

Conquest is the major seasonal battle in Eternal Paradox, played out in three skirmishes throughout the season. If you’ve played but not taken part in Conquest, you’re missing one of the biggest parts of the battle for Elysium!

In Conquest, Guilds battle to maintain control of the 16 Ruins and the Ring of Ruin itself over the course of a 90 minute event. There’s lots of room for creative strategy here, as alliances between guilds and clever coordination can quickly tip the scales of power. Battles are major events, with whole guilds desperately trying to attack enemy Rally leaders to destabilize their opponents’ efforts.

Conquest is only a 90 minute event, and each happens several weeks apart – starting just before the middle of the season. They always happen on Saturdays (by UTC time at least), but each conquest rotates to another part of Saturday so that no time zone is totally left out of the fun. The first Conquest for Season 5 is coming on  Saturday, July 6th!

What Are You Waiting For?

Season 5 is just now starting its second week in a 49-day season. The first Guild Festival and Guild Arena have just kicked off, and Conquest is still weeks away. Now is a perfect time to hop in and find your team!

Dozens and dozens of Guilds active in the game are looking for more teammates! Go find a team to help you grow and prepare for the coming battle! 

We’ll see you for a glorious fight in the battle for the Ring!

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Eternal Paradox: Season 5 Begins with Exciting New Updates!

Eternal Paradox: Season 5 Begins with Exciting New Updates!

Your bedraggled forces stared at the sheer carnage before them, thinking back over the bloodshed and battle tactics that had led them this far in the fight against the vile forces of Shakram. One great skirmish remained, and the fate of Elysium stood in the balance.

They fought bravely, with the inspiration of the most famous Mercenary leaders lifting their banners like a proud wind, and one by one, they fell in the fight.

The Ring of Ruin roared, and as the bouts and victories of the past weeks faded into a memory that blurred with each passing second, those who still stood shared two unified thoughts… “Are we destined to do it again?” and “Maybe this time will set us free.”


Season 5 of Eternal Paradox is officially underway! This marks a new chapter in our epic hybrid 4X RPG battle game, packed with fresh content, thrilling challenges, and enhanced rewards that will keep you engaged and strategizing. Here’s what you can expect in the latest season…

Season Content

New Season Pass: Storm of the Desert

The all-new Season Pass 5 introduces the stunning “Storm of the Desert” castle skin. Enhance your stronghold’s appearance and showcase your dominance on the battlefield.

Arena Pass

The new Arena Pass will be available for two weeks, giving players additional opportunities to earn exclusive rewards and showcase their combat skills.

Mercenary Buffs

  • Torsten: +100% HP
  • Bianca: +100% ATK
  • Zarkhan: +100% ATK

Enhanced Rewards for Guild Conquests

The bonus reward previously reserved for the #1 guild in each Conquest has now been expanded to include the top 5 guilds! The specific rewards will be decided by a community vote, so make your voice heard and help shape the future of Eternal Paradox.

Fixes & Improvements

Based on valuable player feedback, we have implemented the following adjustments:

  • [Achievement Event] Eliminate Shakram and Capture Prisoners: The difficulty has been halved.
  • Guild Attendance Requests: The cooldown has changed from 5 seconds to 1 hour.
  • Guild Festival Missions: The mission to summon the Doombringer has been removed.
  • Contribution Level Prediction: We fixed a display error affecting predicted Contribution Levels for the next season.

Important Note: The error affecting Contribution Level predictions is still being resolved. Points from the previous season set to expire may cause a significant drop in your Contribution Level.

Store Updates

This update is more concise than previous seasons, reflecting our commitment to streamline communications while delivering substantial improvements and new content. Your continued support and feedback are invaluable as we strive to make Eternal Paradox the best possible experience. Thank you for your dedication, and enjoy the strategic battles of Season 5!

Play Eternal Paradox now

RingWatch: EPX Season 4 Recap

RingWatch: EPX Season 4 Recap

Great battles have been fought. Some won, some not. In Elysium, however, neither victory or defeat are forever. The paradox goes on, and great warriors must once again vie for power and the Ring itself.

What will you change this time? How will your strategy differ? Will you rise or fall?

Alex: I’ve always been more of a fan of rising than falling… but maybe that’s just me.

Emma: Yes, success is sweet. I will choose that one.

Alex: Wise as always Emma. You have any epic battles worthy of song this time? 

Emma: Certainly, pyromaniacal one. Most interesting to you would probably be me bringing down your friend Torsten in one hit at the Dimension Ruins.

Alex: Ooh ho! Indeed, worth of a shanty! Just let me warm up my pipes BWAHAHAHA!!!

Emma: Singing for later, boom man. It is time to review the greatest Captains of Season 4!

Conquest: The Victorious

All great fights across Elysium always end with The Ring. Captains fight across the whole of the world for control of the strange ruins that seem to trap us within this paradox. Warriors leave it all on the field, knowing that every Conquest of The Ring is a do or die moment… their one chance to hold the great power at the heart of Eylsium.

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Anti91
  3. PasinduDE
  4. Bianca
  5. Alp_Er_Tunga

Most Powerful Captains

The true warlords across Elysium build their forces deliberately, steadily and constantly. They cultivate skilled Mercenaries, craft and improve the best gear, and develop their fortress to an impregnable level. Unlike the victorious at conquest, this measure of a Captain’s worth doesn’t take their team into account. Battle Power doesn’t lie. Here’s the top Captains in Season 4:

  1. PalafinHF
  2. DubstepRod
  3. Bianca
  4. HelloWorld
  5. Nerdalicious

Arena Victors

Elite soldiers and numbers may protect you in the field, but the Arena leaves nowhere to hide. Your Mercenaries must fight it out with only their skill, gear and squad tactics. How did your team fare this season? Did you favor the correct warriors, or did you languish in defeat?

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Anti91
  3. PasinduDE
  4. Bianca
  5. Alp_Er_Tunga

Most Honorable Mentions

This season, there were 3 Captains that succeeded against all odds to land in the top 10 of all three competitive metrics. We salute you!

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Bianca
  3. Alp_Er_Tunga

Season 5 Is Coming!

Alex: 🎼I sailed the great sea, searching every wave…

Emma: I still don’t believe that it is singing time pirate.

Alex: 🎶 but there never was enough thrill for me.

Emma: I see that my opinion does not change yours.

Alex: 🎵But then I saw mighty Emma melt down Tor-sten, in bat-tle… in…stant…ly!!!🎶

Emma: Indeed. This song is fair enough, explosion pirate.

Alex: Well thank you Emma. I was a bit concerned that the disembodied voice wasn’t going to give me enough time to fin–

You’re right Alex! That’s all we have time for before we have to get ready for the start of Season 5!

Emma: Shall we place wagers on who vanquishes Torsten first Alex?

Alex: Ohhh, I REALLY like your style Emma. Let’s talk numbers. 

Thanks for a great Season 4 everyone! We’ll see you on the field of battle for Season 5 tomorrow! 

RingWatch: EPX Season 3 Recap

RingWatch: EPX Season 3 Recap

The great battle for the Ring has been fought. Were you victorious? Will the shattered timeline of Elysium bring you success or defeat in the next iteration…

The paradox continues, but maybe the right Captain seizing control of the power can change the fate of Elysium. It’s time for a fresh start. Old rivalries are broken, will old alliances be renewed?

Alex: So exciting to be here again! Teeehehehe, more explosions!

Emma: Wha… Where are we?

Alex: Oh, that’s not important. I just go with it and it always works out for me.

Emma: You are wise, explosion pirate. I shall follow you into this mystery.

Alex: Oh ho! We’re going to get along splendidly Emma! For now though, let’s get to the results of Season 3!!!

Conquest: The Victorious

The battle for the Ring is fierce. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers meet their end each time the powers of Elysium meet to do epic battle. The Captains that persist through the difficulties and rise to the challenge each Conquest are worthy of our respect indeed. We salute them!

Note that due to S12’s signature tactic of altering their names to be difficult to distinguish at the final conquest, most of our winners are somewhat mysterious heroes this season.

  1. Win
  2. IlIllIIllIIl


  3. Iiiiiiiiii


  4. Iiiiiiiiiiii


  5. Iiiiiiiiil



Most Powerful Captains

Conquest is a team sport. Pure battle power is a measure of the forces an individual captain can muster. No unexpected critical or tactical misstep in Conquest will change the results here… Those who amassed the most forces and the most Battle Power over the course of season 3 are true warriors.

  1. Ralf
  2. Firstblood
  3. Nerdalicious
  4. PalafinHF
  5. Elof

Arena Victors

Hiding behind your soldiers seems easy compared to the heat of the Arena. The Captains that rose to the top in this category are brutally efficient with their team of Mercenaries and can defend their spot with vigor to repeatedly come out on top.

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Win
  3. Kazuto1995
  4. Melio_das
  5. Firstblood

Most Honorable Mentions

This season, we have two Captains that were able to show their mettle in all three categories and rise to the top 10 across the board…

Congratulations to Firstblood and PalfinHF, the two Captains to accomplish this great task this season!

Season 4 Is Live!

Season 4 is already live! Get out there and conquer! 

There’s tons of new features coming in season 4.

  • Jinryu, new Fire-type Mercenary
  • Guild Arena
  • Mercenary Collection System
  • New Season Pass, May Mayhem Pass, and Arena Pass!

Beyond that, there are tons of new balances, meta changes and improvements! Small changes make major tactical differences, and no two seasons of Eternal Paradox are alike!

…And Here We Go Again!

Emma: The strange, invisible narrator is correct. Tiny variables can greatly influence plans.

Alex: I never was one for plans. I think this time I’ll do what I do every time… blow stuff up! Bwuahahahaha!!!

Emma: A wise stratagem. Why fight the wind when you can fly on it?

Alex: Hahaha! You’re SOOOO much better at this than Torsten.

Emma: That does not surprise me. We are prepared for battle mysterious voice.

Thanks Emma and Alex, and good luck out there this season!

49 days to go –

Emma: 48 days. 

Uhhh, right. You heard the woman! Get out there and conquer. We’ll see you at the battle for the Ring!

RingWatch: EPX Season 4 Recap

RingWatch: EPX Season 3 Halfway Mark!

We’re halfway through the third season of Eternal Paradox, and the fate of Elysium hangs in the balance. Captains are valiantly fighting off The Doombringer and gathering their forces, but most eyes are fixed squarely on this Saturday’s Conquest event!

Will you be ready for the battle?

Alex: Oh, I assure you that I was born ready! 

Torsten: Oh no… not here again!

Alex: What’s the matter friend? I personally cherish our little chats. Really clears the palate after destroying all your armies! BWUAHAHAHAHHA!

Torsten: Why you little… I’ll show you what destroy means. Wait – what’s hissing under my chair…


Alex: MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Always a pleasure Torsten!

The Coming Conquest

The second Conquest event is right around the corner. With the Spring Event serving up big rewards and discounted specials in the shop, everyone is posturing their armies to take on the competition at the end of the week.

[XII]SQUAREXII won the first round, but [DUB]Deadly is hot on their trail. [EPx]Eternals likewise glided into a third place finish, but [GFX]GFGROUPX is keeping the pressure on them close behind in fourth.

S12 is firmly in control after the first Conquest. Can they hold it?

As Captains are starting to farm up the best prisoners and just getting into T9 and T10 soldiers, Conquest 2 is when everything really starts to heat up. Make sure you’re ready for it – this Saturday, April 13th at 5pm-6:30pm UTC (That’s 10am-11:30am PT)

The Season of Wang

Each season in Eternal Paradox, a new Mercenary rises to battle for the destiny of Elysium.

Beware the judgment of Wang… his most powerful attack also revives a fallen ally if it strikes down an opponent.

The arrival of Wang this season had a major effect on strategies, both in the arena and the field. The addition of another Light Mercenary alone created new ways to create an endgame War Synergy team, but Wang also features the Command Skill, Strategy Guide. This allows Light soldiers extra crit chance… up to 5% at max level!

Light soldier CRIT is a massive boost during conquest, when Dark and Light troops are the premier fighting force of a clever Captain

With the role of Captain Gear so important in how quickly you can progress and grow, Wang’s Internal Affairs Skill is also now sought after by all Captains. Eloquent Speaker will reduce the cost of enhancing Captain Gear up to 10% at max level.

Wang isn’t just here for field support though. A first glance at his Battle Skills may make you think that Wang plays a more passive role in campaign and arena combat… that would be a recklessly incorrect assumption though. Don’t underestimate the pure power Wang can deliver.

Worn out for Conquest? Use Wang’s Reflux skill to get your energy back up for the battle!

Battle Looms

Alex: Even if Torsten couldn’t quite handle the heat, I’m very excited for this next Conquest. You may even say it’ll be… explosive. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Well said Alex. Join us on April 13th at 10am PT for all the conquest mayhem, and we’ll see you after to recap all of the glorious battle!