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In Too Deep — Part 9 — Valentina and the Echoes of Empire

In Too Deep — Part 9 — Valentina and the Echoes of Empire

In Too Deep

Although the cleaned-up transmission had more to say, it only created more questions for Valentina, who generally liked answers more than questions. After listening one more time, she grumbled up to get a cup of caf from her small galley.

It wasn’t getting better the more Valentina listened to it, that was for damn sure. She didn’t even know why she had it on repeat, but her curiosity kept getting the better of her.

The relics are in here somewhere. Finding them could change the face of the galaxy,” a male voice crackled through the static. He sounded older, perhaps middle-aged. Had an educated accent. Maybe a noble… someone high up in the Arbiters or the Garrison. Education was expensive these days. “The historic records maintain that Sigis Station was the key to the Monarchy’s military power. The weapon must be there somewhere. If we can find it…the… will pay through the nose. Prince Gabriel will know our names… huge reward.

Treasure hunters? Perhaps. Faction Spies? Probably. The mention of the prince told Valentina that they were aligned with one of the Factions, but she couldn’t tell which one. It was a shame. If she could just figure out what they were after and how to initiate contact, maybe she could spin this into a tidy little commission. She did know that sector of space better than anyone.

Suddenly her comm crackled, just as it did on Sigis Station. Valentina turned the recording off and leaned forward increase the gain on her comm. She shouldn’t be picking up random transmissions. Maybe that last comm router she picked up was too sensitive. She knew better than to patch with non-standard parts, but sometimes it was unavoidable.

Do you see it?

Valentina sat upright and stared out the viewport. The Asterias was moored up under an abandoned mining rig near one of the older claims, well hidden and protected from most forms of detection by the rig’s thick defensive plating. She could see out, but she was fairly confident that no one could see in.

Goosebumps crept all over Valentina’s flesh as she tried to stay calm. She knew that voice. It was the same voice from her transmission.

Our informant said they saw her head off this way,” another voice crackled in reply. This voice was a cold, female one. Two ships, then. Maybe more. Not the best odds. “She overheard our transmission in Sigis Station, and we know she was down in the ruined control sector. There’s no telling what she found.

Why else would she run to Felix?” the man asked. Valentina cursed under her breath. Of course they thought she found something. Their informant must have heard the transmission she played for Felix and assumed everyone was there for the same purpose. If they were looking for a weapon, like the first transmission said… no. That was more trouble than Valentina wanted. “She found something to sell. If you hadn’t been such an idiot…”

Watch your mouth. Do you see the ship?

No. It’s like she disappeared. What now?

Valentina breathed a little easier, knowing that she was not yet spotted. The Asterias was good at hiding.

Keep looking. There’s no Dust echo so no FTL jump. She’s got to be around here somewhere.

They fell silent and Valentina watched, holding her breath even though there was no way they could have heard her. She double-checked her own comm to make sure it wasn’t transmitting, and slowly powered up the Asterias.

There was no point in sticking around here. She used her attitudinal thrusters to slowly back out of her hidey hole, keeping the rig between her and her pursuers. The moment she spun up FTL they’d be on her and there was no way she’d be able to make the jump undetected. She needed another option.

Part 1 — Kepler’s Remnant

Part 2 — Sovereign Protectorate

Part 3 — Lightspire

Part 4 — Shepherd’s Void

Part 5 — Celestious Nox

Part 6 — The Crucible

Part 7 — Edge of the Miasma

Part 8— The Pale

Valentina may have left The Pale with the closing of the second round of the Celestial Claim Land Presale, but her mysterious pursuers have followed the Asterias into the space near the Miasma.

To find out how she will evade them and where she will seek refuge next, look for the next installment of the story tomorrow!


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The Quick Slip — Part 10 — Valentina and the Echoes of Empire

The Quick Slip — Part 10 — Valentina and the Echoes of Empire

The Quick Slip

There was no doubt now. They were after her, but Valentina Barbaro wasn’t about to make it easy on them. Plenty of people had tried to track her down over the years. Bad deals or good ones. Competitors and pirates. She was still alive because none of them had ever managed to catch her.

This time would be no different if she had anything to say about it. A dozen small bursts from her thrusters (not enough to set off a short range scanner) and she was able to fall in almost directly behind her pursuers and shadow their ship, just out of sight. “Know your enemy’s blind spots,” one of Valentina’s favorite mentors had always said.

It was hard work and difficult flying, but the two burly, well-armed battleships we’re expecting her brand of sneakiness. Better still, they were still running that same open frequency that got her into this mess. Really, it was just careless to go around broadcasting your personal business all over space, but Valentina knew better than to curse her enemies for making such an obvious mistake in her advantage.

“Come on, guys. You’ve been quiet for a whole hour,” she said to herself as she wove through the many asteroids of the region. It was the perfect place to determine who was after her this time, and maybe get a shot at losing them. “Get back to bickering.”

The woman, who she was calling Icy, and Grumpy, the man she heard first, seemed to hate each other with a passion. At least they weren’t happy to be working together. Valentina was starting to enjoy their frequent dust ups on comms, punctuated with hoary insults and the occasional open threat.

“We’ve got to find this wretched smuggler,” Grumpy said, right on cue. “The Zeiger is trying to buy that pretentious fool, Felix, but he’s proving annoyingly righteous, apparently. He refuses to tell us what Barbaro is after.”

Score one for Valentina! “Zeiger” was an Arbeiter Functionary title. That answers one big question, and kudos to Felix for not giving her up. Valentina raised him up a few pegs in her mind. She honestly hadn’t expected him to stick to his guns, but then again, she represented a substantial payout for him. Felix was a decent man, but like everyone, he had a price. With the kind of riches the Arbeiters had at their disposal, they would offer him enough money. He would eventually turn, and Valentina wouldn’t hold it against him.

She was going to have to make herself much, much harder to find before that happened.

“I’m about ready to be done with the bickering couple,” Valentina said to herself and thought about her options. Getting creative as a grin made its way across her face, she slowed the Asterias to a crawl to let Icy and Grumpy put distance between them before punching out of the system.

Part 1 — Kepler’s Remnant

Part 2 — Sovereign Protectorate

Part 3 — Lightspire

Part 4 — Shepherd’s Void

Part 5 — Celestious Nox

Part 6 — The Crucible

Part 7 — Edge of the Miasma

Part 8 — The Pale

Part 9 — In Too Deep

Valentina may have left The Pale with the closing of the second round of the Celestial Claim Land Presale, but her mysterious pursuers have followed the Asterias into the space near the Miasma.

To find out how she will evade them and where she will seek refuge next, look for the next installment of the story tomorrow!


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Celestial Claim Land Presale — Round 2

Celestial Claim Land Presale — Round 2

The second round of Echoes of Empire’s Celestial Claim Land Presale is now live in the Gala Games store!

As Valentina Barbaro’s epic space adventure continues, she finds herself in new Star Clusters of the galaxy. Most recently, she has arrived in THE PALE, at a place called Serenity’s Pyre, to get the scoop on a mysterious transmission recovered at SIGIS STATION in Part 7.

Celestial Claims Now Available

The Pale’s Celestial Claims are now available in limited supply, but to get the best prices on these stars, planets, moons and habitable asteroids, you’ll need to act quickly.

Unlike the Claims that were sold in last week’s Ember’s Grace presale, all Celestial Claims for The Pale will be priced in increasing tiers. As more sell, the price of the remaining Claims will increase. If you plan to make a grab for one of these unique Celestial Claims, do it quickly. Hesitating could prove costly for you!

Limited Time Sale

In addition to the increasing price tier structure, Celestial Claims will only be available for a limited time (or until they sell out). Ember’s Grace was in the store for exactly 48 hours, but the first 15 minutes of the presale was enough time for all 1000 Uncommon Celestial Claims to sell out.

Remember, once Claims for a specific Cluster leave the store, they will not be available again until Valentina returns to that Cluster. Then when they do return, they will have a higher price.

Get Claims Here

Celestial Claim Sale Info

Browse the available info on Celestial Claims, including basic play-to-earn mechanics, numbers of mines, price ranges and more.

Echoes of Empire Website

Sign up here to receive upcoming news first. We will notify everyone on this email list at least 24 hours prior to all new sales.

The Pale — Part 8 — Valentina and the Echoes of Empire

The Pale — Part 8 — Valentina and the Echoes of Empire

The Pale

Valentina preferred to trade in rare art or perhaps even rarer vintage, but despite the often unnecessary risks, trading in information always paid well. Visiting Mateo was out of the question, since it was from him she had obtained the coordinates in the first place. Those coordinates led her to this overheard bit of transmission on the way out of Sigis Station with a very interesting find. What she heard had stopped her dead in her tracks, but she needed to be sure.

Felix was her favorite of the data brokers. He knew what he was doing, he had all the right contacts, and better yet, he was filthy rich. Supposedly, he was the illegitimate son of some greater noble, who had been fostered off to a minor house in exchange for more money than the family ever dreamed of. That was Felix’s version of the story anyway. He was reliable for business dealings, but boasted and exaggerated about nearly everything else, and he always had a flair for the dramatic!

His personal craft, his home away from home, as he called it, was a grand cruiser that Valentina found on the edge of The Pale, in Serenity’s Pyre. Despite the name, which suggested that some explorer had a bad time of it at some point, Serenity’s Pyre was a bustling sector filled with the traffic of a new system that was just getting on its feet. Better yet, it had enough people that it would be easy for Valentina to vanish into the crowd if she suddenly discovered a tail. Felix’s cruiser wasn’t huge, but it could swallow up the Asterias with ease, and it offered every luxury a semi-legal noble playboy might ask for.

“And here I thought you were holding our little argument against me,” Felix laughed as Valentina walked into a comfortable sitting room away from the main thoroughfare. It wasn’t the one he used for the Nobility, and Valentina was glad. Luxury like that made her uncomfortable. “You did strike me.”

“You tried to short me half the job’s value,” Valentina said with a snort, but she stood on her toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. “You’re a scoundrel, but your tech is exquisite and I have a curious transmission I need help making sense of.”

“Oh, intriguing,” Felix said with genuine delight. He poured out two glasses of something fizzy and golden that looked very expensive. He offered one to Valentina, who took it cautiously. It wasn’t poison she was worried about. It was the gold infusion that wealthy folks loved to insist on calling an enhancement. It wasn’t. Felix had strange taste in everything, and his taste in spirits was no exception. “Let’s off to the lab and see if we can’t figure this business out. I assume you have a recording?”

“Would I come to you without one?”

“No, I suppose not. Alright, let’s hear it.”

They weren’t alone in the hallway, but Valentina figured that was Felix’s problem, not hers. She wasn’t about to give him a discount if one of his nosy guests spread the information around without his permission.

“It’s odd,” she warned him, and pulled out her comm and casually tapped the recording. “Almost as odd as where I was at the time I recorded it.”

“Intriguing,” Felix murmured, and fell silent to listen.

…Relics are in there somewhere. If we can find-” the transmission crackled and became inaudible through the thick static that plagued all transmissions close to the Miasma. “The weapon… will pay through the nose… Prince Gabriel.”

“Well, well,” Felix said with wide eyes when the transmission ended. Valentina saw a cluster of Felix’s guests, all dressed in more finery than she could ever afford, watching them a little too closely. “The Prince, how very interesting. So, why did you come to me?”

“You’ve got some of the best Royal tech anyone can get their hands on,” Valentina told him, which was the truth. “And you pay a good price for information that’s worth anything.”

“I suppose I could clean it up a bit,” Felix said, and opened the door into his lab. He plugged her comm into his equipment and got to work cleaning up the transmission. “I suppose I do owe you one for that last little tiff, but above all I’m a businessman.”

“We’ll split it 50/50 if it’s worth anything.” Valentina rolled her eyes at him. She probably could have gotten him to do it for free, but this was faster. She didn’t like the way that cluster of nobles had been watching her. “Well?”

He listened to a snippet and said authoritatively, “Well, you have something and I’m interested,” handing her comm back with the finished product. He glanced at the three nobles eyeing through the plasti-glass and edging ever closer to the door of the lab. Valentina didn’t make any sudden moves, and she knew better than to reach for her blaster. She did set down her glass of gold fizz. “But it seems I’m not the only one. Get back to the Asterias and make haste, I’ll stall for as long as I can.” And with that Valentina slipped out the servants entry, down a series of stairs and was gone, hopefully not followed.

Part 1 — Kepler’s Remnant

Part 2 — Sovereign Protectorate

Part 3 — Lightspire

Part 4 — Shepherd’s Void

Part 5 — Celestious Nox

Part 6 — The Crucible

Part 7 — Edge of the Miasma

Now that Valentina has entered The Pale, the next cluster of the CELESTIAL CLAIM LAND PRESALE will be available very soon in the Gala Games store! Keep watch over Valentina’s adventures, because you never know when she may need your help!

The next star Cluster (The Pale), will be sold in increasing price tiers, so the earlier you secure your Claim, the cheaper it will be! Sign up for the latest updates at the ECHOES OF EMPIRE WEBSITE!

Join the Discussion in Discord

Edge of the Miasma — Part 7— Valentina and the Echoes of Empire

Edge of the Miasma — Part 7— Valentina and the Echoes of Empire

The Miasma cut a swath across a host of stars and clusters throughout the galaxy, and the edge of space near the Miasma was always nerve-wracking. In the old days it would ebb and flow like a massive ocean tide, swallowing whole planets like it was nothing at all.

Part 7 — Edge of the Miasma

No one knew what exactly the Miasma was, or if they did, they were playing it close to the chest. It was a massive and terrifying force that constantly threatened to absorb worlds with a single wave of expansion. It was a wall, a boundary that separated the inhabited parts of the galaxy from the unknown void of deep space. It was energy, and though no one had discovered how to harness its power, many scientists claimed they were close. For some time now, and most curiously, the Miasma had stopped expanding and instead it was retreating. Throughout the galaxy, people were watching, waiting to see what new mysteries would be revealed and hoping the Miasma would continue to retreat. Its unpredictable nature made it more disturbing for everyone, especially those brave enough to live in these newly uncovered territories. Valentina didn’t have cause to work in these parts very often, but once in a rare while, she’d cut through on the way to anyplace else.

None of the three Factions liked to come out this far. They were all busy with their strange little standoff, a cold war with each Faction just waiting to see who would fire the first shots. Personally, Valentina didn’t care which they picked. It wasn’t her problem or her business, as long as she effectively avoided all of them.

Sigis Station was supposedly named for an old emperor, but Valentina had no idea which one. The Imperial style station was old, and until recently, wholly subsumed by the miasma. As soon as it was revealed, the rough and tumble sort moved in and got to work redistributing all this old wealth. The scavengers weren’t bothering anyone; whoever was around when the Miasma hit was long gone.

It must have been glorious in its heyday, Valentina thought to herself as she walked through the thinning crowds of this rediscovered old port and ducked down an alleyway. Her Sigis Station map wasn’t exactly reliable, but those coordinates were leading her steadily down, into the lower (and darker) levels of the massive station. She hoped whatever was at the end would be worth something.

Salvage crews thinned out. As Valentina walked, cautious of rubble, she discovered small lights that brightened as she drew near and faded away when she passed. There were signs here and there, but they were ancient and she couldn’t make out the old Imperial script.

It had been a gamble to steal these coordinates from Mateo, but he hadn’t noticed. Anyway, it wasn’t like she actually took his chip. She just copied the data off it and left the original there. He could still do whatever he wanted with it and there was certainly plenty of salvage to go around.

As the corridors closed in around her, increasingly decrepit and damaged, Valentina examined the hallway and checked her wrist-map.

“This doesn’t look right,” Valentina grumbled to herself, turning around as another corridor suddenly lit up all at once, as if the station itself was beckoning her into to its deepest secret. “Well that’s not ominous or anything. Okay, let’s see what’s down here.”

The corridor led deeper into the ruins of the old station. Valentina blessed the wrist-map that remembered her path, and the exo-suit that ensured she was surrounded by breathable air. Running into a patch of bad air (or no air) in these situations could easily ruin a job or end a life. Everything seemed to be holding pressure well enough, but good external air pressure wouldn’t do a thing about an internal gas leak, and these pipes were ancient.

The lights guided her down into what looked like an old control room. It must have been evacuated in a hurry. Broken plasti-glass was everywhere. There were a few old consoles that had been torn apart. Valentina pulled her blaster and hoped whatever wrecked the room wasn’t still around. With nothing but a waste high railing and a bank of old Mark 1 compuservers between her and the hallway, It would be a bad place for a fight.

A glint of bright metal caught her eye. Valentina knelt, her blaster in one hand, and cautiously brushed away the thick grime.

The bright metal turned out to be a smooth metal box. It was heavy for its size, and engraved all over with constellations. No, not constellations. It was an old-style star map. She had only ever seen them in museums. A smile crept over her face as she realized the potential value of her find.

Just then, Valentina’s helmet-comm crackled and a voice echoed in her ear. She was picking up a transmission nearby. Quickly deciding discretion was the better part of valor, she took the star map box and slowly slipped back through the way she came.

Part 1 — Kepler’s Remnant

Part 2 — Sovereign Protectorate

Part 3 — Lightspire

Part 4 — Shepherd’s Void

Part 5 — Celestious Nox

Part 6 — The Crucible

The next cluster of the CELESTIAL CLAIM LAND PRESALE will be available soon in the Gala Games store! Keep watch over Valentina’s adventures, because you never know when she may need your help!

The next star Cluster (The Pale), will be sold in increasing price tiers, so the earlier you secure your Claim, the cheaper it will be! Sign up for the latest updates at the ECHOES OF EMPIRE WEBSITE!

Join the Discussion in Discord