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Echoes of Empire: Day 1 Strategy

Echoes of Empire: Day 1 Strategy

Before the Empire crumbled, there was a lot of grumbling throughout the galaxy, and everyone seemed to have an idea of what could be done to make things better. This is how the Arbeiters, the Royals and the Garrison turned from what should have been cooperative systems toward similar goals, to factions hell-bent on each others’ destruction.

Each mad with their own takes on what was right and what was ultimately good for the galaxy and the Empire, these factions tore away at one another until nothing was left but ruin. Now that the Empire is over, the factions still remain, and the noble houses attempting to rise from the ashes of the Empire’s destruction must work within the frameworks established by each faction. 

The promised result is a new kind of galactic chaos in which every faction must be represented within each and every noble’s Homebase. If each Homebase doesn’t embrace the Arbeiters’ exploratory spirit, the Garrison’s military might, and the Royal’s noble arrogance, no Homebase will have a chance on its own. Hopefully the workers within these factions will set aside their history of conflict for the greater good of the galaxy, but only time and space will tell.

Echoes of Empire launches very shortly, and those who move quickly will establish the surest galactic footing as countless noble houses attempt to establish themselves as planetary owners and figures of power.

Don’t Miss Day 1

The wise will take time on day 1 to build a solid foundation for their Homebase. The game’s robust interactive tutorial will guide you through the most essential actions, and it is imperative that you collect your rewards for each of these actions as you accomplish them. 

Play Echoes of Empire – starting 1/30/24 at 2pm PT 


Prepare for war and galactic conquest at your Homebase!

Your Homebase is everything in Echoes of Empire. It is your lifeline to the galaxy. It contains your Command Center and manages your defenses. It maintains your regular collection of each of the three different types of resources.

The following three resources are required (in various combination ratios) to craft and upgrade ships, build and upgrade Homebase components, to purchase and upgrade blueprints, and more.




Upgrading Buildings

Every building unit in your Homebase is upgradable by spending a combination of the three resources and by taking the required amount of time to build. Every upgrade has a specific requirement of another building’s prior upgrade, keeping you from becoming unbalanced in your building upgrades. Essentially, you cannot allow any particular area of your Homebase to become overpowered while neglecting another.

By clicking the Upgrade button on any Homebase building (each building has a duplicate view on each side of the Homebase for your convenience), you can check the requirements for that upgrade to be possible. If the Upgrade button is grayed out, it means either you a) have not achieved prerequisite upgrades, or you b) do not currently have enough resources to complete the upgrade.

In order to upgrade the Royal Foundry, I must first upgrade the Composite Vault to L4, then I’m good to go.

Check the Upgrade status of your buildings one by one (as described above), tracing back to the next one that can be upgraded, and get moving. If you can help it, your worker drones should never be caught idle for long. Don’t forget to click the ✔ above the building once the upgrade timer has run out in order to complete the upgrade and unlock your next upgradeable building.


You’ll receive Credit rewards for certain actions within the game. Credits may be used to purchase resource packs in-game, but they can also expedite the upgrade process with any type of upgrade at your Homebase.

If you get impatient with early upgrades, Credits  will go a long way early on, but you’ll quickly notice that longer upgrade times require more and more Credits, so use them wisely. A smart player may even wish to save up their Credits until they are in some kind of imminent danger, then spend them all for quick upgrades to catch the enemy by surprise and overwhelm them with sudden defense boosts.

Pro-tip: Start yourself off with an FTL boost by purchasing some Credits in the Gala Games store, which will be held ready in your account, allowing you to level up early and get a valuable head start over other players!

Building Fleets

There are two main types of ships you’ll want to start building on day 1: Flagships and Support Ships. 

Flagships (or Capital Ships) are humongous, and regardless of type or faction, each of these behemoths will cost 4000 of each type of resource for every single ship. If you have the resource production to support the effort, you should crank out increasingly upgraded Capital Ships as often as you can through the three Foundries (Arbeiters, Royals and Garrison).

Support Ships are much smaller than Capital Ships. Support Ships are built in each faction’s Workshop, and they are typically built in large batches (hundreds or more at a time, with a limit that varies based on the level of the Workshop).

Harvesting with Your Fleets

I have 3 of 4 Fleets deployed. As long as I have my Homebase sufficiently defended, I should scrape together another Fleet for deployment, even before these ones return.

You’ll learn pretty quickly that because resources are needed for everything, your Homebase Extractors will only get you so far. Larger quantities of resources come mainly from the harvesting of Celestial Objects in your vicinity. You can harvest Celestial Objects outside your immediate vicinity as well, but remember that fleets can travel very slowly through the vastness of space. This is the main reason it’s so important to park your Homebase near some reliable resource mines.

More rare Celestial Objects allow more versatile harvesting and they can hold more players’ mining fleets at a time, but the busiest mines will also carry an increased risk of attack. Remember that everyone is after the same resources, and so everyone wants what you have. If they can defeat your resource laden fleet in a raid away from your Homebase, most players will jump on that opportunity.

If you find a versatile and open resource mine, go ahead and harvest it for everything it’s got, because you never know when the surrounding space will get crowded and resources scarce.

Day 1 Checklist

If you stay busy on the first day, you may find yourself in a favorable position as new players join throughout the first week, the first month and beyond. Once you’ve spent the initial first few hours upgrading and preparing your base, you can just check in every couple hours to maintain and assure your upgrades and deployments are going off without any hitches.

  • Upgrade buildings and collect resource rewards from tutorial.
  • Accomplish daily quest items.
  • Create a versatile collection of Capital Ships and plenty of Support Ships.
  • Focus on maximizing harvest and cargo capacity when sending ships to nearby planets.
  • If you have active deployments, keep a Peace Shield Handy, because you cannot Teleoprt with Fleets in travel.
  • Don’t forget to upgrade your Capital Ship Blueprints
  • Scrap old model Capital Ships in the Shipyard for additional resources.
  • Always harvest from your Extractors before they get full
  • Try to keep fewer resources than the protected amount allowed by your resource vaults.
  • Don’t go looking for fights on the first day.

Good luck out there, Commander! You’re gonna need it.

Play Echoes of Empire – starting 1/30/24 at 2pm PT 

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Celestial Land Rush | Echoes of Empire

Celestial Land Rush | Echoes of Empire

Before global launch on January 30th, owners of Celestial Claims will rush over the vast galactic playing field to claim their own celestial bodies.

The time has come to ignite your engines and set off into the unknown. Echoes of Empire will soon be here. Where will you make your home?

With the game launching on Tuesday, January 30th, it’s about time for the great Celestial land rush to begin, bringing a new dimension of strategic gamification into the fray. Claim holders will have to make some important choices that will impact the future of the entire Echoes of Empire galaxy.

Get Ready for Land Rush!

As spacefarers everywhere make last minute preparations for launch, Celestial Claim owners will have an exclusive early period to tour space, pick out their claim and get building their empire!

To reiterate, this will not just be an early period where Celestial Claim owners can claim their planet. The game will be live and active, so new planet owners are welcome to enjoy their first hours in Echoes of Empire as soon as they stake their claim.

Celestial Claim owners will be allowed to enter early to find their dream planet based on the rarity of their claim:

    • Monday, January 29th. 8am PT: Ancients

    • Monday, January 29th, 12pm PT: Legendaries

    • Monday, January 29th, 4pm PT: Epics

    • Tuesday, January 30th, 8am PT: Rares

    • Tuesday, January 30th, 11am PT: Uncommons

    • Tuesday, January 30th, 2pm PT: GLOBAL LAUNCH

Not an Owner Yet?

The primary early sale for Celestial Claims may be over, but this game is backed by the power of GalaChain and web3 tech for a reason. You can still pick up pre-claimed Celestial Claim tokens of all rarities on the OpenSea secondary market or right on GalaChain through our friends at NFT Harbor… as long as others are looking to sell!

Choosing a Celestial Body

There is no going back from spending a Celestial Claim token to claim a Celestial Body, so make sure you take as much as possible into consideration.

By claiming as early as possible in the galactic land rush, you’ll have an opportunity to stake your claim in the most high profile Celestial Bodies. Location is important because of the travel time needed by mining fleets to reach their destinations with every deployment. Proximity to (or distance from) rival players is also important, but it will be difficult to tell early on where various players have decided to concentrate their forces. 

Homebase stations are mobile in Echoes of Empire, and players can relocate by using Teleporters. Some Teleporters are targeted (player chooses the destination) while others are entirely random.

Some players may want to wait for the first wave of claimed owners to lay their foundations, because learning from their actions will offer an advantage. Of course, those players will have a head start on you in terms of the collection of Stardust and other resources, so you’ll want to protect your Homebase accordingly.

There it is, Commander. No one said claiming ownership of Celestial Bodies came with only easy decisions to make. We will do everything we can to help inform your decisions, because no matter which faction(s) you support, we all want the galaxy to become a prosperous and peaceful place. There’s plenty of room for all… right?

What is a Celestial Claim?

Owning a token for a Celestial Claim is just what it sounds like. You don’t own a specific celestial body in the game yet, and the game  is not going to assign one to you. Instead, you will enjoy complete freedom to choose (within the established parameters of your Claim) the Celestial Body over which you will take ownership and control.

Each token represents the holder’s right to claim a specific Celestial Body in-game. There are several different rarities of Celestial Claims, each representing different types of Celestial Bodies with varying degrees of resource mining potential.

Rarity Benefits

Uncommon Celestial Bodies consist of rocky planetoids, volcanic moons and rare earth asteroids. These Bodies can have up to three mines each, generating a single resource type and an average amount of Stardust for owners. Each mine on an Uncommon Celestial Body may be leased to up to 3 players.

Rare Celestial Bodies consist of habitable planets and moons. These Bodies can have up to 4 mines which generate a single resource type and a slightly higher-than-average amount of Stardust. Each mine on a Rare Celestial Body may be leased by up to 4 players.

Epic Celestial Bodies consist of gas giants and super earths. They can have up to 5 mines of increased capacity and generate 2 distinct resource types. Mining on Epic Celestial Bodies generates an above average amount of Stardustand mines may be leased to up to 6 players each.

Legendary Celestial Bodies consist of red giants and white dwarfs. They can have up to 7 mines of increased capacity generating all 3 resource types. Legendary Celestial Bodies generate a greatly  increased amount of Stardust, and each mine can be leased to up to 10 players.

Location wise, there are 3 Clusters (quadrants) of Celestial Claims: Ember’s Grace, Aurora’s Edge, and The Pale. Early on, it’s any player’s guess where the action will take place.

How to Claim Your Celestial Land

Once you own a Celestial Claim token, claiming a Celestial Body of your choice is easy in the game:

    1. Bridge the tokenized claim to GalaChain–If you purchased your Claim in the primary sale last year or picked it up on the secondary market, you’ll need to bridge the token from Ethereum to GalaChain to gain access to it in the game.

    1. Select a Spot–Within the Galaxy Map, locate a Celestial Body of the rarity that corresponds to your Celestial Claim, in the correct Cluster. Look for the colored diamond at the top of that Body’s marker, which indicates the rarity.

    1. Choose Claim–By choosing the Claim option when you have a corresponding Claim token in your account inventory, your Celestial Claim will be spent and a GalaChain-minted deed for that Celestial Body will be issued.

Once your Celestial Claim Token has been burned, your GalaChain deed token will be fully transferable to other players within the ecosystem, or bridgeable to Ethereum, where you can trade as you see fit on the secondary market.

Countdown to Launch

The launch of Echoes of Empire is in just a few days, and we couldn’t be more excited to go explore the galaxy!

Stay tuned to hear more from us over the next couple of days as we dive into the vastness of space together!

Report to Discord Mission Control

April Community Playtest LIVE NOW

April Community Playtest LIVE NOW

The highly-anticipated inaugural Echoes of Empire community playtest is live, but hurry, you only have 5 days to play!

Greetings, Spacefarers! We are excited to welcome you all to the inaugural community playtest through our Community Testing Program! Over the next 5 days we will offer a variety of community events, and we’re eager to see everyone back in the game.

We are excited to hear the community’s feedback and thoughts on the progress made to combat! Please take a look at the playtest info and FAQ channel on Discord for important information. We will be able to share current known issues, the patch notes for this build, and further information on where combat stands today and where it is heading in the future. We encourage everyone to read over this information to avoid submitting feedback or suggestions for items already in progress or planned, and will help keep the feedback more relevant for the team.

There will be a lot on tap for the community during the test as well! We will be offering the opportunity to enter a giveaway via Twitter, for the chance to win a Mark IV ship blueprint NFT. To enter, participants must like and retweet the post above on Twitter, and then join us on Discord to confirm participation. This will gain you a commemorative Discord title and grant you access to the random drawing for the Mark IV blueprint NFT.

The Mark IV

In addition, we will have several other opportunities to win prizes during the event and make your mark on the cosmos. There will be several goals tracked by the team, as well as a community wide goal. You can earn titles, exclusive profile pictures for your social accounts, and an additional chance to win a Mark IV ship blueprint NFT!

To get started with the game and take part in the play test discussion channels, please stop by the playtest-role-request channel and collect the commemorative role for this test!

Stay tuned to our social accounts and the Discord Server for ongoing updates as the activities get underway!

The Celestial Claim Playtest | Echoes of Empire

The Celestial Claim Playtest | Echoes of Empire

Starting 12/15 at 12pm PT, Celestial Claim owners will have a whole week to experience Echoes of Empire

Even among all the awesome playtest opportunities throughout the Gala Games Ecosystem, this is one our community has eagerly anticipated on an astronomical scale.

When is the Playtest?

Thursday, December 15th at noon PT
EOD, Thursday, December 22nd.

Download Here

Who can Play?

This closed alpha playtest is limited only to accounts that hold Celestial Claims for Echoes of Empire. While the various Celestial Claims sold out months ago in the primary sale, fortunate and observant spacefarers might still find them on the official secondary market collection at OpenSea.

Remember, this is Web3, so owner/players are always free to buy and sell assets among themselves. Missing out on a primary sale doesn’t need to mean you have to miss out on this playtest!

How to Participate

The following guide was originally published on the HitFactor blog here.

Welcome to the Echoes of Empire landholder alpha! We are incredibly excited to have you join us for this test, and are looking forward to seeing you in game. This guide provides a brief walkthrough of how to get into the game, and how to begin exploring the universe.

  • The first step will be getting access to the game. You will need to log into your Gala Games account, and look for the “Play” button to acquire the launcher.
  • Launch the game, and you will be taken straight to the welcome screen.
  • In the game, you’ll first see an intro screen welcoming you to the test. Additionally, you’ll see your first quests in the game displayed on the left.

Intro Screen 11919×1079 220 KB

  • Your first task will be to complete the quests displayed. Please note, in order to explore the galaxy map, you will first need to complete the introduction quests to gain your first ship, as well as resources to continue in the game.
  • Proceed to collect your first resources from the collectors on your home base:
  • You will then proceed to build a foundry:
  • Once you have completed the 4 steps on the first quest, collect your rewards. This is crucial, as it gives you the resources to continue.
  • Next, you will be introduced to building ships in the game. Click on the foundry, and then click on the craft tab to begin:
  • Click the blueprint, and then click craft to proceed:
  • When the craft has completed, claim your ship:
  • Now you will need to build your shipyard to give your new ship a home:
  • Complete the shipyard to proceed:
  • Now you will need to create your first fleet. Click the docks tab, and add your ship to one of the fleet slots:
  • Following this step, you will begin the next quest series, instructing you on how to explore the tactical map, and head out into the universe to explore. To begin this quest line, you will need to switch to the tactical map view. This is done by pressing the tactical map button in the upper left hand corner:

Continue to follow the quest steps, and you will have covered the basics of gameplay in Echoes of Empire. From here, the universe is yours to explore as you work to upgrade, advance, gain more ships, and increase your power. We are so excited to have you experience the game for the first time, and will be eagerly awaiting your feedback! We appreciate all of the support, conversation, and feedback the community has provided all along the way. This is only the first of many milestones, and we’re happy to have all of you alongside us on this journey!

Ships and Blueprints | The Vision

Ships and Blueprints | The Vision

Learn all about ships in the upcoming Web3 space 4x game from Ion Games and Gala Games!

The information contained in this document is subject to change with or without notice.


Ships are the primary tool that players will use to explore the world of EOE. Ships are vital to every activity you complete, from quests and galactic discovery, to PvP combat and mining expeditions. Every player will need to use ships in EOE to move forward and progress through gameplay. There are two primary types of ships that are used at the helm of every Fleet: Flagships and Capital Ships. While these two variations have a great deal of differences and similarities amongst them, their most important shared aspect is destructibility.

This commonality ensures that every commander will think carefully and strategically about which ships they send on a mission. Do I send ships I’m comfortable losing and risk failing the mission? Do I send my star Flagships knowing I may be brigaded by enemy players? These options are at the core of our ship design.

Capital Ships

Capital Ships are your standard fleet-leading ship. They come in all standard rarities (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary), and have a level and tier, which are determined at manufacturing. Capital Ships have less statistical power than Flagships and one less module slot, but they are cheaper to manufacture, and therefore less risky to use.


Flagships are the premium ship variation to use in your fleet. Because of their superior nature, their rarities are shifted up. There are no Common Flagships, and Ancient rarity Flagships can be manufactured. Flagships have significant statistical advantage over Capital Ships, can be outfitted with a Flagship-only module, and are tradable assets via the in-game Auction House. Although their power increase is large, it is more difficult and more costly to manufacture higher level Flagships.


Each ship, regardless of type, can come in one of 12 classes. 4 Classes fall under each Faction:


  • Commander
  • Sniper
  • Specialist
  • Iron Dreadnought: Ancient Flagship Only


  • Archivist
  • Ambassador
  • Guardian
  • Resplendent Empress: Ancient Flagship Only


  • Geologist
  • Surveyor
  • Machinist
  • Hulking Terraformer: Ancient Flagship Only


Each ship class has strengths and weaknesses that are reflected in its stat affinities. Many of those stat affinities relate to the Faction it comes from, and because of this, no one ship is strong in every stat category, and no one Faction can come out ahead in every aspect of the game. Players will need to work together with others who prioritize other Factions in order to be able to compete in all facets of gameplay. Stat Affinities are broken down into the following categories:


  • Movement
  • Reconnaissance
  • Diplomacy


  • Defense
  • Attack Power
  • Agility


  • Harvesting
  • Storage
  • Questing and Commerce

Construct Blueprints (CBs)

Since ships are all destructible, players will need to manufacture new ships each time one is destroyed. In order to manufacture a ship of any kind, you will need a Construct Blueprint (CB). Each CB will have its own parameters that dictate how it can be used, and what it will make. For example, an Epic Commander Flagship can only be manufactured using an Epic Commander Flagship CB.

Every CB can only be used to manufacture a single asset at a time, so having multiple CBs is necessary to optimize your throughput. Some CBs also have a limited number of uses. Once the use limit has been reached, the CB will be destroyed. As a safety measure, all players will have access to tier 1 Common Capital Ship CBs. This way, you can always manufacture a new ship, even if you lose all your ships and all your resources.

Manufacturing Flagships

To manufacture Flagships, players must use Flagship Construct Blueprints (Flagship CBs). Flagship CBs are unique in that they have unlimited Flagship manufacturing capability. Flagship CB owners will always be able to manufacture new Flagships for their personal use, and depending on the model, some owners will also be able to manufacture tradeable Flagships as well.

Manufacturing Capital Ships

Capital Ships are manufactured using Capital Ship CBs. Capital Ship CBs are in-game items that can be earned via gameplay like quests and daily missions, or purchased from vendors and the Auction House. Most Capital Ship CBs will have limited uses and will be destroyed once all the uses have been depleted. Some Capital Ship CBs can also produce a random result. For example, a rare Garrison Capital Ship CB has a random chance to produce any rare Garrison ship.

Manufacturing Capital Ship Construct Blueprints

Flagship CBs also have the unique ability to manufacture Capital Ship CBs. This means that Flagship CB owners can create and sell both Flagships and Capital Ship CBs to other players via the in-game Auction House. Capital Ship CBs purchased this way will typically be the most efficient for players since Flagship CB owners can manufacture Capital Ship CBs of a specific rarity, tier, and level. Capital Ship CBs earned as rewards for gameplay, or purchased from NPC vendors will typically have lower limits, produce more randomized results, or start at a lower level and tier.


Progression for ships is attached to the Construct Blueprint that manufactures the ship. Every CB will have a level and tier. Level increases are completed instantly via XP books, and can continue to be completed until the max level within that tier is reached. Once the max level is reached, players can perform a tier upgrade which costs power cores (Flagships only), refined resources, and time to complete. Once the tier upgrade is completed, the CBs stats increase dramatically and the level cap increases.

Keep in mind that Capital Ship CBs have limited uses, so after those uses are depleted, the Capital Ship CB and its progression are destroyed. Because Flagship CBs have unlimited manufacturing capability, Power Cores are required to tier up Flagship CBs. Power Cores are earned via manufacturing and using your ships in the game world.

Because one of our primary design goals is strategic optionality, CBs can also manufacture ships of lower tiers than its current max. For example, if a player has a tier 5, Rare Ambassador Flagship CB they could choose to use their Flagship CB to manufacture a tier 2 Rare Ambassador instead of the max tier they’ve reached. Players may wish to do this because the cost to manufacture lower tier ships will also be lower, reducing the risk and loss if the ship is defeated before completing its task.

Flagship Construct Blueprint Models

Flagship Construct Blueprints will be sold in the Gala Games store (date TBA). There will be 5 model classifications of Flagship CBs: Ancient, Origin, Mk2, Mk3, and Mk4 Flagship CBs. Each Flagship CB model will have slight variations in utility, with Ancient and Origin models having the highest utility and the lowest inventory. Flagship CBs will be released one ship at a time, in order of model classification. Once each model has sold out, we will not sell that model again in the future.

Ancient Flagship CBs

Ancient models are the top tier of all Flagship CBs. Their utility is completely unmatched because these Flagship CBs can not only manufacture Ancient Flagships, but they can also manufacture any Flagship within the same Faction, all while producing ships faster than any other Flagship CB. Ancient Flagships also have the strongest module in the faction, leading to major competitive advantages in combat, discovery, and collection.

Origin Flagship CBs

Origin models are the cream of the crop for all non-Ancient rarity Flagship CBs. These Flagship CBs have uncapped manufacturing capability both for personal and tradeable ships. Origin NFT owners will essentially be able to continually build and trade Flagships and Capital Ship CBs with other players in order to help maintain an economic advantage for as long as they own the NFT Flagship CB. Flagships manufactured via Origin NFTs will also have a unique module designed specifically to suit the strengths of that Flagship.

Mk2 and Mk3 Flagship CBs

Mk2 and Mk3 Flagship CBs still retain unlimited personal manufacturing capability, but they do have an upper limit on their tradeable manufacturing with Mk2s having a higher limit than Mk3s. Mk2 and Mk3 Flagship CBs also produce Flagships with the same unique module associated with the respective class, however with each higher model, the power of the module decreases.

Mk4 Flagship CBs

Mk4 Flagship CBs will not be sold until the game releases, and will not be limited in inventory, however they lose all tradeable manufacturing capability and the unique Flagship module seen on Mk2 and Mk3. Mk4 Flagship CBs also have slower manufacturing speeds than all other models. While their primary utility is worse than the other prior models, Mk4 Flagship CBs still retain the ability to produce an unlimited number of Flagships and Capital Ship CBs for personal use. Mk4s one unique trait is that they can be burned in exchange for Dark Matter Power Cores, which allows players to instantly increase the tier of another Flagship CB while circumventing the level requirement.

Below you can find an infographic of all of the Flagship CB models and their various utility traits:

See you soon with more exciting updates from the Echoes of Empire team!

Roadmap and Development Update

Echoes of Empire Discord Community