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Updates Incoming to DragonStrike: Puzzle RPG

May 23, 2023

Web3 comes to Dragon Strike in this latest update, along with other fixes and features.

The team has been hard at work updating systems and hunting bugs, and today you’ll see a few changes in the game. With Gala Games’ recent acquisition of Ember Entertainment, we feel it’s important to note that most of the same team who has always worked on Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG is still here, working to improve your experience in our game!

We’ve got some exciting developments coming to you this update, and this is just the beginning!

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Own Your Heroes

As previously announced on the Gala Games Discord, you now have the option to mint max level Heroes as player-owned assets (NFTs). Once minted, a Hero will be fully controlled by you through your Gala Games wallet but may still be used in game. Users are welcome to trade, transfer or sell NFT Heroes among users or on secondary marketplaces.

The ONLY official OpenSea Collection for DragonStrike: Puzzle RPG is

The mint button is accessible from the Hero information screen.
A Hero only ever needs to be minted one time to be fully player-owned.

Players can mint Heroes using a special new item called a Scroll of Minting. Each Hero will require one Scroll of Minting to be permanently created as a player-owned Hero on Project GYRI. You will see a new button on the Hero Information screen that allows players to utilize this feature for a max level Hero.

In the future, there will be additional mechanics incorporated into regular events where a player can engage with the game in additional, exciting ways while playing an NFT Hero. While this is still down the line, getting the ability for players to mint their own Heroes is the first step.

Player-owned Heroes don’t have any competitive advantage over other max level, non-NFT counterparts. Those who don’t want to play with player-owned Heroes will still be able to engage with DragonStrike: Puzzle RPG in the ways you always have!

Note that no player-owned Heroes can be minted or GALA rewards gained without a Gala Games wallet connected to your account. This linking is only required one time to open all Web3 features.

Linking your Gala account to Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG is a one-time action, and the linked account CAN NOT be changed.

NFT Ready Summons

A new option will be added to the Summoning Portal in this update. Players may now summon “NFT Ready Heroes” directly from the Summoning Portal using Gems. These will be more costly than existing Legendary summons, but will not require a Scroll of Minting to make them a fully player-owned Hero.

NFT Ready summons are available in the Summoning Portal alongside Legendary Summons.

A Hero summoned in this way will be labeled as “NFT Ready” or NFTR. When a player goes to the Hero Information menu to mint an NFTR Hero, it will cost no Scrolls of Minting.

This Jaida is NFT Ready, meaning she can be minted at any time without a Scroll of Minting.
And now she’s minted!

Scrolls of Minting Inbound!

To celebrate the release of Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG’s initial implementation on the GYRI blockchain, we will be distributing Scrolls of Minting to all players based on their total lifetime purchases in the game.

Scrolls of Minting are database items within Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG that may be purchased from the in-game shop. With this update, each player who connects their Gala Games account will receive one free Scroll of Minting. In celebration of the release of Scrolls of Minting, all players will also receive one additional Scroll of Minting for each $100 they have spent in game up to the publication of this article.

Other Fixes

Our team’s main priority has been implementing GYRI functionality into Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG so that more features and content can be added as we move forward. We have, however, made some changes in this update that should solve a few issues that have been ongoing lately.

This update will address the methods that have been recently used to exploit events, which resulted in early termination of one Dragon Strike event. The specific exploits used by these particular individuals should no longer be possible after this update, and we anticipate the issues will be less prevalent moving forward. Nonetheless, we will continue to monitor the situation.

What’s Coming Up?

After this update is implemented, our team will shift focus to adding new features to the existing event structure, allowing competitive players to challenge themselves for GALA rewards.

While no definitive date has been set for these systems to be implemented, we’ll keep the community up to date as they approach.

As always, thank you for playing Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG. If you want to keep up with the latest info you can follow this new Medium account to always get notified when we post news, or join our Discord server!