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Gala Games Telegram is Back

June 22, 2023

After some great community feedback and careful consideration, the Gala Games Telegram is open again.

We are excited to announce the reopening of the official Gala Games Telegram channel! The safety and security of our users is our utmost priority, and we recognize that platforms like Telegram, while widely respected in the Web3 world, can also be a haven for scammers and impersonators. We have taken this concern to heart, and after extensive deliberation and careful considerations from our community teams, we have decided to restore our Telegram presence.

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Although the vast digital landscape of Telegram can be intimidating, we trust our dedicated and enthusiastic community to navigate it responsibly. We understand the potential risks and the necessary precautions required to ensure safety and security. We respect the role of platforms like Telegram in hosting international communities and facilitating lively discussions about the future of web3 gaming.

Please rest assured that we will employ the most robust security measures available to safeguard our community. To ensure the integrity and safety of our Telegram channel, we have assembled a vigilant team of moderators. Trained to identify and neutralize threats, these moderators will run an extremely tight ship to ensure that our community remains a safe space for our users to engage, share ideas, and grow together.

Remember, it is of utmost importance to adhere to the specific security guidelines provided within Telegram. We encourage each one of you to familiarize yourselves with these guidelines to protect not just yourselves but also your community members. It’s a shared responsibility and, as a community, we can ensure a safe environment for everyone.

Finally, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your continued support and involvement in the Gala Games community. It’s your active participation that fuels our motivation to enhance the platform and provide an unrivaled experience in the realm of empowerment-based gaming. Let’s continue to build this future together.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Welcome back to Telegram, and game on!

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