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Galaxian Highlights 10 | The Voxel Vindicators

September 30, 2022

We’re back again to spotlight a dynamic duo laboring tirelessly to craft unique experiences side by side.

As we dive deeper and deeper into the clockwork of brilliant experts that allow the web3 world to tick into the future, the theme of community resounds constantly through each individual’s experience. It takes all of us to push the world of entertainment into tomorrow, together. That feeling of togetherness almost feels more than just disconnected, decentralized community… it often feels like family.

We all watch out for each other and work closely together in our pursuit of revolutionary entertainment experiences. We offer differing perspectives, collaborate for new innovations and prop each other up when necessary. It’s hard not to feel like this Web3 world is a family of sorts, but the pair of Galaxians we’re showcasing today take it a step further– they are family.

This husband and wife duo are charting the early explorations of intrepid VOX throughout all of decentralized existence. Working in their own respective expertise, they fabricate the foundations of the magnum opus to come. These are true pioneers– creating things no one has done before and working every day to give depth and soul to the future of Web3.

Today, we’re thrilled to feature Jonathan and Abigail… though many in the community may know them better as Discombobul8te and IndiaVenom!

I’m doing fine! Thanks Abigail!

What do you do at Gala Games?

Jonathan: Game Director for VOX Odyssey; Technical Lead for VOX
Abigail: Writer for VOX Odyssey


What inspired you to do what you do for a living?

Jonathan: I like making stuff.

Abigail: I also like making stuff.

Jonathan and Abigail making stuff together!

Favorite book?

Jonathan: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and the Red Rising Trilogy

Abigail: There are too many to pick! I love fantasy, science fiction, and mysteries the most though! Lately, I’ve been loving When Christmas Comes, and I’m super hyped for the next one in the series.

I very much sympathize.

Favorite part of the Gala Games community?

Jonathan & Abigail: Our VOX Odyssey fam and the VOX fanbase in general! We love hanging out in the Discord and chatting!

Turtle or Tortoise?

Jonathan: Turtle!

Abigail: Turtle all the way!

What are your favorite games?

Jonathan: Elden Ring, Portal 2, Undertale, Old School Runescape

Abigail: Undertale, To the Moon Series, Detention, Stories Untold, What Remains of Edith Finch

Favorite music?

Jonathan: Classic rock (specifically Boston), orchestral soundtracks.

Jonathan living the dream on tour back before he settled down.

Abigail: Broadway musicals, video game soundtracks, and some pop! Imagine Dragons, Barenaked Ladies, Taylor Swift, and Beth Crowley have been my jams lately!

Cool hobbies and interests?

Jonathan: Plant alchemy and indie game development. I’m also getting ready to start home brewing.

Abigail: I’m writing a science fiction novel in my spare time! I also play the piano, and I use magical wands called knitting needles.

We also have a zoo! We have three dogs (a German Shepherd, a Black Lab, and a Shih Tzu), four cats, and two pet rats. We also recently rescued a corgi puppy!


Proudest gaming moment ever?

Jonathan: Winning the Death Star in the “May the 4th Be With You” contest in Upland back in 2020!

Abigail: Probably finishing Resident Evil 7. I streamed it on Twitch… and there was a lot of screaming involved. I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to horror!

Favorite Food?

Jonathan: Hibachi

Abigail: Fondue, Pho Soup, and Custard! (but not all mixed together 😛 )

Least favorite food?

Jonathan: Broccoli and Cilanto

Abigail: Bananas and Seafood.

Which EoE Faction would you be aligned with?

Jonathan and Abigail: We’d both be Arbeiters all the way!

Skydiving or spa day?

Jonathan: Skydiving

Abigail: Spa day hands down. I’m terrified of heights!

Which Exemplar best embodies you?

Jonathan: The Human Alchemist

Abigail: The Longsong Halfling

Thank you to Abigail and Jonathan for taking the time away from Odyssey to answer some questions for everyone out there in the Voxverse. It’s a pleasure to be able to share a little bit about this delightful couple with everyone in the community.

We can’t stop now! There are so many more talented people for you all to meet. We’ll be back soon with yet another closeup on a Web3 expert working to create the future of entertainment!

Want to learn about more members of the team and just can’t wait for the next issue? Check out the last few Galaxian Highlights below!

Galaxian Highlights #9 — Warren

Galaxian Highlights #8 — Diana

Galaxian Highlights #7 — Rustin

Galaxian Highlights #6 — Laine

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