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February Hackathon Recap

February 14, 2024
Our latest Discord GalaChain hackathon is concluded!

With the recent release of the GalaChain SDK, we couldn’t resist bringing the developers of the community together for a caffeine-fueled, remote hackathon to test it out. Take a rest now, hackers–You deserve it, and we salute you.

GalaChain Hackathon II: The Results

4 teams went head to head for the grand prize in this 48-hour Discord hosted event.

The Legendary grand prize token (only bragging rights)

Each team performed very well under pressure, making the most of the multitude of resources available in the GalaChain SDK, but one team shined brighter than the rest according to our distinguished Hackathon judges. The grand prize winner was our very own Last Expedition team!

The hacker team behind the extraction FPS you know and love exceeded our expectations in this Hackathon, creating a fully functional end-to-end product. They leveraged the SDK to deliver an application complete with chaincode, even with no prior experience with the GalaChain SDK!

Well done, Last Expedition team. It’s a good sign of things to come when a team of our internal game developers can take home this victory in the face of such tough competition from the other teams!

Every participant gets the Epic participation prize!

Runner-up Highlights

The Dex Team made excellent use of the SDK, incorporating chaincode and e2e testing. Their initial UI showed great promise, but unfortunately within the 48 hour time limit, a lack of complete delivery and integration landed them firmly in second place.

The GEXP Team went outside the box, opting to use the Explorer API rather than the GalaChain SDK, disqualifying them from the win in spite of a valiant effort on their part.

Until Next Time

We had a blast hosting this event, and our community is always awesome to work with. It was a great learning experience for everyone involved; in the future, we’ll lay out more clearly defined rules and goals. We may even experiment with additional criteria like GUI development.

Thanks to everyone who participated in GalaChain Hackathon II! Your success and dedication is paving the way for all sorts of future GalaChain developments and expansions.

Stay tuned for more GalaChain updates and keep pushing the boundaries of blockchain innovation!