From the creative minds of VINC comes the latest in efficient time saving technology for VOX… Introducing the ProtoVOX.
Using the latest technology from VINC and its subsidiaries the multitalented ProtoVOX will take care of all your frontier needs!

Tired of chopping wood? Get a ProtoVOX to do it for you!
Mining? Get a ProtoVOX
Construction projects? Get a bunch of ProtoVOX!
Some of the benefits of a real VOX without that pesky soul!
ProtoVOX. They are tireless, single minded and happy to do your menial tasks!

See how happy they are? You don’t even have to pay them, house them or give them food since they are just atomotons!
ProtoVOX are meticulously created by the braintrust at VINC, ProtoVOX don’t require much maintenance, and are happy to work tirelessly on whatever projects you put them up to!
Produced out of quality materials and VINC’s top secret proprietary AI that allows ProtoVOX to be almost as alive as VOX!!!
Want a ProtoVOX customized for you? Get your dream protoVOX with a custom shell… they won’t mind playing dress up!
Want them to look like an alligator? A bunch of cardboard boxes? A Pirate? You’ve got it!
New and unique versions are being created and released by VINC all the time. All of them of the highest quality, and some of them on very limited runs so get them while you can!
Get your ProtoVOX today and put them to work! They don’t care, they have no soul!

Brought to you by VINC. All rights reserved in perpetuity. Any likeness to real VOX with souls is purely coincidental. The word soul is defined solely by VINC, GmbHLLCLTD. Under extreme pressure, ProtoVOX may explode… VINC is not liable for any damage resulting from misuse or overestimations of ProtoVOX’s intelligence or common sense. Any references to ProtoVOX belong solely and entirely to VINC and/or its subsidiaries and beneficiaries. Patent pending.