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PokerGO Play–The Litepaper

PokerGO Play–The Litepaper

Gala Casino

PokerGO Play is the first game within a new family of upcoming casino themed games known collectively as Gala Casino. By applying web3 principles of ownership and rewards to well known wagering games, Gala will empower and reward users for their time and attention without compromising the enjoyment of this beloved genre of games.

Through the formation of a new token (described in greater detail below) and a new network of nodes to power the games, Gala Casino will become a core piece of the Gala Games ecosystem as we continue to grow and innovate in the web3 entertainment world.

Gala Casino is where web3 finally intersects with casino gaming, reducing the risk and enhancing the fun, so more of us can make time to play.

Poker Gala Style

Launching very soon, the new-and-improved Gala poker experience will pave the way for a plethora of new Gala Casino games. These games will allow players to earn $GALACHIPS rewards with real utility and value, simply for playing competitively. Since competition is still an integral part of the game of poker, we believe that playing and competing is what should generate the rewards, rather than winning.

As one of the most popular betting games in history, poker is the perfect place to kick off the Gala Casino adventure. To ensure maximum player enjoyment in a game that has always been intrinsically connected to money, we’re placing a strong emphasis on chips but setting each player’s $GALACHIPS rewards apart from any requirement or expectation of winning at the tables.


The new GalaChain minted token for the Gala Casino reward economy is called $GALACHIPS. $GALACHIPS tokens can be used for purchases, traded like any token on GalaChain, or bridged to other blockchains as needed.


Players will have the ability to swap $GALACHIPS for $GALA (and eventually other tokens) within the GalaChain ecosystem. Depending on the possibility of private exchange listings and/or utility on those chains, bridging of tokens to other blockchains will also be added as needed.*

*We cannot guarantee or comment on any future private exchange listings for $GALACHIPS.

Purchasing with $GALACHIPS

With the initial launch of the new PokerGO Play economy, $GALACHIPS’s primary use is in purchasing items within the Gala Casino ecosystem.

Buying Chips:

Chips for poker gameplay may be purchased at any time using $GALACHIPS. Having a larger chip stack means that players can make larger bets in “Cash style” games and enter higher stakes SNG tourneys, potentially increasing their Score for that day and subsequently enhancing their daily $GALACHIPS rewards.

Because chips are not valued in cash, purchased quantities of chips can increase depending on the amount of $GALACHIPS spent in a single transaction (bonus chips). Bonus chips for different chip purchase levels are outlined below:

50k Chips -> 50 $GALACHIPS

250k Chips -> 195 $GALACHIPS
500k Chips -> 340 $GALACHIPS
1.75M Chips -> 965 $GALACHIPS
3M Chips -> 1500 $GALACHIPS
6M Chips -> 2700 $GALACHIPS
10M Chips -> 4100 $GALACHIPS
25M Chips -> 8800 $GALACHIPS
80M Chips -> 23,000 $GALACHIPS

Buying Other Items:

Shortly following launch, the ability to use $GALACHIPS to buy a variety of other items will be added, including (but not limited to) Card Frames and exclusive Avatars. Generally, items purchased from the store with $GALACHIPS will come with some form of regular chip bonus or perk in the game.

Raking in $GALACHIPS

In the world of casino gaming, the term “rake” has become synonymous with the “house take.” Both are feared and avoided whenever possible by the astute casino player. In order to fund their extravagant business operations, casinos must rake the table, taking house portions of player bets and/or pots at various times, depending on the policies of the house. In classic casinos where chips have direct money value, this is a necessary evil.

Gala Casino is redefining the rake. A 2% rake of chips will still be taken from “Cash style” table games and a house share of chips will still be taken from Sit-n-Go prize pools (10% for 5-person SNGs and 16% for 9-person SNGs). But instead of being simply raked into the casino’s pocket, this chip total will now be directly used to determine the amount of $GALACHIPS rewards allocated for player distribution.


Each day’s $GALACHIPS emission = 50% of the House Share from all games.

For example, if 54,000,000 chips are burned by the house as the House Share in a 24 hour period, then the reward distribution pool will consist of 28,000,000 $GALACHIPS for that 24 hour period.


The daily distribution of $GALACHIPS is determined by each player’s Score, which quantifies each player’s competitive participation. While the total amount of $GALACHIPS available in the day’s pool consists of 50% the combined House Share of chips burned, the distribution of those rewards to players depends entirely on the players’ Score.

Raising Your Score

When playing games on Gala Casino, each player’s Score will increase based on their active participation in the game. The way that Score points are awarded varies depending on the style of table.

“Cash style” Game Scoring: 

In regular games that allow players to buy in with a set range of chips, their Score increases based on their called chip bets. For every 2600 chips bet (and called), the betting player Scores 1.

SNG Tourney Scoring:

With Sit-n-Go tourneys, chips are spent up front to gain entry to the tournament. Since winning is not required to earn rewards, players Score just for joining a SNG tournament. Greater Scores obtained for joining more expensive buy-in SNG tourneys, using the following formula:

Score = 1/1000th of Chip Entry Fee

Distribution to Nodes

From the total reward pool each day, 90% goes to players, divided up among eligible players based on accumulated Score for that day.

2.5% of the daily reward pool is distributed to active Founder’s Node operators as a reward for continued operation of the greater Gala ecosystem.

7.5% of the daily reward pool will be distributed to active Table Nodes as a reward for powering the game-specific Gala Casino ecosystem.

Revolutionizing Casino Gaming

Gala is on a mission to revolutionize gaming and entertainment, putting the power and ownership that players deserve back into their hands. Gala Casino fits perfectly into this mission. The Gala Casino reward economy can and will be adjusted as needed to ensure that we arrive at a web3 enabled system that’s rewarding to players for their time and attention without any form of gambling.

Our approach to Gala Casino is that we can reward players for simply playing games of chance, keeping the integrity of those time-tested games intact without asking the player to risk anything in the process. The bottom line: More play for more players, leading to more joy in our lives.

Subject to Change

This Litepaper is subject to change. As details change, this Litepaper will be updated and the changed details logged below, along with the date of the update.

Gala Makes Waves at GameDev Summit 2024

Gala Makes Waves at GameDev Summit 2024

Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Jared Dillenger, the Head of Influencer Marketing and KOLs here at Gala. Reporting back after his highly urgent mission to the Philippines, he details the insights and intel gained while immersed in the thick of innovation at GameDev Summit 2024 – the industry-exclusive main event for the gaming world of the Asian Pacific.

As the head of influencer marketing and KOLs at Gala, I recently had the privilege of attending the GameDev Summit 2024 at Boracay Island. Organized with the support of the Philippines Department of Trade and Industry, this landmark event proved to be a pivotal moment for Gala and the global gaming industry at large.

The GameDev Summit 2024

The GameDev Summit is a professionals-only B2B event that serves as a platform for strengthening the Asia Pacific industry’s position and partnerships within the global video game development community. This year’s summit featured the External Development Summit (XDS) Main Stage, boasting prominent speakers and panelists in collaboration with the Game Developers Association of the Philippines (GDAP).

Focus on Industry Diversity

One of the key highlights of the summit was its acknowledgment of the two sides of the industry – external development and indie game development. This approach was reflected in the two tracks offered, addressing the distinct requirements and solutions for each space. The summit provided a comprehensive perspective on the possibilities available to studios, professionals, and advocates in the dynamic world of game development.

Showcasing the Philippines’ Gaming Industry

During my five-day stay at the summit, I had the opportunity to engage with a diverse array of Web 2 studios and companies connected to the gaming industry. The main purpose of the summit was to showcase the significant user base and the abundance of talented game developers in the Philippines. It effectively highlighted the potential for outsourced high-skilled game development in the country, from small gaming studios to multinational companies from across the globe.

Gala’s Presence and Impact

At the summit, I had the honor of representing Gala and promoting the adoption of GalaChain within the gaming industry. I engaged with numerous international gaming studios, introducing them to the funding opportunities available within the Gala ecosystem. This endeavor resulted in establishing 40-50 valuable contacts, significantly raising awareness of Gala and its diverse offerings, including entertainment, gaming, film, music, and GalaChain.

Mentorship and Learning Experience

Furthermore, I had the privilege of being mentored by Jeff Espejo, the Vice President of Blockchain at Gala. His wealth of experience and guidance has provided me with invaluable insights into the intricacies of the crypto business world. Being around such an experienced person has been instrumental in my professional growth and understanding of the blockchain industry.

Content Creation and Future Endeavors

Throughout the summit, I actively documented my experiences and interactions, creating engaging content to share Gala’s mission and vision. The overwhelmingly positive reception further solidified my commitment to continue attending similar events worldwide, fostering valuable connections and amplifying the presence of Gala on a global scale.

My experience at the GameDev Summit 2024 was not only enriching but also instrumental in advancing Gala’s presence within the gaming industry. I look forward to leveraging the momentum gained at the summit to further the reach and impact of Gala in the dynamic world of gaming and entertainment.

As an editorial, the thoughts and opinions expressed in this article, awesome as they are, are those of Jared Dillenger and not of Gala.