Calling all Legacy Land Owners!

October 20, 2023

It’s time to bridge your Land Deeds to GalaChain to get a head start in preparing your Guild!

Attention Legacy Land owners… Legacy wants YOU!

As outlined in this blog, Legacy Deed ownership means that you get to manage a Guild of players. You’re the benefactor for the aspiring non-owner players who will use your Legacy Keys to unlock access to the game and its rewards. The best part is that as the business owner, you’ll share in the Event rewards of everyone in your Guild!

Bridge Your Deed

All Land Deeds were sold as minted items on the Ethereum blockchain, but now it’s time to call them home to GalaChain, where they can empower players throughout the Gala Games ecosystem.

Bridging is now open, and next Tuesday morning you’ll have the ability to set up your Guild in advance of the Thursday rush. While gameplay will not yet be live in this exclusive owner access period, owners will have a chance to set up their Guilds in advance.

They’re Ready to Play–Don’t Make Them Wait

Remember that player access to Legacy requires either a Legacy Key or a Legacy Land Deed. This means that if you hesitate to bridge your Land Deed(s), you may be depriving some profit-hungry go-getter from partnering with your Guild. If you wait, someone else’s Guild will snatch them up and get a head start!

Talk is cheap and action is everything in the business world. If you own Legacy Land, this is your call to action: BRIDGE YOUR DEED EARLY or you may be sorry.

How to Bridge

If you haven’t bridged any items to GalaChain yet, it’s super easy to do through the Gala Games platform. First, make sure your Deed is in the wallet connected to your Gala Games account. Locate the item in your account’s inventory, then find the big blue button that says “Bridge to GalaChain.

You’ll be amazed at the empowerment of GalaChain ownership!

Please note that bridging to GalaChain will require payment of Ethereum network fees (gas). Gas is required for each item to be bridged.

Build Your Legacy

We hope you’re as excited as we are that Legacy is almost live! Whose Guild will be strongest out of the gate, and what types of creative products will they design and produce? Guild setup begins on Tuesday October 24th, and get ready to start building on Thursday October 26th!

Secondary Market–Opensea

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