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The 4th Bundle — Last Expedition

July 21, 2023

Last Expedition Node Operator’s licenses are available once again in limited supply, along with a new Hunter’s Pack, which will soon unlock early access for anyone.

The hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention as you crouch motionless, watching in frozen terror as the Forest Snapper devours yet another member of your team. Maybe this one will move on and leave me alone, you think. Maybe it will let me reach the core and still escape with my life. But by the time your brain finishes the second thought, another Snapper (the one behind you) has already started biting. Good night!

Just in time for the weekend’s SDCC festivities at our Gala-branded Club Clandestine event, we’re kicking off the next Operator’s Bundle sale!

With 1000 licenses up for grabs this time, early access is closer than you think, and it’s not only OP’s who will have access to the latest new builds…

Introducing the Hunter’s Early Access Pack

This is how anyone with a Gala Games account will unlock the ability to play Last Expedition throughout the Early Access phase of the game’s rollout– No Operator’s license required!

Simply buy a Hunter’s Early Access Pack in the Gala Games store and you’ll get in on the action as soon as the new build is released.*

*Rather than immediately releasing the new build only to OP’s, the team decided to first implement the ability for anyone to gain access via an early access token on GalaChain. This will be completed in the near future.

Hunter’s Pack Rewards

  • One Early Access Token, for all the newest builds
  • Rare “Ice” skin, exclusive item for Attacker Alice Mackaye
  • Access to special dev-led events. Meet the devs and beat ’em at their own game!

Soon, the Early Access token from the Hunter’s Early Access Pack will be the only way for Gala Games players to enjoy consistent early access to the latest game builds.

The 4th Bundle

This is the fourth time Last Expedition Operator’s licenses have been sold. These Bundle sales are always limited in both supply and time.

First, the Ancient Primal Ravager Bundle was released on November 18th, followed by the Ancient Primal Bone Snapper on December 16th, 2022. The 3rd bundle in late March brought us the Primal Porcupine, and now it’s time to reveal the Uncommon Forest Snapper!

The main item in the bundle is the Last Expedition Operator’s License, which allows you to run a Last Expedition Node on GalaChain to power gameplay, run a custom server, and eventually receive rewards in exchange for that computing power.

Each Operator’s license purchased comes with an apex predator NFT that we call an OP Mod, designed to… let’s say spice up your server.

This bundle also comes with 4 Early Access Tokens. These aren’t usable yet, but hold them in your account, because as stated above, we’ll soon have the ability to use these Early Access Tokens on GalaChain to unlock access to the game.

Subscription Club

When you buy an Operator’s license for Last Expedition, you’re basically joining an OP Mod subscription club. Everyone who purchased a license in the first bundle sale, for example, automatically has received the OP Mod that came with each subsequent sale.

Basically, someone who bought the Ancient Primal Ravager bundle in the first sale would also have received the Bone Snapper and the Porcupine, and they’ll also receive the Forest Snapper.

Anyone who buys the Forest Snapper will be in the subscription from here on out. Get the picture?

The Future is Almost Here

If you thought Last Expedition was impressive when you first noticed it, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The team has some incredible new demo footage that they’re ready to air at Saturday afternoon’s Last Expedition Comic-Con panel. That will be an absolute treat for everyone in attendance, and we’ll be sure to share the footage with you as soon as it’s available.

We can hardly wait to open this bad boy up for early access and show everyone just what we’re so excited about when it comes to Last Expedition.

We’ve got private, custom servers operating on a decentralized network of Nodes powered by GalaChain, hosting one of the most riveting and visually stunning games we’ve ever seen.

If you’re out there looking for the future of video games, look no further. We found it.

Last Expedition store

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