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Web3 Women

March 9, 2022

On International Women’s Day, Gala Games is launching Web3 Women, a community initiative by women in web3, for women in web3.

A Community For You

At 66 and counting, we are a growing community of women in Gala. As female pioneers of web3, we envision a kinder, more inclusive and open world than the web2 world before us. Just like the metaverses that strive for universal inclusion, we are working toward a future where everyone has a home, everyone has a place, and everyone belongs.

Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be shaping and building out our vision for what we want this community to become. With brilliant female minds across engineering, strategy, marketing, customer support, design and leadership, we want you to join us.

Register now, and throughout the coming weeks we will unveil the full extent of our mission, including new opportunities to give back, connect and grow. You don’t have to be an active member of the Gala community to join this initiative, and you don’t even have to be a woman to be a supporter of this incredible cause.

Join the Community

Supporting Causes We Care About

At Gala, we’ve been horrified by the situation in Ukraine and with the help of our community, have already made substantial donations of supplies, but we are eager to do more.

As mothers, sisters, aunties and daughters, we want to stand by the countless families, including children and the elderly, who have been displaced as a result of the invasion. As our first charity initiative, we are donating $1000 on behalf of each woman in the company (some are listed below) to humanitarian relief for refugees.

Possibilities for the Future

  • Exclusive in-person events
  • Web3 Women education programs
  • Master classes
  • Special access NFT drops
  • Charity initiatives
  • Changing the world

All of us in the Gala World would like to wish you a happy International Women’s Day. ❤️

Join the Community


Lizzie, Sally, Diana, Charlyn, Amanda, Mel, Joannie, Jolene, Monica, Amina, Anna, Sarah, Nina, Audra, Jamie, Ashley, Pia, Jamie, Karolina, Irena, Joan, Yuanyuan, Gyn, Rhian, Kathie, Alex, Alicia, Carrie, Michelle, Maria, Beth, Sheena, Bux and 33 others

…The women of Gala Games