Project Cerberus | It’s a Land Merge!

July 19, 2024
Land Merging gives VOX landowners the power to enhance their land!

So now that you’ve got all that land from the recent Plains Frontier sale or from May Mayhem– including a bunch of duplicates– You’re probably wondering what you can do with them…

What else? Smash them together to make even rarer land!

With the initial launch of Project Cerberus V1 (coming soon), all VOX landowners will have the ability to use this feature, merging and improving their collected land as they please.

For example, if you have 3 Common Plains, you can smash them together into 1 Uncommon Plains! 

But you do need a piece of special VOXTech to achieve this. 

The IsoCube

IsoCubes are what VOX use as a powersource. Need to run a teleporter? Use an Isocube. Power a starship? IsoCube. They are so powerful that they can help bind full parcels of land together and improve it! It is the purest form of a voxel cube in the universe.

There are different types of IsoCubes, from common ones that can be found in nature, to the super rare ones that can only be purchased from vendors, which are greatly coveted by all VOXkind. 


Ok, so you now have your IsoCube and your 3 identical parcels of land. What’s next? 

Here’s a step-by-step:

  1.  Select 3 duplicate lands (same type, same rarity).
  2. Add your IsoCube.
  3. Hit the merge button and watch the planet-shaking creation magic happen! 

The above image shows the merging of 3 Common Fantasy lands into an Uncommon Fantasy land. It includes all adjustments in terms of what resources can be collected and the number of workers allowed on the land.

Here’s the really cool part: This process actually creates (on the fly) a brand new land NFT.🤯

I know, right? It’s one of those smooth and convenient web3 gaming experiences we’ve all been waiting for: The ability to create and mint something in a game. No fuss, no muss. Easy peasy, geometreezy.

Just imagine the possibilities with that functionality in the future! It’s like our own real world IsoCube technological Power! Mwuahaahaa!! Seriously though, we’ll only use that power for good; in other words, to create fun game experiences that are adorable and addictive.

Till next time,

The VOX Populi