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Mayhem Strikes Nexus and Estate Bundle Bonuses

May 12, 2023

The Mayhem isn’t finished in Champions Arena, as the Nexus and Estate bundles get loaded with some extra Legendary loot!

Have you entered the battle yet? The greatest Champions continue to test themselves in the arena. There’s still time left to fight for treasure and glory before our May playtest wraps up on the 17th.

Own the Arena

Last week we unveiled our first sale for Champions Arena. The Estate serves a critical role for players seeking to own their own land within the game, inviting others to aid in their quest for glory.

The Nexus Bundle contains a key mystical tool for the truly great Champions. A Nexus allows you or others to attach Champions to it. Those Champions can then be used by other players, allowing the Nexus owner, the Champion owner and the player to share rewards received.

The Nexus bundle also offers an exclusive chance to own the Legendary Hero Veronika. Each time a Nexus sale takes place, all Nexus holders will receive a special, exclusive bonus NFT — even those who own a Nexus from past sales!

Going forward, we’ve decided to add that perk to Estates as well. Holders of Estates will now also receive a special bonus NFT each time they come up for sale!

Bigger, Better Bundles

Because May Mayhem comes but once a year, we thought we may as well sweeten up these sales so you can start your quest on the right foot.

We’ve stuffed even more loot into these bundles!

Now, all purchasers of the Estate Bundle will receive a bonus Gem Box, and both bundles will contain a Legendary Aura set — made up of a Belief of Light Aura for all four classes! We understand that all Estate purchasers also purchased a Nexus, but there are a few occasions when you may want more than one of these Auras around!

The Belief of Light Aura

Time Is Running Out!

There’s only a little time left to get into the action before this playtest ends. In just under a week on May 17th, the doors to the arena will close for now… but there will be much more coming soon!

We’ve sold over 100 Nexus bundles so far, and the team may have some additional surprises planned once we reach higher milestones. We’ll just have to wait and see…

Both the Nexus Bundle and Estate Bundle sales are wrapping up on May 16th at 6pm PT. The special 30% discount currently available, however, will only last until Friday, May 12th! Head to the Champions Arena Store today if you want to get in on these deals before it’s too late!

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