Prizes and rewards are springing up like May flowers in your favorite Gala Games. This is May Mayhem.

With the first and second weeks of May Mayhem firmly behind us, the insane month of prizes from Gala Games is halfway done now. If you haven’t joined in yet, what are you waiting for?!
By now, the wild spring has you firmly in its grip. It drives you mad, drives you wild, it fills you with MAYHEM! MAY MAYHEM! See what we did there? But you aren’t here for silly wordplay, you are here for details, so let’s break down week 2 and how things are progressing.
Let The Mayhem Continue
The second week of this year’s May Mayhem has come and gone, and another nearly million dollars worth of prizes have been churned out to the winners in the Town Star and Spider Tanks competitions. Here are some highlights:
Spider Tanks Competition ended May 16th
- Spider Tanks referrers earned $115,000
- Spider Tanks competitors won $250,000
Town Star Competition ended May 14th
- Town Star competitors won $460,000
- Town Star P2E Server players will win $80,000 when the servers end tomorrow.
Can’t Stop The Mayhem
The month-long event is still full steam ahead, here’s a little bit about what’s coming up in week three.
This week we’ll see a fresh P2E server, so get in early to find a great place for your town. The prize pool has been refilled again with nearly $460,000 in GALA ready to go with the new competition server, as well as another $80,000 in GALA to be given out as bonus prizes once the P2E servers wrap up once more.
The Town Star Weekly Competition begins May 17th at 9am PT.
NFT BONUS ALERT — Play for at least 3 days in the month of May to get a Flour Storage NFT for free! NFT will be delivered in June.

This week’s Spider Tanks competition will begin on Wednesday morning, May 18th. Look for more details coming soon!
TOWN CRUSH is Back Again

If you’re a Gala Gold member and you complete all 12 new levels in the beloved and quirky match 3 game from the creators of Town Star and earn your share of a massive GALA prize pool. LEARN MORE
Free NFTs
The Feed Bot referral contest still has two weeks left so get those referrals rolling. Anyone who brings 10 referrals to Town Star will get one of these dedicated robots. Don’t miss out.

MAYhem is All About You!
As you can see, May Mayhem is in full swing, and we are only HALFWAY through the month. Expect more inforMAYtion in the next couple of weeks about even more competitions, prizes, and exciting opportunities.
Why do we do this? Because giving value back to the community is one of our favorite things in the world. May is the month where we express our gratitude to our incredible community. Without all your loyalty and support, none of this tremendous success would be possible.
If you haven’t jumped back into Town Star, Spider Tanks, or Gala Games in general, MAYbe it’s time you MAYke your way back in for MAY MAYHEM!