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Generation 2 Tanks Enter the Brawl

May 20, 2023

Patch 1.1.1 is finally live, and look out! The Shaman has arrived.

Patch 1.1.1 is now live in Spider Tanks, with tons of balance adjustments, bug fixes and new features. Just in time too, as the next generation of Tanks are starting to scuttle into battles!

Based on the results of the recent community vote, The Shaman build will be the first Generation 2 Tank introduced into garages across the Planetary Union. While all the Parts included overall represent The Shaman build, all parts will be available as individual pieces so Pilots can mix and match to vary or even improve the design of The Shaman.

Introducing: Generation 2 Tanks

The classic era of Tank construction couldn’t last forever, and many Pilots are now choosing to entrust their fate in the arena to Generation 2 Tank Parts!

These Generation 2 Tank Parts rolling off assembly lines utilize new transfabrication technology in their manufacturing process. This allows them to be produced for far lower cost, but they have some notable differences from their Generation 1 predecessors.

Generation 2 Tank Parts aren’t produced at higher starting level based on rarity. Instead, they all begin at level 0 and will need to be augmented with components in garages across the planets to reach their maximum potential. Overall, Generation 2 Tanks will require slightly more components to fully upgrade than previous models.

Generation 2 Tanks are up to arena standards– evenly matched with their Generation 1 counterparts of similar level and quality of upgrades in every way.

The maximum potential VP from each Generation 2 Part will be roughly the same as any Generation 1 Part. As there are no prefabricated levels on Gen 2 Parts, Generation 2 Tanks may have slightly different potential VP per win on the grind from 0 to 30. Fully upgraded Parts should be nearly identical in VP potential to their Generation 1 peers, however.

The road to get there may differ slightly, but at level 30 Generation 2 Tanks VP potential is very similar to Generation 1 Tanks

Due to Overwhelming Community Vote: The Shaman!

The Shaman is a build concept consisting of four Tank Parts. All of its pieces bring totally new strategies to the arena, so it’s no surprise that the community was incredibly decisive about voting The Shaman into the honor of being the 1st new Tank shipped out to arenas across the Union.

While not always tied together in a package like Hero Tanks, the four pieces of The Shaman synergizing so well together means that right out of the gate there is a viable option using only Parts from the second generation.

The mighty Shaman… glorious and terrifying to behold.

To celebrate the beginning of Generation 2, each new Tank Part in the store will be discounted initially. It should be noted that no Generation 2 Common Tank Parts will be sold in the Spider Tanks Store at the moment, but we’ll have more information in the future about how Common Tanks fit into Generation 2.

All Tank Parts in this sale are purchasable in GALA, ETH or SILK, and will be delivered on Project GYRI.

The Railgun

The Railgun is a Weapon of unimaginable destructive power. It fires one single elemental damage projectile that can be charged up to magnify its impact. No fancy firing pattern or explosion. Just one absolutely deadly blast.

Wait for it….. BOOOOM!

While charging The Railgun, your Tank is slowed down to a crawl. You’ll regain your Speed as soon as you fire, but this means while you are at your most deadly you’re also a mostly immobile heavy gunner.

The Crab

The Crab is a nearly ideal complement to The Railgun. This Medium Body has extra Armor and a balanced Speed and Energy. This allows you to take a few shots while your movement is limited if you need to.

You can crab around in people’s faces a lot better than most Medium Bodies with this crustacean!

Scuttling around the arena on six mechanical legs, Crab has the Speed and Energy to hang with most Tanks, but also gives you that extra carapace when you need it.

The Captain’s Hat

Crabs hang near the ocean, especially when they are the captain. Beachside or in the heat of explosions and bullet storms, the Captain’s Hat always keeps you feeling cool and in charge.

Anchors aweigh! It’s always smooth sailing for the captain!

It offers small buffs to a wide variety of stats, so that you’ll always be ready for whatever rough waters you find yourself in.


Craggy is the coolest thing since the stone age. Why look fancy and flashy when you can roll into the arena as OG awesome as you can possibly be!

Craggy lets you add some hard rock attitude onto any Tank.

This Skin isn’t just the latest in rock inspired fashions though. It provides extra buffs to keep you tough all around, while also boosting your elemental damage. What could possibly be called master of the elements more than a rock?

Rock solid

Coming Soon to the Arena

The Shaman won’t be the only Generation 2 Tank rushing into the arena for very long. The Cleric and The Warrior from the community vote will both be crashing into battles soon, and there’s a lot more after that.

The Cleric sports the Repair Gun atop the Plate Body. The Prismatic Skin an Emergency Light boost repair capabilities and overall toughness of this combat medic!
The Warrior wields the Bouncer Weapon on the Maul Body. The Viking Helmet and Thrillseeker Skin ensure that its chaotic ricochets inflict maximum destruction.

We hope you enjoy battles with The Shaman in the arena. There will be tons more coming in the future as we dive into Generation 2!

For now though, get out there and get your claws dirty… Hop into the arena today! Check out all the goodies introduced in patch 1.1.1… and make sure you dodge that Railgun!