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Galaxian Highlights #8| Chain Alchemists

September 8, 2022

We’re back with another wizard of the Web3 world, diligently crafting and curating decentralized reality itself.

The world of tomorrow doesn’t build itself, but there are an elite few throughout the Web3 world cultivating the solutions of the future. These architects of innovation are constantly at work in the heart of Gala Games’ technology to invent new ways to connect with each other and empower the denizens of this new, decentralized frontier.

Today we’d like to feature one of these unsung heroes whose efforts create and solidify the foundation for the Web3 world we live in. She stands on the shoulders of no one, ever hatching new machinations and groundbreaking solutions as we explore the decentralized world coming into existence around us.

The future is here, and she is one of the engineers of unparalleled proficiency that makes it happen — Diana!

What do you do at Gala Games?

I am a Lead Engineer in the Crypto and Community Engagement Squad, also known as CaCE. I work on Web3 integrations and dApps!


What’s the best part about working at Gala Games?

One of the best things about working at Gala Games is getting to create innovative blockchain technology with some freakishly smart people!

What brought you to Gala Games?

Prior to joining Gala Games I dabbled in crypto and Web3 spaces specifically drawn to the decentralized aspect. When I interviewed for Gala Games I fell in love with their vision to empower gamers by giving back and allowing them the freedom to control their assets. By the last interview round I realized the people I would be working with were just as exceptional!

Favorite book?

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Do you program on a PC or Mac?

PC everyday!

What are your favorite games?

Crash Bandicoot, Red Dead Redemption, Elden Ring

Favorite music?

Honestly anything with a good beat and/or smooth raspy vocals.

Cool hobbies and interests?

I love to garden. Currently, I’m growing veggies and fruits in raised beds. I also enjoy spending time drawing and painting.

I have way too many special interests to list them all here but recently I’ve been reading and watching way too many documentaries on sharks.

Favorite Food?

Al Pastor Tacos

Sky diving or spa day?

Sky diving… followed by Spa day

Which Gala Games game are you most excited about?


We’d like to send a massive thank you to Diana for answering our questions and taking the time out of her day to brighten ours!

We hope everybody out there in the community enjoys getting to know the hard working people that make Gala Games the amazing place that it is. We’ll be back soon to spotlight more experts blazing the trail into the Web3 future.

Want to learn about more members of the Gala Games team and just can’t wait for the next issue? Check out the last few Galaxian Highlights below!

Galaxian Highlights #7 — Rustin
Galaxian Highlights #6 — Laine
Galaxian Highlights #5 — Kathie

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