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Galaxian Highlights #17 | Masters of the Arena

February 17, 2023

And we’re back with yet another feature on a talented professional working hard to revolutionize gaming.

Developers make games. Gamers play them. Simple, right? Think again!

The gaming industry moves forward propelled by a continuous conversation between those that make great games and those who enjoy and support them. Creativity doesn’t thrive in a vacuum, and what is the gaming revolution if not a cultural move towards a future in which gamers have a seat at the table where great gaming experiences become reality?

Today we’re featuring an expert in his field who makes sure the voice of the people is heard. He tirelessly crafts new ways for the community to engage with the games they love, and keeps development teams in the loop with where the culture is headed. From the multitude of voices, he is always in touch with the constant, recurring melody of community.

You may know him from Discord as Cynister… today, we’re featuring Mark!

What is your role at Gala Games?

Group engagement with a little eSports on the side.

Favorite book?

I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. The movie was a Dragonball Evolution-sized insult to the source material.

Favorite part of the Gala Games community?

The potential, this community truly stands out in many ways.

What are your favorite games?

Favorite games to play: World of Warcraft, Terraria, Diablo, Call of Juarez Gunslinger.

Favorite in terms of design and execution: Slay the Spire, Darkest Dungeon.

OMG, so many sheep.

Cool hobbies and interests?

I am a baker at heart. Pumpernickel, sourdough, you name it, I bake it!

Ninja or Pirate?

Ninjas are cool, but Tampa Bay Buccaneers are for lyf.

Pirates get cold too.

Proudest gaming moment ever?

A couple of buddies and I ran a pug raid back in 2017. We took down Heroic Kil’jaeden on the second week with a raid full of randies. It was a long night, but it was a true testament that if you gather enough dedicated and capable murderhobos you can accomplish anything!

Favorite Food?

Curry of any variety, no doubt.

Which Spider Tanks Prop best represents you?

Sneltoets, because I have to get up close and personal with my shotgun.

Which Town Star character could you replace, if only given the opportunity?

The baker, haha. Only I would not sport the snooty chef’s hat.

FYI, the baker doesn’t wear a hat… that’s hair. On you it looks a little like a goofy hat though Mark 😁

Which Exemplar best embodies you?

I always wanted to try goldsmithing and jewel work, something about meticulous and precise manual labor is very intriguing. Human Exemplar: The Goldsmith.

The Exemplar images are obscured in shadows and highlights, but if you look closely at the original images you can still find the inspiration behind them.

What’s the best super-obscure advice you have for the community?

If you are ever pitted against a disc priest and a dps in arena 2s. Jump the dps and pull a double switch once the defensives are popped. Good old bait and switch, nothing beats that.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to get to know Mark… and a huge thank you to Mark for playing today!

We may have taken a little break, but don’t think that we’re done with spotlights on great members of the team who are working hard every day to make decentralized dreams a reality. We’ll be back in a couple weeks with another highlight for you!

Just can’t wait to learn more about the Gala Games team!? Feel free to check out some of our most recent Galaxian Highlights below!

Galaxian Highlights $16 — Thijs

Galaxian Highlights #15 — Michael

Galaxian Highlights #14 — Taylor

Galaxian Highlights #13 — Kevin

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