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Gala Gold… On Plastic

November 9, 2022

Gala Gold lifetime VIP upgrades can now be purchased with credit cards, with more Gala Games items to soon follow.

This is one of those huge victories that all you early adopters will understand perfectly. Some of us have spent years experiencing the woes and inconveniences of funding Web3 wallets, navigating exchanges, learning about deposits and withdrawals, and much more.

Before we go on further about what this means, the news…

Some Gala Games items may now be purchased with credit cards.

This new feature has only been opened to certain choice items, including Gala Gold lifetime upgrades, as well as some more recent items sold in the store.

More items will soon be opened for credit card purchase on the Gala Games platform, making entry into the Gala Games Ecosystem easier than ever for the masses.

Learn more about the exclusive lifetime VIP and early playtest club at the link below. The membership price will increase again soon.

Upgrade to Gala Gold Here

Big Moment

So why is this such a big moment for Gala Games? Honestly, it’s a pretty big moment for the entire Web3 world. We know we’re not the first ones to integrate credit card acceptance on some level into our platform, but remember: This is not about a bunch of Web3 companies fighting over a single small group of prospects. This is a worldwide movement that will soon reach every corner of the globe with the empowerment of Web3.

We’re here to bring the gamers of the world into Web3, showing them that it’s so much more than another gaming trend, and it’s entirely different from the massive corporate moneygrabs with which today’s gamers are all too familiar. Literally billions of gamers in the world are waiting to be empowered. It’s moves like this announcement that subtly remind them Web3 is here to stay, and it can be trusted alongside (and even beyond) the systems they know.

Once Web3 gaming is embraced by today’s average gamer, the whole world will enjoy the empowerment we all know is possible in the Gala Games Ecosystem. While it may seem like a small feature update, acceptance of credit cards on the Gala Games platform is a great example of a pebble with the power to push the teetering snowball of Web3 gaming down the hill.

Thanks for being part of the Gala Games community, and we look forward to bringing you more mass adoption related updates again soon!

Gala Gold: The ideal launchpad for your own personal Gala Games rocketship

Upgrade to Gala Gold Here

Gala Games Store