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Gala Games Introduces the University Partnership Program

April 6, 2021

Welcome to Gala Games University, empowering the players of tomorrow and putting the future of a better world into their hands!

Okay, so there may not be a Gala Games University… but we’re extremely excited to announce the launch of another initiative that you can all be proud of as supporters of the Gala Games ecosystem: The Gala Games University Partnership Program!

With this partnership program, any University that qualifies will be given a Gala Games node to run for educational purposes. With their nodes, University blockchain education programs will be able to give their students a priceless gift: The ability to learn not only about the operation of Gala Games as the company grows, but a unique and inside understanding of what blockchains and gaming can do to benefit the world.

By sponsoring and offering nodes to qualifying programs, Gala Games will be able to reach more of the brilliant minds of tomorrow, who will be calling the shots as we plow together into an unknown and often uncertain future. It is our intention to empower these hungry young minds in the same way that we already empower our players to own their experience, earn through play, and create a more abundant future for everyone.

Gala Games will provide qualifying university groups with A Founder’s Node License (subject to re-approval every semester), and assistance with education. This includes talks, AMAs, documentation, and even opens the door for internships with Gala Games.

Gala Games believes that the University Partnership Program will have the unique ability to create a highly mutually beneficial partnership by helping spread the word about what the entire Gala Games Ecosystem seeks to accomplish. By letting these programs into our ecosystem and offering a node, their student participants will be able to benefit in countless ways, including NFT rewards, GALA, and most importantly, the tools to succeed in the blockchain-powered world of tomorrow.

As always, we are extremely grateful to our incredible and supportive community of gamers, without whom none of these exciting initiatives would be possible. It must be nice to know that you are part of something as strong and vibrant as the Gala Games Ecosystem. But with all the amazing things the current leadership of this company can accomplish, we expect the next generation of leaders, developers, creators, dreamers and gamers to leave us in the dust! We’re proud to know that we can play a part in the beginnings of their success with the University Partnership Program.

To find out how to apply, send an email from your official university email address to [email protected] and we will get your university signed up!

There is a LOT more coming for the Gala Games Ecosystem, so make sure to keep in touch, watch the Discord ( and get ready for more interesting news! Follow Gala Games on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in our Discord!