Eternal Paradox: AMA Recap

May 26, 2022

The new Gala Games title’s devs gather to answer questions from the community about their RPG project!

The team from NTROi held an AMA this morning about Eternal Paradox, a new 4X/RPG in late development with a planned release by the end of 2022. As NTROi is a Korean studio, the AMA itself was conducted in Korean. In case you missed the AMA itself or just need some translated highlights, fear not! We’ve got your back.

Introducing NTROi

NTROi is a development studio under NDREAM, which has put out Oceans & Empires, Pirates of the Caribbean, The War of Genesis, and Crossfire Warzone. During the AMA we met two of the producers for some of those games: Jaejun Song and Wonsuk Kwon.

About Eternal Paradox

Hearing about the game directly from the developers is always the best way to get the info as a player. You can hear how enthusiastic they are and how much passion they have for their game. That was our big takeaway, but for those of you who are all about that juicy information, here’s everything you’re after.

Eternal Paradox is a turn-based RPG where you build a band of mercenaries to fight for you. You can also build and grow your own castle over time to prepare for battles. Eternal Paradox combines a 4X Strategy Game with turn-based RPG genre in a unique and exciting way.

It is a turn-based RPG. We have a few interesting Mercenary characters. It will feature intro battles, adventure mode, arena, and guild arena systems.

You will grow your Castles and go into the Fields. You will interact with many players — your friends and enemies. The ultimate goal is to conquer the Battle for the Ring of Ruin.

-Jaejun Song, NTROi

The game will have a season-based structure culminating in a massive battle to close out each season. This will be a battle to control The Ring of Ruin– a mysterious object with the potential to doom the world. Players will fight to control it for ultimate rewards and greatest accomplishment in the game.

Speaking of Rewards

Eternal Paradox will be a full on Web3 game built on Gala Games’ new proprietary blockchain. P2E rewards will be seasonal, and Land NFTs can provide mutually beneficial rewards to owners and residents.

The game will start with four basic Mercenaries, but the team hopes to have up to 20 available including NFT Heroes at launch. The plan is to start with 5 characters from each family– or kin.

Each Mercenary will be a part of one of four distinct kins. At the moment each of these groups of kin roughly translate to: Breath of the Wind, Pirates, Guardian Angels and Wanderers. The developers have also planned for building and skin NFTs to be used in your Castle, but Heroes and Land will come first.

Gameplay and Development

The team expects to have Eternal Paradox out by the end of 2022 on as many platforms as they can. They also plan to have multiple servers so they can host asynchronous content and intend to host guild-level battles across the multiple servers.

Both PvP and PvE are in the works. And with all the options available, if you wanted to play diplomatically or act only in a support role for your guild mates, you can play Eternal Paradox that way as well. Quests and Missions will also be presented for players to gain bonuses and experience for their mercenaries.

Now that everyone is acquainted, NTROi would like to get more engagement and information from the community. While the team can’t guarantee anything quite yet, they are hopeful to have multiple playtests before release.

We know the importance of playtests, so we hope to often have multiple playtests to test different themes. We can’t commit a specific date yet or share too much detail right now, but considering our plan is to officially launch the game by the end of year… I’ll stop here…

-Jaejun Song, NTROi

The World of Eternal Paradox

There is a lot to get into for this game, but we’ll try to give you the basic rundown.

The Ring of Ruin lies at the center of Elysium. With the death of Karl the Timetraveler, the rings began to spin again. Karl left a prophecy though– “When The Ring stops spinning, the world will face destruction.”

Every 63 days The Ring slows and threatens to stop. There is great power in The Ring, and as players compete for that power, someone must rise to unlock The Ring’s secrets and use its power to turn back time.

This is where Eternal Paradox’s seasons come in. Elysium is literally locked in eternal struggle.

The Ring holds the story behind the reason why Karl started time traveling. Players will have to find pieces of the lore and figure it out themselves

-Wonsuk Kwon, NTROi

NFTs and Blockchain Elements

Eternal Paradox NFTs are currently planned in three forms:

  • Land
  • Heroes
  • Castle Buildings/Skins

Balance, as always, will be the trickiest thing for any developer to tackle. Eternal Paradox’s team is prioritizing getting balance right by ensuring any free players or those with less rare NFTs can be competitive by focusing and outplaying the competition.

Frequent logins and doing all of your missions each day should have a large cumulative effect on your progression through the game. Those with Eternal Paradox NFTs will potentially benefit from them, but the development team wanted to make sure this benefits were never overwhelming to other players.

Watch the AMA stream!

The Final Words

To wrap it up nicely here, Eternal Paradox is a hybrid Turn-Based RPG/4x game that reinvents familiar genres in an exciting new way. The expert developers at NTROi hopes to release Eternal Paradox by the end of 2022 should all go as planned.

With Galaverse approaching, there’s sure to be much more news coming up. Look out tomorrow for a Founder’s Node Proposal and a 24-hour consensus vote for Node operators beginning at 2pm PT.

Eternal Paradox

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