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Ep6 Recap, Ep7 Hype — Looking to Get Ahead of the Game?

July 4, 2023
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Here’s the recap and replay of Ahead of the Game, the weekly Thursday show hosted by Jason “BitBender” Brink.

This train is really rolling now, with great new questions, awesome updates, exclusive interviews, and tons of great web3 knowledge, courtesy of our own President of Blockchain, BitBender!

On a special bonus stream last Tuesday, Jason took some time to talk specifically about tokens and in-game economies. If you want to hear about these important ecosystem topics from the best possible source, you’ll want to check out the replay of that AMA.

Now, on to the latest episode!


00:00 — Intro 
02:43 — Invite to submit questions 
04:40 — Journey toward decentralization of GalaChain 
07:45 — Upcoming Node governance vote 
09:24 — Cynister interviews XBorg 
29:50 — DragonStrike
32:40 — Town Star 
33:33 — Spider Tanks 
34:57 — Last Expedition 
35:50 — Mirandus

29:50 — DragonStrike

As announced in THIS BLOG, DragonStrike kicks off its inaugural Gala Games Leaderboard on July 6th. If you haven’t started playing yet, you better go to Dragon School!

34:57 — Last Expedition

There is a new summer build coming, and we can’t wait. Remember, Last Expedition Operators get ongoing access to the latest build!

35:50 — Mirandus

Jason talks about some goblin-slaying rewards from the recent playtest and briefly discusses NFT drops to Founder’s Node operators on GalaChain.

This is where the stream suddenly died 😟

But not to fear– Our incredible producer had it rebooted to a new stream in mere moments! Tune in next week for more delightfully seamless transitions like this one! 😂

Don’t worry BitBender! There’s still plenty of time to leak.

Check out the rest of the show at the link below!

Timestamps for Part 2

00:00 — Intro
01:42 — Community Interview with Faz
21:00 — Jason takes questions
38:45 — Social share and closing
39:55 — Jason draws a winner!

01:42 — Jason spends some quality time with CryptoFaz, one of the most well-known members of the Gala Games community who always offers valuable feedback!

21:00 — Many people think of the Q&A portion as the most useful part of this weekly podcast. Don’t miss this powerful community resource, especially if you have questions of your own.

39:55 — Jason finishes out the stream with an unexpected Twitter giveaway for anyone who retweeted the stream.

Thursday’s New Episode

We got some really exciting news to reveal on Thursday. If you want to hear about it before anyone else, make sure you tune into Ahead of the Game on Thursday, July 6th at 4pm PT!

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