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A Big Soggy Welcome to Mr. Puddles

July 30, 2021

Do you remember the May Mayhem? Throughout the entire month earlier this year, Gala Games ran the biggest competitive tournament in Town Star history, with $1 million in combined weekly prizes on the table.

Enthusiastic fans of Town Star turned out in record numbers, packing the competition server to its literal breaking point, which tragically brought the first week’s contest to a sudden halt. Thousands of towns were lost, never to be recovered. The heroic Town Star engineers worked relentlessly long hours locating and solving the problem, and within little over a day, the game was restarted and the true May Mayhem continued.

The unexpected setback was taken with good spirits by both team and player base. In fact, it is now looked back upon with fond remembrance as the day of the bug. With such incredible growth over the last few months, to have been involved in this “bug” is now a badge of honor, and one that we intend to celebrate in our favorite customary fashion: With rewards!

Buggy Mr. Puddles Wants to be Your Friend!

If you were with us during the May Mayhem “bug” and your town was destroyed as a result, a special Waterbot friend is coming to join you in your future Town Star adventures. If you’re kind and patient with Buggy Mr. Puddles, he will perform your Town Star water duties tirelessly.

Basically, Buggy Mr. Puddles works very similarly to ElfBot and SaltyBot, who both have specialized resources (Sugar and Salt.) Buggy Mr. Puddles deals exclusively with water. Place his home in your town, and he will deliver water wherever it needs to go. There are a few advantages to this specialized skill set. First, his only priority is water, which means that you’ll no longer be stuck with a full Well, waiting for an available Farmer to collect its water. Secondly, Mr. Puddles is not limited to the simple duties of a Farmer. He will deliver water wherever it is needed, even if that delivery typically falls under the jurisdiction of a Builder or a Water Worker.

Buggy Mr. Puddles to the rescue!


We love to reward our node operators with things like early drops, exclusive NFTs and voting privileges. In this spirit, 10% of the Buggy Mr. Puddles NFTs have already been distributed to lucky node operators and are already available for in-game use.

Today, the remaining supply was distributed to everyone who had a town at the end of Week 1 (excluding those eliminated from the contest for cheating). A total of 10,684 players should receive a Buggy Mr. Puddles in this distribution. If that’s you, you’ll find a Buggy Mr. Puddles in your Treasure Chest, just waiting to be added to your inventory. Once you’ve added it, you’ll immediately be able to use him in-game, familiarizing yourself with his special skills. If you did not receive one but were supposed to, feel free to reach out to customer service.

For the Rest of You

You may notice that Mr. Puddles doesn’t move quite as quickly as ElfBot or SaltyBot. What did you expect? He’s buggy. We’re excited to announce that a non-buggy Mr. Puddles will soon be released in an upcoming NFT sale in the Town Star store.

The new and improved Mr. Puddles will…

  • Move faster than the buggy version!
  • Be available at a 50% discount for the first 24 hours!
  • Be one of the most affordable NFTs Gala Games has ever sold!

Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement of the upcoming Mr. Puddles sale, accompanied by an exclusive behind-the-design look at his creation by Town Star Art Director Warren Marshall.

Thanks for all your continued support, and thanks for growing with us. At Gala Games, we love to shower our community with rewards and value!