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The Results of Gala Film’s Inaugural Theater Node Governance Votes

July 12, 2024

Recent News

We are thrilled to announce the completion and results of Gala Film’s first two Theater Node governance votes. Marking a significant milestone in our journey towards a more decentralized and community-driven platform, our community of Theater Node operators has spoken, and their decisions will play a crucial role in shaping the future of $FILM tokenomics.

The Votes

The two governance votes focused on key aspects of $FILM tokenomics:

  1. Maximum Boost for Film Projects
  2. Distribution Method for $FILM Tokens

Voter Participation

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all Theater Node owners who participated in these votes. A total of 249 Theater Node operators cast their votes, with a total of 508 participating Theater Nodes. This strong turnout underscores the dedication and engagement of our community, and we hope to further increase the involvement and engagement of our valued Theater Node operators in the future.


Vote 1: Distribution Method

With 58% of the votes, the community has decided to keep the current distribution method based on the prior day’s activities. This means that the daily minting of $FILM tokens will continue to be determined by the previous day’s ecosystem activity.

Vote 2: Film Boost Reward

With 43% of the votes (winning share), the community has chosen to set the Film Boost at 3X. This decision means that once a film reaches the Boost cap, each view will count as three views when calculating daily $FILM distribution.

Next Steps

These decisions will be incorporated into the Gala Film Litepaper and applied to the platform. We believe that these choices will foster a more dynamic and rewarding ecosystem for all participants.

We are immensely grateful for your continued support and participation in shaping the future of Gala Film. Together, we are building a more empowering film industry.

Stay tuned for more opportunities to have your voice heard in upcoming governance votes. Your participation is crucial in our journey to revolutionize the world of film through the power of blockchain technology.

Thank you again for voting and for being a part of the Gala Film community.

Interested in operating a Gala Film Theater Node of your own?For more information, visit Gala Film and read the latest updates in the Gala Film Litepaper. Let’s continue to build the future of film together!