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The New Battle: Season 6 Ends and Season 7 Begins

September 24, 2024

The conclusion of Season 6 has come… congratulations to all the victors!

As Captains across Elysium tend to their wounds and gather their forces for the next battle, let’s take a moment to appreciate the successes of the past before we focus on the struggles of the future.

Need a refresher on starting out? Check out this guide to getting your best foot forward right away in a new season:

The Victorious

The battle for Elysium is long, and many Captain’s strategies will fall short of victory. Still, there are those that persist and triumph. The few rise to the top to gain Elysium’s true power!

Total $ETIME in seasonal rewards: ~926k

Battle Power — 20% of Season Rewards

Think you’re powerful? How did your overall effort stack up against the other Captains?

  1. Hello World
  2. DubstepRod
  3. Sydney
  4. Elof
  5. beckoned

Arena — 20% of Season Rewards

No soldiers, no resource management… just battle. Did the arena lead you to glory or defeat?

  1. DubstepRod
  2. OwO
  3. Tired
  4. CaptWusl
  5. Mr.Geologist

Conquest — 60% of Season Rewards

This is what you all prepared for. The great battle that pits guild against guild, Captain against Captain. Was your battle for The Ring successful?

  1. Elof
  2. Jeryyyyy
  3. HelloWorld
  4. Inywer
  5. LordHeLL

Especially Honorable Mention

This season only one player achieved top 10 in all three rankings…

Congratulations to DubstepRod! At 6th in Conquest, 1st in Arena and 2nd in Battle Power, DubstepRod dominated the leaderboards this season!!!

Check your final rankings in the following table! Shown are top 100 in Conquest and Battle Power and the top 50 in Arena!

Another Battle Begins

In season 6 we saw epic battles, unexpected outcomes and a new level of competition never before seen in Elysium. The battles that will come in Season 7 are up to the Captains who fight them… but if the escalation of the past is any indication, we’d expect to see more intense confrontations for power.

Unlike some previous seasons, Season 6 brought four guilds in the top of the Conquest ranks that were actively competing for the win. Fierce competition yields major fun… who will rise to the top next season? Will we see a new power rise to challenge The Ring, or will the rulers of previous seasons come back fighting and dominate Elysium once again?

Season 7 brings an all-new Mercenary, new season features and season Mercenaries, and above all else an entirely new chance to claim The Ring.

Keep an eye on Discord in the first week for daily codes… you’ll need supplies to get your war started. 

We’re not going to dive into the seasonal meta until you get a chance to hop in the game in the next hours. Stay agile in your tactics… you have no idea how a new Mercenary or new meta will affect your strategy. Those who capitalize on these opportunities are often among the victors.

Good luck in your coming battles Captains… and thank you for an amazing Season 6!

Don’t forget to update your game before Season 7’s launch at 5pm PT!

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