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RingWatch: Season 1 Recap

January 23, 2024

The battle for The Ring of Ruin has wrapped up, and what a battle it was! Check out the first hall of fame inductees and highlights from the S1!

Alex: Hello all you Mercenaries out there and welcome to RingWatch… your place to get caught up on the latest news in Elysium!

Torsten: Hi

Alex: Ehhh…don’t go overboard on the introduction or anything Torsten… 


Alex: Well at any rate friends, there’s been an awful lot going on for us to cover! 

Torsten: nods

Alex: The Ring of Ruin has stopped, but I wouldn’t worry too much.  In fact, I really never worry too much! Mwaeahahahaheehee!

Torsten: rolls eyes

Alex: Now the last 49-days of glorious battle, piracy and conquest in Elysium have been totally action-packed, and we hope every Mercenary out there had fun fighting for their lives.

Torsten: Speaking of… didn’t I defeat you in the battle for the Dimension Ruins? How are you even here?

Alex: Oh no, Torsten, surely not me. I only win battles. There are a great many Mercenaries who look like me I’m told. As you can see I have a very common face type.

Torsten: glares

Alex: And regardless– don’t ask me how – but I’m quite certain we’ll all be doing this exact same thing again very, very soon. dramatically Oh Pirate King… what have you done!?

Now let’s dive into some of the highlights from the battle for the Ring! Bwahahahahaheheheehee!!!

Conquest: The Victorious

There were many epic battles spread across all three conquest events throughout the season. We’d like to offer a special congratulations to the top five finishers overall from season 1:

  1. Chuckz
  2. Ewod
  3. Goodnight
  4. Nezumi
  5. KingNerd
Laction runs about 40,000 km/min to take the ruin.
This footage is not sped up. That Laction is in a HURRY!!!

Most Powerful Captains

Captains build their might in many ways over the course of the season, but most all of that can be summed up in raw Battle Power. Through all the battle and chaos, the following Captains excelled above all others at raising their total power in Elysium:

  1. PalafinHF
  2. OoKoO
  3. Kazuto1995
  4. Lock-On
  5. Firstblood

Arena Victors

The Arena is entirely unlike field battles. Here, there are no troops to hide behind and your mercenaries must fight to the bitter end. Over all Arena competitions this season, the following Captains amassed the most Arena Victory Points:

  1. PalafinHF
  2. Hebisakki
  3. Win
  4. Chuckz
  5. Kazuto1995

Honorable Mentions

The following two players were the only Captains to finish in the top 10 in all three categories:

  • PalafinHF
  • Chuckz
Shoutout to this mysterious team that definitely isn’t S12 😉. This brilliant move made it incredibly hard to find rally leaders among their team to strike back against, helping lead them to a win in the 3rd Conquest!

Editor’s Choice: Most Feared Player🏴‍☠️


“OoKoO only hit me 37 times last night!”

Editor’s Choice: Farmer Supreme 🧑‍🌾


“I dominated DPP today! In second with a full 15% Hebisakki’s score!!!”

Editor’s Choice: Benevolent Landlord 🏰


“(457,357) – get your DPP!”

The Eternal Fight

Another season of glorious battle is on its way in only a few hours. Will you take the lessons from this season and rise to greatness in the battle to come?

Alex: I’m sure they’ll try, but not if my cannon has anything to say about it.

Wait… your part is done. Where’d you come from?

Alex: I told you there was some weird stuff going on inside that ring. It would seem the fight is not yet done. BWUAHAHAAAHEEHEHE!!! See you on the battlefield!

Indeed, the battle continues! Elysium’s Mercenaries are trapped in the eternal battle for the Ring of Ruin, but perhaps this time it will end differently.

We’ll be back in the next few days to sum up everything exciting about season 2, but for right now, be prepared for the unexpected when the server opens in a few hours!

If you want to read more about Season 2, check out the full patch notes in #EPX_Announcements on the Gala Games Discord!