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RingWatch: Countdown to Season 6 Final Battle

September 10, 2024

Season 6 of Eternal Paradox is nearing its epic conclusion. Are you prepared to fight for The Ring?

Alex: Fight is basically all I do, mysterious voice.

Emma: Yes, that is apparent from all the giggling and horseplay.

Alex: Oh yeah? And meanwhile you’re blinding us all with your constant cheeriness.

Emma: I was indeed cheering when I defeated you at the Storm Ruins last weekend.

Alex: Hey! That one wasn’t fair. The sun was in my eyes!

Emma: Indeed… it was bright. Good thing I can beat you with my eyes closed.

The Road to Conquest

The second Conquest event of Season 6 has wrapped up… and it was definitely an interesting battle!

This Conquest involved battles all across Elysium and some unexpected results. While S12 has historically controlled 4-5 ruins for the first 30 minutes and forced everyone to play catch up, this time they encountered extreme resistance from other guilds early on. The result was the Ring of Ruin opening with all 4 guilds at the top of the leaderboard in surprising proximity to each other.

It was a hard fought conquest again and we were again fighting the whole server. We are proud of our members who did a great job. In the end it was a close result.

-CaptWusl, leader of S12

While the leaders were close, it was GFX sitting in front at the end of the first period. Through the second period, BTB and EPX continued to challenge each other and S12 so that none of them were really able to break away. During this time the Ring exchanged hands several times with Ozknights (OzK) getting in on the action and holding the central point for significant amounts of time. Throughout the second period, three of the four guilds fought each other while GFX went largely unnoticed as they quietly held ruins and extended their lead.

We can do it guys! Just need a final push!

-HumPlays, Leader of EPx

During the third period the action heated up, but for most guilds it was too little too late. S12 made huge gains on their point total relative to other guilds during this time, but they were unable to hinder the other guilds enough to catch up. Each GFX ruin they took seemed to be replaced with another right away. In a photo finish at the end, EPx nudged BTB out of second place with just a handful of points to further shake up the rankings!

Score with ~13 minutes to go. S12 made a valiant and explosive bid to catch up at the end, but fell short in the final minutes.

The conquest was tough and challenging, the score was tight and the last seconds decided the ranking to a great extent.

-OMH, leader of BTB

Congratulations to all the top guilds and captains!

  1. GFGroup  (GFX)
  2. Eternals (EPx)
  3. BTB-I (BTB)
  4. SQUARE12 (S12)

Whether a player’s season is awful, good or great, everyone enjoys when his guild places good on a leaderboard. Over the course of the few seasons we all have built up relationships. It Is sad to see players leaving because of “imbalances”. Especially when a “game” is so time consuming… And make no mistake, Top 1 would mean nothing if there are very few left to play with and enjoy the ride together.

-Domin0, leader of GFX

The Coming Battle

While the reigning champs may have been unseated for two conquests in a row, they’re probably not planning on staying out of the top spot.

It’s no secret that S12 has dominated the last few seasons… but it seems like their rival guilds are trying out new tactics to see how competitive these battles can really be. S12 is powerful, however. They will adapt and come back hard in the third conquest, when their power is at its full zenith.

With the top four spots in the rankings being thoroughly scrambled up compared to the first conquest, we’re somewhere we haven’t been since maybe season 1 or season 2… there really is no favorite for the season win at this point. It’s anybody’s game. Whoever wants it the most and strategizes the best in conquest 3 will take the Season 6 title. 

The top 64 places on the individual conquest leaderboard are all a mishmash of EPx and GFX, but S12 and BTB are biding their time just below. If the first two conquests this season are any indication, absolutely anything could happen in the third… it’s still anyone’s game!

Time will tell though. The final conquest of season 6 is only 10 days away. Will you be ready?

Battle Looms

Alex: …And frankly Emma, I’d have beaten you any other day! You had to get the help of multiple guilds to beat me!

Emma: It is not help, boom man. You have simply made too many enemies and now you reap your harvest.

Alex: Well, to show you that I’m not too salty I’ve gotten you a present Emma. I hope you like it.

Emma: That is very thoughtful of you, pirate. I accept your gift. You honor my – BOOOOOOOOM

Alex:  Mwuahahahahha… buhbye Emma! It was fun hosting with you! Roll credits, disembodied voice!

buhbye Emma

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